November 4th, 2022

November 4th, 2022

CARLSBAD, CA - NOVEMBER 04: U.S. President Joe Biden speaks with dignitaries and employees at ViaSat on November 4, 2022 in Carlsbad, California. President Biden was on hand to emphasize a U.S technology company that will benefit from the passage of the CHIPS and Science Act and more chips being made in America.(Photo by Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images)

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the Biden Administration’s sabotage of U.S energy policy all but surrenders our national security to our foreign enemies. While the U.S is closing coal plants China is opening them. While the U.S is slowing fossil fuel production our enemies are producing the energy we need instead of allowing Americans to produce this fuel right here in the USA. The de-growth movement will force you to stop driving or buy an electric car (which requires fossil fuels for charging and production anyway). Then, Congressman Jim Jordan joins the show to discuss his committee’s latest report documenting the testimony of FBI whistleblowers outlining how the Biden Administration has used relationships with big technology companies to control public opinion and how the DOJ has been weaponized to go after dissenting parents and political critics of the Biden Administration. Jordan says all options are on the table to get to the truth of these matters. Later, congressional candidate Kevin Kiley checks in to give us an update on his campaign for California’s third district.  Afterward, Congressman and candidate for Governor of New York, Lee Zeldin, joins the show to tell us about his final push toward election Day. Zeldin says that bringing in Joe Biden to be your campaign closer isn’t a good look for Gov. Kathy Hochul. Finally,  Wisconsin gubernatorial candidate Tim Michels calls in with an update on his campaign. Michels says that the state needs massive tax reform to allow the citizens to keep more of their money. Michels says that crime must be addressed to restore order. 

Fox News

House Republicans release 1,000-page report alleging politicization in the FBI, DOJ


Media gave 11 times the coverage to the attack on Paul Pelosi than it gave attempted assassination of Kavanaugh

Daily Mail

Midterms horror as Republican candidate’s daughters, three and five, are almost KILLED after gunman opens fire at North Carolina home

Fox News

House Majority Whip: US ‘on track to repeat’ Nazi Germany, downplays inflation ahead of midterms


MSNBC Cuts Ties Unexpectedly With Weekend Host Tiffany Cross

Right Scoop

New details emerge in the attack on Paul Pelosi – [UPDATE: NBC News deletes video report]


Hedge fund giant Elliott warns looming hyperinflation could lead to ‘global societal collapse’

Washington Free Beacon

No Call to Bibi: Biden Has Yet to Congratulate Newly Elected Israeli Leader

USA Today

An ‘invisible’ crisis: Already behind on utility bills, many Americans face a tough winter

Photo by Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

I want to remind you of what the Democrats and Joe Biden are doing to this economy, what they’re doing to our fellow citizens, how they’re surrendering our energy security, our national security to China and other enemies. I remember several years back when, the dictator’s over in Venezuela, we’d walk down the street. With the media surrounding him. And point to buildings. And say we are going to be taking that building, we’re going to take this business, we’re going to shut this one. That just walking down the street pointing. Hugo Chavez. I said, unbelievable. Unbelievable. And that reminded me of what Joe Biden said today in San Diego. Far from the coal plants. Well the eastern part of the country. And the Atlantic part of the country. In other words, far from the men and women. Who mined coal in the businesses. That are in charge of the coal production. Cut 14. Go. I was in Massachusetts about a month ago on the site of the largest oil coal plant in America. Guess why cost them too much money? They can’t count. No one is building new coal plants because they can’t rely on it. Even if they have all the coal guaranteed for the rest of the world, the existence of the plant. So it’s going to become a wind generation. And all they’re doing is going to save them a hell of a lot of money. These are the same transmissions line that transmitted the coal fired electric god. We’re going to be shutting these plants down all across America. We’re going to be shutting these plants down all across America. Now, who the hell does he think he is? They keep talking about autocracy versus democracy. These people are totalitarian in their mindset. It’s that simple. He’s walking around and we’re going to shut down coal plants. Europe is opening coal plants. Germany is opening coal plants. China is opening coal plants because of the unreliability of other forms of energy. We’re shutting down coal plants. We’re shutting down fossil fuel development. And then this jerk wonders why these companies aren’t producing more energy. I mean, it’s shocking what he’s doing. And the people in Pennsylvania. Well, there are coal mines that people in Ohio where there are coal mines that people in Kentucky all throughout. So many states on the eastern part, the southeastern part, the Atlantic part of our country need to hear this. All of you folks in New England and in the Northeast. We’re going to see shortages of fuel, shortages of heating fuel shortages of diesel fuel throughout the country. This is all a plan. This is also all. A system. Of De-growth that’s being put in place. They think they’re going to force you to use electricity. There’s not enough electricity. They think they’re going to force you to buy electric cars. Can’t afford electric cars. The degrowth movement is this movement we’re going to shut down. Coal plants. You think inflation is high now? Just wait. You think fuel prices are high now? Just wait. These people aren’t going to fix anything. They’re not. They’re not done breaking everything. They talk about inflation, 8.3%. Inflation on food and gasoline and home building products. Well above 8.3%. These are the essentials. And almost nobody talks about this. The shortages that are coming and coming bake. And the Democrats hope that they don’t come right away, but they’re going to come. You can’t destroy an economy and not have consequences. I want you to listen to this one more time. Here’s Biden in San Diego today. Cut 14. Go. I was in Massachusetts about a month ago on the site of the largest oil coal plant in America. Guess why cost them too much money? They can’t count. No one is building new coal plants because they can’t rely on it. No, nobody’s building new coal plants because the government doesn’t allow them to. Nobody’s drilling for oil now because the government doesn’t allow them to. Go ahead. Guaranteed for the rest of the existence of the plan. So it’s kind of become a wind generation and all they’re doing is you’re going to save them a hell of a lot of money and using the same transmission line to transmit as a coal fired electric up. We’re going to be shutting these plants down all across America. I’m telling you, folks, the main producer of electricity is coal. Just so you know, it’s coal. And he talks about they’re going to be putting out wind energy, really. And when the wind is blowing, they’re going to be pushing out wind energy still. We had an example this in Texas. Well, the governments in Texas. Went full throttle. Germany on wind and solar. Enduring a horrific blizzard. One or two winters ago. They didn’t have enough energy. It was a disaster. And California doesn’t have enough electricity. They have brownouts and blackouts, telling people, please don’t drive your electric vehicle. They don’t even have that many. And now in a month or so, the England, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, you’re going to feel the consequences of diesel fuel shortages. And you’re going to feel the consequences of home heating oil shortages. And the price. And I keep talking about this. I’ve been talking about this for years. These are disasters. Democrat Party made disasters. When we come back, we’re going to have Jim Jordan on the program. Why does he have a tough election? No, he doesn’t. But the Federal Bureau of Investigation are Stasi under this Department of Injustice. Meritless Garland. Is a frightening out of control police state operation. They’re plotting in secret against Donald Trump. They’re plotting against parents after the election. They are plotting against pro-lifers. They’re not charging people who are who are attacking pro-life facilities. They’re not charging people who are threatening Supreme Court justices in violation of federal law. They’re scooping up other people with whom this administration disagrees. They’re interfering in our politics. They have some secret plan for Election Day. And after Election Day, where the Department of Justice won’t allow news organizations and other groups to have access to these plans that were ordered by Biden. That’s why it’s so darn crucial that the Republicans swing and win hugely. We’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

Good to have Jim Jordan with us. Jim, you folks have put out a 1000 page report about the corruption at the FBI, including what’s gone on with our parents in our school systems, what’s going on with the lack of enforcement when it comes to attacking pro-life facilities and so forth? So what happens now? You’ve laid the foundation. If the Republicans take the House, you’ll be chairman of the Judiciary Committee. I’m supposing you’re going to subpoena the FBI director and others to testify. And if they give you the cold shoulder and the rope a dope and all the rest, are you guys going to subpoena information the way the Democrats have gotten to the kind of information that they have wanted? Yes. Yes. I mean, market so bad, that is we have to be aggressive. We have to I mean, an aggressive approach is what’s warranted. When you look at, you know, the FBI is broken. The Washington field office is broken. One of the whistleblowers came and told us that that he said this is his quote, rotted to the core is that this is from an agent who’s, you know, given that given his time it’s career to the FBI but is willing to come forward as a whistleblower think it’s that bad. And then we also learned, in addition to all you just talked about there with the school board, what they did clear back with spying on President Trump’s campaign, what they did with Christopher Steele dossier and on and on and on it goes. We also learned that there’s this this big tech, big government working together. Facebook was giving information, user information to the FBI, according to one whistleblower. So, yeah, we have to be aggressive because we’ve never seen anything like this in American history, where you have an agency and agency that with the power of the Justice Department targeting their political opposition, it’s really that serious. And so we’re committed to doing whatever it takes to get to the truth and to begin to hold people accountable. What happens if you have Democrats who are obstructing or interrupting? I mean, what the Democrats did there was they created this January six committee. So they’re basically getting whatever information they want. They’re presenting information to the public. There’s no opposition party, no opposition lawyers, no opposition staff. If the Democrats are going to try and sabotage your efforts, will you treat them like they treat you? Well, we’re just going to get through. We’re not going to let them stop us no matter what. This is too important. If you remember, in the last two months, we have seen this FBI raid, the home of a former president, take the phone of a sitting member of Congress, kick in the door of a pro-life leader outside of Philadelphia, arrest him in front of his wife and seven kids for something the local judge says wasn’t the problem and at the same time not go after all these people who’ve attacked churches. Over 100 churches in crisis pregnancy centers have been a. We don’t hear anything. They could have used the same darn statute that they used to go after this guy and kick in his door, the pro-life guy. They can use the same statute to do that to the folks who desecrating, in some cases, firebombed crisis pregnancy centers. But we don’t hear anything about that. So we’re going to we’re going to we’re going to not stop until we get the facts and the truth. I think we’ve just scratched the surface. This report is huge. And we went through all of it, laid it all out so that we have it in one place for the country to begin to see. Oh, wow, this is serious. What’s going on? This is a compilation of what we know thus far. And we’re in the minority, for goodness sakes. So as you rightly point out, we can’t call witnesses, we can’t get documents from the administration and could really cross-examine the kind of people who need to be cross-examined. We can’t do any of that. But we still found this and put together this huge report. So that’s how serious this is and why we’re committed as Republicans on the Judiciary Committee to doing whatever it takes to get the facts to the country. I want you to do me a favor, Jim Jordan. I think you’re terrific. You’re one of the great members of the House. I want you to look at the ability of the House of Representatives to appoint a special counsel. Do you guys know you have that power? But not yet. But you have the power to appoint a special counsel. It could be a top prosecutor with a staff who spends his every waking moment with the staffs. Every waking moment, obviously an appendage to what would be your committee to gather all the information that’s necessary. Because I’m of the belief. That this war on Donald Trump. Is so unconscionable that there’s got to be documents and e-mails, testimony taken under penalty of perjury that needs to take place that the House of Representatives under you guys have got to reassert your power under separation of powers rather than all this power that belongs to unelected bureaucrats at the FBI. Yeah, we’re trying to figure out what is the best strategy for being the most effective. Getting the facts, the truth, the information that we, the people, the American people are entitled to see so that we can we can present this in a clear and convincing manner as as possible. That’s what we’re trying to figure out. And there’s there’s talk of of forming a select committee. There’s talk of special counsel. There’s talk of a special subcommittee. So we’re trying to figure that out. One thing we are committed to doing, though, is getting to the truth, getting to the facts and laying out all the we’ve done a ton of work in the minority, and that’s what this report reflects. And we’re as you know, if we’re in the majority, we can do a lot more. And also this, the Democrats and the two Republicans on the January six committee, they have subpoenaed records from members of Congress. They have subpoenaed records from the former president. They’ve subpoenaed records from lawyers and so forth. So you’re going to have substantial precedent that’s been rubber stamped by district courts in Washington, D.C., to use. And I have found in my experience in the Reagan administration as chief of staff to attorney general, if you don’t use their tactics against them, they will continue to use these kind of tactics against us. You agree with that, right? No, I do. And that’s why I I’m we got to be aggressive. We should leave no stone unturned to get to the truth. And I’ll tell you what else they did. They lied about me. Hold on. Don’t, don’t, don’t leave. We’re taking a hard break. I also want to ask you about this election when we come back. Hold your thought. Jim Jordan, we appreciate you. We’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

Welcome back, America. We’re here with Jim Jordan. Jim Jordan, I had to interrupt with a heart break. You were talking about the January six. Go ahead. Well, I just we’ve come off the line and we don’t get to be in the depositions. We don’t get to see the evidence. But I don’t want in particular where they played on screen a video me on doing an interview. And I said January six is the ultimate date of significance in a presidential context. And that’s all they showed. You know, the insinuating one thing. And what they forgot to say was what they forgot to show is what I said. Just a part of that. They cut off that. The statement I said the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said January six is the ultimate date of significance in a presidential contest, because that’s when you affirm and confirm what the electors did and have the vote. So they take everything out of context. They lie, and we haven’t even been able to be a part of it. That’s how bad they are. Now, I want to ask you to take a listen to what Joe Biden said in San Diego today. Cut 14, go. I was in Massachusetts about a month ago on the site of the largest coal plant in America. Guess why cost them too much money? They can’t count. No one is building new coal plants because they can’t rely on it, even if they have all the coal guaranteed for the rest of the world, the existence of the plant. So it’s going to become a wind generation and all they’re doing is going to save them a hell of a lot of money using the same transmission line that transmitted a coal fired electric god. We’re going to be shutting these plants down all across America. What does he think he is? Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, days way back when walking down a street point at businesses, he’s going to shut down. Where the hell does he get the power to shut down businesses now? He does. And just as bad is going to drive up the cost of energy. Well, thank you for up energy. That’s our biggest concern. So yeah, this guy, every time he talks, he says something ridiculous. That speech he gave the other night, I mean, it was just so bad. And here’s what this election’s coming down to, Mark. I had a I had a constituent say this to me last week, and I thought he summarized it so well. He said, I looked at my bank statement. He said, then I had to take a look at my 401k and then I had to go to the grocery store to pick up some things. And on the way back home, I stopped by the gas station to fill up my truck. He goes, I’m voting Republican. That’s what this by the way, when he’s filling up his truck at the gas station, he’s looking over his shoulder to make sure he doesn’t get mugged. That is what the Democrats and Joe Biden have given this country. And this country is such a great place. You know, the greatest nation ever, the people of this great country don’t deserve that. They have not done one thing. Like when you look at energy, you look at the border, you look at you look at inflation, the crime, not one thing, right? Not to mention what we started off talking about, what they’re doing to our liberties, how they’ve weaponized the Justice Department, how it’s no longer equal treatment under the law. That is frightening. And I think when people walk into that voting booth that they haven’t voted by mail already. When they walk into that voting booth, they are going to say in here, no one can see that. No one’s going to I’m going to stick it to the man. I’m going to vote Republican. You can feel that building. And I think it’s going to be a good night for us next Tuesday for people in Ohio, people on Pennsylvania, people all over the country. The consequences of these decisions on energy, which are rash, which are ideological, which are nonsensical. And then you talk about places like Ohio and Pennsylvania, where we have these close Senate races and this guy saying, I’m going to shut down these plants, they’re going to shut down fossil fuels, they’re going to shut down fracking, they’re going to shut down coal. They have nothing to replace it with shortages, prices going through the roof. You think that message is getting out? I mean, the guy just said this today. Yeah, it’s dead. Now, J.D. Vance is going to win Ohio. Dr. Oz is going to win Pennsylvania. And frankly, Mark, I think Republicans are going to win. Every other swing state. I think Herschel wins in Georgia. I know Ted Budd, a colleague of our who’s running in North Carolina. He’s going to they don’t win unless we vote a great senator. Yeah, well, that’s right. We all got to get a vote. Look, we can’t take anything for granted, but I think it’s building. I think people are eager to go vote for conservatives and Republicans. Senator Johnson is going to win. Blake is going to win in Blake Masters in Arizona. I think Laxalt is going to win in Nevada. And look, it looks like we’re in the in the game in New Hampshire, in Washington State. So I think it’s that type of year where people have so had it with these people, they’re so arrogant. They act like they’re so much smarter and better than us folks in flyover country. Here’s the other problem. Those folks in D.C., they never go to work. They sit behind a computer at their home, working remote, drinking their $15 cup of coffee. In Ohio, Pennsylvania, you’ve got manufacturing, agriculture, trucking. You got to go to work. And people are fed up with Joe Biden talk and all the crazy things he’s saying when they’re off putting their tail, working hard for their family. I think it’s coming and maybe I’m maybe I’m wrong, but I think it’s going to be a good day for us. But you’re exactly right. Everyone needs to get out and vote and vote for the conservatives. Vote for the Republicans. All right. Jim Jordan, we appreciate everything you’ve done and hopefully everything you’re going to be able to do. And we we wish you all the. By the way, you’re not having a tough race. I don’t think. Don’t you? I think we’ll be fine. But, you know, we don’t take it for granted. And, you know, we run a campaign, but I think we’re going to be fine. All right. Good luck, brother. Take care. Thanks to our thanks. Really rather to you. All right. You too. God bless. So they put that report out and I just wanted to gather a little bit more information. You know, I watch these ads because they run in the part of Virginia where I am right now from this. What’s your name? Rich Spanberger or whatever her name is. The phony. Moderate. Abigail Spanberger or whatever it is. Abigail Hamburger. And she tries to come off as a smart. She is running the most vicious. Hateful. Lies dressed up as campaign commercials that I’ve ever seen. Ever seen. Now we had the Republican opponent on this program. We had Yabsley on the program. And she said, no, I didn’t say I oppose this or support that. And they keep running the ads as if they’re true. So I just want to point that out. Don’t believe these Democrat ads. They are liars and they will spend a fortune. To redefine who they are and redefine who their opponents are, particularly in these close races, is very, very important. But you put all the static out of your head. All of it. These close Senate races, these close House races, and we don’t have enough space. But I want to remind people in Northern Virginia, we have hung Cao running. Henkel is a fantastic candidate. Again, there’s against this. Jennifer Wexton, who is a radical left wing kook. Hank How Special Forces a commander in Special Forces. Guy That’s got more educational degrees than I can count. Came over here as a refugee from Vietnam, he and his family legally. Immediately wanted to serve his country. Now, the Democrats, they always like to talk about minorities and look at the faces of the Republicans. They’re always white. This time around. There’s a lot of faces of conservative Republicans that are not white. And they still attack them. They lie about them. So please vote for a hung cow in the Northern Virginia area, as well as all the other Republicans, as a matter of fact. Now, what do you think would happen? You know what? I want to move on. I was I’ve got so much to get on and I can’t get to all of it. We have three candidates coming up. I told you, the media gave 11 times the why. I didn’t tell you this. The media gave 11 times the coverage to the attack on Paul Pelosi than it gave to the attempted assassination of Brent Kalb. When are you aware of this? According to NewsBusters. I don’t know what we would do without NewsBusters. That the Media Research Center. Listen again. The media gave 11 times the coverage to the attack on Pelosi. Then it gave to the attempted assassination of Cabinet. In the attempted assassination of Kavanagh occurred immediately after Joe Biden unleashed a poisonous, vicious attack on the Supreme Court. And he’s not held to account for that. Networks ignored the bullets shot through the window last night of a Republican candidates family house. Ignored it. Rates. NewsBusters, Kevin Tober. The leftist media spent most of the past week wringing their hands over an allegedly political attack against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband’s husband, Paul. But they’ve been silent on a shooting that took place, a shooting that took place at the home of Republican North Carolina congressional candidate Pat Aragon’s parents. The shooter fired a gun through the window of the home where his children were sleeping. A three and a five year old 20 feet from them. ABC World News Tonight, CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News all ignored the incident, by the way, so is Media. And Media Matters, all ignored the incident on their Thursday evening newscasts. Instead reporting on the latest violent attack against Republicans, the three networks decided local weather reports and a cotton shortage allegedly caused by climate change were all more important stories than a Republican candidates family’s home getting shot at. According to the Carolina Journal. On October 18th. The shooting took place at the home of the parents of Republican congressional candidate Pat Harrigan. Harrigan is running against Democrat State Senator Jeff Jackson in the 14th Congressional District. The paper had spoken with Harrigan campaign manager Brandon Craft, who informed the outlet that someone shot the home. The incident is currently being investigated and according to Craft Harrigan, two children were home when the shooting took place. We’re only a few feet away from where the bullet entered the home. According to the campaign between Harrigan and Jackson, it’s been heated, including Harrigan recently charging Jackson, challenging him to a debate in an open letter and Jackson questioning Harrington’s residency. Harrington is his name. Harrigan, HAARP Galen and Harrigan. Was a Green Beret serving our country. He’s the Republican. He’s the Patriot. Paragon was a Democrat. The networks would have reported on this and used it as another example of Republican rhetoric killing democracy. Was this on MSNBC? Was this on CNN? It wasn’t on CBS or ABC or NBC. We already know the leftist media seeks to downplay violent acts against conservatives while hyping violence against leftists. Now, we already talked about how the networks gave 11 times more coverage to poor Pelosi than the assassination attempt on Justice Brett Kavanaugh and the Democrat who wanted to assassinate Kavanaugh. He flew all the way from California to the Washington, D.C. area right after Joe Biden was trashing the court and trashing the conservative justices. Trashing them. What do you think of that? It’s really pathetic. Here’s how the Daily Mail mentions it. Midterm horrors as Republican candidates daughters, three and five, are almost killed after a gunman opens fire. North Carolina home where Democrat rival filmed the campaign ad. The guy from the campaign ad in front of is this guy’s house with bullet landing close to where they slept. The shooting transpired in October in Hickory at a home belonging to the Republican, Pat Harrington’s parents. As he fights for an open seat in a famously liberal fourth congressional district in a contentious race. His daughters, three and five, were asleep in the bedroom directly above the room where the shooting occurred. And the bullet came from a densely wooded area behind the house. Harrigan, a firearms manufacturer and former Green Beret, has since come forward to assert he would not be intimidated by the shooting and that death threats aren’t enough to knock the Green Beret off that mission. But because of these threats, the family said, which has spurred the ex-soldier to don bulletproof vests to campaign events. His two little girls have been living with their grandparents for much of the campaign cycle. They’ve since relocated out of state. While Harrigan, who was not at the residence, has revealed he owns a property near the home where the shooting occurred. His opponent, Democrat Jeff Jackson, has been forced to pull an ad filmed outside his opponent’s lakeside home, criticizing his ownership of a ritzy home in a neighborhood outside the confines of the district. The ad shows a man on a jet ski. As a narrator tells listeners, Harrigan made a fortune off tragedies such as the Sandy Hook shooting and bought a lake hook. So here’s a guy who manufactures weapons who’s now being accused of being involved in the in the sickeningly horrendous shooting of those kids at Sandy Hook. And. A commercial shot in front of his home. And subsequent to this, somebody fires into the house where his two babies are sleeping. The commercial then shows an image of Harrigan son, which is not far from where his parents live. The spot was released on the day of the shooting and spurred an angry, open letter from Harrigan Harrigan to Jackson a week later. So you have a choice in the fourth congressional district in North Carolina. These Democrats are sick. They are unhinged. They talk about violence, but they don’t give a damn. That young kid who was hit by a car, by that jerk. I think it was in North Dakota, might have been South Dakota because he said he was an extremist Republican. You didn’t see nationwide coverage of that either, did you? General Bolduc confronted physically with a cops have to remove the Democrat who’s confronting him at a campaign event in New Hampshire. You haven’t seen nationwide coverage of that either, have you? The attack on Lee Zeldin on stage downplayed by the liberal hacks at The View and elsewhere. You didn’t see much coverage of that. Did you? I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

You know, I’m going to have to get my old friend Hugh Hewitt on the show, Mr. Producer. He just said FBI Director Wray has been doing a good job. I don’t. I don’t I don’t know what he’s talking about, but I need to. After the election, I think I’ll bring him on. He’s fairly close to Mitch McConnell and Chris Christie and those guys. I need to better understand I know he’s used to doing interviews. I would I would like to interview my friend Hugh Hewitt and find out what’s bouncing around between his ears there and hopefully in a friendly way. I said, he’s an old friend of mine. He goes, We both go back before we were on radio, but I need to understand it because that’s just crazy. James Clyburn is the number three Democrat in the House and this S.O.B. said very recently. That Republicans and Republicans getting elected, it feels to him very much like the 1930s. So that is the Third Reich and Hitler. This S.O.B. doesn’t know a damn thing about the third. Reich And Hitler. I don’t know if he’s ever visited a concentration camp, if he’s ever looked at those human ovens. I don’t know if he ever looked at the shower facilities where they use cyanide and other gases to kill Jews. The Republicans and Republican elections look like the rise of the Third Reich. Who is this ass? Who is this jerk? These Democrats think they can say whatever the hell they want. What a bunch of sickening bastards. Sickening. I’ll be right back.