October 12th, 2022

October 12th, 2022

United States Border Patrol agents on horseback try to stop Haitian migrants from entering an encampment on the banks of the Rio Grande near the Acuna Del Rio International Bridge in Del Rio, Texas on September 19, 2021. - US law enforcement are attempting to close off crossing points along the Rio Grande river where migrants cross to get food and water, which is scarce in the encampment. The United States said Saturday it would ramp up deportation flights for thousands of migrants who flooded into the Texas border city of Del Rio, as authorities scramble to alleviate a burgeoning crisis for President Joe Biden's administration. (Photo by PAUL RATJE / AFP) (Photo by PAUL RATJE/AFP via Getty Images)

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrats are a criminal’s best friend. Looking at what they’ve done with our streets, with our border, and our government. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas lies about the border security of this country in order to do the dirty work of Biden’s Officials Susan Rice, and Ron Klain. They didn’t hesitate to conjure up a narrative about racism back when border agents were charged with whipping Haitian immigrants, but the photographer (an eyewitness) has revealed that Mayorkas knew the photos were being taken out of context hours before making his initial statements and spreading Biden’s big lie anyway. This was proved today by emails obtained by a Freedom Of Information Act request. Then, another bombshell revealed in open court in today’s Danchenko trial was that the senior FBI officials traveled overseas to offer ex-spy Christopher Steele $1 million for the dossier that they knew was fake. Special Counsel Durham personally walked jurors through this phony information which was used by the FBI to obtain a FISA warrant to conduct surveillance on Trump and his campaign. The dossier was initially paid for by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democrat National Committee through a law firm they hired for opposition research. The Democrats within the FBI and the media are the real insurrectionists. Later, the convention of states must be grasped and enacted. Isaiah Berlin’s thoughts on liberty are staples that must not be forgotten. Berlin’s concept of positive and negative liberty is that negative liberty is the absence of obstacles, barriers, or constraints. Positive liberty is the possibility of acting — or the fact of acting — in such a way as to take control of one’s life and realize one’s fundamental purposes. Afterward, Don Bolduc from New Hampshire joins the show to discuss his campaign for the US Senate. Bolduc says that his opponent has outspent him by $23 million thus far spreading lies to smear his campaign.

Fox News
Mayorkas alerted that no Haitian migrants were ‘whipped’ hours before WH press conference

FBI offered Christopher Steele $1 million to prove dossier claims, senior FBI analyst testifies

Daily Caller
Biden Admin Begged Saudis To Delay Oil Production Cuts Until Days Before The Election: REPORT

Just The News
Hill Democrats move swiftly to end US arms to Saudis, in retaliation for OPEC cutting oil output

Wholesale prices rose 0.4% in September, more than expected as inflation persists

The Federalist
The 1980s Called. They Want Their Foreign Policy Back And Republicans To Finally Wake Up

Holder Warns Of Fascism As PBS Worries About Erosion of Democracy

Washington Free Beacon
‘They Treat Me Like a Piece of S—’: Raphael Warnock’s Church Pays for His Home. It’s Also Trying To Evict the Poor From Theirs.

NBC News
Los Angeles mayoral candidate Rick Caruso declares he’s not white because he’s Italian


The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Got a lot to unload here today. The secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. Has endangered this nation, this nation, like few secretaries, he lies about the border being secure, he lies about the stats. He’s doing all the dirty work for. Joe Biden, Susan Rice, Ron Klain and all the other reprobates. He has surrounded himself with. Now, remember those? Those horseback agents. These gentlemen who were on horseback, Border Patrol. Trying to prevent Asian illegal aliens from coming into the country. Remember how the media focused on this for days to. Project a narrative about how racist America is. You remember Joe Biden and Kamala Harris going to this quickly as they could, the closest TV cameras. To talk about how this looked horrific, racist, conjured up images of slavery. And how Joe Biden said he was going to get to the bottom of this and these men would pay. And a relative handful of us, as usual, who stood up and said, shouldn’t we get the facts here? And then the photographer comes out. And is actually these men didn’t whip anybody. But it didn’t seem to matter. It didn’t seem to matter. So there’s now a Fox exclusive that will be ignored by every other cable channel and the network news and The New York Times and The Washington Post, Bill Melhuish and Adam Shaw. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. I was told that the photographer who captured a clash between Border Patrol agents and Haitian migrants in Del Rio had said that the incident was being misconstrued. Hours before Malakas joined a White House press conference where he didn’t challenge the false narrative, in other words, they they called a press event immediately. Called Together Press event. And got this guy up as fast as they could in front of the media. To attack these men. Because by attacking these men, they’re attacking Border Patrol and ICE and they’re attacking America. And that, of course, is what? Joe Biden, the Democrats, do they hate the country? Even though they live off of it, they hate it. This September, twenty four, twenty twenty one email obtained by the Heritage Foundation, the Freedom of Information Act request shines light on the internal deliberations surrounding the controversy in Del Rio, Texas, where Democrats in the White House pushed a narrative that migrants had been whipped. Or strapped by Border Patrol agents, despite its being quickly debunked. In fact, agents were using split range to control their horses as migrants rushed across the river. But a narrative based on a misinterpretation of photographs was running on September 24 was further fueled by Joe Biden and Biden said to see people treated like they did, horses barely running over, people being strapped. It’s outrageous, he told reporters, making a whipping motion with his hand. I promise you, those people will pay. There will be an investigation underway now and there will be consequences. There will be consequences. Well, there was an investigation that found they didn’t do anything wrong. So they had to find some bureaucratic red tape, something or other. That they didn’t follow some process, having nothing to do with those photographs. For which they were given desk assignments. In other words, they were punished anyway. The investigation is still ongoing more than a year later, but findings of the Office of Professional Responsibility in July found no whips were in their possession. And no migrant was struck by the rains, although it did find other allies alleged infractions. Now, just hours after Biden made his inflammatory remarks to the cameras, Marsha Espinosa, assistant secretary for public affairs. Emailed my caucus and copied other DHS leadership, alerting them to a news article that showed that the photographer who took the images did not see any whippy. In the email, Espinosa highlighted the comments from the photographer where he directly says he did not witness any whipping. But you see, folks, they wanted the whipping, they wanted a whipping to have occurred, the Democrat Party has a narrative. They want to. Yank out the heart and soul of this nation. They have a narrative, so even though there was none of that going on. They kept repeating the big lie, they wanted it to go on. They don’t care about these men trying to secure our border. They never have and they never will. Two and a half hours after receiving that email, Mayorkas joined White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki at a White House press conference where he continued to push the narrative. He had that email. From his top press person and assistant secretary, and he goes on national TV and he says, our nation saw horrifying images that do not reflect who we are. We know that those images. Painfully conjured up the worst elements of our nation’s ongoing battle against systemic racism. It’s like the lie against the cops. Systemic racism from the cops. The evidence shows none of that. None of it. Marcus earlier in the week had spoken alongside Border Patrol Chief Robert Ortez. And had defended the agents, even pointing out that agents used long range to control the horses not as whips, but by the end of the week, he abandoned that point. The images horrified us in terms of what they suggest and what they conjure up, Majorca said. Why? Because my carcass was told by the White House. Push it, push the narrative, exploit it. It’s a white supremacist country, it’s a white dominated country. Pusha. He was then asked about the discrepancy between the photographer’s claims about no whipping being witnessed and the president’s statement. He said the horses have long range and the image of the photograph that we saw that hard not fied the nation, raise serious questions about what occurred, as I stated, quite clearly conjured up images of what has occurred in the past. No, it doesn’t. And what did? You mean Democrats? Whipping black people, it conjured up that images because that’s the image of the past Democrats whipping black people. The emails were obtained by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project. National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Junn told Fox News it a smoking gun evidence, smoking gun. It was evidence even beyond a smoking gun. The FBI investigation found no evidence. None that agents. Struck migrants at all. They weren’t even carrying weps. They had been accused, one agent of denigrating an offensive language against migrants. You know, most of these agents are Hispanics, right? Do you know that? They’re bilingual, at least. Mostly these agents. Are Hispanics. And yet look how they’re treated. As white supremacists, you see. Must be part of the Oath Keepers of the proud boys. Maybe even let’s look at their Facebook, maybe even. They questioned Dr. Foushee, you never know. Maybe they question what the Democrats have been doing with our government or. Potential threats. This is sickening when the entire federal government is setting up. Patriotic, heroic fellow citizens. To push a racist narrative against the country. What is the purpose of the Democrat Party? Does it have a real purpose other than to destroy us from within? What does it do? What is its purpose? Trash is our history, trash is our sovereignty. Trashes our heroes, trashes law enforcement, trashes the military, trashes successful people, trashes the working class in the middle class. Trashes our Constitution. Threatens our economic system, our currency. What is the purpose? Other than to destroy, to seek and destroy from within. I’ll be right back

Hour 1 Segment 2

It’s amazing how the Democrats are the criminals best friend, what they’ve done to our streets, what they’ve done to our border, but that they’ve done to our legal system, they have all but burned it all down. We still have patriots who are willing to serve. And stand up to lawlessness. That’s why this deserves a laser focus on Fox News today, cut 16 go, a notorious false claim is making news yet again. We know that Border Patrol agents never whipped Haitian migrants last year. Turns out the Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas, apparently knew that, too, but did not stop the bogus narrative Bill. Millions on the story. He’s in L.A. today. Bill? Good morning, Bill. Good morning to you. That’s right. An email obtained through a records request reveals that DHS secretary of one hundred by ORCA’s was privately alerted by DHS officials that the whipping narrative behind the infamous horseback Border Patrol photos wasn’t true. But at a press conference hours later, my orcas didn’t stop or dispute that narrative. The email was obtained by the Heritage Foundation, which filed a Freedom of Information Act request with DHS seven months ago, seeking all DHS communications about the incident with the horseback agents in Del Rio, Texas, last summer. Now, last week, DHS finally produced an initial batch of emails, including one from September twenty fourth, twenty twenty one the same day President Biden said this to. People treat it like they did, horses running them over, people being strapped. It’s outrageous. I promise you, those people will pay. Now, hours after the president’s comments, Marsha Espinosa, DHS is top public affairs official, sent this email to Secretary Mayorkas and other DHS officials at 12 00, five p.m.. In the email, Espinosa sends my caucus a news article and literally highlights that the photographer who took the infamous whipping photos said in an interview that things aren’t what they seem with his photos, that he and his colleagues never saw agents whipping anybody and that his images were being misconstrued. But two and a half hours after receiving that email, my orcas joined a press conference at the White House where he failed to dispute the whipping narrative that President Biden and other politicians were pushing. Instead, he called the images horrifying. We know that those images painfully conjured up the worst elements of our nation’s ongoing battle against systemic racism. And during his comments, my orcas never disclosed the new facts he had been alerted to in that email just hours beforehand. And the president of the Border Patrol union says that email shows there was just no interest in the truth. It is smoking a smoking gun evidence. And it clearly shows that they’re willing to lie to the American people for for their self-interest. They withheld facts. And any time that you withhold facts from the American people, you should be willing to step down from your job. Better men would step down. And a 10 month long CBP investigation later concluded the horseback agents never whipped anybody. They didn’t even carry whips, though they are now facing up to a 14 day unpaid suspension for administrative violations. I reached out to DHS two days ago for comment on this story. I followed up again this morning, but I have received no response from DHS whatsoever. There you go. Meanwhile. Approximately a year ago, and that those photos came out and despite the fact that the photographer denied that they had whipped anybody. Shortly thereafter, here’s a greybeard montage just a year ago of our corrupt, disgusting, lying media cut, 17 go images that make you think of how enslaved people were treated, border agents using some kind of whips around migrants at the border. At least one Border Patrol agent using a whip and was effectively trying to lasso some of the migrants sweeping out here. When anyone says, yes, it’s a raid, but nonetheless, there was whipping happen. Border Patrol agents using raids against migrants. They say that this looks like slavery. They say that this is cruel, that it’s inhumane. I was not aware that whips which come from the slave era, slavery era were part of the package that we issue to any sort of law enforcement in twenty, twenty one, seeing whips and being them corralled on horses was just as sickening and dehumanizing image. When you start whipping people with you want to split hairs between rains and whips, don’t care what it is that lacks humanity. Race is just the most palpable tool in the tool kit used to be of the Democratic Party back in the day. Joy Reid, Yamaichi Alcindor, Chuck Todd, Don Lemon, the usuals and more. And you won’t hear a single apology tonight from any of them, you won’t hear a single apology Sunday, they’re all sleazeballs. That’s what they are. That’s what they’ll always be no matter how many showers they take. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

Now we talked about the Department of Homeland Security under this administration, which is corrupt as hell, it’s corrupt through and through, right down to its bone marrow. And you want to know what the American Stasi was up to, the federal bureau, the Stasi was up to? With its dossier to try and take out Trump, the same FBI that’s gone after records and trying to prosecute Trump again. There were many articles on this today. I decided to use CNN why so I can’t be accused of fabricating anything, FBI offered Christopher Steele one million dollars to prove Dossie claims, senior FBI analyst testifies and he testified to that under oath today in open court federal court in Washington, D.C.. Shortly before the 2016 election, the FBI offered retired British spy Christopher Steele, quote, up to one million dollars, unquote, to prove the explosive allegations in his dossier about Donald Trump, a senior FBI analyst testified Tuesday. And thank God for the Patriots there, just not enough of them coming coming forward from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The cash offer was made during an overseas October 2016 meeting between Steele and several top FBI officials who are trying to corroborate Steele’s claims that the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia to win the election. You want to know why? You want to know why this country isn’t safe because of the FBI’s involvement in politics, the amount of resources they spend. And creating people is creating characteristics of people as domestic terrorists. Surveilling people, monitoring people. FBI supervisory analyst Brian Alten, a UTM, he’s a supervisory analyst, testified that Christopher Steele never got the money because he could not prove the allegations. I want to remind you, the FBI already knew the dossier was phony, but they didn’t care. So in my view, they’re offering the guy, Christopher Steele, a million bucks. Because they wanted him to say he could verify. Why else would you do that when you know it’s unverifiable? Alten, FBI supervisory analyst Outten also said still refuse to provide the names of any of his sources during that meeting. And that still didn’t give the FBI anything during that meeting that corroborated the claims in its explosive dossier. Paid for by Hillary Rodham Clinton. What a sleazeball she is, what I had, Kacie, is. She’s like a bad. What can I say? A bad inner thigh rash. That’s what she is there. I got it. That never goes away. I hear this from Democrats. The FBI agent was testifying at the criminal trial of Igor, then Chanko, by the way, he’s not a Ukrainian. He’s a Russian. A primary source for Steele’s dossier was being prosecuted by special counsel John Durham, Dan Chanko Russian has pleaded not guilty to five counts of lying to the FBI about his sourcing for some information that ended up in the dossier. Dorm, a Trump era prosecutor, they say dorm’s been around for decades, he’s not a Trump era prosecutor. He might even be a Clinton era prosecutor, you dumb clowns, over a constipated news network. Handled most of the court arguments, in other words, he argued himself personally, questioned FBI Agent Outten on the witness stand, a rare move for a special counsel and former U.S. attorney. In opening statements, prosecutors said Dan Chanko, Russian, not Ukrainian, fabricated a source and conceal the source in his interviews with the FBI in January 2017, where investigators were furiously trying to corroborate or refute the details of the Trump Russia dossier. Really? Then why did they leak it and why did they go to Trump with it? Why did Comey do that if they were furiously trying to corroborate or refute it? They’re using a like a like a sledgehammer against Trump. Prosecutor Michael Keltie said Dan Tankas alleged lies corrupted the functions of the FBI wasn’t hard to do. And tankas, alleged deception, tainted surveillance warrants that the FBI sought against former Trump advisor Carter Page in 2016 and 2017. So did the changing of a word in an email by one of the FBI lawyers who was found guilty, slapped on the hand and got his law license back. America, you familiar with that? Oh, yes. He’s probably in some bureaucracy in Washington, D.C.. Special counsel Daum. Cases about protecting the functions and integrity of the institutions while that day is over. Daum was appointed in twenty nineteen by former Attorney General Bill Barr, who defined government misconduct in the Trump Russia probe after three years, Daum only secured one conviction of a low level FBI lawyer. Now the media’s see this. Well, what jurisdiction is he in Washington, D.C., but his team used the Danylenko case to put the FBI on trial in some ways and er some of the bureau’s dirty laundry for all to see. Keltie, one of the prosecutors, said in opening statements the trial will cover the FBI troubling conduct regarding the paid surveillance. He said the bureau should have uncovered Domenikos alleged lies, but never did. Daum spent a decent chunk of time showing jurors the warrant applications that the FBI submitted to surveil Carter Page Dorham highlighted how the FBI kept using information from the still dossier to bolster its case for probable cause to secure the warrants even after the FBI came up empty in its efforts to corroborate Steeles claims even after they offered him a million dollars. In a bribe, that’s what it was. Those FISA warrants were roundly criticized and a 20 19 report. From the Justice Department inspector general, which exposed a series of errors, flaws and omissions, two of the four court approved warrants were later deemed invalid. Now. Back in March 2017, right, Mr. Bruce? Back in March 2017, the first week of March. I put together what I could from the public record based on the leaks from the FBI, was clear to me that the leaks were coming from the FBI having to work at justice. It could come from no other place. As came from a judge. And I mentioned that the time about a FISA warrant. And I mentioned the time that these warrants and other activities were taking place, spying on Donald Trump and the rest. And they came through. They came true. And the same media. The same damn corrupt, sickening Democrat Party media. That had put all these things in their press. Lied about it. Then they weirdly switch positions. Effectively, as I said at the time, condemning themselves. Effectively condemning themselves. So what’s the bottom line here? Senior officials of the FBI met with Christopher Steele overseas. Offered him one million dollars if he could verify. What he had in the dossier, even though the agents already knew it was unverifiable. And he never got the money because he couldn’t. That same dossier was used against Donald Trump in the media, that same dossier was used by Comey against Donald Trump when he met with him at Trump Tower. That same dossier was used by John McCain when he had a staffer take it to the FBI. But the FBI was in on it. The senior level of the FBI was in on it. I strongly believe Obama and Biden were in on it. The Department of Justice was in on it. The Democrat Party, the Hillary campaign, paid for it. And they washed it through a law firm, Perkins Coie. To another group. That would go on to higher Christopher Steele to try and cover their tracks. And Marc Elias, I worked at that law firm. Is the same lawyer who’s organized the efforts in 2020 to change election laws and one state after another to defeat Donald Trump going to friendly courts. Friendly governors, friendly secretaries of state. He’s in courts right now. Trying to fix the outcome of my personal view, change the outcome however you want to put it. Of midterm elections here and there throughout the country, he’ll be doing the same thing in twenty twenty four. So the real insurrectionist. Israel insurrections weren’t the people on January 26. Doesn’t excuse those who were violent in any respect. They weren’t the real insurrectionist. The real insurrectionists are at the FBI during the Democrat Party. There in the media. They hate America. They want to fundamentally change in. Then there are those of us who object to it. We object to it. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

While Joe Biden is blowing up the Middle East, he’s just blowing it up. He wants to get the Iranians nuclear weapons. He wants to give Hezbollah oil fields off to Lebanon. He wants Israel to surrender to the Palestinian terrorists. And he’s pushing Saudi Arabia into the arms of the Russians. And his party will cut off weapons to the Saudis so they can buy them from the communist Chinese. Meanwhile, the Iranians have built military alliances with both Russia and China. Syria’s built military alliances, of course, with Russia. Saudi Arabia now will build military alliances with Russia and China. Israel will have to defend against the Palestinians who are being empowered by Joe Biden. And this is the situation we have in the Middle East. We had the Abraham Accord’s. Under President Trump, Joe Biden has blown up the entire Middle East and in the case of Saudi Arabia, he’s angry at Saudi Arabia. Why? Because Saudi Arabia wouldn’t play Democrat Party politics with him. Hello, hello, hello. Listen to me. This isn’t about protecting America. Saudi Arabia decided to cut two million barrels of oil. Why? Because Joe Biden has cut the equivalent of two million barrels of oil from domestic production. And the Saudis are thinking, why the hell should we do that when you don’t do it yourself? But they don’t matter? They didn’t even matter under Tropp, it didn’t matter what OPEC did. It didn’t matter what Russia did. It didn’t matter what anybody was doing. It was full steam ahead, develop, pump, refine ship, use energy independence. They’ve destroyed. They’ve destroyed energy independence here in America. And Joe Biden is a political street hack. And he was pressuring Saudi Arabia. If you’re going to cut it, OK, fine, but just do it a few days before the election. By that time, our people will have voted and by that time it won’t matter if you’re going to cut it, at least cut it later. He didn’t say, don’t cut it at all. My God. This is what Joe Biden is about, saying he and his family dealing with the communist Chinese. And other foreign governments in which they’ve made tens of millions of dollars and they expected the Saudis effectively to do with the Biden crime family demands, and he thinks he’s so clever and he’s so smart and he’s so politically capable. Does Biden. And now suddenly he and his party want to cut off all arms sales to the Saudis, and you watch how the Iranian wing, which is so similar to the Putin wing of the media. And of our political parties. Attack Saudi Arabia, I’m no special pleader for Saudi Arabia, it is a corrupt, inbred monarchy. It’s not my point. There are geopolitical issues here. We had peace processes going on in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia wasn’t anything to worry about. The Palestinians were cut out because Trump said, you know what, we’re tired of your terrorism, we’re tired of your obstruction. We’ll deal directly with Arab Gulf countries. We will build a defense against the Iranians. He put his foot on the throat of the Islama, not the regime that keeps threatening to fire nuclear weapons at us. He supported the state of Israel in part as a buffer. He worked well with the Saudis, work well with the Egyptians. We didn’t have all this crap going on. Joe Biden is about Joe Biden. He doesn’t care if this country burns baby burns, he does not care. And neither does his damned party, a corrupt, evil good-for-nothing party from the very day it was founded, a sick party. And so now we’re going to push Saudi Arabia into the arms of the Chinese for weapons. They’re already somewhat in the arms of the Russians. The Democrats want to cut off all the weapons, why? Because they didn’t help them in the midterms. That’s why. Daily Caller Biden administration begged Saudis to delay oil production cuts until days before the election. Jack MacAvoy. Why, meaning the Americans would not have felt the impact of reduced supplies before casting their ballots. The Wall Street Journal report OPEC and its Russian led allies, which are collectively known as OPEC, plus cut crude oil production by two million barrels on October 5th. Before it was announced, the Biden administration begged, begged, according to the Wall Street report, Saudi Arabia, a founding member of OPEC, to delay the decision until November. Is that not an impeachable offense, Mr. Producer? Remember when they impeach Trump? And they said, what did they say, he was using politics to try and get the Ukrainians to investigate Biden, which he was not, but it doesn’t matter here. Biden is using politics that affects you and me, Mr. and Mrs. America, not just Biden, Mr. and Mrs. America, which says, OK, OK, you’re going to cut it. But wait, wait. So it doesn’t hurt the Democrat Party. So it doesn’t hurt the Democrat Party. You believe this? You believe what we have at the head of this government? I want you people who are going to the gas stations, you’re filling up your car. I want you to listen to me. Those prices don’t have to be that high. The price of food doesn’t have to be this high. Interest rates don’t have to be this high housing prices, prices of automobiles, they don’t have to be this high. None of this has to be going on. This is all Biden Democrat Party made. There are no moderates in this battle. Not one, not one. And now he’s burning the Middle East. Where Trump had it at peace, he’s burning it, pushing the Saudis into the arms of the communist Chinese and the Russians. What a stupid bastard. I’m sorry. I’ll be right back.