October 14th, 2022

October 14th, 2022

WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 13: Newly released video of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Senate Majority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and other congressional leadership during the breach of the U.S. Capitol Building on Jan. 6 is played during a House select committee hearing investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol in the Cannon House Office Building on October 13, 2022 in Washington, DC. The bipartisan committee, in possibly its final hearing, has been gathering evidence for almost a year related to the January 6 attack at the U.S. Capitol.  On January 6, 2021, supporters of former President Donald Trump attacked the U.S. Capitol Building during an attempt to disrupt a congressional vote to confirm the electoral college win for President Joe Biden. (Photo by Andrew Harnik-Pool/Getty Images)

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Nancy Pelosi’s January 6 committee failed miserably. It found not a shred of evidence tying Donald Trump to any kind of “insurrection” or violent attack on the Capitol Building, despite all the emails, texts, witnesses, and, most of all, the complete control of the entire apparatus and narrative without any opposition. The show-trial hearings proved nothing. Then, Muslim parents continue to be enraged by the hyper-sexualization of school children. America’s children are on the ballot and the pornography industry is taking over their classrooms. Later, critics are calling for the Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire to fire Candace Owens because of her friendship with Kanye West in response to his grotesque comments about Jews. Conservatives must be secure in their views and don’t need to hitch themselves to figures in popular culture. Afterward, Congressional candidate Yesli Vega joins the show to discuss why Rep. Abigail Spanberger must be defeated for her tax and spend policies and support for radical gender teaching in public schools and laws that allow the prosecution of parents who disagree with a school’s woke agenda. Finally, US Senate candidate from Alaska, Kelly Tshibaka, calls in with an update on her race against Sen. Lisa Murkowski who is oftentimes the deciding vote for the Democrats even though she claims to be a Republican. Tshibaka says that shared American values are on the ballot and Alaskans must rally against Sen. Mitch McConnell’s choice in this election.

Republicans to Investigate If Democrats Pressured National Archives into Pursuing Donald Trump

Fox News
CNN writer frets Americans care more about ‘cost of French fries’ than ‘compelling’ Jan. 6 committee

Daily Wire
‘We Coach Ball, We Don’t Look At Color’: Buccaneers Head Coach Stops Woke Reporters In Their Tracks

Right Scoop
Parent SCORCHES Charlotte school board for promoting book on graphic gay sex to middle schoolers [VIDEO]

Daily Wire
Christians And Muslims Unite In Michigan To Fight Sexually Explicit Material In School Libraries

‘He’s Developing Blinkers’: Has Ron DeSantis Let All the Winning Go to His Head?

Photo by Andrew Harnik-Pool

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

 I have some breaking news for you. Pelosi’s January six committee failed miserably. Do you realize the tens of millions of dollars that have been spent? The hundreds and hundreds of interviews conducted without any opposition, without any real Republicans, all the emails, all the texts. All the outside groups feeding them information. The January six committee did not find a shred of evidence. They did not find a shred of evidence. Tying President Trump to any kind of so-called insurrection or violent attack on the Capitol building. But where is it, what is it? What’s the evidence? There is no evidence. The show trial hearings proved absolutely nothing. And despite all the prosecutions and plea deals and threats against prosecutor protesters unleashed by the Department of Justice and what it claims is the biggest investigation in the FBI’s history. Not one person. Has provided any information whatsoever. Linking President Trump to any violence or the storming of the Capitol building on January six, he realizes. Despite a Stalinist one sided policy lead, never Trumper led investigation where there were no limits. Endless resources. Subpoenas handed out. Like candy on Halloween. They found nothing. Absolutely nothing. If they found something, what is it? Can we see the email? Can we hear the witness? When did this occur? What date, what time is a recording? Is there anything? Nothing. And again, even despite the fact that Donald Trump had many malcontents and miscreants around him who would later turn around and stab him in the back for a few bucks. They had nothing either. I want you to think about this for a minute. I want you to think about this. They got a hold of iPhones. They got a hold of laptops. They had people testifying who hated Donald Trump. They had people testify who had ulterior motives. They force staff to testify. Secret Service to testify. Military personnel to testify. Lawyers to testify in violation of their code of professional ethics. And nothing. Zero. What’s the smoking gun? Where is it? Where is it? Just like the Mueller investigation, nothing. Absolutely nothing. Just like the Emoluments Clause investigation that somehow he was enriching himself by having a hotel in Washington, D.C.. By having foreign leaders stay there, at his insistence, never happened. Nothing, just like the Russia collusion lie and the and the dossier, nothing. It was a lie. And this is the latest line. And you should circle January six on your on your calendars now. As an example of a Stalinist state, Stasi like. Attack. From the Democrat Party. With a three or four member majority in the House of Representatives and the never Trump is against a sitting and former president. But I want to repeat this. The January six committee. Came up empty. Not a shred of evidence tying President Trump to any kind of so-called insurrection or violent attack on the Capitol building, nothing. Despite the fact that their committee. Had only members on it that were approved by the Democrat parties, Nancy Pelosi. Some of the worst people to ever serve in the House of Representatives. And low IQ lowlifes like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. And these hearings, these show trials prove nothing. It was a conga line of miscreants, disgruntled former employees, among others, giving their opinions. About Trump, their opinions about the election, what they would have done if they were president, giving their opinions. And this so-called committee can never overcome. A complete lack of evidence tying Donald Trump to anything. Then you had the former federal prosecutors. Mike Saul Weinstein. You had former federal prosecutors. We’re saying that this was sedition, what was sedition? This was obstruction, what was obstruction? That Trump let it let what? They couldn’t get around a couple of points, number one, that Donald Trump specifically told people. Go ahead and protest. Do so peacefully. And patriotically. And so they would often edit that line out of their videos. And of course, the media would not remind people. What that committee had done was tampered with evidence. Public evidence. And they could never get around the fact. That it was Donald Trump. In a meeting, I believe, on January 4th, two days before January 6th. What General Milley, I believe he’s a general on the American side, but sometimes it’s hard to tell what General Milley. Kash Patel. The acting secretary of defense and others in the Oval Office. Where Donald Trump raised the issue. Of the National Guard to protect the Capitol building. Which was turned down by the mayor of Washington, Bowzer. And was turned down by Nancy Pelosi. Committee never looked into this. These are two of the core facts that this committee could never get around. That Trump told the people in the audience to be peaceful. And that Trump told his own head of the Joint Chiefs. As well as others. Eyewitnesses. To find out if the National Guard would be requested or needed, he authorized it in advance. They could never get around it. And so you have been provided with over the last couple of years. Propaganda. By demagogues in and out of the media the day in and day out. People who are made into cultural superstar. Because they turned on Trump. Former chief of staff for acting chief of staff. Mulvany. Got a TV gig. Another woman I can’t remember her name, got a gig on The View. Another woman I can’t remember, what is it? Griffin. Then another woman, another Griffin, I think, who’ve been chief of staff to the president, the first lady, she got a book deal. And then another and another and another. Loathsome people would no character whatsoever. And so this committee. Found nothing because there was nothing. And they spent, God knows, maybe 100 million dollars a year tax dollars. Trying to change the outcome of the midterm elections and trying to destroy a potential presidential candidate. And the usual frauds and phonies chiming in from the sidelines on cable TV, on network TV, you’ve got morons like Maggie Haberman and a whole host of New York Slimes losers, Washington Compost losers, people handing out awards to each other, book deals to each other. And they’ve got nothing. Literally nothing. And yet with Joe Biden, we have email after email, text after text, Tony Belinski. We’ve got evidence. All over the place. All over the place, like throwing mud on the wall, that Joe Biden is a crook. In his own son’s words contemporarily. Recorded on his laptop, 10 for 10 percent for the big guy in black and white. Mr. Big. Tony Belinski met with. Joe Biden or more than one occasion. There are more ties to Joe Biden at the center of the Biden crime, family and criminal enterprise. Then one can imagine. No grand jury in the Joe Biden. No special counsel looking in the Joe Biden. He attacks that exist. And they waited a long time to even raise the point, Hunter Biden in his laptop, but no Joe Biden. So here we had a committee of the House of Representatives under the Democrat Party that spent the better part of two years. Putting on a hoax. Despite controlling the entire process, despite controlling the staff, despite issuing subpoenas, despite having people charged with crimes. An arrested. Despite the Department of Justice greatest investigation in their history. Charging over 900 people, not one of which had evidence against Donald Trump, I didn’t say opinion’s evidence. Now, one of the witnesses presented by this show, trial committee, had a witness with any evidence whatsoever tying Donald Trump to violence or so-called insurrection. Where is it? And yet they’re going to put together a report. And they have declared that Trump was at the center of it. Jamie Raskin is one of the sleazeballs who’s on this committee. He’s one of the sleazeballs who objected to George W. Bush being president of the United States. He objected to the electors in Ohio, even though Bush won Ohio by a substantial number. Then he changes clothes, puts a dress on a pretends he’s. Marie Antoinette. Jamie Raskin’s father was a commie. Jamie Raskin was invited on the show. Jamie Raskin is a coward. He is a demagogue. He is a dangerous man, in my humble opinion. Was wise of him not to come on this program because I was going to confront him. In 100 different ways. But it’s people said that he’s too busy in the lead up to the election is schedule didn’t permit it. And yet, Mr. Producer, he was on with Joe. Scarborough this morning, Wazzani. He was on with Joe Scarborough because Joe Scarborough. Every politician knows this is a joke. But Jamie won’t come on this show. Neither will Lizzie these well, any member of that damnable committee, not one. We’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

I just thought it was important to make that clear because nobody else has and nobody else will not. Maybe they will tomorrow. But nobody else has and nobody else will. Now, there’s something in Breitbart I wanted to bring to your attention one of the great sites. Republicans to investigate if Democrats pressured National Archives into pursuing Donald Trump, you see? If they follow through on this, they’re getting smarter. I think this time it’s a little different. I could be wrong. Hope springs eternal. But I think this time it’s a little different. I’ll tell you why. Because this January six committee and the press. As well as the. The outrageous conduct. Of the American Stassi, the FBI and the Department of Justice, among others. Targeting the Republican Party as an institution. And targeting certain members, including Kevin McCarthy, including Scott Perry, including Jim Jordan and others. I think that has grabbed all their attention at this point. Again, I hope so. Well, you hear the music, I have to take a break, but I want to get into a piece here that’s been written, great journalistic work here by Breitbart Republicans to investigate if Democrats pressured National Archives into pursuing Donald Trump. I was wondering about that. We’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

 So the piece in Breitbart is for Republicans to investigate if Democrats pressured National Archives into pursuing Donald Trump, which seems very likely because they are so sleazy and they use the instrumentalities of the government against us. Two leading Republicans wrote a letter. Friday to the National Archives, demanding communications and documents addressing the possibility Democrats pressured the institution into investigating former President Donald Trump. House Oversight and Reform Committee ranking member James Colmer, this guy, I don’t know him, seems pretty kick ass. And the House Judiciary Committee ranking member, Jim Jordan, I do know him. And he is. Wrote a letter obtained by Breitbart News to acting archivist at the National Archives and Records Administration Deborah Steedle wall over the possibility that the House Oversight Committee Democrats pressured the archives into investigating Donald Trump. Cameron Jordan noted the stunning coincidence that on February nine, Oversight Chair Carolyn Maloney wrote to the archives about concerns over 15 boxes of presidential records stored at Trump’s home at Mar a Lago. And if the agency had been in contact with archives about it the same day the archives sent a referral to the Department of Justice that initiated the investigation into Trump. I had put that together. Did you folks the two Republicans wrote the fact that the archives transmitted to DOJ a referral that launched a criminal investigation of the former president. The same day the Democrat chairwoman of the committee inquired whether the agency had been in contact with DOJ, raises serious concerns about whether the archives made the referral after pressure from committee Democrats. Just remember just remember that letter from the National School Boards Association. And I’m the one that actually broke that story right here. I said it’s not possible. I worked at the White House. I was a school board member. It’s not possible. That they would get a letter at the White House on a Friday and that the Department of Justice would act on a Monday without the Department of Justice and the White House being in on it. And as we know, they were in on it. Republicans noted that despite the archives claiming, quote, it takes its role as a non-political agency very seriously, the agency failed to provide documents relating to the agency’s communications with congressional Democrats. Did you know that? Comber had written on October four to Wall about Oversight Committee Democrats influence of potential coordination with the archives in December. Twenty twenty Oversight Committee Democrats pressured the archives to pursue Trump while he was in office. Despite the archives finding no issues, the archives had reportedly had at least one secret briefing with Democrats without committee Republicans on October seven, the archives responded without providing the information that Comey requested in committee. Republicans in August have questioned the accuracy of the archives statement. Involvement in the raid on Trump’s Mar a Lago. Republican challenge the National Archives narrative, and they said, and I quote, on August 22, 20, 22, just the news published a letter demonstrating robust negotiations between the archives and former President Trump’s attorney, Edwin Corcoran. Also on August 22, twenty to The New York Times reported, quote, The material in the boxes prompted archives officials to refer the matter to the Justice Department, which within months had convened a grand jury investigation. So look at the timing. The Democrats press the archives, the archives the same day, send a letter to the Department of Justice. The Department of Justice quickly sets up a federal criminal grand jury to investigate, and the information is leaked to The New York Times. Now, there’s nothing suspicious about any of that, is it, Mass-producing? Not in the least. That’s why your vote count so importantly. You have early voting and a lot of states. I’ve never done early voting, but I tried today in Florida, I just moved here, as you know, and I found out they don’t have early voting. It’s October twenty sixth. So there I am at the library looking like a dummy. But that said, I tried. I dare not look at the books because, you know, I’m not into porno and I know a lot of these libraries have porno and I’m just a producer. But you knew that, didn’t you? But you see how it works American. I told you at the opening of this program. That there’s not a shred of evidence linking Donald Trump to any violence at the Capitol, let alone some insurrection. Nothing. That’s what the hearings have demonstrated. That’s what this committee is, Demitry, it did mean to he listen to the media, you won’t know it. If you read their propaganda, you won’t know it if you watch the Democrats, you won’t know it if you watch the never Trump because you won’t know it. If you’re on social media, you won’t know it, except if you go on Mark Levin, show Twitter. You know, my other platform said, listen to this program, nothing, there is nothing. And they’ve looked everywhere. And this also explains why the Department of Injustice. And the U.S. slip and fall attorney. Decided to broaden their investigation and create new law with respect to challenging election results out of the states, to see if any Trump lawyers or anybody gave any advice to these people on how to do it, which is perfectly legal and constitutional. I know. I know. The nitwits. And no, it’s over there at Media Matters and Media, I don’t understand this. They can understand. In order to get jobs at those places, you have to be Ravid, low IQ lunatic’s. Of which there are no. But that’s OK. We know what they are. So they try and broaden it now, you mean to tell us? But this guy said that about that guy in this guy said that about that guy. And by the way, just to show you how this works. It’s no secret I’ve told the whole world right here behind this microphone that I’m going to find out what happened with those 13 emails of my. And how this committee acquired them. Because I received no notice of anything. And those emails were between me and one other individual. And they literally had nothing to do with January 6th, so in order to cherry pick 13 emails, they really have nothing to do with January six. They had to go through many of my emails. Don’t you imagine, Mr. Producer? Now, I. I am making this abundantly clear. So Media Matters writes that I’m threatening committee members, Mr. Producer. They would have been really, really good in the 1930s. I think. Working for the enemy. I’m not threatening anybody, I’m telling you the truth, I’m going to get to the bottom of this. And I’m going to get it for me and everybody else. Because if it happens to me, it’ll happen to anybody. Anybody? And when I get the OK, I’m going to personally release those 13. Because over at Politico and some of these other places, they tried to create the impression that. Mark Levin did something on January six. No, I didn’t. Mark Levine gave people advice on how to know I didn’t. And I’ll demonstrate it, I’ll prove it. But that’s not my point either. I want to know what happened. You can be sure. If Maggette haberman’s emails had wound up in a Republican committee with only Republican members and a few Democrat dogs. If they be jumping up and down over there at the Holocaust, denying Stalin, supporting Castro, supporting New York Times. I don’t get any backing from the company I work for here. That says we want to know what the hell happened, I don’t get backing from any company I worked for, I’m going to do this myself. Myself. Everybody else is scared to death, I don’t know what they’re scared to death of, Mr. Producer. I don’t know what they’re scared to death. I’ve called out members of this committee. I’ve called out the staff in the aggregate on this committee. I’ve asked members to come on this program. They won’t. I’ve observed the misconduct and abuse of power of this committee over and over again. I was never even advised. A couple of lawyers, not my lawyers, I don’t have any lawyers. But I was even advised, Mr. Producer. Don’t stir the pot. I’ll stir the pot about what? Well, you may get dragged into this, get dragged into what? And I’m a big boy. I can deal with whatever I’m dragged into. It’s never pleasant, I’m sure. But no. No, I’m not going to be pushed around by bullies, I never was and I never will be. Particularly when they walk around with badges and guns, that’s not going to happen. I will get to the bottom of it. It’s the last thing I do. And of course, you’ll be the second to know after me. No big deal, right? CNN writer Freda’s Americans care more about the cost of French fries than compelling the January six committee. This is what the media think of you. Your difficulty in paying your food bills, your difficulty in paying your energy bills, your difficult and paying all your bills. Your difficulty in purchasing products that in the past you never really gave much thought about? To CNN. You’re just whining about paying more for French fries and not worried about the Democrats agenda with the January six committee. Nobody who cares about America, who cares about their families. Should be watching CNN or MSNBC, they hate your guts. They literally hate your guts. A new CNN analyst fretted that American voters might care more about the cost of their food than they do about the January six hearings. This is Nicholas latinum FOX. Noting three states, consumer price index data, which showed inflation reaching eight point two percent September, as well as the cost of living index at its highest in 40 years. CNN’s Stephen Collinson. I don’t know who that punk is, but CNN Stephen Collinson noted polling has repeatedly reinforced that the economy is the top concern to voters heading into the midterm elections. The data included information about frozen potato products, as well as pork products, which have increased 10 percent in five and a half percent, respectively. While it would be too simplistic to say voters are more preoccupied with the cost of French fries than the price of democratic freedoms, it wouldn’t be far from the mark, Collinson wrote. Now, this is a guy who’s paid to give commentary and analysis at CNN. I please I want you to understand something these people have nothing but contempt. We’re a hard working Americans, I don’t care what party you are, nothing but dripping contempt for you, nothing. They’ll bend over backwards for murders. Rapists, they’ll bend over backwards for people on the dole, they’ll bend over backwards for illegal immigrants. But hard, hardworking Americans, blue collar, middle class, and they don’t like you. They despise you. And the more of you who vote Republican and vote against them, the more they will hate you. This is a battle against you, you’ve got to stand up to this. You’ve got to vote, you’re going to make sure the people, you know, vote don’t care what your union bosses tell you. I don’t care what the corporate Estella. You got to think for yourself and vote in your interests, because nobody else is going to defend you but you. Just think about what the Democrats want this election to be about. It’s not inflation and they lie about inflation. It’s not recession. They lie about recession. It’s not about immigration. Look what they’ve done to immigration. It’s not about your your pension dwindling. No, they don’t care about that, they want it to be about abortion on demand. If you don’t support abortion on demand right up to the last minute, then you’re against women. And how sick is that? I’m against killing. Now you’re against women. They don’t lift a finger to empower the police to arrest rapists and keep them in prison. It seems to me, if that’s your position, you’re really against women now. No, no, no, no. You don’t understand. Yeah, I do understand. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

Mr. Producer, I do have it here somewhere. Hold on, folks, I’m here. By the way, don’t forget this Sunday Life, Liberty and in it’s an exclusive one hour interview with this fantastic world leader, Benjamin Netanyahu. And he’s running for re-election. And I think you’re going to find it fantastic. I am unfortunately missed reducer, unable to to find the the list that you’re asking me to look for. Let’s start with Todd Bowles, Todd Bowles is the coach of the Buccaneers. He’s had a news conference yesterday and of course, the reporters in sports are just as big a reprobates as reporters anywhere else. Let’s take a listen to the daily wire cut one go you and Mike Tomlin or two of the few black coaches in the league. I wonder what your relationship is like for them and your thoughts on Steve Brooks doing NFL. I have a very good relationship with Tomlin. We don’t look at what color we are when we call out against each other. We just know each other. I have a lot of very good white friends that coach in this league as well. And I don’t think it’s a big deal as far as us being coaching against each other. I think it’s normal. Folks got an opportunity to do a good job, hopefully does it. And we coach ball. We don’t look at color. Did you also understand that representation matters to right. And that when are aspiring coaches, football players, they see you guys. They see someone that looks like them in the house will only say, see you guys and look like them and grow up like them, that we’re eyeballs to begin with. And I think the minute you guys start, stop making a big deal about it, everybody else will as well. Holy mackerel. Todd Bowles was a great football player, I believe he was a tight end, if memory serves me correctly, and he’s a great coach and you can see he’s a great guy. And smart, he wants nothing to do with this, you guys getting questions from white reporters, you know? You guys, you’re an example, you guys, so I got friends who are white reporters. I want to play this one more time. I don’t normally do this, but this is really good. Cut one go you and my Tomlin or two of the few black coaches in the league. I wonder what your relationship like with him and your thoughts on Steve Brooks doing that. I have a very good relationship with Tomlin. We don’t look at what color we are when we call out against each other. We just know each other. I have a lot of very good white friends that coach in this league as well. And I don’t think it’s a big deal as far as us being coaching against each other. I think it’s normal. Folks got an opportunity to do a good job, hopefully does it. And we coach ball. We don’t look at color. But you also understand that representation matters, too, right? And that when young aspiring coaches and players, they see you guys, when they see someone that looks like them, grew up like that, has will to say see you guys and look like them and grow up like them, man, that we’re able to begin with. And I think the minute you guys start, stop making a big deal about everybody else will as well. Just fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. That’s my coach of the year. I’ll be right back.