November 16th, 2022

November 16th, 2022

WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 25: U.S. U.S. Senate Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) (L) chats with Senate Minority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) (R) during a Congressional Gold Medal presentation ceremony October 25, 2017 at the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center in Washington, DC. The medal is to honor Filipino veterans of World War II for their service and sacrifice during the war. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, what is the most important issue or policy that you think a Republican congress should be focused on? The Republican’s first act was to give Democrats 12 votes to overcome a filibuster to codify same-sex marriage. Why would they vote for this rather take on inflation, gas prices, the border, etc.? Because they are led by Mitch McConnell, who will disappoint you at every turn. Also, the media are desperate for a war between Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis. The media wants to knock both of them out to make room for a RINO for president. They shouldn’t take the bait. Later, journalist Julie Kelly from American Greatness joins the show to discuss how Christopher Wray knew more than he let on initially with the FBO and January 6. Kelly’s reporting on the January 6th riot has revealed that the current story just doesn’t add up and it seems that the Democrats in the January 6 Committee are just trying to sweep things under the rug. Afterward, Charles Payne, host of FOX Business Network’s Making Money, calls in to explain the Crypto Currency exchange FTX which just went bankrupt. FTX was fraudulent from the start and bilked billions from the people. The founder of FTX is a top Democrat Party donor and pledged a billion dollars to the Democrats if Trump runs in 2024.

Fox News
McConnell wins Senate leadership election, overcomes Scott challenge

Mitch McConnell Wants To Work With Biden

Chuck Schumer calls for amnesty for all illegal migrants in the US

Why Did the GOP Let Ron DeSantis and Rick Scott Cannibalize The Party’s 2022 Funds to Prop Up Their 2024 Ambitions?

Courier Journal
Wall Street firms, not Kentuckians, are leading Mitch McConnell’s campaign donations (July 17, 2019)

American Greatness
Feds Had Informants In Proud Boys and Oath Keepers for J6

Daily Caller
FBI Director Refuses To Answer Whether Agency Had Sources ‘Dressed As Trump Supporters’ In J6 Riots

Watts Up With That?
Winter Warning to Biden Administration (New England Energy Shortages Ahead?)

New York Times Runs Bizarre Softball Article on FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried

Photo by Alex Wong

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

I want to test something and I need you to call in and participate in this test. And I’m going to make it very simple just for the first segment, and then you’ll understand what is the most important issue or policy that you think a Republican Congress should be focused on? What is the most important issue or policy that you think a Republican Congress should be focused on? That is my question. If you’re in Congress, what is the big issue that you want to focus on? Now. Mitch McConnell won the Senate leadership election and the media are thrilled. Why are the media thrilled? Even many of our media are thrilled. Why are many in our media thrilled? It was 37 to 10 with one voting present. Mitch McConnell never had ten senators vote against him for leadership position. Now, you would have thought it would be a little closer than that considering what happened. But no. No. Mitch McConnell is the least popular Republican among Republicans. He can’t even campaign in Georgia right now. Oh, his boy Steven Law will throw money into Georgia. All this money they collect from special interests and so forth. And this is why those guys are bought and paid for by the Washington establishment, and they are the Washington establishment. But my question is, why can’t Mitch McConnell go into Georgia and campaign for Herschel Walker? The reason is he’s so incredibly unpopular. And another reason is the guy cannot speak. He’s not passionate, he’s not charismatic. He’s quite the opposite. And it’s funny that people who critique Trump last night, some of the same you know, most of these guys are Bush guys. Have you noticed most of the people attacking Trump are Bush guys? McConnell guys. That’s who they are. But they said Trump last night was a little sleepy and so for the was obvious. Trump wanted to change his tone. He was much more, I think, effective in the way he delivered his speech, much more. He was very substantive. You could tell he was very knowledgeable about all the issues. So, oh, boy, he’s boring. So on the one hand, they say, you know, he needs to cool it. On the other hand, he calls it. And then they say, well, he calls it. And so we have a conga line of people who are going to comment tonight, who commented yesterday, who have the same mindset and they’re telling us what to think and they’re telling you they hate Trump, but they’re telling us about Trump. Now, I want to talk to you about the media for a second. I’m giving you time to call in, too, but I want to get into this. The media are desperate for a war between Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump. They’re desperate for it. That’s why De Santos has been very, very smart not to take the bait. I’m hoping Donald Trump will continue in the mode he was last night. But that’s what they want. Why? So they can knock them both out and clear away for a rhino who can’t win. That’s exactly what’s going on. So the media are desperate for a war between DeSantis and Trump. Trump took the bait once has backed off so far. I hope he continues to. DeSantis hasn’t taken the bait once. In fact, the senator said today, Look, I am focused. There’s things we still need to do in Florida and so forth. Doesn’t mean he’s not plotting to run for president and he has every right to do that. He’d be a great president. And now they’re running around asking me about who do you endorse? Who do you endorse? Who do you endorse? I mean, folks, we have a country to save here right now. The media are trying to drive an agenda. Look at The New York Post every day now. With the comical, childlike front page. In fact, it’s so comical and childlike that CNN now is touting The New York Times, The New York Post’s front page. They’re using it. They’re laughing. They’re having a good old time. And if the the little boys and girls at the New York Post and elsewhere don’t understand, they’re creating a backlash. Just like the nerds, the office nerds at the Wall Street Journal, editorial page, National Review, nobody’s even reading it anymore. But you get the point. They keep poking. Poking, poke. Oh, look, we’re having fun here in our newsroom, in our opinion room. Oh, we’re having fun. You’re so stupid. You’re getting the opposite reaction. You’re getting the opposite reaction and you’re going to continue to get the opposite reaction. And you may actually lose some followers because this is serious business saving this country, serious business saving this country. Which goes back to my opening question to you, ladies and gentlemen, which is this. Speaking of saving the country, what do you consider? What do you consider the most important issue that Congress should be taking up right now immediately, that the Republicans should be fighting for and looking for answers for legislatively? What are the most important issues? Melissa Lake, Royals, Florida XM Satellite. What’s the most important issue, Melissa? Energy independence. Mark, I’d like to see our pipelines open back up because I live in rural Florida and we are farmers and ranchers and everything that we do relies on diesel and fuel. I’m a teacher. I drive an hour away to school every day, so that money is drying in our pockets. And I don’t see any plug ins on these trees that I live in for a an electric outlet to plug up an electric car. It just is not possible in rural America. All right, Melissa, thank you. Matthew, I don’t know where he’s from. Well, let’s go to Paul Macon, Georgia. WAMC. Paul, what is the most important issue as you see it? Illegal immigration. Illegal immigration. So that should be their first act to do something about that, clearly. All right. Fair enough. Thank you. I’m going to move on to Jeff. I’m moving fast. I don’t. Well, wait a minute. That’s code. Let’s go to Jeff. I don’t know where you’re from, Jeff, but where are you from? I’m going too fast. All right. I’m outpacing the ability of our phone system to catch up. So far, energy and illegal immigration. We’re going to take a break. If you have a comment, call in immediately, because I’m not doing this all day. I’m doing this for about five more minutes and then you’ll understand where I’m going with it. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

What is the number one issue? That Republicans should be pushing in Congress right now. The number one issue so far we vivid energy and immigration. Jake Guthrie, Iowa XM Satellite. What do you say, brother? Diesel prices, mark. And diesel prices there unless you’re. Yup. Joe Biden will be the Grinch Stole Christmas around my home as I’m a full time truck driver. Owner operator. And you see what’s happening, which is such a shock. Thank you, Jake. And I’m sorry about that, Andrew. Green Bay, Wisconsin, the great WTA IQ. Hell of a football game over the weekend. Go ahead, Andrew. Indeed. Indeed. Energy self-sufficiency and a lot of these other problems like inflation, everything will take care of themselves once we have that. All right. Thank you, my friend. Let’s go to Clifton, New York, the great w m paul. What do you say? I say the economy and inflation. One will take care of the other and get everybody back to work and making this country what it’s supposed to be. Okay, my friend. Let’s keep going. Frank, Long Island, the great WABC. What’s the number one issue Congress, particularly Republicans, should be pushing right now? Taking the lid off the deep state kind of a cheat issue, but it touches on everything that that includes exposing a rogue Justice Department, all of the internationalists undermining the Constitution and our country, election fraud that you take the lid off that you know, and that is pulling the ticks off before you could address the Lyme disease. All right, my friend Kevin. San Diego, California. XM Satellite. What is the number one issue the Republicans in Congress should be addressing and focused on? First issue, Marc, you’re a great American. Thank you. First issue is McCarthy needs to make a statement and they need to defund the IRS agents. They need to come out of the gate and say, we’re going to do what we said we’re going to do. All right. Appreciate that. Jacob Benton, Illinois, on the Mark Levin app, what is the number one issue Republicans should confront right now, Jacob? I think the first thing most immediate is to fix the economy, whether that means getting our energy independence back. I think, first of all, and getting more money back in our pockets so we can continue to thrive like we’re supposed to. All right, Jacob, thank you. Dave in Boca Raton, Florida, the great WGN show that the number one issue Republicans in Congress should confront immediately. What is it, Dave? Social media, too many bots have too many influence on the Democrat Party and their listen, the bots versus listen the people. All right, sir. Thank you, sir. All good. Mark, what are you getting at? Stay with me. Monica Brooksville, Florida, XM Satellite. What is the number one issue? Close the borders. Hmm. All right. Short and sweet. There we go. All right. Now, ladies and gentlemen, here we are. What is it that the Republicans are going to focus on? Well, the Republicans have just focused on giving the Democrats 12 votes in the United States Senate to overcome a filibuster to codify same sex marriage. That’s the first things the Republicans did under their newly minted leader who’s been there forever, Mitch McConnell. They didn’t say we’re not voting on anything until we get the border addressed. With illegal immigration to get this inflation addressed and the economy addressed, to deal with big tech, to deal with the FBI. That wasn’t their first issue. What did they do? They showed bipartisanship. Bipartisanship. Bah bah bah bah bah bah. So. 12 Republican senators led by Tillis, a North Carolina. And Collins and my main because I guess they’re the real tail, the wags the dog of the Republican Party. They voted to codify same sex marriage all over the country. Why? Can anybody tell me why? Now there are some gay people listening saying, well, what’s wrong with that? Why? Can gay people not get married? We have a Supreme Court decision that said they can and it applies to the entire country. Why would any Republican waste their time with this? Why? They say they built some protections in there for religious liberty. I spoke to one of the conservative senators who actually understands how the law works. He said not good enough. So in terms of protecting religious liberty. That would be a federalism issue for the states. So they want to blow out the states altogether. So this was what the Republicans did, their first act. Ways to insure a filibuster proof vote. On, quote unquote, codifying. They like to say same sex marriage. Now. Why would they do that as opposed to saying, no, we want to fight for these other issues. Why would they do that? Because they’re led by a numbskull and he’s going to disappoint you at every turn. But what about the judges? That’s always their answer. What about his fundraising? Always the same answer. No agenda as I speak. It’s been over a week since the election. This guy was just elected 37 to 10 and one abstention, one voting present. The Republican leader again. Did he run on a legislative agenda? No. There’s nothing in the media that says he did. Well, what’s his legislative agenda? You’re not going to believe it. I’m going to tell you what it is after the break. I don’t have enough time to do it right now. But your legislative agenda is not the same as Mitch McConnell’s legislative agenda. And this is my point. This vote will play well in The New York Times and The Washington Post. This vote will play well at the Constipated News Network and mercilessly this photo play well here and there, you know, Manhattan and and Palm Springs. And so this vote has nothing to do with anything substantive. You got people out there who are sweating it to make ends meet. You’ve got an economy that’s on the brink with diesel fuel shortages and other things coming. And this is what the Republicans decide to do with their first damn vote. My God. They pointed to Santa. He’s the future. He can’t hold a candle to the Saints. They don’t believe in the sadness. They don’t believe in conservatism at all. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

While, ladies and gentlemen, I rarely am wrong, but I want to apologize to I was mistaken. Mitch McConnell held a press conference today and he did lay out his legislative agenda. I want you to increase the volume on your radio or however you’re listening to this program and take a very careful listen. Cut one, go. And so my message to the administration and you saw some of it this year. Let’s find some things between the 40 yard lines that we can agree on and do them. And we did some of that this year. Infrastructure chips. School safety, mental health. We need to make some progress for the American people, but it’s going to have to be in a political center. If the House becomes Republican, is no more one party running over us like they did through reconciliation. There you go. Wow. The infrastructure bill. 19 idiotic Republicans adding to the inflation in this country. Chips, which they said that’ll teach the Chinese a lesson. It had no teeth. School safety. He’s talking about gun control and mental health. I have no idea what they’ve done to advance the cause of mental health. Certainly not much. That’s the great middle. That doesn’t address a single thing you folks said to me. In the 20 or 30 minutes that I allotted to your calls. Nothing. Bye bye, baby. Wait, is that what Chuck Schumer said his agenda is? Let’s meet at the 40 yard line in the center. You know what he’s pushing? Amnesty. Citizenship. For all the illegal aliens in the country. 20 cent cut for Mr. Producer go. But I also believe in it as an overall as an American who wants to see our country be stronger because immigrants make us stronger. Now more than ever. Now more than ever. We’re short of workers. We have a population that is not reproducing it on its own. We’re short of people who want to work. We’re not short of workers. A 7 million people sitting on their asses because of your policies. Clown and Biden subsidizing. I’m sitting on their asses. Anyway, go ahead. And it used to. The only way we’re going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the dreamers and all of them. Because our ultimate goal is to help the Dreamers, but get a path to citizenship for all 11 million or however many undocumented there are here saying I don’t know how many are here. 11 million, maybe it’s 100 million, whatever. We want to give them all citizenship. Now, keep in mind, he doesn’t want to secure the border either. Does that sound like he wants to meet in the center at the 40 yard line? Now, this is a leader. He’s a leader. A leader of Marxism. But that as a leader, does McConnell sound like Obama? I want to meet at the 40 yard line. How about we meet at the border and secure it, you idiot. And he has all those people trumpeting his amazing qualifications. There’s no qualifications. He’s a. He’s a suck up. He’s a he’s a sellout. Cause you’re a right wing mark. No, not right wing. Cut six months to reduce her go. If we can get ten Republicans to join us, we will get this done by the end of the year. It’s a smart thing to do. It’s the right thing to do. It’s the moral thing to do. It’s the humane thing to do. And I want to assure everyone here we will not stop fighting until we get a fix for DOCA. A pathway to citizenship for Dreamers and a pathway to citizenship for all undocumented. You notice they keep raising the bar was DOCA. Now it’s everybody, ladies and gentlemen, not just amnesty. Citizenship. Which we knew he always wanted. I’ve been telling you that for 20 years, sitting right here in this chair. And what is the Republican response? There is none. Because our great leader, Mitch McConnell, is slow on his feet. And marble mouth. And he doesn’t even agree with us. I’m like, where we got the infrastructure? Infrastructure. And I don’t buy it on the 40 yard line. You know, we got to come to the Senate here. He has no comprehension of what we’re up against here. These Marxist forces and movements. He’s a moron. Dressed up as a genius. He’s a moron. And 37 Republicans voted to extend his leadership, as they call it. And come January, he will be the longest serving Republican leader in American history. Well, that’s sure worth it. It just shows you. They talk about the quality of candidates, right? Well, now it’s my turn. Let’s talk about the quality of our Senators McConnell’s team. It sucks. They’re not even average. They’ve got no testosterone. Even the women, they have no hormones. The men and the women in the Republican Senate are pathetic cowards. They talk about a country club. It really is a country club. They have no connection. Look, you folks called and you said the border, the economy, inflation, big tech. But there is an arms long list of things that need to be addressed. I’m not saying we will win, but fight. Look at what Schumer said. We got to get ten Republicans. And I’m not going to give up. I’m not going to give up, he says. And so we give citizenship to every illegal immigrant. Every illegal immigrant they let in 5 million more illegal immigrants. They’re stuck on that 11 million number for the last 30 years. That’s not what McConnell says. I’m going to go and we can make we were on a bumpy blip and that’s it. No leadership. Not on policy. Not on communications. And he stands here like it’s a funeral every time with the with the five biggest, dumbest looking white guy standing around him. If you noticed that, Mr. Producer. Bizarro Thune, what’s. Yeah. Cornyn, the other jerk who just is retiring from Missouri. I can’t remember his name. They’re all standing there, bobbing their head. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What? Yeah, what? And then when you question about Trump, Trump, Trump, you know, we would have have one. Well, I mean, Trump and Trump and Trump. But it’s more than Trump. I just came across an article that was leaked to mediate, obviously coming from the Mitch McConnell corner, because Mitch doesn’t like being called out. For his failures. He doesn’t like being called out for his failures. So there’s a hit on DeSantis in they’re coming from a Republican. And what’s the hit on? Well, let me see the me pull this up for you. I just I just sent this out. Here it is. It’s at media. You know, when there’s leaks to these enterprises, you know, it’s it’s sort of the classic Mitch McConnell leak. Immediate, of course, is filled with reprobates and morons. Why did the GOP let Ron DeSantis and Rick Scott cannibalize the Tea Party 2022 funds to prop up their 2024 ambitions? This is Sarah Trump. You remember her? She’s a phony fraud and a reprobate. And she just put this out with the Republicans red wave failing to materialize in the midterm elections and no shortage of finger pointing going on as ambitious Republicans seek to absolve themselves of fault and elbow the rivals out of the way. One question that should be asked is Why did the Republicans allow Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Senator Rick Scott to cannibalize the party’s resources? Now, where would this come from? Mr. Producer. You think say Trump is smart enough to look into this or said no, the media are stupid now they’re left wing, but they’re stupid, so they’re hand fed this stuff. So guys like Stephen Law, who has his head so far up McConnell’s ass that that’s his career. His career is walking around with McConnell with his head up as it. DeSantis. His reelection campaign against former Republican governor and independent member Charlie Crist was predicted to be a wipe out by virtually all political observers from the beginning. There were a few brief moments of wondering if the Supreme Court jobs decision might boost Democratic turnout or the Venezuelan migrants. DeSantis flew to Alabama. But he was going to win, don’t you know? And when President Joe Biden praised the DeSantis administration’s response to Hurricane Ian in early October, it was viewed as the final nail in the coffin. For Chris hopes for victory. Doesn’t this sound like this was spoon fed to her, Mr. Producer? 2022 Race for Florida Governor Is Officially Over, was the blunt assessment by Florida Politics publisher Peter Scottish. But nationally, multiple polls of key races proved to be inaccurate by overestimating Republican support. But in the Florida race, they erred by understating votes for DeSantis. So what happened? The financial disparity between the two candidates was even larger than their vote totals to center, collecting an astonishing massive chest, a war chest amplified by small dollar donations from supporters across the country. And was the top fundraiser nationally of all gubernatorial candidates, according to the Tampa Bay Times. So here you go. According to the most recent campaign finance reports from the Florida Division of Elections. DeSantis direct campaign took in over 28 million monetary donations. His PAC piled up 209 million. CHRIS Fundraising looks laughably anemic in comparison with 18 million for his campaign and friends for Charlie Crist PAC. And so her question is with so here you go. Here’s the hit. With so many competitive races across the U.S., you might assume that the Republican Governors Association tasked with helping elect and re-elect Republican governors would not have spent money, much money in Florida this year. You might assume that if the RGA did donated to Sanders, I certainly wouldn’t have made it a priority race. Such assumptions, although reasonable, would be wrong. And they give a screenshot of the Republican Governors Association donations to the Friends of DeSantis PAC. 20,950,000. So less than 10% of what he raised. Just looking at the first six months, she breaks it down. 21 million they burned in the sunshine state. Could have saved struggling Trump endorsed candidates like Doug Mastriano. No, he couldn’t have been saved. Kari Lake. Kari Lake when he would come on this program. Lake did not launch her first TV ad of the general election. The problem in Arizona wasn’t that she didn’t she didn’t have money. Of course, Masters didn’t have money. And that was the problem there. Turning to Scott and then she slams Scott. So she slams two Santas and she slams Scott. And who doesn’t she slam us to produce? McConnell for the way they blew so much of their money. So here you have Sarah Trump, a mouthpiece, a mouthpiece for McConnell, a mouthpiece for Rove, a mouthpiece for law, a mouthpiece for all the losers. All the losers. Now they’re attacking DeSantis. This is what I’ve warned you about. They want a blood fight between Trump and DeSantis. And also McConnell doesn’t want DeSantis. Neither does Rove. Neither does this guy, Steven Law. Washington does not want DeSantis or Trump. They didn’t want Reagan. They do not want a conservative who is serious about slashing the size of government. Reining in the spending. They don’t want it. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

In the last 50 minutes. I just showed you why the Republicans are losers. I just showed you why and why our so-called media are losers, too. Because they’re out there regurgitating what Mitch McConnell said. You’re going to have to ignore our so-called media. Listen to me and other people who are freethinkers, who are independent thinkers, who are just thinkers. I just showed you in the last 50 minutes why the Republicans are losers. And one of the great obstacles. To defending and supporting liberty in this country. Do you not wish that we had a leader in the Senate with the strategic skills, with the ability to connive, with the ability to spin words, but a relentless battle attitude that Schumer has. For us. It works for them. But on us we think we need a wet blanket. None of us voted for McConnell. Almost none of us supported McConnell. We have no say in it. None whatsoever. 37 Republican senators, and we’re not even allowed to know who they are. We’re not even allowed to know who they are. Voted to return this nitwit to his, quote unquote, leadership post. And meanwhile, he’s putting out leaks, attacking DeSantis, attacking Trump while he’s pretending to be above the fray. Then you got slobs like Chris Christie who actually thinks he’s relevant. You’re a slob. You’re not relevant. And then I look at this guy, Larry Hogan. His double chin has a chin. The guy’s got a triple chin going on there. He thinks he’s presidential material. He’s an idiot. They do anything for their states. What did they do? I go to New Jersey every every Thanksgiving. I actually love New Jersey. It’s the government there that I hate. But they have great restaurants like I grew up with delis, Bagel Place, you know, that sort of thing. Well, what did Chris Christie do, anything lasting or profound now? Remember when they caught him on the on the beach, Mr. Producer? Like a beached whale with his family. The whole beach is empty. And there’s the big sperm whale right there on the beach. I don’t know what he’s doing. Sunning himself. I remember I you all remember that. Oh, yeah. Man of the people. Which paper? Larry Hogan. I remember Larry Hogan’s father. Now, there was a. A principled man certainly didn’t rub off on Larry, I can tell you that. Larry Senior. And then, of course, the TV. They have a conga line of Trump haters after his speech last night. Oh, yeah. Disgruntled former employees. Failed author. You got. What’s this guy? Mick Mulvaney. What do I care what Mick Mulvaney has to say? He’s a mental midget. Oh, and then we have who else? This Esper, the former secretary of defense. He was there about 3 minutes and real hate on there. Our buddy Mike Pence is all over TV trashing Trump. Let’s move forward and let’s first talk about January six again. I’ll be right back.