November 2nd, 2022

November 2nd, 2022

US President Joe Biden speaks at a Democratic National Committee event at the Columbus Club in Union Station, Washington, DC, November 2, 2022. (Photo by Jim WATSON / AFP) (Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images)

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, as usual, Democrats are spreading disinformation about violence and trying to pin it on Republicans. Yet, the media is silent about it. To what extent are the Democrats and the left within the media responsible for spreading violence for failing to do their jobs objectively? Then, President Biden makes a political speech days before the midterms. He ignored inflation, but he promoted his big lie that the attack on Nancy Pelosi was somehow related to January 6th, instead of putting the blame on a drug-addicted, mentally ill illegal alien nudist with a history of leftwing activism. The Democrats do this because they cannot run on their records of impoverishing the citizenry and affirmatively supporting violent criminals to remain on the street. Later, Michigan Gubernatorial Candidate Tudor Dixon calls in with a quick update from the campaign trail on her plan to restore education in Michigan and return power to the people. Afterward, Arizona US Senate candidate Blake Masters joins the show to remind us how the media and the Democrats work hand-in-hand to advance their common political goals. Masters says the Republican ticket in Arizona is united. Finally, Nevada US Senate candidate Adam Laxalt, former State Attorney General of Nevada, checks in with a report on his race against Sen. Castro-Masto. Laxalt says that the era of rubber stamps for Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer must end.

You Tube

Montage: The Media’s History Supporting Antifa, an Anti-Free Press, Domestic Terror Group

You Tube

12 Minutes of Democrats Denying Election Results

Just The News

Democrat Party election deniers, partial list

Real Clear Politics

It’s Time to Acknowledge Anti-White Racism (Sept 2021)

Just The News

U.S. Capitol Police had live video feed at Pelosi home but didn’t notice break-in: Sources

Washington Examiner

Networks: 87% of GOP coverage is ‘negative,’ 100% for Kari Lake

Washington Post

Jewish leaders call on GOP candidates to reject antisemitic comments

Washington Post

U.S. exploring whether it has authority to review Musk’s Twitter deal

Blaze Media

Liz Cheney absolutely gushes over Nancy Pelosi as ‘tremendous leader’ with ‘historic consequence’


Jake Tapper Will Return to 4 PM Show After Midterms, CNN to Announce Prime Time Plans ‘In The Coming Days’

Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

All Eastern times at 732 to Dixon, Republican for governor of Michigan will be here. 805 Blake Masters, Republican for the Senate in Arizona, will be here. 820. Adam Laxalt, Republican for the Senate from Nevada. All must wins, as far as I’m concerned. Now. Joe Biden’s going to give a speech at 7:00 p.m. Eastern. We will start with that speech as well. We will take a live. To a point. We’ll be listening closely to see if it’s worth our time. Well, let it start. But that said. He’s going to talk, they say, about democracy and violence. Something the Democrat Party knows about violence and undermining democracy. Now, I want to remind you about violence, if you listen to this program, things that we have said, I have said here for years, but we went back just the 20, 20. The violence and the Democrats and the media. April 17, 2020, cut, 19 go. So the president tweets out, liberate Minnesota, you know, liberate New York, liberate these these dark blue states and you not the left in the media are saying he’s encouraging violence. These same Democrats who supported Black Lives Matter and Antifa at least kept their mouth shut. They say the president is encouraging violence by using the word liberate. How about resistance, does that word encourage violence? How about calling Trump, Hitler or Stalin? Does that encourage violence? The Democrats are always encouraging violence. They’re violent. Their base is violent. The Republican base isn’t violent. In part because the Republican base is much older than the Democrat base, but it’s not violent. We don’t need lectures from the party of violence. So the president says liberate the word liberate. Oh, he must mean this is how sick the media are and they are sick. April 12, 20, 21, almost a year later. The shooting of that day, right, reporters and media. Participate in creating violence in America, cut 20 go, it’s these reporters, and in many ways it’s the media. That are participating and creating enormous violence in this country. And I’m not kidding. And I’m not kidding. They are participating in creating enormous violence in this country. These are not reporters, these are antagonists. That’s exactly what they are. They’ve already drawn a conclusion. So what do you want to do, you want to charge this cop with murder? Is that what you want to do? What do you want to do and why charge them? Just find him guilty and throw him in prison? Preposterous, January five, twenty twenty cut, twenty one go, they cannot make the case. Now, President Trump authorized a violent attack. Against the Capitol building. Whereas Ted Cruz now puts it a attack by domestic terrorists, I suppose. They cannot make their case. So they’re trying to make the case that it’s a dereliction of duty. By the president, they’ve covered up Nancy Pelosi’s role, they will not release documents, texts, emails, they will not subpoena her records. They will not compel her testimony under penalty. Of criminal indictment. In the media, of course, are absolutely silent on this point. To what extent are the media and the Democrat Party? And these radical groups responsible. Responsible for the violence that has taken place in this country. And we’re not going to play them all. Here’s the last one I’m going to play January 20, 20, 20 to go. Democrats and the leftist media continue to champion the House. A sham investigation into January six with news breaking just yesterday that the illegally constituted committee had subpoenaed Rudy Giuliani, Jenny Ellis and others at least January six. Truthers generally believed that election related rhetoric caused the Capitol riots and represent a real threat to our republic. They would turn their attention to the current White House and to their grandpa. And one week ago, Biden eclipsed everything Trump and his supporters said about the validity of the 2020 election by framing his false claims of voter suppression and subversion. As Jim Crow 2.0, our commander in chief has guaranteed a divided America, the only remaining question is whether he is also guaranteed a violent America. Now, we’ve touched on this, too, and not just Biden, Schumer, the Democrat Party and the media. Have planted the seeds of violence after the 20, 22 and 24 elections, particularly the latter. And they’ve told the nation that Donald Trump is not not to be a nominee. These are the real Bolsheviks. That’s right, I said it. Mm hmm. And what about Antifa and Black Lives Matter? And the media and their friends, small montage from Greybeard Cut twenty three go. I argue to you tonight all punches are not equal morally in the eyes of the law, yes, but in the eyes of good and evil. Here’s the argument. They are strictly principled antifascists and what they see in the Trump administration and what they see happening in this country. They see they see the neo fascism that we see and they’ve taken a principled stand to stand against white supremacists and white nationalists wherever they may show up. It says it right in the name antifa, anti fascism, which is what they were. They’re fighting. Listen, there’s no organization is perfect. There was some violence. I think that a lot of people recognize that when pushed, self-defense is a legitimate response to white supremacist neo-Nazi violence. The problem is to equate the violence in reaction against bigotry with the bigotry itself is to misunderstand the fact that when you go to cancer treatment, the radiation is tough treatment, but it is meant to remove the cancer. They wouldn’t have been anywhere near there had it not been for the fact that white supremacists, neo-Nazis were out scaring the living daylights out of most of the people in that town. That thuggishness is thuggishness wherever it comes from politically, and we should be the first to call it out. I disagree. Mm hmm. The media and the Democrats have supported Antifa. They have supported Black Lives Matter. In the 60s, they supported the Weather Underground Black Panthers Students for Democratic Action, who they phoolan. Who are they kidding and what exactly have the Democrats done for a quote unquote, democracy? What have they done? Election deniers, are you kidding me? Peter Doocy asked Corinne Jinpa at the White House briefing today, is Biden going to call out Democrat election deniers tonight to cut to go in the context of calling out election deniers? Then, is he going to call out Republicans that deny election results and Democrats? But it doesn’t it doesn’t matter if there’s a D or an R after your name, he will call out any rhetoric that is that that leads to potentially political violence or that calls it to political violence for political violence. That is a problem. The president has always, always condemned political violence. It doesn’t matter, again, if your everybody has always condemned political violence. But Joe Biden’s. Comments. Comments are violent rhetoric. That’s what they are, their violent rhetoric speech he gave in front of Independence Hall with a red background, shocking, calling tens of millions of people semih fascists, sickening. Trying to turn one American against another, whether it’s the oil companies. Whether it’s race, he’s disgusting. And in terms of denying elections. I’ve played this before, and I’m not going to play the whole thing again, but let’s just get a little taste of this before. The king of hate speech, Joe Biden, speaks tonight. Democrats denying election results cut 24 hour ago, you can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee and you can have the election stolen from you. Now, can you win with Russian interference? That’s right. But rightly, because I think it’s an illegitimate president that didn’t really win. So how do you fight against that? You are absolutely right. He is an illegitimate president, in my mind. Would you be my vice presidential candidate? Folks, look, I absolutely agree it’s wrong to actually win the election in 2016. He lost the election and he was Putin of Russia. Trump knows he’s an illegitimate president. The president elect, although legally elected, is not legitimate president elect as a legitimate president. You said you believe that Russia’s interference altered the outcome of the election. I do. We have a president who, if, in fact, it is proven, has been assisted by the Russians and may in fact not be a legitimate president. The one thing that Trump is fearful of when it comes to his being president is that finally we will see how illegitimate his victory actually was. I have an objection. I object to the 15 votes from the state of North Carolina. I objected because people are horrified. He’s an illegitimate president. Do you believe Trump is illegitimate president? What I believe is that there’s no question that the outcome of this election was affected by the Russian interference. But there absolutely is a cloud of illegitimacy. So that legitimacy is in question. Yes, that was a very tainted election. And in that sense, it’s illegitimate. Why do you think the president is going to such great lengths to essentially prove that he beat you? Because he knows he didn’t. He knows he’s an illegitimate president. Stolen emails, stolen drone, stolen from stolen election. Welcome to the world of unprecedented Trump. So do you believe President Trump is an illegitimate president? Those are what I just said was I can’t recite the Russian attempts to have the elections, but frankly, the FBI away in on the election. I think maybe they could make this election illegitimate. There was a widespread understanding that this election was not on the level. We still don’t know what really happened. I mean, there’s just a lot that I think will be revealed. History will discover, but you don’t win by three million votes and have all this other shenanigans, stuff going on and not come away with an idea like, whoa, something’s not right here. The outcome of the election was affected by their interference. And now we need to know to what degree, if any, the Trump campaign was actually in collusion with the Russians. He knows he’s an illegitimate president. So, of course, he’s obsessed with me. And I believe that it’s a guilty conscience. Yes, we won the presidential election. They stole my. And Al Gore won that election. I think he won anyway. Actually, I think he carried Florida, Bush versus Gore. A court took away a presidency. Of all the votes were counted that Al Gore would be president today and George Bush will be backing off. I come from Florida where you and others participate in what I call the United States court, a time there’s no doubt in my mind that Al Gore was elected president. I rise to object to the fraudulent 25 Florida electoral votes on the subject because of the overwhelming evidence of official misconduct. Deliberate. The chair and the chair must remind me to sign by myself on behalf of my diverse constituents and the millions of Americans who have been disenfranchised. By Florida’s inaccurate vote count, the veto in the United States decided this election, speaking to a Democratic group in Chicago to say he made it clear he thinks Al Gore was the winner. The time it was over, our candidate had won the popular vote and all the way that could win the election was to stop the voting in Florida. Katherine Harris, Jeb Bush, Jim Baker and the Supreme Court had tampered with the results. Al Gore would be president. The Supreme Court in 2000, Al Gore won the state of Florida in 2000, although not the presidency, but the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court stopped the counting. The vote of the left, the council on Al Gore got the necessary vote. The Supreme Court selected George W. Bush. All right, ladies and gents, this goes on for another six minutes. So when you hear Biden tonight talk about election deniers and how dangerous they are. When you hear him talk about violent rhetoric. I want you to remember whose mouth that’s coming from. And I want you to remember that the man who will be speaking to you at 7:00 p.m. Eastern tonight. Worked arm in arm, hand in hand with the worst Southern segregationists. To prevent school integration. Half a century ago, I want you to remember that. I’ll be right back

Hour 1 Segment 2

We’ve now reached a point, ladies and gentlemen, where are the people who began this election denying? Challenging the Electoral College starting under Bush’s election in 2000 and 2004 in 2016 with Trump. The election deniers led by Hillary Clinton, including Biden himself, Al Gore, Carter, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, now they’re accusing Republicans of being election deniers. Because of legitimate questions raised about what their lawyers had done in 2020 and the party of violence, the Democrat Party, the party, the clan. The party that refused to outlaw lynching. The party of segregation, the party of all these horrific thing now is accusing Republicans of promoting violence when their cities are loaded with violence. As a result, the Democrat Party policy.

Hour 1 Segment 3

You know, the Reagan line is really the simplest way to understand this election. Are you better off than you were two years ago? The Democrats had their shot for 20 months. They burned down our oil industry, they burned down our food industry, they’ve burned down our border wall. They’re burning down our constitutional and legal systems. Inflation through the roof. Gas prices through the roof, just imagine another two years. Can you handle that? Can you handle another two years? There’s another thing going on in this country, they’re talking about these white suburban women who are kind of shifting remarkably and heavily toward the Republicans. I want to talk about this for a moment. There was a piece in Real Clear Politics by Lynn Yucel. About a month or so ago, six weeks ago, and she’s the visiting assistant professor of politics at Washington Lee University and she specializes in the constitutional convention. She wrote recently, Michael Tessler commented on the rise of white identity politics. Tesla’s analysis draws on years of research into radicalized politics, and he shows convincingly there’s a rise in white identity politics and that this rise is tied to perceptions of antiwhite discrimination, quote unquote. But when trying to explain why perceptions of antiwhite bias might also be on the rise, his analysis falls flat. Supposedly, it has something to do with Republicans and Donald Trump. And I’m telling you this because this is the narrative of the Democrat Party in the media. Oh, look at the white rice. I want to get back to this, but there was an ad that’s been played. By a group. It’s a very mainstream group. What is it? Now, it’s apparently it’s America’s first legal, it says here, but Chris Hayes said this is indistinguishable from David Duke, but you’d expect that from Chris Hayes because he’s worked for the nation in the past, which is a in my view, a commie rag. And he’s a radical kook. But here’s here’s how it goes. Go ahead, did racism against white people become OK? Joe Biden put white people last in line for covid relief funds. Kamala Harris, a disaster aid should go to non-white citizens first. Liberal politicians block access to medicine based on skin color. Progressive corporations, airlines, universities all openly discriminate against white Americans. Racism is always wrong. The left’s antiwhite bigotry must stop. We are all entitled to equal treatment under law. America first legal paid for this ad. And of course, that’s true. American Marxism. We have a whole section on this that points out how this has been done in the media and by the Democrat Party. Facts don’t lie. Democrats do. Now, Professor, use how goes on, never once does this author speculate whether perception’s. Of such discrimination might be on the rise because antiwhite racism is becoming increasingly common. In other words, perhaps white Americans are actually perceiving a real phenomenon that is now pervasive in schools and the workplace. And I might add, and the Democrat Party in the media, as any steward of George Orwell knows, no authority and no authoritarian government can ever gain complete control unless a commandeers people’s thinking through the manipulation of language. So the dystopian powers in 1984 deliberately turn the meaning of words upside down in a process known as double think. The same process is happening today with the words used to discuss racism, intra woylie and fashion. Ibrahim Kendi remember him, the radical. He insists that the only way to fight racism is to embrace racial discrimination in perpetuity. The so-called anti-racism, as he calls it, is his likely to stamp out genuine racism, as Orwell’s Ministry of Truth was apt to stamp out falsehoods. In order to understand what’s going on. We must call to mind the traditional definition of racism. This stereotyping, denigrating, marginalizing or excluding a persons on the basis of race look up any definition of racism prior to the racial awakening taking place in the last decade. And it’ll be one race neutral to involve some act of free will relating to word, deed or belief. OK, so they’ve changed the the definition fundamentally now, and that’s how this works, and we’ve talked about this before. Changing the language, the definition of racism just undergone a radical change in short time, according to the new eighth grade curriculum for the Albemarle County, Virginia school district, racism now means, quote, the marginalization and oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people. Perhaps the most jarring aspect of this new definition is that it’s that it is no longer race neutral. It is now impossible by definition for white people to be victims of racism. That definition itself constructs a racial hierarchy whereby only people of color may be victimized and the only and only white people may marginalize or oppress. But there’s something even more insidious about the new definition, since the marginalization and oppression of people of color is no longer committed by word, thought or deed. But it’s based instead on an inescapable socially constructed racial hierarchy that always privileges white people, quote unquote. It means that white people are engaging in racism simply by being white. That is simply by existing. And hence are privileged within this impersonal system of marginalization and oppression, a person of color is a victim of racism. By definition, a person identified as white as a racist by definition. Therefore, not only does the new definition fail to capture the full meaning of racism, the definition is itself an example of the anti white racism being taught to white children. This is critical race theory. Anti white racism is also seeping into history lessons, most notably through the curriculum adapted from the New York Times 16 19 project. When the 16 19 project was first published, it attracted immediate criticism. Five eminent historians criticized it for its bias and factual errors. Others criticized it for emphasizing only what was blameworthy about America’s history and limiting what was praiseworthy. While these concerns are certainly valid, there’s another serious problem that has received scant attention. The account is a surprisingly racist version of U.S. history. The lead article for the 16 19 project is by Nicole Hannah Jones, who’s been writing antiwhite screeds at least since she was a college sophomore. In a letter in her college paper, she alleged, quote, The white race is the biggest murder rapist, pillager and thief of the modern world, unquote. Not only were the white people in America’s past barbaric devils, barbaric devils, but the descendants of the savage people continue to harm the black community to this day, she said. Nonwhites, by contrast, were uniformly portrayed as both virtuous and victimized. Of course, nobody should be held accountable for the hyperboles, indignities one might espouse as an undergraduate, few of us could bear the brunt of such an examination. The sophomoric scribblings of young Nicole Hannah would be irrelevant, except that the pattern in her writing hasn’t changed. What we find in her Pulitzer Prize winning contribution to the 16 19 project is more moderate in tone, more sophisticated in composition. But otherwise it is the same racialized dualism she espoused in college. And Jones has article an important part of the lesson plan adapted for schools, the word white is used to describe people, our community. Seventy seven times and at 35 cases, white people are described as holding some kind of power privilege, almost always unearned or illegitimate. In thirty two cases, the word is associated with oppression, injustice and cruelty, white enslavers, widespread white violence, systemic white suppression of black life, etc.. And the telling of history, white Americans during the darkest days of Jim Crow, how the same racist ideology is Jefferson and his fellow white colonists with 32 instances of specially white Barberi. It is impossible to ignore the gratuitous overuse of this racial category category when describing everything that is diabolical in this country’s history. Nowhere do we read about a white American acting for the good, except in a single instance in which certain white Republicans joined forces with the black community after the Civil War. We find the popular opposite when examining the 136 references to black people in this article. The word is used 72 times to describe victimization by violence or injustice, always at the hands of whites, 49 times and laudable terms, there’s not a single instance in which black is used to describe a person or deemed deserving of criticism. While only a textual analysis can provide the big picture, individual passages drive home the racist message more explicitly, quote, For the most part, according to this history, black Americans fought to secure rights alone. Yet we never fought only for ourselves. The article teaches schoolchildren that black Americans, more than any other group, embrace the democratic ideals of the common good. Children also learn, quote, Our founding fathers may not have actually believed in the ideals they espoused, but black people did. Hannah Jones, his composition is American history and black and white, it teaches that blackness is everything that enables his country and whiteness is everything that debases it. There was a time in the Jim Crow South to their everlasting shame when schools taught children lessons and white supremacy. Masters of American History. The 16 19 project has introduced a new form of black supremacy to American history, and it’s been adopted by 4500 schools. The Economist has reported on the dizzying number of equity related hiring commitments promised by American businesses, Facebook alone has promised to 30 percent more black people in leadership positions. Since other businesses across America have made similar commitments, we can expect the competition to hire and promote black professionals will drive their value to stratospheric heights while the perceived value of white professionals will plummet. Recent training program. Bank of America made the consequences of such commitments unmistakably clear. It instructed, quote, white employees in particular to cede power to people of color, quote unquote. There’s no word that any member of Bank of America’s board of directors had offered to step down to make room for replacement of cover. Demands for self-denial are always made by persons who already hold seats of power and privilege and have no intention of giving them up, etc.. The less privileged employees are expected to submit to segregation based on their race or sex. That’s true, isn’t it? Racism of any kind is never a single defining act, it is death by a thousand cuts, and these cuts to white employees have become ubiquitous. I know of a book project that had been under contract for two years before being scuttled. The press rejected the volume of collected essays, in part because the 14 contributing authors were not sufficiently diverse. The acquisition editor at the press defended the judgment of one of its anonymous reviewers. Book’s coming out right now. Simply do not have to address systemic whiteness and maleness that pervades the academy and particularly political science. And it goes on. Skeptics inclined to dismiss the seriousness of antiwhite racism will likely counter excuse me that the examples I’ve described are milquetoast. They’re not nearly as horrific as the antiblack racism of the Jim Crow South. Of course they’re not. Of course they’re not. Antiwhite racism is not that bad now, nor is it reasonable to expect it will get that bad in the foreseeable future. Nevertheless, racism of any kind is an evil in itself. Antiwhite racism today a greater problem, at least in the white collar world, than antiblack racism and its continued prevalence prevalence excuse me, its continued prevalence. This is very, very tiny font. I’m doing my best and severity is likely to spawn a backlash that will further inflame racial enmity. For anyone who may be skeptical that anti white racism is no worse than antiblack, consider this. Overt acts of anti black discrimination today are socially, politically and professionally unimaginable. Not so with whites. In addition to the ubiquity of the evil itself, this racism is bound to provoke backlash and she goes on. But you can’t talk about this, even though it’s obvious. When you watch Joy Reid, when you watch Tiffany Cross or MSNBC, generally, when you watch CNN, when you watch some of the so-called experts and professors they bring on. It is just undeniable. And when you read American Marxism in the section I have, they’re from a Heritage Foundation, I think it’s a fellow named Goldberg when he New York Times, Washington Post and the other media outlets, the statistics are unequivocal. It’s not a perception, it’s a reality. And so when we talk about a colorblind society, we the people I don’t care if you’re white, black or in between, you’re attacked. Why? Because what you’re dealing with now is an ideology, a Democrat Party and their surrogates who used to embrace anti black racism and now embrace anti white racism and I might add, anti Asian racism and anti Hispanic racism. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

The nation is a radical left rag, Chris Hayes has been an editor there, a nation endorsed Bernie Sanders in his two last elections. And also almost a year ago, the nation named Jakobsson founder Bushcare Sungkar as its new president. Jacobin is a literary outlet for socialists and worse. And so, again, when you read American Marxism, you understand where all this is coming from, the racism. The the kind of tribalism that the effort to destroy society, and it’s the kind of people that Comcast through MSNBC and NBC hire. Hiya. Now, most you don’t know who Chris Hayes is. He’s a bizarre looking guy with these bizarre glasses who says bizarre things. So he says that the the ad that was played that I played for you, it could have been played by David Duke. Why does David Duke believe in a colorblind society? I thought he was a neo-Nazi or a Klansman. That means he would be a long time old time Democrat, Chris. Reminder at the top of the hour, we will go to Joe Biden live. We’ll see how much of a we can tolerate. I’m not into masochism and listening to him is just that. We shall see. We have a whole lot more to talk about. We have three very important candidates coming up. I see the interest rates went up another three quarters of a point. The housing market is plummeting and the Fed chairman said today that they are still scared to hell in so many words of inflation and they have to fight it. You just remember that when Democrats asked you for your vote, Mazwai, Haslam, hand them your wallet.