October 21st, 2022

October 21st, 2022

UNITED STATES - SEPTEMBER 19: With the autumnal equinox happening on Thursday, the sun rises directly east over the U.S. Capitol dome as seen from the Washington Monument Monday morning, September 19, 2022. (Bill Clark/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)

On Friday’s Mark Levin, some Republicans suggest that the term ‘conservative’ be done away with since very little has been conserved from marriage to other cultural issues. However, these ‘Republicans In Name Only’ fail to see the 50 years of conservative activism that culminated with the overturning of Roe V. Wade, or the conservative nature of the Republican Party’s base. Then, our lifestyles what we think, and what we believe are all under scrutiny. Karl Marx focused on constant revolution and this is what we are seeing in the culture today. We must stop tyrants from using liberty to destroy liberty. Later, Illinois Congressional candidate Catalina Lauf calls in to discuss her race. She is facing a pro-crime progressive that’s backed by the Democrat machine. Lauf says her district is ready to reject the Democrat’s destructive policies. Afterward, Kathryn Limbaugh joins the show to discuss her new book “Radio’s Greatest of All Time” which describes Rush Limbaugh’s finest moments. Mrs. Limbaugh added that she wanted the book to reflect Rush’s humor, quips, and anecdotes so readers could appreciate the fullness of his timeless life lessons. 

The Federalist
We Need To Stop Calling Ourselves Conservatives

Jewish World Review
Who denies election results?

Issues & Insights
Biden’s Lies About Energy Can No Longer Be Ignored

PJ Media
Biden’s Diesel Fuel Supply Crisis Could Soon Cripple America in Ways Never Before Seen

American Greatness
Steve Bannon Defiant After Being Sentenced To 4 Months In Prison; Says Regime Will Have Its Judgement Day on November 8

“The Biden Admin Ends on the 8th of November!” – Steve Bannon Speaks Out After Sentencing

Photo by Bill Clark/CQ-Roll Call

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Mr. Producer, what’s with all these hosts taking off on Friday? Are they taking off for Shabbat, the Jewish Sabbath? I don’t understand. A year is too much gone on, folks, 18 days away. Crucially important. You know, there’s a guy, Matthew Dowd, he was a Republican operative, now I think he’s either an independent or Democrat. He’s a very low IQ. But he’s on MSNBC often because he attacks Republicans. And he’s a vile, very stupid man. As are many of his ilk, Nicole Wallace. A couple of the others whose names escape me, and that’s a good thing. But I want you to hear what he said. About you. It’s really amazing to me, cut three go, I’ll remind people, too, of a history lesson that in the nineteen thirties Germany there was a candidate and there was a party that said they were going to do something about inflation and they did do something about inflation. Inflation went away, but so did the democracy in Germany in the nineteen thirties, up until nineteen forty five. I mean I think the problem is twofold. It’s to me it’s really that said, that’s enough really. That’s a turn off right there. So you see, ladies and gentlemen, he wants to remind us. He wants to remind us that if Republicans are speaking out against inflation or you are, whether you’re Republican or not. It reminds him of the 1930s in the Third Reich and the rise of the Third Reich, because you see the Nazis, he says, promised they were going to do something about inflation and they did. And he destroyed democracy. How stupid is this man? Perhaps he’s not familiar with Mein Kampf. Perhaps he’s not familiar with Crystal Kristallnacht. Perhaps he’s not familiar with any of it because he’s clearly not. And for a loser lowlife like this to be throwing around Nazi Germany. To imply. If not worse. That this is the 1930s because of the Republicans. Why is he not dragged off TV, is he not a Kanye West of kinds? I think he is. I think he is. But there’s a lot of stuff going on out there are different degrees of stupidity, different degrees of well. I don’t know what you call it. The federal this was a site I used to read often. I guess I’ll read it less and less. I used to read John Daniel Davidson fact, I used to call them on the air here. Pretty sharp, dude. Never met him, don’t know him, don’t know what he used to do. It is a headline at the Federalist called And I’m not going to make this personal, I’m just going to address it. We need to stop calling ourselves conservatives. It doesn’t really say what we should call ourselves, I don’t know what should we call ourselves, cumquats? It’s like the left, you guys quit calling yourself guys. We need pronouns, we need this, we need this, change the language. There’s Rambold above his his picture and his name, the conservative project has failed. And conservatives need to forge a new political identity that reflects our revolutionary moment. Now, I read this piece as I read a piece similar to this a week or two ago in the same. Well, the same site. And I found it to be pretty much a mush. Confusing conservatives with Republicans. And really telling a very condensed story to try and support his hypothesis. Why, because the conservative project says has largely failed and it’s time for a new approach. Conservatives have long defined their politics in terms of what they wish to conserve or preserve individual rights, family values, religious freedom and so on. Conservatives who we are told want to preserve the rich traditions and civilization and civilizational achievements of the past, pass them on to the next generation and defend them from the left in America. Conservatives and classical liberals alike rightly believe and a Senate left wants to dismantle our constitutional system and transform America into a WOAK dystopia. The task of conservatives going back many decades now has been to stop them in an earlier era. This made sense. There was more to conserve. But any honest appraisal of our situation today renders such a definition absurd. And all what have conservatives succeeded in conserving after all? In just my lifetime, they have lost much marriage as it has been understood for a thousand years, the First Amendment, any semblance of control over our borders, a fundamental distinction between men and women, and especially of late, the basic rule of law. So conservatives. Lostness, ladies and gentlemen. Conservatives are responsible for losing this. Did you know that? A conservative Supreme Court was responsible conservative presidents for responsible conservative Congresses were responsible, conservative Republicans were responsible, really. This guy is picking up the wrong tree, if you ask me. Calling oneself a conservative in today’s political climate would be like saying one is a conservative because one wants to preserve the medieval European traditions of arranged marriage and trial by combat. Whatever the merits of those practices, you cannot preserve some dissent, something that is dead. Perhaps you can retain a memory of it or knowledge of it. But that is not what conservatism was purportedly about, was about maintaining traditions and preserving Western civilization as a living and vibrant thing. Now, ladies and gentlemen, there’s a difference between principles and philosophy. Versus strategy and tactics. And again. They’re commingled here. Look at just a few examples, as I pointed out before, the entire school choice movement. Was hatched in a meeting with Milton Friedman in a number of legal groups, including Landmark Legal Foundation, an Institute for Justice. Litigation that took a decade. In a number of states, but starting in Wisconsin. But Polly Williams has the key. There’s the key, planit. Two major cases that went to the Supreme Court took many years. Both of which were won cases that went to the Supreme Court of Wisconsin, cases that were won. Then it took the Republicans to endorse school choice, which they finally did under Donald Trump. Is that a conservative failure? If Republican governors won’t embrace it, even today, certain Republican governors, if you have a Larry Hogan or a baker in Massachusetts or Romney and so forth, does that mean conservatism is responsible? I think this is a childish, even foolish point. We have today, as I said the other day, a movement called Convention of States, I’m intimately involved with this movement. Mark Meckler and the guys and gals, there’s over five million members involved. Hundreds of thousands of activists, 19 states have already approved it. There’s nothing in this article about any of that. Not a word. Well, who’s responsible for it, the federalist. The rhinos, the Republican Party now. Conservatives, traditionalists, constitutionalists. The battles day in and day out. Over the court system, which has been a target of the left for over a century. Tremendous progress was made under Ronald Reagan, tremendous progress made under Donald Trump. And so we now get a decision, the DOBs decision that we’ve been asking for for half a century. Well, who did that? Who’s responsible for that? The Tea Party movement was a conservative movement, the Reagan revolution was a conservative movement. These are activist movements. The base of the Republican Party that is activist is a conservative base. It’s not a moderate base. It’s not something other base, it’s a conservative base. The pro-life movement is a conservative movement. Calling oneself, he writes, A conservative in today’s political climate would be like saying one is a conservative because he wants to preserve the medieval European traditions. I don’t believe this gentleman is quite smart, understands what conservatism means. Says Western civilization is dying, the traditions and practices that conservatives champion are at best being preserved only in an ever shrinking private sphere. At worst, they’re being trampled to dust. They certainly do not form the basis of our common culture, civic life, as they did for most of our nation’s history. Well, let’s remove the word conservative. We’re talking here about the civil society, should we surrender? We’re talking here about the Constitution, should we abandon it? We’re talking here about the great thinkers who undergird the principles that we embrace Aristotle. Should we abandon him, Cicero? Adam Smith. Edmund Burke, so who should we embrace? See, the problem with this, as I said the other day about the other writer, is this is sort of a Marxist approach, not that this gentleman’s Marxist. Please don’t misunderstand in any respect, but it’s the world begins today kind of thinking I’m a young guy. I don’t like what’s transpired. We need to abandon all of our history. We need to abandon all of our our founders, the people on whose shoulders we stand. No, the problem isn’t conservatism, per say, and it’s philosophy and principles. The problem is the weak kneed generation that we’re dealing with today. The problem is weak kneed Republicans. So we elect and mislead us and we need. Websites. That don’t leave anything where people just pound their chest and pontificate. I just mentioned a few of these moments. That are taking place today. Just a few and there are many more. Are we losing? Yes, we’re losing badly. Baddeley. But the issue isn’t the principles and the philosophy. And the belief system, the problem is the cowardice, the lack of leadership. That’s the problem. That’s the problem. I thought it a very odd piece, quite frankly, and again, it’s nothing personal, nothing personal, I don’t know the gentleman. People are very upset trying to figure out what to do. Well, this is not the answer. The answer is to figure out ways to defeat these people so we can institute. The great ideas that result in. The nation’s founding the great ideas of Western civilization, not to rewrite them, and we got to think of something else. We have to think of new strategies, we have to be more hard ass, we have to put on the brass knuckles politically, we have to do all those things. And I would welcome this, this writer to join us. Because I don’t know that he ever has. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

Let me put a finer point on this. You know, you could replace in that writer’s piece conservatism with the Constitution. The Constitution hasn’t served us. It hasn’t protected us. From the tyranny that we’re facing. So throw it out and start over. The people who. Ah, of faith. And believe in the Bible. Most of us. No matter how hard we pray. No matter how hard they prayed. In the 1930s and 40s, six million Jews were slaughtered in. Unimaginable in horrific ways. Time to abandon the Bible. No, we ought not abandon the Constitution. We ought not abandon the Bible, we ought not abandon our belief systems that collectively, loosely called conservatism. What we need to do. Is stand up and fight for them. And as many ways as we can conceive. There were people who. Are so quick. To adopt the mindset of the Marxists, and I don’t mean the Marxist ideology, I mean the mindset that the world begins today and we’ve never confronted tyranny. Therefore, we must surrender what’s been we must surrender what is and follow me. Follow you to where and to do what? These people haven’t joined any of these movements, the Tea Party movement’s. These other. Counterattacks against the counterrevolution, we talk about them, you talk about them, we do as much as we can, we must do and must do more. For instance, the Republican Party needs to be fixed and fixed badly, not to throw out conservatives, but to have more rock ribbed, solid conservatives leading the party.

Hour 1 Segment 3

Joe Biden said something today. That is another, I think teaching moment, which is what this first hour really has been about. I want you to listen to this and then I will unravel it, cut for I go. We’re rebuilding our roads, our bridges, our ports, our airports. We’re delivering clean water, high speed Internet to every American. The price of gas at the pump is coming down. It’s down a dollar, 20 cents this summer. And just this week, last week, it’s fallen another 10 cents. And today we have further proof that we’re rebuilding the economy in a responsible way right there. Now, the rest of it are lies. We know that, but we’re rebuilding the economy and responsible ways. Doesn’t that sound like the prior writer from the Federalist? We have to rebuild. Conservatism starting without using the word conservatism. Ladies and gentlemen. The genius of market capitalism. The genius of market market capitalism is. It is rebuilding a trillion times a day. Hundreds of millions of people making consumer decisions. Tens of millions of people making production decisions. Entrepreneurs invention’s. Capitalism. Is rebuilding the economy. Filling needs, filling demands. Every day. And it has to adjust to those needs and demands, your needs and demands every day. So on the one hand, we have a piece. In the Federalist. That cites another piece. That is highly critical of technological advances. And then we have an attack on capitalism by Joe Biden. Because he says that he is going to rebuild the economy. And of course, they’re both wrong. He’s not going to rebuild anything and he hasn’t. Now, what are technological advances? What are they? Where do they come from? Where did technological advances come from, Mr. Producer? They come from your brain. Your brain. So what do people mean when they say. That we have to somehow control or manage technological advances. What do they mean by that? Are we supposed to stop thinking about new ideas, new inventions? How to fill gaps, needs, desires. What does it mean exactly? The whole degrowth movement, the climate change movement, is about controlling human beings. Lifestyles, what you can say, what you can think, is that what we believe now? As conservatives say, conservative. Don’t say men, don’t say women, don’t say your name, it’s pronounced. Confusing everybody left and right now telling us what words to use and what the caller says and what not to call ourselves. I don’t think we get anywhere by imitating the worst parts of the Marxist. Marx used to attack capitalism for a lot of reasons, but one of the core reasons he attacked capitalism for is this constant revolutionary economic change. Constant revolutionary economic change. And we actually have. Well, if they’re not conservatives, what are they? We actually have people. Fill in the blank with the change the language for them. Who agree? They don’t even realize they agree with him. With him. The problem we have I’ve written about it, we’ve talked about it on this radio show for many years. And it is a big problem. Is how do you stop tyrants? From using liberte. To destroy liberty. That’s a big question. How do you stop tyrants from using liberty to destroy liberty? Liberty by its very nature. That’s the very definition. Empowers you to exercise your freedom. What if you want to exercise your freedom? For ill will, for evil, to destroy somebody else’s freedom. That’s why we have a constitution, that’s why we have a civil society. That’s why we have rules of law. And that’s why we shouldn’t abandon them. We should fight for them. We have to do a better job of explaining who the enemy is, hence American Marxism. Over there at the Federalist, I don’t even know if they use the phrase American Marxist, I don’t know. Again, it’s not a putdown. I don’t read it all the time, but I don’t think they do. And I think people on the radio use it that often. Other than the show. I don’t think people on Fox, my favorite cable network, use it that often. They’d rather say progressives or socialists or. And these are all my friends. So by abandoning the language, abandoning definitions. We abandon the battlefield. We’ve been to the battlefield, too, are the Democrats, who are the people pushing critical race theory? Who are the people pushing pornography in our elementary school libraries? Who are the people pushing phony climate change and driving up the cost of gasoline? Destroying our economy. Who are they? Well, if you just passively address them as Democrats or liberals or whatever, you lose the battle, the battle of the language and the battle, the language is everything. Everything. So when Biden says that we are rebuilding the economy in a responsible way, they’re not rebuilding anything, they’re centralizing power, they’re imposing their will on Mr. and Mrs. America. They’re destroying. The economic system that develops. That develops things to fill your needs and your wants and your desired. Our economic system ensured that we were energy independent by destroyed it. Our economic system ensured that there was no inflation for virtually a decade, Biden destroyed it. Our economic system ensured that we would have plenty of fossil fuel at affordable prices being destroyed at. You don’t need to, quote, unquote, rebuild an economy in a responsible way, does this seem like a responsible way to you America? This government isn’t rebuilding anything, Democrats don’t rebuild, they burn, they bulldoze, they destroy, they don’t rebuild, and they don’t build. They tear down. That’s exactly what they’re doing now. You’ll have an opportunity to tap the brakes in 18 days. We need to crush these people at the ballot box, crush them. Crush them. We need to undertake strategies that target the Democrat Party the way they target we conservatives. We can no longer embrace the FBI because it’s become the Stasi, we can no longer embrace the Department of Justice. Because it doesn’t believe in justice. We need to use our brains and our tools and our power. To either change them or eliminate them and replace them just as they would you. Just as they would you. We need to throw criminals in prison and for a long time. We need to prevent the Democrats from throwing Republicans in prison because they disagree with them. I saw one guy, one guy today got four years. Four years he climbs for. A broken window, we didn’t break it, he climbed through a broken window, he announced that they were going to get members of Congress or whatever, some stupid thing, and he never touched the hair on any member of Congress. His head or any cop said he wasn’t violent in any way because he said what he said. As ridiculous as it was. He got four years today, Mr. Producer. For years. How many days did Hunter Biden get in prison, ladies and gentlemen? None, none yet. You have people who are protesting. Merely trespassing and parading on government property who didn’t commit acts of violence. Who are serving six months, two years, four years. While Hunter Biden. Hasn’t served a minute. Is that just. No, I don’t think so. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

Joe Biden says the Republicans are threatening to crash the economy. Do you know why? Because even Democrat so-called experts are saying we’re headed for a wall, a big wall, Bezos said, you better hold on tight. Elon Musk, these are billionaires. Democratic economists, Wall Street bankers, and, of course, me and we were here first. We are in the middle of stagflation, ladies and gentlemen, high inflation and a slow economy. The next step after stagflation is depression. And the idiot in the White House and his idiot party and the idiots in the media are pushing us toward a depression. And I want to remind you that these are the people who said they only got a little of what they wanted, but the spending. Nouriel Roubini says to brace for a crash that combines the worst of the financial crisis and 1970s style stagflation. Who is he global economy will experience a period of decline that combines the worst aspects of the 2008 financial crisis. Remember that when we were bailing out everyone and everything. You see The Economist, he said that he expects red hot inflation to lead to a recession before major cracks start to appear in financial markets. It’s going to get ugly. The recession, you’ll have a financial crisis, he told Bloomberg. I’m not trying to scare you. I’m telling you what’s going on. He sees supply side shocks, including the coronavirus pandemic of the war in Ukraine is drivers. Well, and that he’s idiotic. Now, here’s Biden, who knows exactly what’s coming as a result of him, an economic arsonist, what he and his damn party did cut five go. If you’re worried about the economy, you need to know this. Republican leadership in Congress has made it clear they will crash the economy next year by threatening the full faith and credit of the United States for the first time in our history, putting the United States in default unless unless this guy does. This attack, Republicans. That’s all he does. He hates Republicans, meaning you, many of you more than the Islama Nazi regime in Tehran, more than the communist regime. Beijing. He hates you. If you’re a Republican. You heard what this Matthew Dowd said earlier and I played it. He thinks you’re you’re like the Third Reich, you Republicans. And don’t call yourself conservatives, for God’s sakes. And you Magga guys. You’re domestic terrorists. And should the Democrats lose in eight days, excuse me, 18 days? Our democracy will be destroyed. They say. These are sick bastards from the top down and the bottom up, what does he say, the bottom up in the middle out? Then, you know, he started to shut up, idiot. So the Republicans are threatening to crash the economy, the economy’s crashing. I’m not Nostradamus, but I know what I see and I know what I read in history, recent history. The reason we had a depression after Herbert Hoover, we had a hugely deep recession is because FDR embraced. The socialist schemes of redistributing wealth have centralizing economic planning. Excessive borrowing, excessive spending, new government departments. And Joe Biden wants to be sure FDR wants to be bigger than FDR. And that’s what they plan. So it’s not just where we are today and just what they’ve done to us today. It’s where they intend to take us, they are exactly the wrong people in the wrong positions. And they make excuses the Republicans are going to crash the economy. The war in Ukraine is responsible for oil shortages, big oil is responsible for oil increases. Boy, do I have a lot to get to tonight. I have a lot to get to tonight to unravel all this. We’re going to keep at it right after the top of the hour. I hope you’ll stick with us, but we’re going to talk about oil profits. What are they? How come we never see a chart up there by the big government types in the media? Why is that? Are the profits really consistently as big as they say they are, really? We sure about that. Hmm, interesting, isn’t it? Well, you’re going to learn that they’re not. You’re going to learn that they’re not. And what about the the election deniers we’ve talked about that many times, have we not? The election deniers. And what is in store for the future? Most of you don’t use diesel gas, do you? We have a huge supply crisis growing, getting worse for diesel fuel, if you like to eat, if you like to be close, if you like to have a roof over your head, you better worry about this because this affects the 18 wheelers straight up. I’ll be right back.