October 28th, 2022

October 28th, 2022

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - OCTOBER 28: Police take measurements around Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi's home after her husband Paul Pelosi was assaulted with hammer inside their Pacific Heights home early morning on October 28, 2022 in San Francisco, California, United States. (Photo by Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Speaker Pelosi’s husband was attacked with a hammer and his skull was fractured. This follows the attack on Sen. Marco Rubio’s campaign volunteer who now needs facial reconstructive surgery after he was beaten for being a Republican. It was Democrats that called to defund the police. It was Speaker Pelosi that called federal law enforcement “stormtroopers” during the BLM riots of 2020, and it was the police that saved Paul Pelosi’s life. It was Sunny Hostin from The View that downplayed the attack on Congressman Lee Zeldin. Then, the DOJ will chill voting at Republican polling locations by deploying agents to immediately investigate complaints of voter intimidation. This is all the result of Donald Trump making more inroads with the Democrat base, in every demographic, than any other Republican president before him. Later, for Democrats it’s not really about race, it’s about the use of race. MSNBC pundits are unabashed anti-White racists, but they won’t confront the White executives at their own media company. So why are they there? MSNBC offers no service to the United States. Afterward, US Senate candidate, Gen. Don Bolduc (Ret.), joins the show to explain why he is the best candidate in New Hampshire. Sen. Maggie Hassan has hurt New England’s access to energy with her support for the democrat’s radical climate policies. Finally, Sen. Ron Johnson calls in with an update on his re-election campaign against Lt. Gov Mandela Barnes. Johnson noted that Barnes is a radical leftist and is anti-law enforcement. Johnson has been targeted by the left for taking on the Biden Administration head-on.

Fox News
Paul Pelosi suffered skull fracture when hammer-wielding man broke into home

Fox News
DOJ’s election plan raises threat of ‘selective enforcement’ against red states, watchdog warns

Black Voters Are Shifting Right and the Left Is Losing It | Opinion

Washington Free Beacon
A DOJ Official Hyped the Jussie Smollett Hoax. Now She’s Holding a Seminar on Identifying Hate Crimes.

Photo by Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu Agency 

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Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Leading on every newscast, as best as I can tell. Is this attack on Paul Pelosi in his home in San Francisco? And I want to comment on this course. It’s a horrific thing. And last reports are that he was hurt badly, that his head was fractured skull and that they expect him to make a full recovery. Now, here is William Scott, the police chief at San Francisco. Cut one go at approximately two twenty seven. This morning, San Francisco police officers were dispatched to the residence of Speaker Nancy Pelosi regarding and apriority well-being check. When the officers arrived on scene, they encountered an adult male and Mr. Pelosi’s husband, Paul. Our officers observed Miss Pelosi and the suspect both holding a hammer. The suspect pulled the hammer away from Pelosi and violently assaulted him with it. Our officers immediately tackled the suspect, disarmed him, took him into custody, requested emergency backup and rendered medical aid. The suspect has been identified as 42 year old David Peppi. Mr. Pelosi and Mr. de Pappe were transported to a local hospital for treatment. This is an active investigation currently being led by the San Francisco Police Department Special Investigations Division. We are working closely with our partners from the FBI, the US attorney’s office, the US Capitol Police and our district attorney here in San Francisco, County D.A. Brooke Jenkins and her team. The motive for this attack is still being determined. Mr. Pappe will be booked at the San Francisco County Jail on the following charges, attempted homicide, assault with a deadly weapon, elder abuse, burglary and several several other additional felonies. And you should be and they ought to throw the book at him. And the information we’re getting here right now this evening is that this guy is a nut job and he’s known to the neighborhood to be a nut job and he’s from the neighborhood. And he apparently went into the Pelosi House broken window when in wasn’t exactly doing it on the sly. And that’s kind of a nut. And when the police got there, you heard he hit Mr. Pelosi with a hammer, apparently multiple times. Now, this is all over the news, it’s a front page story, the back of everybody’s mind was being honest. Was it politically motivated? Doesn’t appear to be. All that said, do you folks remember I think it was last night or maybe the night before, Mr. Producer, you would know when I played a clip of The View. It may have been Sunny Hostin. Downplaying the knife attack on Lee 11 on the stage, remember that? She was mockingly Izzeldin. Then there was gunfire at Liz Allen’s house right in the front. Bullet came close to hitting one of his daughters. Two people were killed. They were under his porch, remember that American? Remember, the Rubio canvasser was beaten to a pulp within an inch of his life, his broken jaw has to have facial reconstruction. His eyes were swollen shut, remember that that was a few days ago. A Republican and at least one of the thugs. Attacked him because he was a Republican. You know what’s going on in this country every day. Meredith. Of the kind we’ve never seen before. At the level we’ve never seen before. It’s almost a routine now that people go through and they want to count how many people have been shot in Chicago and Philadelphia and New York over the weekend. And how many have been murdered over the weekend? Then we move on. Now, the fact of the matter is. January six, what happened on January six? What’s happened here? This sort of thing is happening all the time. January 6th was nothing like what took place during the summer of twenty twenty, and the media were perfectly fine with it and the Democrats were perfectly fine with it. Look how quickly the police responded and saved Mr. Pelosi’s life. And just remember, it was Nancy Pelosi who called federal law enforcement trying to protect the Portland courthouse stormtroopers. Clyburn would follow and call him storm troopers to. And remember, before it became politically untenable, the Democrat Party went along with the. With the idea of slashing the budget for the chief of police actually abolishing them. Now you see what’s going on, on the southern border. Well, many of us don’t see fully what’s going on on the southern border unless FOX covers it. We don’t know what’s going on in the southern border. It’s worse than we know. A thousand people have died. The mayhem, the anarchy, the brutality. The abuse of women molestation, including of little boys and little girls. The drug cartels having their way with our with our country, the fentanyl death. Lawlessness begets lawlessness. You have Joe Biden in front of Independence Hall staining that great institution, using the occasion to just viciously attack tens of millions of Americans. Violence begets violence, it’s a terrible thing when you defund the cops of a billion dollars in New York. God knows how much in San Francisco and all the rest, you’re sending a signal to the nut jobs. The propaganda that we hear from the media and the Democrats and the so-called civil rights activists about the cops. You’re feeding. You’re feeding the minds of people who are sick or people who are evil and violent. The American people are afraid to go on the streets. At night, especially. They’re afraid to send their children to school, they’re afraid about what’s happening in our classrooms. We’ve been talking about this for a long time now. The fact that a politician or famous people are being targeted is a horrible thing. But they’re not immune. They’re not immune. From what’s been unleashed on this society, nobody is looting me. We’re not immune. All the talk. On the news today is about how do we protect the spouses, the members, the staff? Fine by me, protect the spouses, the members and the staff. I have no problem with that. My problem is they don’t talk that way when the murder numbers come in every night. In every weekend. And they certainly don’t act on it. When’s the last time the Democrat leadership condemned George Soros and his prosecutors once the first time? When’s the last time of the first time the Democrat Party media have focused on saw on what he’s done to our cities with these prosecutors? Never. When is the first time or the last time MSNBC has talked about the black on black crime that’s happening in our cities? And how horrific it is, the death toll, they don’t. They don’t. They keep talking about January 6th. Like there were some great mass murder on January six, when, of course, there wasn’t the only person to die on January six. Was a veteran of 14 years, a woman. It was not violent and didn’t threaten anybody. She was shot dead in cold blood blindly. Through a door. She hadn’t done a thing. He sent a message, when you’re the attorney general of the United States and you refuse to do what’s necessary to prosecute individuals who are threatening Supreme Court justices and keeping their children awake. Late at night as a way of trying to. To influence their decision making. What happened to Paul Pelosi is horrific. If it happens to anybody. And it does. Now, you heard the she the police chief there, Mr. Scott, say that. The perpetrator has been charged with, among other things, attempted homicide. Attempted homicide. And yet, if that had occurred. In cities. Where Soros has prosecutors reign like L.A.. Philadelphia. Manhattan. Or their ilk. Most likely they’d be in the front door and out the back. Doubtful they be charged with attempted homicide. Doubtful. I’m just being honest. Equal justice under the law. We don’t have equal justice under. And this is what happens. This is what happens. When a an environment or a psyche is promoted of this sort, that’s not to say this psychopath wouldn’t have attacked Paul Pelosi, but what I am saying is. The likelihood of these attacks, whether it’s Paul Pelosi or any Grabovski, are higher today than they ever happen. Why is that? Well, we know what is. I’ll be right back

Hour 1 Segment 2

DOJ is election plan raises threat of selective enforcement against red states, Watchdog warns. I saw this this morning. I said to every host I know on TV and radio, and I hope they make good use of it because you need to be aware of this. This is Brianna Whurley, FOX News. The Justice Department this week outlined the steps they will take on Election Day to ensure a fair election process. But a government watchdog is warning that the plan leaves out critical details that open the door to selective enforcement against red states. So this is sort of the thing that we’ve been concerned about, that they wouldn’t release the information that was sought about their plans, the Foundation for Government Accountability or figure. So the lack of detail in the DOJ announcement likely means selective transparency and selective enforcement, something we’ve come to expect from the Biden administration’s two tiered approach to justice. The DOJ released a summary of its so-called comprehensive election plan Wednesday and said it is aimed at ensuring that all qualified voters have the opportunity to cast their ballots and have their votes counted free of discrimination, intimidation or fraud in the election process. And consistent with long standing Justice Department practices and procedures, the civil rights, criminal and national security divisions will spearhead the effort. Same divisions targeting parents at school board meetings, the plan says. The Civil Rights Division, that is the most radical left wing division headed by a bigot. Over there at the Justice Department will conduct monitoring in the field and that civil rights division attorneys will be prepared to receive complaints that day. It also said prosecutors at the Public Integrity Section will be on duty while polls are open to take election integrity. Complaints that the DOJ is prepared to hear complaints about intimidation at the polls and practices that have a discriminatory purpose or discriminatory result. Let me ask you a question. How many Democrat control precincts do you think they’re going to be monitoring? FTA legal director Stuart Whitsun said he’s worried DOJ will focus these efforts only on Republican led states on Election Day in a bid to prop up chances for a Democratic victory and said DOJ is unlikely to reveal more for fear of revealing partisan bias. The administration knows any evidence that is revealed that would suggest that one or more federal agencies in carrying out this executive order are engaging in partisan activity aimed at benefiting the left would open the door to legal attack by state attorneys general. Their hope is to get through the midterm election and then the presidential election in 2024 before the full scope of their scheme comes to light. I’m not dropping this. We’re going to return to this after the break. This is now what their plan has been and their plan is being implemented. I will be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

All right. The administration knows what it is doing. I guarantee you it is targeting Republican areas and Republican precincts. And this is nothing more than intimidation by the Biden administration during the midterm election. I’m telling you, this Department of Justice is the most contemptible. Political rogue operation we’ve ever seen. Ever seen? And it is hiding the ball. Hiding the ball. People want to know. Where exactly? Well, they’re investigators and prosecutors be looking, they won’t say so that tells you what the goal is here. It’s to intimidate Republican voters. Watson’s group has been trying for months to force DOJ to hand over its strategic plan for implementing Biden’s executive order on voting access, FGA sued for access to the plane. So far, Justice has only released a heavily redacted copy. Whitsun said Dogz broad explanation of its plan this week still falls short of details. Heftiest looking for and said the department is still failing to be transparent about its actions. Less than two weeks before the election, said the limited information DOJ has released amounts to a warning to red states that their processes could be picked apart by the Department of Justice. So, you know, you wonder about people’s distrust of government, people’s distrust of elections, always firing. The first shot is the left. They send their lawyers in the courts to try and change the election rules. That’s what they did after twenty sixteen. 2000, 2004, 2016, they said the Republicans elected illegitimate presidents. They were appointed or they stole the election in Ohio, where the Russians. And then, of course. They say they’re running on democracy, which they hate, they hate Republicanism. DOJ is withholding documents from FGA despite our lawsuit, demanding transparency while simultaneously issuing press releases with veiled threats to states who simply want to conduct fair elections. He said the problem with the complete lack of transparency on the Department of Justice is no one, including more than 50 members of Congress who’ve demanded answers. That was exactly what DOJ Civil Rights Division is doing to carry out the president’s executive order. This is deeply concerning, especially in light of the restaffing of the division with left wing ideologues committed to opposing any and all state election integrity measures, no matter how much sense they make. They filed their lawsuit in April after failed attempts to obtain documents from the Justice Department under the Freedom of Information Act. The group is seeking all details about the implementation of Biden’s order from from March twenty twenty one. That order says executive departments and agencies to partner with state, local, tribal and territorial election officials to protect and promote the exercise of the right to vote, eliminate discrimination and other barriers to voting, and expand access to voter registration and accurate election information. Last week, DOJ filed a motion for summary judgment in the case, asking a federal judge to forgo a trial insisted the release of the information would cause public confusion because its implementation plan contains many proposed actions the public might construe as future commitments, past actions or provisions already in place. Ladies and gentlemen, that’s not a defense to violating the Freedom of Information Act. And you shouldn’t have to file a Freedom of Information Act demand for this government to tell us exactly what it’s doing. And the Department of Justice did not immediately respond to Fox News request for comment. So this is what they’re going to do. They’re going to accuse. Precincts in Republican areas of violating people’s voting rights. That’s what they’re going to do. That’s the game plan, talk about election deniers, these guys are election interferer. They want to hear complaints about intimidation at the polls. In other words, they’re ambulance chasing. They’re they’re seeking complaints. They’re seeking complaints. Practices that have discriminatory purpose are a discriminatory result, and we know that what they mean by discriminatory purpose or result are Republicans against Democrats and of course, everybody against Caucasians. I would ask the Republican leadership in Congress right now. To get to the microphones this weekend or Monday at the latest and call this out. And demand answers and condemn it. And condemning Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy and the rest of them. You see when you hear this. And you see what’s going on to peaceful protesters on January 6th. And when you look at what this Department of Justice has become. He got me to thinking that Donald Trump. What is it about Donald Trump that they hate so much? And I’ll tell you what it is. Donald Trump made more inroads into the Democratic Party base than any Republican before him. With Hispanic voters. With Asian voters, with black voters, he made more inroads into the Democrat Party base than any Republican before him. Many Republicans are utterly disconnected from these communities, like Mitch McConnell. Most of them. Like the bushes, like the Cheney’s. It was Donald Trump who championed school choice and put money behind it. There was Donald Trump who championed prison reform. It was Donald Trump who championed health and economic zones in the inner cities, and they were working. It’s Donald Trump’s policies that led to the lowest unemployment rate for blacks, Hispanics, Asians and women ever recorded. It was Donald Trump making headway in the Jewish community. Signing an executive order against the anti-Semitism spreading on college campuses, defending Israel against Palestinian terrorists. Donald Trump didn’t divide this country. Donald Trump did not divide this country. He exposed the divide between the ruling class. Pseudo masterminds trying to impose their will on the left and he confronted them. He confronted the ruling class, including the media, he confronted their surrogates, he called them out by name, individual name, organizational name. He fought critical race theory, he fought the attempt to destroy women’s sport. He fought the attempt to destroy American citizenship by securing the border. He supported the police, he supported the military. And even with the military, Donald Trump was less interested in what the political generals had to say and more interested in what the service personnel under them had to say. When he would go to Afghanistan or Iraq or anywhere else, he didn’t want to talk to the generals. He wanted to talk to the actual fighters. And he did. That’s why they hate Donald Trump. Among other reasons, but it’s significant reason. Because Donald Trump. Was succeeding. At chipping away at the Democrat Party base. Not through politics, through policy, through substance. And they couldn’t have it. And they don’t want him back. They call out the media with a lying scum that they are. Destroying this country and they know exactly what they’re doing. He called them, as they saw on. The Republican establishment. The Republican establishment is not interested in advancing liberty, it’s not interested. And pushing back against what Biden and the rest have done, oh, they’ll campaign on it, but when all is said and done, they’re perfectly happy to be in the majority. And to manage the decline of America. Not Trump. Trump is the first president. Since the communists took over China. To recognize what a domestic threat the communist regime is to the United States. That’s right. Trump stirred the pot. When I came to the relationships in Washington, D.C.. Between the contractors. The think tanks. Parasitical organizations. And Congress and the bureaucracy. He stirred the pot. When Trump saw something that was unjust. He stepped in. They wanted billions for a new Air Force One, he said now. Nobody ever said no, he said no. He got a cut by like 70 percent, even use it, Biden’s using it. Eighty million people voted for Joe Biden in this last election. Put everything else aside. Everything else aside. That’s 12 million more people than voted for Barack Obama. Does anyone really believe this? Eighty million people voted for somebody who was campaigning from his basement. Does anybody really believe that? Let’s just use common sense to put aside all the issues, 80 million. And then we’re expected to prove that something. Something amiss took place, and yet we’re told it was the cleanest election in American history, despite no signature ballots drop boxes. Harvesting ballots. 400 billion or more by Zuckerberg, hundreds of billions, excuse me, million, hundreds of millions in dark money in the election, cleanest election ever. Ever so clean that Bill Barr looked and looked and looked, he couldn’t find any fraud of any significance. He tried there wasn’t any. Any constitutional issues, of course, but we don’t bring those up. No, take him to water ultra magga, right wing Supreme Court. 2000 was illegitimate, 2004 was an illegitimate, 2016 was illegitimate, but 2020 was the cleanest election in American history. Imagine. And now they fear Trump. They’ve chased him down Mar a Lago documents. They couldn’t get him on January six, if you noticed, January six doesn’t come up really anymore when it comes to tromped no documents, we got him on the documents. He took documents to Mar a Lago. Did he give them to the enemy? No. Did he sell them? No. Did he make them public? No, but he took them in the National Archives as furious. So they unleash a federal grand jury and he deserves it, Bill Barr says, because he just wouldn’t respond when he was giving us the documents back. Wow. They impeach the man twice for nothing. They unleashed a criminal investigation against the man for nothing. And now they want to indict him. Over documents. For nothing. Because he made inroads into the Democrat Party base. The reason over 40 percent of the Hispanic vote is going to go Republican. Is it because of some red wave, isn’t because Mitch McConnell learned how to speak English, let alone Spanish, isn’t because of the RNC, it’s because the Trump. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

 So the big story, second one is that Obama is returning to the campaign trail to see some kind of God, am I missing something, Mr. Blair? Does he have a record of actually winning elections on behalf of his party? Yes, he has a record of losing them. So I think he ought to be campaigning with Michelle to see how that works. The racism on MSNBC in particular is beyond imagination. And it is shocking to me that MSNBC, the sister network to NBC, both of which are owned by Comcast and many of Comcast cable, that this is this is tolerated. The racism against black conservatives by left wing media blacks is unbelievable. And they not only allow it to occur, they apparently encourage it. Tiffany Cross is on MSNBC. She’s a bigot, in my view, she’s a racist. Again, we talk about what just took place in San Francisco, you have individuals on TV who are promoting this kind of hate. Got to go, though, despite the fact that the GOP’s racist rhetoric hasn’t slowed down at all, they’ve begun hyping up their get this diverse candidates. Now, according to numbers provided by the National Republican Congressional Committee, 80 of the Republican incumbents and candidates on the ballot next month are women. Thirty three are Latino. Twenty eight are black. 13 are Asian, Asian-American. And three are Native Americans. But faces of color do not always equate to voices of color. And as our own NBC Scott Wong points out in his great reporting, the leadership will still be almost entirely composed of white men. So really, this sounds more like the political equivalent of some of my best friends are black. She’s hideous. I want to return to this after the break because bald faced racism like this cannot be left unaddressed. I’ll be right back.