November 3rd, 2022

November 3rd, 2022

US President Barack Obama speaks about the US strategy for military and civilian operations in Afghanistan and Pakistan following a two-month review process of the nine-year war, in the Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House in Washington, DC, on December 16, 2010. Alongside Obama are: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; and US Vice President Joe Biden. AFP PHOTO / Saul LOEB (Photo credit should read SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are the three individuals in recent history who have done the most to destroy this country because they hate the America we know and love. They despise any system that doesn’t afford them power and work with their partners in the media to undermine our republic in the name of the democracy they incessantly speak about. They call patriots deniers but it’s they that deny individual liberty, economic prosperity, faith, morality, and the nuclear family while calling you a deplorable, racist, semi-fascist, threat to society. Then, the DOJ leaked to CNN that they might open a special counsel investigation into Donald Trump if he runs for President. The heavy-handed politics simply doesn’t end when it comes to criminalizing Trump. Later, Lt. Col Jennifer-Ruth Green, a combat veteran, pilot, and congressional candidate joins the show to discuss her race for Indiana’s 1st District. Green says that Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have a clear disdain for America and too few have served in uniform to understand the human cost of war. Green says that ideology has no place in the classroom. Afterward, Herschel Walker calls in with an update on his US Senate campaign in Georgia. Walker noted that this election is bigger than him but for all Georgians and Americans. Walker says that we must have leadership in Washington that doesn’t threaten democracy, as the democrats say, because Biden and the Democrats are the biggest threat the country faces. Finally, Tiffany Smiley, candidate for the US Senate in Washington state checks in with a report from the campaign trail. She aims to turn crisis into hop once elected to the US Senate. 

Washington Examiner

San Francisco DA shoots down ‘public interest’ in releasing bodycam footage from Pelosi attack


Republican Gen. Bolduc Physically Attacked by Individual Outside Wednesday’s Debate


Michael Beschloss Says GOP Victory in Midterms Will Mean ‘Our Children Will Be Arrested and Conceivably Killed’

Right Scoop

“It’s almost like roaches voting for Raid” – The View’s Sunny Hostin on white women voting Republican


DOJ mulling potential special counsel if Trump runs in 2024

Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Tuesday is it day? Election Day. This is when we stormed the the precincts in massive numbers to vote. You can vote early. Please go ahead and do it. I did. The time has come. We’re very lucky that we have this election now upon us because we cannot tolerate more of this. And it’s amazing. They send Obama out there and Hillary Clinton, they dust her off, pull the bag over her head off of her head. And Biden is campaigning in the bluest of blue places where he won by like 30% of the vote. Just to show us he’s still popular. These 3.3 people have done more to damage this country than anybody I can think of. Now. What do I mean by that? Barack Obama left a legacy. Of horrific division in this country. He was a trained, indoctrinated Marxist. He was backed. By former Marxists who were domestic terrorists with the Weather Underground. Among others. Remember what Michelle said. She finally was kind of like in America after he got elected. They hate America and they become extraordinarily, extraordinarily wealthy. In their post-presidency. Of course, the Republicans will now be able to look at their tax returns. If they have the guts. Since everybody wants to look at Donald Trump’s tax returns, just to make sure, of course, that the IRS is properly processing the tax returns of wealthy ex-presidents. Yeah. Okay. Fair enough. Hillary Clinton. One of the main reasons they hate Trump so much is she was supposed to pick up where Obama left off. Remember what a radical she was? Remember how she was involved in the impeachment trial? I’ve Richard Nixon. She’s always been a bomb thrower. Hillary. A radical whack job. Hillary has done more to tear this country apart than anybody but Obama. And what a Biden you say. Biden’s too stupid to lead any type of event like that. But. He’s a chameleon. When he got to the Senate. He partnered with racist segregationists like Eastland and Stennis and Byrd and Fulbright, all Democrats. Then he swung and became the lap dog for Ted Kennedy. A nasty leftist. And Biden used his power to try and destroy conservatives who are nominated for various seats. Clarence Thomas, among others. And now he has swung all the way to the Marxist left and he is surrounded by all these Obama comrades. Within his administration. And it’s destroying the country. This triumvirate has done more to damage America than any triumvirate I can think of. But they talk about democracy. They’re concerned about democracy. You know, in Israel today, as an example. Benjamin Netanyahu has won the election. His party’s won the election. But the way they’re screwy system works is he has to cobble together. At least 61 seats from other parties, including his own Likud. Looks like they’ve 6465 now, that said. It looks like Biden administration wants to interfere because they don’t like some of the parties and some of the individuals who might be part of the Netanyahu administration. Well, they practiced democracy in Israel. They had a vote. They had a vote. But Biden doesn’t care all this stuff about democracy. It’s a funny thing when you have three individuals. Who’ve never shown support for a democracy that is constitutionalism and Republicanism. Never. Obama hates America’s founding. He embraces every radical kook that’s running for office. Hillary Clinton and Alinsky a radical leftist. She hates the founders of this country. And Joe Biden. Joe Biden will do whatever he needs to do for a legacy. These three people. They’ve done enormous damage to this country. They don’t believe in this country. Joe Biden has been a bureaucrat his entire life. A bureaucrat. Just like Schumer, a bureaucrat his entire life. Just like Pelosi. Let me tell you something. Those three. Pelosi. Schumer. Biden don’t have a single minute of private sector experience. Not one minute. None of them have ever suffered. Not for a minute. And yet they claim to speak for the middle class. Obama hates the middle class, as do most Marxists. Remember what he said about guns and the Bible? About the Pennsylvania citizens? You see, when the microphone is not on or the camera is not on, they they express their real beliefs. The real beliefs about the American people. They call us election deniers. They’re Supreme Court deniers. They’re Supreme Court decision deniers. They were deniers of three Republican elections, 2000, 2004, 2016. In fact, they work hard with their media surrogates to try and overturn the 2016 election. With a coup effort to impeachment efforts and all the rest of it. But the Democrats are deniers. They deny that there’s inflation. They deny that gas prices are through the roof. They deny that the borders wide open. They deny that fentanyl is pouring over the border along with rapists and child molesters and murders. They deny about a sex trade going on in the border and drug cartels running our southern border. They deny that we need the police to police in order to protect our neighborhoods. They deny that crime is going through the roof. They’re deniers, all right? They deny that free market capitalism creates prosperity, which is why they embrace economic socialism. They deny that we were energy independent while they destroy our energy sector and replace it with what? Propellers. Battery operated. SoCs. I don’t know. And they don’t know. They’re deniers. What else did they deny? They deny individual liberty. They deny private property rights. They deny economic prosperity. They deny the rule of law. They demand that I. Stability and predictability. They deny American national security. They deny the nuclear family. They deny morality. They deny faith. Oh, there are the deniers. Trust me on this. They’ve called you deplorables, white supremacists, insurrectionists. Threats to democracy, racist semi fascists. They’ve called you all these things. They view you, they view us. They view we the people as the enemy. They don’t support democracy. They don’t even know how to explain it. Joe Biden speaks to us like no other president would speak to the American people. He yells at us. He puts us down. He condemns us. We are the greatest people in the world. Why? Because we have the greatest governmental foundation in the world. The most liberty in the world. We don’t need dictates from the federal government. We are the greatest people of the world. We’ve lost American after American and after American. Saving the world from Hitler. We lost 700,000 Americans in a civil war to keep the country together and end slavery. No country on the face of the earth has ever done that. We defeated the Soviet Union. We’ve sent our men and women to every hellhole corner of the world. Protect the people we have nothing in common with. And yet. We could have conquered the whole world after World War Two. We could have conquered the world any time in the last half century. But we didn’t. Because we’re Americans. Americans. I. You’re tired of being put down. Aren’t you being tired? Aren’t you tired of being put upon? Are you tired of the radical left wing social experiments? Of which you are. The main figures. Joe Biden the way he talks to us. Abraham Lincoln never spoke to the American people this way, even in the worst parts of the Civil War. John Kennedy never spoke to the American people this way. Ronald Reagan never spoke to the American people this way. Donald Trump never spoke to the American people this way. Obama. Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, they have never have felt patriotism towards this country. Never. And the Democrat Party has always, always been an evil force in this country. Of course, there are some exceptions. But not a lot. They point to programs that they created, taxes that they raised, regulations that they instituted. As if that gives balance to their support. For slavery. And segregation. And Jim Crow. And their opposition to integrating our schools. As if that gives balance to the rise of anti-Semitism in the Democrat Party. And the rise of racism yet again against Asians, against Indians, against Hispanics, and course against the white supremacist majority. The white supremacist majority. I want you to go to our military our military sites where people are buried. And I want you to see all the privileged supremacists, the overwhelming majority of whom are white Christians. Buried at Arlington National Cemetery and all the other cemeteries. Privileged, they say. Privileged. What has Obama and his family contributed to the nation? Absolutely nothing. Hillary Clinton, absolutely nothing. Nothing. Chuck Schumer? Absolutely nothing. The Pelosis? Absolutely nothing. Most of the clowns on TV. In the media. Absolutely nothing. You know what they are? They’re American deniers. They’re patriotism deniers. And you’re going to have a say in all of this. If you don’t vote early on Tuesday, you’re going to have a say in all of this. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

By the way, when the Democrats told us they supported body cameras for cops, they didn’t tell us that they would oppose the release of the recordings when it involves. Some individuals that they do not want us to have the video of. So we have body cameras that we use by the police in San Francisco. We have recordings from the Capitol Police that have video running constantly in the Pelosi House. Well, what’s the point? Why is it only released when you’re going after the police? We paid for that. The taxpayers, taxpayers of San Francisco, the taxpayers of California, the taxpayers of America, in the case of the Capitol Police, I mean, they want Donald Trump’s taxes. They want. I don’t understand what is the big deal. This is why we have public trials, by the way. So you can’t do things in secret. The hypocrisy and the double standard is amazing. Now you and I believe in law and order. We believe this scumbag should be tried, convicted and thrown over the border back to Canada and deported. The difference between us and the Democrats is we believe that when it comes to all illegal aliens, particularly criminals, they do not. The southern border is wide open. So Americans are being brutalized. Both physically and economically. You have sanctuary cities. This is the consequence of lawlessness. But I do think we ought to immediately have the release of those body cam footages and also the Capitol Police footage. And you have a left wing Democrat district attorney who has to face election. She was appointed because they threw out the other bum. Who won’t allow it. You have a Federal Bureau of Investigation, the American Stasi. They won’t allow it. Why? Because the Pelosi family. Has suffered enough, we’re told, and I’m sure they’ve suffered a lot. And I don’t. And I don’t minimize that. But that is nothing to do with this. This is the rule of law. Now, when we come back after the bottom of the hour, ladies and gentlemen, let’s look at the great Democrats that the Democrat Party has put up against the Republicans. How mainstream, how substantive, how intelligent, how pro-American they are. One after the other after another. Let’s take a look, shall we? I think we shall. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

Now, let’s see, folks who the Democrats have nominated, who they want to send to the United States Senate in Wisconsin, Mandela. Barnes. There is no more radical Marxist in the Democrat Party in Wisconsin, the Mandela Barnes. Who was chummy with Reverend Wright. Well. Barack Millhouse Benita Obama. Who made the case to release 50% of the criminals in the Wisconsin jail and prison system. And you said it was terrible that the United States was founded and this man wants to be a United States senator. How is it possible that it is a close race in Wisconsin? When you have a America hating red. Miscreant who wants to serve in the Senate for the purpose of voting to destroy America. It’s no better in Georgia. Raphael Warnock. Raphael Warnock. Has made statements in the past. He hates the country. He makes racist comments. He hates the economic system, although it enriches him where he makes all kinds of money as a slum landlord and a preacher on the side. So why would Georgians want to send back to the Senate a man who literally hates America? In Pennsylvania, John Fetterman. I’m from Pennsylvania. I know Democrats in Pennsylvania. Democrats in Pennsylvania aren’t wild eyed whack jobs. Some are, but most aren’t. John Fetterman is to the left of Bernie Sanders. John Fetterman only wanted to let out one third. Of the criminals in the Pennsylvania jails and prisons. He didn’t miss a single parole board meeting. And often voted by himself to release dangerous murderers on the streets of Pennsylvania, specifically in Philadelphia. John Fetterman does not believe. In fracking. Which has made us energy independent. Despite his lies today, he’s on the record. We have video. We have we have transcripts. So he’s lying, just like Biden did in order to get votes out of Pennsylvania. It’s his party. That has the D.A. in Philadelphia put there by George Soros and the Democrat Party who is letting criminals out on the street. And these criminals are killing mostly black people. Let’s be honest. John Fetterman does not believe that your children should be educated in science and technology, in mathematics and language, in real history. He believes that they should be learning critical race theory, how to hate each other’s guts. He believes your little kids in elementary school should be sexualized. And he doesn’t believe parents should have a role in the education of their children. What kind of party nominate somebody like this, putting aside that he’s mentally and physically incapable of doing anything. We got one of those in the Oval Office. North Carolina, Cheri Beasley, another hard left radical. Who does not support. The foundations of this country, the founding principles of this country. She does not support securing the border. And law enforcement. In North Carolina. So that’s for. Then there’s New Hampshire. Hassan is very familiar to the people in New Hampshire. She has voted for every single thing Biden and Schumer have asked her to support. You come out of New England. You come out of New England. And you’re voting to raise heating oil, diesel prices, gasoline prices on your own people. In New Hampshire. And now there’s going to be shortages of heating oil. You literally are going to have people in New Hampshire paying enormous sums of money. And having a supply issue. In the middle of the winter, thanks to people like. Hassam. And Biden and the Democrats look at Nevada. If Katherine Cortez Masto. Her big issue is abortion on demand, partial birth abortion, infanticide. I ask the people in Nevada, is this your big issue? Do you agree with such a radical view? That’s not where Roe versus Wade says we’re going to codify Roe. No, they’re not. They’re going to codify the policies that exist in North Korea. That’s a baby. We can agree. And the American people do not support what people like Catherine Cortez Masto. Meanwhile, she voted to have 87,000 new IRS agents. To join the other 90,000. They’re not going to be sitting at their desks in Washington with their feet kicked up. He didn’t come watch. They’re going to be spread out throughout the country auditing you. Well, I don’t pay taxes. Exactly. Auditing you. And you look at a state like Nevada, a lot of people get tips. A lot of waitresses. A lot of servers, a lot of waiters. Lot of casinos. A lot of restaurants. I could see a lot of people going to jail. If the Democrats are able to do this. Look at Arizona. Mark Kelly, guys like this. Probably I find the most pernicious sky a former astronaut. So you just assume he’s going to be a great patriot. And yet he voted for every single bill that resulted in destroying our economy and destroying energy independence in destroying our border. He’s a border state senator. He’s voted for every single bill destroying American sovereignty. He hasn’t led. On any issues. That are important to the state of Arizona. He does nothing. Then he goes to Arizona during an election and he pretends he’s a modern, not a moderate. The fraud, which is why they’re having to pour in tens of millions of dollars in dark money. That trying to salvage his race and yet Mitch McConnell. Refuse to spend one penny. To help Blake Masters get elected in the state of Arizona. And his schlub. Right hand man, Steven Law. At the Senate Leadership Fund. Has spent nothing. I help Masters. And there he is. He’s almost. He’s almost leading. Then we go to Alaska. Should be simple ask of people rugged individualism. Conservative people. But Lisa murkowski believes she owns that state. And Mitch McConnell believes he owns the Republican Party. Even though he’s nothing but a senator from Kentucky. Lisa murkowski, Mitch McConnell, have gotten together to try and destroy the true conservative Kelly Shabaka. And they have even agreed that Murkowski should abort support the Democrat running for the House against Sarah Palin. So Murkowski endorsed the Democrat running for the House and the Democrat running for the House endorsed Murkowski. The Republican Party in Alaska is being undermined by Mitch McConnell. He spent $9 million in Alaska to trash the Republican Party candidate. KELLY Chewbacca. The Conservative. When that money could have been used to help Blake Masters. In Arizona. Or General Bolduc. In New Hampshire. And he won’t spend any money there either. Think about that. You should view Murkowski as the Democrat. And as a very liberal Democrat. Who’s the number one? Number one, so-called Republican backed by the National Education Association. They’ve thrown hundreds of thousands of dollars into her campaign, Murkowski. Parents of Alaska rise up. Conservatives and Republicans in the last. Murkowski is the Democrat. State of Utah. The idiot Mitt Romney just tweeted out. Praise for Mitch McConnell. He tweeted it out minutes ago. Now Mitch McConnell is responsible for any Republican successes we have because he’s raised hundreds, raised hundreds of millions of dollars. This is Romney and McConnell. And they gutless wing of the Republican Party trying to spin the news in advance, spin it for The Wall Street Journal editorial page. Spin it for the National Review. Spin it for political. Spin it for The Washington Post. Because what Romney hates is that conservatives or even Trump. Gets credit for these fantastic candidates getting nominated and elected because let’s face it, the vast majority of these candidates. Mitch McConnell. And Mitt Romney didn’t want. And Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney’s commenting on this. Mitt Romney could not even endorse Mike Lee. What a sleazeball. What a schmuck. Mitt Romney. The biggest carpetbagger to ever serve. Born in Michigan. Governor of Massachusetts, senator from Utah, tricked millions and millions of us senator wanting to be president of the United States. Biggest mistake I ever made is voting for him in the primary. Should have voted for Huckabee. No question about it. No question about it. So. Romney So there’s this guy, Evan McMullin, who’s running. Evan McMullin is a liberal Democrat. He’s running as an independent to for the people of Utah. He’s backed 100% by the Democrat Party. They even pulled their own Democrat candidate. Tens of millions of dollars pouring into Utah from Democrat billionaires and dark money to try and defeat one of the most decent, principled conservative senators. Mike Lee. Mr. Smith goes to Washington. Then we have the governors races. We look at Hochul in New York. She doesn’t give a damn about the victims of crime, the future victims of crime. She doesn’t give a damn about the cops. She doesn’t give a damn about any of it. It’s not because I say so. Look at her. Listen to her. Watch her. She’s done nothing. Nothing. And she can do a lot. And same with our whole damn party in New York. If you’re a Democrat in New York, you’ve been stabbed in the back by your own party. And look at Michigan Whitmer. First of all, witness is dumb as a doorknob. But she took every advantage of the virus to lock down the state of Michigan, to lock down every small business, to arrest anybody who stepped out of line from her viewpoint. To ruin your schools. To ruin your kids. Now she wants to be re-elected. And I could go on. This is who these are, who the Democrat Party wants you to vote for. We have great candidates on the Republican side, Ron Johnson in Wisconsin. Herschel Walker in Georgia. Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania, Ted Budd in North Carolina. General ballpark in New Hampshire. Look at the diversity of backgrounds. Adam Laxalt in Nevada. We have Mike Lee in Utah. Masters in Arizona. Shabana in Alaska. Dickson in Michigan. Lee Zeldin in New York would be absolutely unbelievable. We have the best candidates, despite the fact that Mitch McConnell trashed our candidates. Despite the fact Romney won’t even endorse the senior senator from Utah. We know what’s going on in this country, America, turnout and mass. Patriots of all parties, of all backgrounds, of all colors. Let’s save our country. Let’s take it back from the Marxists, from the reprobates. From the miscreants and their malcontents. Let’s take it back from a Democrat Party. That institutionally hates America. And if they have power for one more minute. Well, take this station down even further into the abyss from which we may not ever recover. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

By the way, the Democrats like to talk about violence because they know a lot about it. In New Hampshire, police charged a man for a physical confrontation with Don Bolduc before the Senate debate. Police in Goffstown, New Hampshire, have charged a man for confronting Senate candidate Don Bolduc before debate Wednesday night. Joseph Hart, 37, was taken into custody and charged with criminal trespass and disorderly conduct for rushing up to Bolduc outside the debate at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics on Saint Anselm College campus. Bullock’s campaign says a protester took a swipe at the Republican. Well, he looks like a pig. This guy. They were calling a war criminal. And then one of them must have said something that took a swipe at him when he was over there shaking hands with his supporters. That’s when all hell broke out, senior adviser Rick Wiley told The Washington Examiner. And this activist seems to have rushed up to Bolduc to get close to the Senate. Candidate never actually touches him in a video provided to the Washington Examiner, but threatens the Kennedy. And then, of course, you had Zeldin, who was attacked. A month or so ago, Zeldin. And the Democrats, of course. And you had a Supreme Court justice, just one Kavanaugh who had been so thoroughly libeled. During his nomination and thereafter. Who was threatened with the assassination. So these are Democrats doing these things to Republicans. To Republicans. We’ll be right back.