October 27th, 2022

October 27th, 2022

Voters cast their ballots on Election Day November 04, 2008, at Centreville High School in Clifton, Virginia. Americans crowded polling stations Tuesday to vote in their historic election, with front-running Democrat Barack Obama seeking to become the first black US president and Republican rival John McCain battling for a comeback. AFP Photo/Paul J. Richards (Photo credit should read PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP via Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, this program goes beyond commentary, we are activists on a mission because America as we know it is under attack. The tide is turning, and people want their country back! This program helped launch this ideological counter-revolution to the American Revolution from parents attending school board meetings in Loudoun County, VA to the release of American Marxism. Everything that the book discussed from the use of Marxism to the usurpation of our liberty is on the line in this election.  Democrats are damaging the country and the patriots of America must choose liberty, unite, and stop them at the ballot box. Then, if you want to destroy America, in addition to food shortages and diesel fuel shortages, then Vote Democrat.  The republic is being destroyed by people who hate our founding and prosperity and that is what this election is really about. The movement to restore America is afoot and right it’s now a matter of life and death for our republic. Later, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis joins the show with an update on his campaign for re-election. DeSantis says he is ready for the people of Florida to cast their votes and make their choice. DeSantis has been proactive in taking steps to counter the corporate press and the radical movement to sexualize children in the classroom, Afterward, Tudor Dixon, candidate for Governor of Michigan, calls in to discuss her race against Gretchen Whitmer. Dixon says that her opponent is beholden to the Teacher’s Union and will watch the whole state suffer as a result. Dixon will reduce regulation for businesses and automakers. 

Epoch Times
Pentagon: US to End Sea-Launched Nuclear Missile Program

Zero Hedge
Energy Execs Tell Granholm Shuttered US Oil Refineries Won’t Restart

The Federalist 
Ron Johnson’s Senate Opponent In Wisconsin Has Repeatedly Expressed Hatred For America

Desperate Media’s Final Scare Tactic: GOP Will Destroy Democracy!

Photo by Paul J. Richards/AFP

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

I think what makes this show a little different is I’m not just an observer. Who regurgitates what’s on the main websites and gives an opinion about it? Yes, we do that from time to time. But on this program, I just view my role a little differently. We talked about this the other day, I’m an activist, I’m on a mission. You’re on a mission. We want to save our country. A country is under attack, it’s under assault. And the American people, I pray to God. And I could be wrong or rising to the occasion to begin the process of taking our country back and we are fortunate we have an election. In about 12 days, many of you of early voting. So that we can begin the process of clawing our way back. But we talked about how you you we hear on this program. Help launch. This counter revolution, that is this this effort against the counterrevolution to the American Revolution, think back a little bit. As we were promoting nationally. Parents starting at Loudoun County, Virginia. Where we live, two places, Florida and Loudoun County, Virginia. Local school board meetings that were not getting national attention, suddenly they did, suddenly other hosts started talking about them. Suddenly they were on Fox. It didn’t start that way. Started here with you. We saw the riots before that, the year before, 20, 20 Black Lives Matter, an avowedly Marxist, anti-Semitic, anti-American organization with the guts to call them out. We found the clip. We’re one of the founding members of Black Lives Matter. In a little known speech, talked about how she and the group was Marxist, remember that, Mr. Brusic? Because we work morning, noon and night here and on the weekends. Twenty twenty one. The summer of twenty twenty one. Yes, people saw what was going on. That fall, you parents. Home schooling by the government, what was happening to your children? But there was no really comprehensive understanding what was going on, because it wasn’t just that, as horrific as that is. All kinds of things were happening. With a Biden administration, with the Democrats in Congress. With the media, with the. With the thugs running the teachers unions and the educational bureaucrats and your students and the borders wide open was all happening seemingly at once. And then really. By Providence. Ah, coincidence. American Marxism was released. Late June 2021. Late June, twenty twenty one. This is a substantial audience, over 14 million people listening. And I went on Fox and I used my Fox show and I use my living TV show on Blaze and we use the radio program, we used every format we had and there are substantial. The revolution to the American Revolution is in full force that could no longer be dismissed or ignored, but is devouring our society and culture swirling around our everyday lives. Ubiquitous in our politics, schools, media and entertainment. Once a mostly unrelatable fringe in subterranean movement, it is here, it is everywhere you, your children and your grandchildren are now immersed in it and it threatens to destroy the greatest nation ever established along with your freedom, family and security. Of course, the primary difference between the counterrevolution and the American Revolution is that the former seeks to destroy American society and impose autocratic rule. The latter sought to protect American society and institute representative government. The counterrevolutionary movement of which I speak is Marxism. Marxism. An American, many Marxists cloaked themselves in phrases like progressive democratic socialists, social activists, community activists, etc., as most Americans remain openly hostile to the name Marxism. The application and adoption of core Marxist teachings to American society and culture, what I call American Marxism. Must be addressed and confronted, lest we are smothered by its modern manufactured manifestations. Make no mistake. The situation today is dire. They operate under a myriad of newly minted organizational identifying nomenclature, such as Black Lives Matter and for the Squad, etc.. They claim to promote economic justice, environmental justice, racial equity, gender equity, etc. They’ve invented new theories like critical race theory and phrases and terminologies linked to our fit into a Marxist construct, and they claim the so-called dominant culture and capitalist system are unjust and inequitable, racist and sexist, colonialist and imperialist, materialistic and destructive of the environment. Their purpose is to tear down and tear apart the nation for a thousand reasons and in a thousand ways dispiriting and demoralizing the public, undermining the citizens confidence in the nation’s institutions, traditions and customs, creating one calamity after another, weakening the nation from within, and ultimately destroying what we know as American Republicanism and capitalism. And you saw it. You saw it. He wanted to know more about it. That’s why American Marxism was the number one book, fiction nonfiction of twenty twenty one. Not even close. People say to me, how do you sell so many books, I don’t sell books. I promote ideas when I sit down and write a book, it’s not about how many books am I going to sell. I don’t even decide what date I’m going to release them. I’ve had books released in March, June, August, the first time, they say, for book releases didn’t matter. Whatever their labels and soft descriptions. The essential characteristics of their beliefs, statements and policies exhibit a core Marxist dogma. They occupy our colleges and universities, newsrooms and social media, boardrooms and entertainment. Their ideas are prominent within the Democratic Party, the Oval Office, in the halls of Congress. Their influence is seen and felt among the mostly winning as well as the unsuspecting and the news reporting, movies, television shows and commercials, publishing and sports, as well as teacher training and classroom curriculum throughout America’s public school system. They use the tactics of propaganda and indoctrination and demand conformity and compliance, silencing contrary voices to repressive tactics such as the cancer culture, which destroys reputations and careers, censoring and banning mostly patriotic and contrary views on social media, even including former President Donald Trump, and attacking academic freedom and intellectual interchange in higher education. Indeed, they take aim at all aspects of the culture historical monuments, including memorials to Abraham Lincoln, George Washington abolitionist Frederick Douglass and the fifty fourth Massachusetts Black Union Regiment, a Mark Twain, William Shakespeare, Mr. Potato Head, Dr. Seuss, Disney cartoons ad infinitum. Pronouns are banned and replaced with nondescript words so as not to offend 58 flavors. A general identification. Past social media posts are scrutinized for early indications of insufficient fealty to the present day Marxist hegemony, journalism and editorial pages are sanitized of nonbeliever’s. Sound familiar, Mr. Producer? What is the appeal of Marxism, American Marxism has adapted the language and the allure of utopianism. The economic and cultural agenda driven by President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party provide ample examples of this ideology and behavior at work massive deficit spending, confiscatory taxation, regulation of all things large and small, drenched in Marxist class warfare propaganda. A slew of executive orders claiming to end numerous historical and cultural injustices. So, too, does their demand for absolute one party control over the body politic through various extraconstitutional schemes and other means is Marxism does not tolerate the competition of ideas or political parties. These efforts include changing the voting system to ensure Democrat Party control for decades, which has as its purpose, the eradication of the Republican Party and political competition, attempting to eliminate the Senate filibuster rule. So all manner of laws can be imposed on the country without effective deliberation or challenge, threatening to breach separation of powers and judicial independence by plotting to pack the Supreme Court with like minded ideologues planning to add Democratic seats to the Senate to ensure its control over that body. Using tens of billions in taxpayer funds to subsidize and strengthen core parts of the Democrat Party base. Unions, political activists and facilitating massive illegal immigration, the purpose of which is to, among other things, alter the nation’s demographics and eventually add they hope to the pro Democrat Party voting base. The campaign to delegitimize and marginalize the Democratic Party’s political opposition is evidenced in their rhetoric and their propaganda. It seeks to empower itself by breaching constitutional firewalls, skirting, if not eradicating rules, traditions and customs, adopting Marxist class warfare language, aligning with certain avowedly Marxist groups and ideological causes, among other things. But is using the instrumentalities of the government for its political empowerment and purposes. The truth is that the interests of the Democratic Party come before those of the country. This is the key and allegiance to the party is more important than fidelity to the country. It holds these characteristics in common with other autocratic and communist parties throughout the world. And it goes on. And, of course. American Marxism lays out the case. Breeding the mobs hate America and tenured professors in the educational bureaucracy. The use of race and gender and climate change. To destroy property rights, individuality, the civil society. The use of propaganda, demagoguery, censorship, subversion. The entire book. Lays the case out really ultimately for this election. This movement has been building. For a year and a half, there’s not a single analyst on cable, on any network, not a single so called political operative or expert who has the foggiest idea what’s been taking place in this country. And there was a wave across the country in the election last November. And God willing, you will create a massive wave again in this election. And in the last chapter of American Marxism. We choose liberty. We choose liberty. And the specifics are laid out here. The Democrat Party is destroying this country, the Democrat Party is a Marxist operation in its fundamentals. And I said at the end of the book. Well, this is the end of the book. It is the beginning of a new day. We choose Liberty Patriots of America unite. I’ll be right back

Hour 1 Segment 2

Just a reminder, there was one line of what I read to you there that we’ve talked about, but I want underscored in this election season. Hopefully you’re getting out and voting early. If you’re free to the Marxists, the fascists, the Democrats, they put party first. Party before country, the allegiance is to the party. The Democrat Party as an institution has had very little allegiance to the country, from slavery to Marxism and everything in between. They have allegiance to themselves. That’s why they will try and elect Fetterman at all costs, doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter as long as he fills a spot and they can get his vote and further in power and advance the party. That’s all that matters. Same with Joe Biden. It doesn’t matter. It simply doesn’t matter. Your vote is so crucial because you understand why you’re voting against him. You’re not just voting against these whacked out lefties. You’re voting against the American Marxists who are trying to destroy our country.

Hour 1 Segment 3

The Democratic Party candidates running now are the most radical in American history. And many of them have said in the past and they’re lying about it now with multimillions of dollars in billionaire dark money, that they hate the country. So they’ve said. They hate America, they hate the Constitution. They hate people because of their race. Many of them sound like hosts or did on MSNBC. The most radical candidates in American history. If a party fielding candidates. That hate us. The most anti-American in American history, the most antine middle class in American history, the most anti capitalism in American history. Why is that? Why is that? It’s pretty obvious, is it not, lawlessness disorder, destabilization, constant coup efforts against a prior president, Donald Trump? The stabilisation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. A department of injustice. That is the appendage of the Democratic National Committee. Brainwashing our children against their parents. Against their faith, against their upbringing. Dumbing down our children so they’re more easily indoctrinated. What is all this? Well, we know where it comes from. If I wanted to plot a way to destroy America. I would vote Democrat. If I wanted to destroy the nuclear family, I’d vote Democrat. If I wanted to destroy our private property rights and our market system, I would vote Democrat. If I want to destroy energy independence and impoverish the people so they turn on their economic system and they turn on their constitution, I would vote Democrat. I want to drive up the cost of gasoline and home heating oil. Limited supply make it more complicated and complex for people to live their lives. So, again, they would turn on the Constitution and the capitalist system, I’d vote Democrat. If I wanted to turn one American against another based solely on their skin pigmentation. I’d vote Democrat. I want to destroy America and have open borders where tens of thousands of young Americans are dying from fentanyl. Well, there’s anarchy on our southern border. Where drug cartels find new cities to operate from within the United States. The more anarchy, the better, the more chaos, the better Cloward and Piven overwhelm the system. Trash the local police, undermine them, defund them. Trashed the military. Imposed social experimentation on young people who sign up. To protect the nation and turn one of those soldiers against another again, based on their race, I would vote Democrat. I hated America. I will vote Democrat. If I were a racist, I would vote Democrat. Democrat Party has used race for its entire existence. Anti black racism and anti white racism, anti Asian right racism from FDR to Harvard College racism. You heard me. Parren antisemite. Defending Palestinian terrorists, refusing to arrest and prosecute thugs, attacking Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn, embracing Black Lives Matter and anti-Semitic, anti-American Marxist organization, if I felt that way, I’d vote Democrat. If I believe babies aren’t babies, when the science tells me they’re babies, even to moments before birth, even while half of their body is out of the birth canal, they’re by the birth canal. And I would call that a woman’s choice and I would obsess over it and I’d want taxpayers to pay for it and I would make it my number one campaign issue, I’d vote Democrat. Now, I think I wanted to destroy America’s superpower status and surrender it to the communist Chinese, I’d vote Democrat. If I wanted to arm the Islama Nazi regime in Iran with nuclear warheads, I’d vote Democrat. Now, ladies and gentlemen, that’s the way it is. We’ve talked about pocketbook issues, and that’s what is motivating most people, I believe. Because that’s the nature of economic socialism and cultural Marxism, poverty, impoverishment. People go hungry, people are cold in the winter, they’re hot in the summer, there’s rationing. Why? Because rationing is power. Power. The Democrat Party is on a suicide mission. Not for itself, of course. But for America. Whether it was the Confederacy. The Klan, the segregationists who ruled so many parts for our country for 100 years. Whether it’s now the Marxists anti school choice and competition, brainwashing our children rather than teaching them unleashing violence in the streets. The Democrat Party. Has always used race and hate. There’s simply no comparable systematic effort by the Republican Party, and we can say what we will about the Republican Party and we do. But it’s not anything like the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party works with its oligarchs from Silicon Valley to silence free speech in the competition of ideas and science and other forms of information. They’re are not sanctioned by the Democrat Party. Look all over cable, truthfully, but for Fox, you have Democrats populating laced throughout the media. Laced throughout MSNBC, CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, laced throughout the big networks, the Big Three. Democrat. If I opposed free speech and a free press, I’d vote Democrat. The right to bear arms in order to protect yourself and your family. There are many reasons to bear arms, but for me, that’s number one. So your wife in my case and your children are safe, so your home is your home and it’s safe. This is basic. In any civilized society. But if I wanted to remove your safety, my husband’s ability to protect his family or frankly, a wife’s ability or a woman or man, you get it. And to make them vulnerable to the mob, to rapists and murderers and burglars without any defense having undermined the local cops, I would vote Democrat. There’s a reason these things are happening in the country, there’s a reason why tens of millions of us are shaking our heads. What’s going on in this country? There’s a reason why the Democrats have nominated candidates for the most radical imaginable who are Marxists in many instances. There’s a reason they’ve done that. Because they want to take us down. There’s a reason why the attorney general of the United States doesn’t arrest people, violating federal law or threatening Supreme Court justice. There’s a reason that the attorney general of the United States uses the tools of federal law enforcement. To go after pro lifers. To go after Trump supporters, to go after Trump. To go after Project Veritas. There’s a reason for this to try and destroy Rudy Giuliani. John Eastman. Any lawyer. Who deigned or dared? To stand up. To the judges, to the politicians, to the litigators for the Democrat Party. There’s a reason. In addition to inflation. In addition to gas prices. In addition to home heating oil shortages, in addition to diesel fuel shortages, in addition to food prices going through the roof, in addition to certain food shortages in addition. To the difficulty in getting basics that you were able to get two years ago. Because Marxism destroys an economy, destroys it wherever it’s tried and wherever it’s practiced, in addition to all these things. The republic is being destroyed from within. By people who hate us. Paid our founding. Hate our prosperity. These things are not happening by accident. They’re heavily funded. By dark money in the billionaires, in the shadows. They’re heavily promoted. By a political party that hates the country. They’re heavily promoted. And censored when necessary by corrupt media that is despised by the American people because it’s corrupt. That’s what this election’s really about. That’s why this movement that was started really in the summer of twenty twenty one needs to pull us across the finish line. Even conservative friends of mine on TV and radio, they don’t understand how big this movement is. And we have talked about this over the months and even a year ago. They don’t comprehend it. They take the talking points of the. Usual typical so-called experts and analysis, and they regurgitate them, not all, but some. This is bigger than the Republican Party. This is bigger than a supposed red wave. This is life and death for a Republican. For our country, we can’t win every election. Well, we’ve got to win this one. The reason they tried to destroy Donald Trump as a candidate, the reason they tried to destroy Donald Trump during his transition to the presidency, the reason they tried to destroy Donald Trump’s presidency and the reason they tried to destroy Donald Trump now post presidency is because he interfered with their project. Hillary was supposed to get the handoff from Obama. She took a radical nutjob, she was supposed to get the hand off. So they had to destroy Trump. Or try to. And yet he’s still standing so remarkable, man. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

We have two guests tonight, ladies and gentlemen, one will be at about seven thirty PM Eastern Time, you may have heard of them, Governor Ronda Santos of Florida. The second guests will be at the top of the third hour for about ten minutes. It’ll be tutored. Dickson, Republican running for governor of Michigan. She mop the floor with a Gretchen Whitmer, you might recall just as the Santos mop the floor with Chris Christie. Very, very important. Why do you think the Democrats are focused on. Adding four Democrats to the Senate for permanent control, why do you think the Democrats want to get rid of the filibuster rule for permanent control? Why do you think the Democrats want to pack the Supreme Court for permanent control? They do those three things and it’s over. Where do they learn to do these things they learned from California? California, the state of Ronald Reagan, the state of Pete Wilson, the state of Deukmejian. Wonderful, wonderful governors. Think he can elect somebody like that today in California? They took the reins of power, they destroyed the voting system, they open the borders wide, they changed the nature of their government, they made it impossible for the Republicans to stop what they were doing. They only needed two to four years to control the state legislature and the governorship to do what they’ve done to California. That was it. Nancy Pelosi thought she was involved in it all the Democrats in Washington have seen it. And that’s their plan for America. Party first, Democrat Party, first, allegiance to the party, you saw Jean and the Communist Party Congress. Well, think of the Democrat Party Congress. That’s how they think. I’ll be right back.