October 13th, 2022

October 13th, 2022

US Capitol facade lit against night sky. (Photo by Cynthia Johnson/Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Democrats are using their unconstitutional January 6th Committee to subpoena the former President just three weeks from the midterm elections. Meanwhile, the DOJ has leaked to the Washington Post that somehow moving documents from one part of Mar-A-Lago to another part of the residence is some sort of smoking gun. The January 6 hearings are merely a smoke screen because gasoline is up 58% from a year ago, inflation is still at 8%, while food costs are more than double that (15.57% since Biden took office).  Then, depression is coming after stagflation if there isn’t any deflation and every politician, mainly democrats, that voted for the inflation reduction act and Biden’s other massive spending bills must be held accountable. When the White House urges you to stay the course on their disastrous economic policy this isn’t compassion it intentionally enriches a select few while the masses go broke.  Afterward, Rep Lauren Boebert joins the show with an important update on her very close reelection race. Boebert also criticized Biden for trying to cut an oil production deal with the Saudi Arabian government in order to influence an American election instead of relying on the American worker to produce more energy right here at home. 

Raskin says Trump should consider Jan. 6 testimony a ‘great honor and privilege’

Washington Post
Trump worker told FBI about moving Mar-a-Lago boxes on ex-president’s orders

CNS News
Food Prices Up 15.6% Under Biden

Core US Inflation Rises to 40-Year High, Securing Big Fed Hike

‘It’s ridiculous’: Inflation puts pressure on families with young children who are struggling to keep up with the weekly food bill

Right Scoop
Saudi Arabia says Biden asked them to postpone oil cuts until AFTER the midterms…

On Obamacare, Biden Goes Where Even Obama Wouldn’t

Daily Wire
Christians And Muslims Unite In Michigan To Fight Sexually Explicit Material In School Libraries

Daily Wire
The U.S. Government Developed A Key Green Technology. The Biden Admin Gave It To China.

Photo by Cynthia Johnson

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

I’m going to spend all of four, five, three minutes, whatever, on January six. We have an election in twenty six days and they’re doing everything they can on this committee to draw attention to themselves and away from what’s going on in this country. That’s why they have subpoenaed Donald Trump. This committee has taken so many steps. That violate the federal constitution and violate the responsibilities of any committee of Congress, we’ve never seen anything like this before. Liz Cheney is absolutely a crackpot. And of course, the Democrats are more than happy to join her. Now, we asked Jamie Raskin, the so-called constitutionalist whose fathers economy was to come on this show in the past, Mr. Producer, I need you to open up your microphone, please. We got an email from Jamie Raskin’s office today and what the that email essentially say, Mr. Producer, they were not able to come on, speak up a little louder. They were not able to come on until November. They’re not able to come on know the first email didn’t say that. The first email said happy to come on, that he’d be happy to come on. Then you said, fine, what day and what time, correct and responses I asked you correct and then they come back and say he can’t come on until sometime after the election is his schedule is just too busy, isn’t that correct? Correct. OK, that’s how you can read it to me. Jamie Raskin won’t come on this show because he’s a punk, because he’s a coward. Because he doesn’t want to be confronted by me to do every kiss ass interview by CNN and MSNBC and The New York Times and The Washington Post and the whole newspaper in the Other Reprobates. But he won’t come on here because he’s a coward. I wish I had subpoena power. Liz Cheney won’t come on this program. She’s been asked. Cheney won’t. Come on. Raschein won’t. Come on. None of them will. Come on. Because here they would be challenged. Unlike this Stalinist. Show trial that they continue to conduct. Really quite appalling. New evidence they say they have, there’s not one shred of evidence that Donald Trump had anything to do with the violence on January 6th, hearing after hearing a leak after leak, email after email, text after text, nothing zero. Oh, they got this guy saying this and this guy saying that. Nothing, nothing, zero. And they’re concluding that Donald Trump was behind the whole thing and they’re going to release it right before the election. Now, that is all you need to know. That’s all that’s all you need to know. Jamie Raskin should view it as an honor to come on this program, he said Donald Trump should view it as an honor to appear before the committee. Raskin should view it as an honor to come on this program. But they’re all cowards should view it as an honor to speak over 14 million people, Raschein should, but he won’t stand. He goes on low rated CNN and low rated MSNBC doesn’t want to come on the program. And then one other thing while I’m wrapping this this up. You see the leak to The Washington Post by the government again. Wow. Ladies and gentlemen, they actually a video and they have a witness who testified that. Some documents were moved from one location to Mar a Lago to the private office of the president, maybe the private residence. Wow. Now we got them, now we got Trump, he didn’t have any right to move a paper from point A to point B. Why did the subpoena say he couldn’t? I don’t understand now what S.A. intended to cover up. What are you talking about in the documents at Mar a Lago, his home, that club, I presume he wanted access to them. For all we know, he’s writing something. I don’t know. But how is that evidence, ladies and gentlemen, of obstruction of a subpoena? It has nothing to do with it. He didn’t move it from more Largo to the Bahamas. He moved it from one room to another. He moved it from one room to another. Unbelievable. Donald Trump does ask, well, why didn’t this committee asked me to testify months ago? Why do they wait to the very end, the final moments of the last meeting? Because the committee is politically corrupt, that’s why. They all are. So is the FBI. Offered a one million dollar bribe, one million dollar bribe to Christopher Steele, tell us, Chris, tell us you can you can actually back up this dossier. No, I can’t. One million dollars if you can quit. One million. You need to know more now, I want to get to business here. Not a single member of this committee gives a damn about what’s going on in this country, not one there is so self-righteous, there is so putrid, it’s not even funny. I want you to understand something, America. Washington doesn’t care about what you’re going through, it doesn’t care about your family situation, it doesn’t care about the hell that they’ve created for so many of you having to choose between energy and food. It doesn’t care that the price of fuel is out of control and getting worse and worse, it doesn’t care that no matter your wage increases, you cannot keep up with the inflation that’s taking place. It doesn’t care. It doesn’t care at all. Let’s look at some of the numbers that came out today, the last numbers you’re going to get before the election in twenty six days. Inflation rate year to year is eight point two percent. But that doesn’t tell the whole story. Gasoline increases from year to year over 58 percent year to year. Over 58 percent, the average mortgage rate now is six point nine, two percent, a year ago it was three percent. And the Fed next week is expected to increase the interest rates by another three quarters of a point. So that could become near eight percent. Mortgage rate loans for automobiles. Loans for home appliances. Loans for anything. Through the roof, Biden keeps talking about how he’s capped the price of drugs. Ladies and gentlemen, that doesn’t go into effect until twenty, twenty six. Biden is a serial liar. He was a serial liar even when he had Whit’s. Now he has no wits and he’s still a serial liar, that’s his fallback position. That’s his fallback position, but food prices are soaring. Food prices are soaring and you’re going to see it particularly during Thanksgiving. Happy holidays. The cost of food climbed eleven point two percent in September compared to last year. With the cost of food at home, like groceries climbing 13 percent year to year, leading food price increases over the last 12 months margin up 44 percent, flour and prepared flour mixes up twenty four percent. Frozen and refrigerated bakery products like pies, tarts, turnover’s up twenty point four percent. The collect the category of meats, poultry, fish and eggs rose by nine percent, eggs alone up 31 percent year to year. Other categories saw smaller annual price increases, but still notched their largest ever largest ever year to year climbs, cakes, cupcakes, cookies up 16 percent. Sweet rolls, coffee cakes, donuts, uncooked turkey prices up 17 percent, processed fruits and vegetables up 16 percent. Really quite unbelievable, the price of food is climbed by fifteen point five, seven percent since Joe Biden took office in January twenty twenty one. Heading straight for 20 percent. Incredible. Disgusting. And it’s going to get worse. Much worse. Let’s see what else we have to report to you. As I go through my data here. This is from the Macy’s wire. The federal government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics released new price inflation data today, and according to the report, September was yet another month of soaring inflation. The 19 month in a row of inflation, 19 months in a row under Biden, above the Fed’s arbitrary two percent inflation target and its seven months in a row of price inflation above eight percent, seven months in a row, over eight percent month over month, inflation rose as well. September’s increase keeps price inflation nearly 40 year highs. Jeunes year over year increase of nine percent was the largest, but September’s increase still keeps price inflation well within the same range as the inflationary years of the early 80s. September’s increase eight point two percent was the largest increase, the seventh largest increase in 40 years. And these increases largely reflect price growth in food, energy, transportation and shelter. In other words, the prices of essentials all saw big increases in August of the previous year. It’s bad news for the Biden administration, but I don’t care about that, it’s bad news for the American people. This is the final price inflation report before the November elections. I think that politically they’re lucky because I think it’s going to get worse and it’s going to get worse fast. The administration has repeatedly attempted to downplay the relentless increases to the cost of living being inflicted on Americans after years of deficit spending, which has helped fuel fueled inflationary monetary policy. Yesterday, Biden attempted to claim that price inflation increase was two percent by slicing and dicing the numbers into an annualized rate composed of only the past three months. In the real world, Americans have lost an immense amount of purchasing power, that purchasing power is lost forever unless there’s a sizable price deflation in coming years and the deflation phobic central bank is sure to intervene to make sure that doesn’t happen. Terms of earnings, this has been devastating for many wage earners, according to government figures, both average hourly earnings since September came in at thirty two dollars and 40 cents. That’s an increase of four point nine two percent year over year. Might sound good, except inflation is up eight point two percent during the same period. Eight point two percent. So you’ve lost about four percent of your purchasing power. Or at three point three percent. Actually, this means September was the 18th month in a row during which price inflation outpaced earnings. The persistent price inflation is a repeated reminder of just how far behind the curve the Fed is and how reckless the Fed was in essentially printing nearly five trillion dollars between February 20, 20 in April. Twenty twenty two. And I’ll add this to finance the Democrats. The Democrats massive, massive spending. Over the past two years, the Fed repeated and assured the public that creating vast amounts of new money would be no problem, that price inflation would never be anything more than transitory. Once that narrative was disproven, the Fed then began to admit late in twenty twenty one that inflation was not transitory and now it’s kicking into action. They’re painful options ahead and nothing more. There is no good news. Now, if you want more of this, you vote Democrat, it’s that simple. This is their economic policies that have kicked into place, ladies and gentlemen, this is their economic policies. Period. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

If you think the Democrats and Biden are going to change, you’re wrong, despite how much they’re spending on ads. This is Brian Distractor, White House National Economic Council on CNN. Cut five go at the same time, prices are too high. But the message the president is delivering is that you have a present administration that’s waking up every day trying to address that problem head on. And we are making progress. We are making progress on energy prices. We are making progress. We just have to we just have to stay at it. And so the we we have policies that are going to make a difference. We have policies that have already made a difference. We just have to stay the course, stay the course. Ladies and gentlemen, stay the course right off the bridge. So they’re not like normal people who sit there and think maybe I made a mistake, may be able to adjust this or modify our policy, maybe we need to drill a little bit more and take the foot off the throat of our energy companies. You know, maybe we ought to spend a little less. Maybe we ought to tighten our belts a little bit at the federal level, just like the people. No foot on the gas pedal. Stay the course. Everything’s working out beautifully. Yeah, I’m telling you now. You got twenty six days to fix this. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

We’re having one of the worst economic turndowns in modern American history. And the Bush administration is saying stay the course. Joe Biden is the new Herbert Hoover. And I don’t mean to be rude to the legacy of Herbert Hoover. Maybe he is Marie Antoinette, let them eat cake. The problem is cake is very expensive right now. Joe Biden doesn’t give a damn. Joe Biden is saying drop dead. Twenty saying. Remember that old headline about Gerald Ford, and it was, I believe, in The New York Post, Ford says to New York, Drop dead. Biden says to America, drop dead. He’s living it up like he’s never lived up before. And so he sends his flunkies out there who are more political and economic. Here’s this Brian Dese, again, director of White House National Economic Council, despite these horrific economic numbers cut six go in, Americans expect to see higher prices at the pump with OPEC. Plus, a surprising decision to cut production by two million barrels a day. Well, here’s what I’ll say. Most Americans are seeing prices at the pump now that are down a dollar, a dollar 20 from where they were this summer. Now, you know, you see how he cherry picks there down from this summer. Ladies and gentlemen, they’re up almost 60 percent since Biden took over. And you know it. You know what’s happening with fuel. And it’s even worse for diesel fuel, which we need to get our truckers to bring us the food and all the rest that we eat. Go ahead. The prices that energy companies are paying, the wholesale prices are at historically low levels compared to what the retail prices are being paid. And so if market markets do what they should do, those retail prices should come down, they should come down over the course. You’re not going to come down. We have two million less barrels being pumped by the Saudis, but we have two million less barrels being pumped by us here in the United States. If the oil companies are so bad, why did they become bad when Biden was elected president? How come they weren’t bad when Trump was president? Can somebody tell me that? How can prices were low and stable for the four years of the Trump presidency and all of a sudden the oil companies decide, hey, let’s grill everybody because it’s a lie. These people don’t care and they’re certainly not going to fix the problems they created with this kind of propaganda. It’s not going to happen. It’s simply not going to happen here is the the other moron, Jared Bernstein, White House economic adviser on FOX today with Bill Hemmer cut for go. But at the heart of this is the core inflation number. And when it comes to core inflation, that does not include energy or food, but yet that number is the highest we’ve seen since nineteen eighty two. What he’s saying is the number when you exclude food and energy, which of course you really can’t, but they still have this core inflation number. It’s almost seven percent. So let’s take out oil and gas and let’s take out food, everything is going up, everything. Everything. And bigly. Go ahead. Time for this White House in the Biden administration to pivot on its economic policies. No, I think what we have is the no, no, they’re not going to pivot. They are not going to change course. So we have to change course for them. We have to send them individuals who represent our interests, we have to send the Washington individuals who have a different point of view. We have to vote and make sure individuals who understand what the American people are going through have some compassion for the American people and are driven by this radical ideology who will begin the process of reversing course. We have to send a big message to Washington, D.C.. We’re going to get worse and it’s going to get worse fast. It may still. Despite these record, horrible numbers go. Federal Reserve, we are acutely aware of the pressures that this causes on American families and budgets. The president started out this morning by talking about how Americans are squeezed by the cost of living. The president isn’t a commentator. He did it. This guy, Bernstein did it, this guy D did it, Biden did it, Schumer did it, Pelosi did it. The Democrats did it, including every single Democrat claiming to be a moderate like that stand Bergrin in Virginia or others who are absolute frauds. Guess remember, when you vote and you keep hearing these Democratic congressmen from these purple, are marginal districts going on and on about? I don’t agree with Pelosi, I don’t agree with Biden. I don’t agree with this. As they say it under their breath, the voter after voter, they did this to you. They voted to increase your food prices. They voted to increase your gasoline prices. They voted to increase your electricity prices. They voted to reduce the value of your income, whether you’re on a fixed income, a pension, or whether you work for a living, that is you’re still working. They voted for it and they are not going to reverse course. Go ahead to report to remind them of that. But that’s certainly in the report. Just to be clear, last year, that question and you said no. So are you saying know, here’s why I saying no change. So let me explain why. Let me explain why. Because the policies that we’re doing to help mitigate and ease price pressures are having effect. They are having an effect. They’re increasing inflation. They’re stretching out a recession. We now have stagflation, recession with inflation. Folks, listen to me. I study this stuff. Economics. History, these people are lying. You have inflation, you know it, you feel it, you have a recession, you know it, you see it. Go to the grocery store, go to the gas station, buy clothing, go online to purchase something. Just look at. The truth will set you free, but we have to come to our own defense here. We have to come to the assistance of ourselves and to our families. These politicians aren’t going to do it, you see what they’ve done. A cold winter is coming for much of the country. Your fuel prices are up 58 percent. Wait till you see what electricity prices are as they create more and more demand for electricity. As they keep their foot on the throat of oil production of gasoline production, of clean coal production of nuclear production, we haven’t had a new refinery and the refineries can’t keep up. They can’t even get parts to get back up and running when they break down. And you saw what happened with one baby food formula, manufacturing plant when it went down. No baby formula. That’s the position we’re putting ourselves into, folks. The government doesn’t know how to run the economy. Democrats certainly don’t know how to run the economy. Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, all four Democrat leaders in Washington who are running this country right now, not one of them have spent one hour working in the private sector, not one of them. Not one of them. What do you think about that? Now, here’s Biden in Los Angeles today. It’s not talking about what he’s going to do. Look, I’m president. Here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to make adjustments, Semih, the Democrats. And here’s what we’re going. No, here’s what he does. Cut too much. But as we go, you know, Republicans are going to make you a working middle class folks pay higher taxes. The biggest corporations, by the way, and every single piece of legislation I’ve gotten passed, the help of the people here, we have not raised the tax on anybody making less than four hundred thousand bucks a year. One and I wish I was making sure you were making 400 grand. Now, let’s let let’s think about how he lives. You folks think about this. You’re paying more for. Everything, everything, the economy is crippled. We’re regressing, you’re not making progress, you’re falling back. You’re not earning the same amount you earned as last year, even if you get a pay increase because of inflation. He did this. And now they say, I haven’t raised taxes on anybody, he’s raised taxes on everybody. Inflation is a tax. It’s because the government prints paper, prints money. And so the value of the currency goes down. It’s no different than a tax. If inflation is taking as just an example, 10 cents out of every dollar you earn. That’s a 10 cents a dollar tax if you support policies that create inflation. Then you support policies. You support policies. Better taxing you. That’s how they play their game. You notice Washington, D.C. isn’t suffering, Washington, D.C. is more money than it’s ever had. It’s got more power than it’s ever had, it’s got more bureaucrats than it’s ever had. They’ve got bigger pensions than they’ve ever had and medical care more than they’ve ever had. Everything is going swimmingly in Washington, D.C. and its suburbs. And more and more power. Is pulled from all the other parts of the country. More and more power. This is what Donald Trump understood and fought. Joe Biden. Is a man who has spent the vast majority of his life. In Washington, D.C., and on a train to Wilmington, Delaware, that’s the extent of it. He’s never had to do anything in the private sector, he’s been on the public dole his entire life, every minute of it. Same with Kamala Harris. Same with Chuck Schumer, same with Nancy Pelosi. So they take more and more money from you. Through inflation, big deal. All they have to do. All they have to do. It’s raise your taxes or spend more and they keep lining their pockets. This populist B.S., this Marxist B.S., this get the rich B.S.. Is killing us. It is a subterfuge, it is camouflage for what they are doing. He lies constantly, as I said, he said, we put a cap on drugs, that cap does not apply until twenty, twenty six and when that cap goes on, you can be 100 percent sure that you can have shortages. Of the drugs that you use Jetson’s, if you put a cap on the price of bread. People aren’t going to produce bread. And you will not have the investment for future life saving and life improving trunk’s. But that hasn’t kicked in yet. That’s twenty, twenty six, and yet he keeps falling back on it. He has squandered trillions of dollars, a quarter of a trillion dollars, 250 billion dollars. The government says went to fraud. Of the covid spending. Quarter of a trillion dollars. Think about that. 80 billion dollars for eighty seven thousand new IRS agents who have as their purpose to harass. Here you are breaking your back, trying to earn a living, trying to make ends meet, making decisions about fuel and food, cutting back, can’t take trips. Thanksgiving’s going to be hell. The price of turkeys are going to go through the roof. And they say their policies are working well, if you think their policies are working, then vote for them. And if you think these moderate Democrats who voted for every single one of these, every single one of them, every single Democrat. Then vote for them and buy their B.S. I’m a moderate. Or kick their asses out as fast as he can. In many states, early voting has begun and I would encourage you to get out there and vote. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

Inflation is raging, food and energy prices are soaring, and you notice the media are not leading off with stories about food banks that are overwhelmed right now with the homeless people, particularly the newly homeless people. Interviews with the working and middle class people who can’t make ends meet. They’re not talking to the plumbers and the truckers and the electricians and the construction workers, the handyman and the mechanics, the taxi and the uber drivers and the bus drivers. The media are not out there covering the people who make this nation work. And talking about what kind of difficulty they’re having. And they’re not going to. I’ve got one piece here that I’ll discuss in the next hour from MarketWatch. Talks about two families who are having a hell of a time. Now, even families that are able to make ends meet are having a difficult time. And are gravely concerned, even people who have good paying jobs. Or two for house, a two parent household. Whether both parents have good paying jobs, if they’re not on the government dole. They have to worry about it now because what’s happening to this country. There’s much more when we come back, of course. But this is a crucially important matter. The Democrat Party is destroying this country, it’s destroying your lifestyle. The economy is shrinking. The availability of energy is shrinking. Which means the government’s going to get more powerful, the police state is getting more powerful, they classrooms are using as government propaganda mills right now. This is what’s at stake. I’ll be right back.