November 1st, 2022

November 1st, 2022

ATLANTA, GA - NOVEMBER 06: Voters line-up to cast their ballots at a polling station set up at Noonday Baptist Church for the mid-term elections on November 6, 2018 in Marietta, Georgia. Georgia has a tight race to elect the state's next Governor. (Photo by Jessica McGowan/Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, this election is about the culture, the country, and the future. Crime is out of control, sanctuary cities are a haven for illegal immigrants, and Democrats are responsible for promoting it all. Yet they blame you for the anarchy and lawlessness that they allow and encourage. Since when is it a good idea to shut down energy production and increase inflation and government spending? Then, why aren’t President George W. Bush, former Speakers John Boehner, and Paul Ryan, or Governor Chris Christie speaking up and campaigning for Republican candidates in this last week before the midterm elections? Later, Kelly Tshibaka, the US Senate candidate in Alaska, calls in with an update on her final push to unseat Sen. Lisa Murkowski. Tshibaka says she needs our help to win in Alaska. Afterward, JD Vance, the US Senate candidate for Ohio joins the show with an update on this final week of campaigning before Election Day. Vance says that there are only 1000 billionaires in the U.S we don’t need 87,000 more IRS agents. Vance rejected the hormonal experimentation that is done on our children in the name of gender equality. Finally, Leora levy, the US Senate candidate for Connecticut calls in to explain how close the race is between her and Sen. Blumenthal and how much of a failure his record is. Levy added that Connecticut pays more for energy than almost all other states in the country.

PJ Media

Biden’s Diesel Fuel Crisis Worsens: Major Fuel Company Issues New Warning

Babylon Bee

Op-Ed: Citizens Being Able To Vote The Ruling Party Out Of Power Is The End Of Democracy

Blaze Media

‘Protect pregnant men from climate discrimination’: Conservative group runs ads with preposterous messages that highlight the absurdity of left-wing ideology

Washington Examiner

Democrats lead in early and mail-in voting as more than 22 million ballots already cast

Post Millennial

US on high alert after Saudi officials warn of imminent Iran attack

Post Millennial

America’s largest teachers union donated $1 million to reelect Gretchen Whitmer


‘Massive’ Win: PA Supreme Court Rules Undated Mail Ballots Can’t Be Counted

Photo by Jessica McGowan/Getty Images

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Later in the show, we have our three candidate guests, Jadi Vantz, Liara Lévy and Kelly Scherbatsky. Some of you have heard them before, some of you have not. We’re going to be doing three each day right up and through Friday. And Monday. And we’ll have four guests on Life, Liberty and Love in this Sunday as well. More on that later. What’s this election about? It’s about everything. Our culture. Our politics, our government. The private sector, our kids, our safety, our security. In other words, it’s pro-American versus anti-American, and it certainly is among the things that we want back, predictability, normalcy and stability. And you’re not going to get that with the Democrats. What are the Democrats running on now? Who knows? Who knows? They’re flailing around, they’re spewing their hate. They look for the occasions to exploit. Republicans and you, the American people, look at what the media have done over the weekend. With the attack on Paul Pelosi. The media that networks. CNN, MSNBC. The bottom feeders at media site in Media Matters. And The View. And when you look at the city of San Francisco, it’s a disaster. Homelessness, drug use on the streets. Crime through the roof. Previously, you had a saurus prosecutor who wouldn’t prosecute, but the the criminals are still being let out left and right. It’s a sanctuary city, part of a sanctuary state. So illegal aliens are not deported. Drug addicts don’t get the help they need. Homeless. They don’t either. It’s the failure of the Democrat Party, let’s be blunt, it’s 100 percent Democrat sitting controlled by a 100 percent Democrat state. That’s why Gavin Newsom. That’s why his party. That’s why the Democrat media. Are doing everything they can with their propaganda. With her demagoguery, with their hysteria. The blame you. To blame you, it’s very simple. If this would be Kioa had been deported, none of this would have happened if this would be killer, we’re still in prison. None of this would have happened if this would be killer had been removed from the streets as a homeless drug addict. None of this would have happened. But you have utter anarchy and lawlessness in the streets of our major Democrat run cities in our major Democrat states. They applaud lawlessness, the riots of 20 20. Tell me which Democrat governor took effective steps to call in the National Guard and put down the rioters? None. Not one. Which mayor took effective steps when their police were under attack? Rather than slash their budgets, which Democrat mayor none, not one. They want to blame guns, so not to do with guns. It had to do with hammers. Or a hammer. And so you have people like Ken Meyer over at Mediaite. I got Lucky Luciano over at Media. Like they’re phonies and frauds and fools at The Washington Post and The New York Times, at Politico and Fox, all Democrats. All in kind, contributors to the Democrat Party. All America haters, if you ask me. They say tamp down the rhetoric, would you just blame the Republicans? Or destroying our democracy who are racists and antisemite. Who believe in replacement theory, who are white supremacists, even neo-Nazis just blame the Republicans and take it. Republicans don’t push back, don’t fight back, because we control the culture. We control Hollywood. We control the news. Just take it. And of course, they have their Benedict Arnold. We do in our party the Liz Cheney’s, the Adam King zingers and the other reprobates who are out there. Give the made in comfort, but they’re irrelevant. Since when is it controversial to believe in the country? To embrace our history, our principles. To show respect to men and women in uniform, whether they’re from the military or police. Let’s show respect for our flag that’s carried into war. To one, a sovereign nation with a secure border rather than anarchy on the border where drugs fend off. Foreigners who we don’t know, including criminals, are pouring into the country. Drug cartels are operating freely on our borders, women and children are being molested, since when is it so right wing and extremists and white supremacist? To reject that kind of a. That kind of unconscionable. Policy. That’s taking place in this country, since when is it right wing? To oppose spending trillions of dollars we don’t have, destroying the currency, driving up inflation, driving up the cost of fuel. Shutting down the oil industry. Creating fake targets with big lies, big food, big oil, big tampon. Take baby formula. But never big government. Since when? On this program several weeks ago, we told you about the diesel fuel crisis. Took time, but it finally picked up. Out there in the echo chamber. Ryan leadin Dekker, who is really an excellent writer. Over at PJ Media, he says it’s getting a lot worse. So why would I tell you this in the middle of an election with one week to go because it’s illustrative of everything. Since when have there been shortages of diesel fuel? Diesel fuel is the fuel that makes our economy work, not your gasoline, it’s diesel fuel. Early this months, he said this month, he said, we warned of the impending diesel fuel supply shortage that threatens to take the United States to the brink of collapse of the Biden administration. Does it begin to take the situation a bit more seriously? Joe Biden, who can barely string together a coherent sentence, hasn’t done jack squat to address the looming crisis other than have members of his administration keep a, quote unquote, close watch on it, offering virtually nothing in the way of support or comfort to the millions of Americans who will be affected in unspeakable ways this winter because of this administration’s utter lack of concern. But Biden is White House lackeys might want to consider grabbing the wheel after a bombshell alert, a bombshell alert released by a major U.S. fuel supplier. It warned of, quote, a developing, unquote, diesel fuel shortage that would primarily affect the southeast portion of the United States. Now, we talked about the northeast and north as well as New York. New England, and now we have the southeast portion of the United States, quote, because conditions are rapidly devolving and market economics are changing significantly each day, Mansfield is moving to alert level four to address market volatility. Lansvale Energy said in a statement, This is today or yesterday. It said in many areas, actual fuel prices are currently 30 to 80 cents higher than the posted market average because supply is tight, usually the low rack posters can sell many loads of fuel before running out of supply. Now they only have one or two loads. That means fuel suppliers have to pull from higher cost options at a time when low, high spreads are much wider than normal. At times, carriers are having to visit multiple terminal terminals to find diesel fuel. Which delays, delivers deliveries and strained local trucking capacity. The statement added, Mansfield is also moving the southeast to code red. Requesting 72 hour notice for deliveries when possible to ensure fuel and freight can be secured at economical levels. This is a major supplier. Maryland, Virginia, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina and South Carolina were listed as some of the states that would be immediately hit by the shortage. That’s an especially delicate situation, given that many of those states serve as major hubs of trucking, farming and industry, which all come to a grinding halt without diesel, which means that life as we know it stops. Some of those states also experience harsh winters and the demand for diesel, home heating oil and other fuels will be much higher than normal without ample supplies of diesel fuel. Things will rapidly becoming ugly for a tens of millions of Americans. The fuel company seemingly avoided politics in its statement, but cited, quote, historically low diesel inventories, unquote, as part of the problem, quote, poor pipeline shipping economics and historically low diesel inventories are combining to cause shortages in various markets throughout the southeast, the company said. These have been occurring sporadically with areas like Tennessee Sink, particularly acute changes. But most Americans know that this situation, like the other crises created on Biden’s watch as a result of the administration’s dangerous and reckless decision making, in this case, the Biden administration’s unwillingness to tap America’s vast and great energy supplies and the banning of pipelines, fossil fuels and refineries. At the end of October, folks, here’s where America stands on Biden’s watch heading into winter one nationwide and regional diesel fuel shortages threaten every single industry to home heating oil. Shortages and rationing are going to begin in the Northeast. Three gas prices are continuing to climb for inflation remains at record highs, with no sign of stopping. Five home sales hit record lows, priming a new housing crisis. Six record high crime could exponentially worsen as Americans fight over available supplies of fuel and food. Seven possible railroad strike, which would also cripple the U.S. economy overnight. But everything is fine. Come on, Jack. No joke, he says. Folks, this is DEFCON one level bad, there are no conspiracies, these are facts, plausible situations that on an individual level are bad enough, but combined will be nothing less than catastrophic for everyone. You have a chance to begin to fix this disaster on November 8th and choosing candidates who are capable of cleaning up the mess created by the Democrats. PJ Media, why LED and Decker, he’s 100 percent right and he knows about matters of energy. And we have. Read from him before when it comes to these electric vehicles and batteries and all the rest. This diesel fuel crisis, nothing is being done about it, zero since the last time I spoke about it. And it affects everything you use, everything you eat, and every industry on the face of the country. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

Democrats are saying democracy is under threat. They should know since they’re the ones threatening it. But I found this op ed. By a gentleman named Garth Stretford, Mr. Producer. Democratic strategists want to hear what he had to say. He says, I cannot believe democracy is about to die in America again. After years of living under a dictatorship, America rose from the ashes. Democrats took control of the presidency, the House, the Senate, the university system, big tech, the entertainment industry and major corporations and thereby defeated fascism by seizing every major lever of power in the nation. And with one party rule established and all of our cities silence, democracy was once again free to flourish. Now, our dear democracy is under attack by America, holding a so-called election and allowing idiots to vote, let us be clear about what the stakes are. If a single person I disagree with is elected in a free and fair election, democracy will be dead if citizens have the power to simply vote the ruling party out of power. When I really like the current ruling party. All is lost. We must, at all costs ensure that one party has absolute total control. That’s the only way to defeat fascism. Or have you not heard from Hillary Clinton, rightful winner of the stolen 2016 election, that if you elect Republicans, they will then refuse to concede that they have lost? These are frightening times. We have evil billionaires threatening to let Republicans speak out loud. Latin people using the word Latina and imbecilic citizens wanting to afford food and gas listen closely. Dying from starvation is is but a small price to pay to ensure that a Republican is never elected. If we do not stand up right now to ensure that the ruling party can never again be removed from power, while there won’t be an America left for the kids that I don’t have. It’s hilarious that Babylon be. And the fake name is Garth Stretford, Democratic strategist and snugged collector, kind of says it all, though, doesn’t it? Their idea democracy is if we don’t win and control everything, the courts, the bureaucracy, the executive branch, both houses of Congress, then democracy is threatened. Yeah, it’s threatened by these bastards. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

I have finally figured out Liz Cheney, America, and I want to thank her. I believe the last two years he’s gone undercover Democrat. This explains her apparent senility. I believe she’s been on this January six committee. During an acting job like a lunatic. Trashing her own party. Trashing conservatives. Embracing radicals like Nancy Pelosi, like Benny Hill, Thompson, reds, commies like Jamie Raskin. She’s been like an undercover agent. An undercover agent for the Republicans to make everybody think that she is a a crackpot Democrat. All for this election and now I think they’ve sent her out to endorse certain Democrats and certain races. I’m sure that they’ll lose. Because she’s held in such deep. In broad contempt, she’s despised by the Democrat Party, in truth, where she has no base but. They think. That she’s a good fall and of course, she has no place in the Republican Party beyond about 12 reprobates. And so she goes out there now and she endorses. The Democrat against Republicans. She did it in that congressional race in Michigan. She did it in the governor’s race in Arizona. Now, she did it in Ohio where she said she would vote for. The so-called moderate Tim running against JD Vance. Because if anything, that could ensure that JD Vance wins, don’t get me wrong, fight like you’re behind, I always say this. But I have now finally figured out. That Liz Cheney. Is pretending to be a fraud and a fake Mr. Produced, does this make sense to you? Doesn’t it? Yes. I think she. She’s done all this for two years, she even is so courageous. So magnanimous, she gave up her House seat. Going through the motions of running in the Republican primary, she knew she would lose, she did it anyway. Just to persuade the Democrats. That she’s one of them. And I think before Election Day Tuesday, she’ll be traveling to other locations. Endorsing more Democrats. I wish I had thought. I wish I thought of this earlier. I would not have been so tough on her. She even got her father involved, remember that sort of crazy video he did for Wyoming? Hey, everybody here. Yes, I really believe it. Now, I have a question for you, America. There’s Barack Milhouse, Banita Obama campaigning. Sound like an absolute not. On the campaign trail for Democrats. Where’s George W. Bush? Why isn’t he campaigning for Republicans? As I crossed anybody’s mind, whether you support him or not is beside the point, where is he? Why isn’t he speaking out for Republicans? Some of his former staffers are on TV, the Fox. Some are even friends of mine. And they’re elsewhere, some of them have. Become Democrats. Like the antisemite, Steve Schmidt. Who’s campaigning alongside? Oh, Tim Ryan again. And others. Nicolle Wallace. So my question is, where is George W. Bush, why isn’t he helping Republicans? He’s not campaign hey, where’s Paul Ryan out there campaigning for Republicans? I haven’t seen him, have you? No, I haven’t seen Paul where is Paul at that Paul, the other Paul Paul Ryan, where is he? How about John Boehner, John Boehner is probably out there, you know, smoking a little less than that, if you get my drift. But where is John Boehner? He’s not helping his party either. They persona non grata. I suspect we’re persona non grata to these former Republican speakers and Republican president. Mazen. Where is Krispy Kreme, Christie, has he been out there campaigning, Mr. Producer? I haven’t seen him of you. Maybe I’m mistaken, where is Krispy Kreme, he wants to be president again, president of the Donuts Association of America, I think. But honestly, other than him appearing on ABC, whatever other Sunday shows called From Time to Time and making a rather humongous ass out of himself, I don’t I don’t see Krispy Kreme out there. Maybe he’s persona non grata. I don’t know. John Kasich, where’s he? Where are these these private Larry Hogan who Lawrence, where’s Lawrence? He claims to speak for the Republicans, but I don’t hear him speaking now, is he campaigning for anybody? There is. There unwonted on the campaign trail as Joe Biden. Come to think of it, but they’ll all be lining up in the Republican primary, drifting away, trying to draw attention to themselves to save the country, of course, save the country some hoping a. Does he does he does he will continue to endorse these Democrat candidates. I think the plan is working. I really do. Who else would she endorse? You know, if I were running as a Republican in a close race, I would ask Liz Cheney, please, please endorse my opponent. That’s why this has to be part of a strategy. America. Has to be part of a strategy. Now, of course, this is tongue in cheek, but all the enemies out there, the media frauds and phonies and buffoons, they’re scribbling really fast. Did you hear what Levin said? But I really do encourage Dessy. Lizzie, please continue to endorse. And in this vein, ladies and gentlemen. Blaze Media has a great article by Alex Mincberg. About what this wonderful group is doing, Citizens for Sanity, and they have these billboard ads all over the country. A conservative organization called Citizens for Sanity is running ads that highlight the absurdity of Wolke left ideology. The group’s posts on Twitter indicate that its billboard ads include statements such as and you can see the billboards that’s hilarious. Protect pregnant men from climate discrimination. Vote progressive, open the jails, open the borders, close the schools. Vote progressive this November. Violent criminals deserve our compassion and respect this fall. Stand strong for progressive values, vote to keep our borders, jails and bathrooms open, vote progressive. Too much freedom is a bad thing. Get your IRS audit today. Vote progressive. If you don’t like being audited, then you’re the problem. For progressive. Don’t let the radical right put our neighborhood street gangs behind bars, support Joe Biden and progressive candidates. The group, which is a tax exempt nonprofit, according to Politico, is also running ads and other forms of media, according to Politico. The group said it would push a television ad that focuses on the topic of transgender individuals competing in girls’ sports. The ad shows a biological boy defeating a girl in a race walk. Left wing politicians are destroying girls sports. The ad declares the group is also running an advertisement at the Atlanta Journal Constitution that reads, With great age comes great wisdom. And Joe Biden is old enough to know that men get pregnant to stand tall for progressive values this fall. The Wolke ideology of sheltered white liberals is a mortal threat to American liberty, security and prosperity. Ian and Pryor, who’s a strategic consultant of the organization. Citizens for Sanity is not an ideological organization, we stand for reason, common sense, objectivity, equality, the neutral of the law and open scientific inquiry, everything the radical left now stands implacably against. And we are using these messaging campaigns. Alert Americans to the urgent need to defeat and repudiate WOAK insanity before it destroys America. Here, here. Now, I want to say this. Yes, this election is about table table top issues, as they say. Food, gasoline, paychecks, inflation. It’s also about. Your children. In America’s classrooms. Were being abused by the education establishment, by adults. Or teaching them wicked, evil, vicious, horrifying things. Where pornography is being promoted. Where the anti family values of a handful of radicals. Is being promoted. We’re Americanism is being attacked. Well, your children are being taught to be racists, either oppressors or oppressed. And that test scores are dropping like a lead balloon. This election is about law and order. That’s supporting the police and imprisoning criminals and keeping their asses behind bars. This is election about a woman’s body. When a woman is raped, it’s the most violent thing that can happen to her. The Democrats don’t support the police, we do. And we support everybody’s body, including a woman’s body. Because a woman’s body needs protection beyond the obsessed radicalism of abortion, the final stage of pregnancy. This election is about whether we’re going to have a border or not. Name one country that has survived. Without a border, by its very definition, it ceases to be sovereign name one country that can survive. With foreigners deciding if they’re going to become Americans rather than Americans, deciding if foreigners are going to become Americans. None. In fact, it was one of the reasons for the downfall of Rome and Rome landed lasted a thousand years, we’re not even close to 500 yet. This election. It’s about whether or not you want to live in a society that is prosperous. We can go into a food store and get what you wish. Pay affordable prices where they go to a gas station. Where gas is available, pay affordable prices, let me tell you what’s coming if we don’t crush the Democrats. Brownouts and blackouts. Major shortages of heating oil. Diesel fuel that has to be rationed throughout the country, which will destroy the supply chain, destroy assembly lines, all of you folks who are Democrats, union Democrats who actually work for a living. You’re going to be paying a a severe price. A severe price because the Democrat Party doesn’t stand with you, they stand with the people who are destroying you on the phony environmentalists who are truly Marxists. They’ve got control of the country right now and they’re desperate to hang on, they can’t run on their record. So they’re running on records that don’t even exist, that the Republicans wanted to get rid of Social Security, Medicare. There’s not a single one who does, including Rick Scott. It’s B.S. It’s stupid. That big oil is stealing all your money, stupid big oil existed two years ago. They weren’t stealing anything. What happened all of a sudden, Biden? We love this country. We love private property rights, we love individual freedom and unalienable rights. We don’t like people telling us what we have to buy or what we can’t buy. We love our cars. There’s nothing wrong with our cars. We have these ideologues, these morons, trying to tell us how to live and this election is about the FBI and the Department of Justice. And how they are abusing conservatives and Republicans almost exclusively. And this election is about a corrupt president is bought and paid for by the communist Chinese. The very, very critical election. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

Liz Cheney on PBS NewsHour today. You know that she’s appearing at all these left wing news platforms, she’s very comfortable there. What she used to actually be a conservative, she would contact us repeatedly, wouldn’t she? Must have it isn’t. We can’t get her on anymore. She only wants softball interviews. She will not come on this program. It’s like Mitt Romney. We gave up on Mitt Romney. Liz Cheney on the PBS News Hour, cut six go. So who do you prefer in this race? I would not vote for J.B. Vance. So if you were a Buckeye Buckeye State voter, you’d be voting for Fatin, right? I would. OK. Wow. Well, now I’m convinced, ladies and gentlemen. Here’s the thing. Look at the egomaniac here. Look at her. Just because she goes on these friendly shows, mostly in Washington, in New York, she get all kinds of awards from lefty groups. From the Kennedy Library and all the rest of it. Although I think she was at the Reagan Library, I actually think that Fred Ryan, who runs The Washington Post. And his board of Rhinos and corporatists had Liz Cheney at the Reagan Library. I will not be going. But my next book comes out to the Reagan Library. It’s very, very sad. Because I I worked for the Reagan campaign in 76, this Fred Ryan was carrying suit bags, worked his way up the ladder with Deaver and so forth, he didn’t even know who Reagan was in 1970. So it’s really it’s appalling. People go to the Nixon Library. Who knows? All right, ladies and gentlemen, man, oh, man, Auschwitz, we’ve got a lot to do in a very short period of time, seven days until Election Day. Where’s your ballot? Have you voted yet? We’re going to talk about that when we return. I’ll be right back.