October 11th, 2022

October 11th, 2022

NEW YORK - OCTOBER 07: A trader works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange October 7, 2008 in New York City. Despite a government debt buyout plan, the Dow continued to fall today, closing more than 500 points down. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, no one has bulldozed the D.C bureaucracy like Donald Trump did and that is why they weaponized the federal government to destroy him. Yet the Wall Street Journal is now reporting that thousands of government officials have profited from investments that they were personally and professionally involved in. Then, additional inquiry by the WSJ revealed that there were considerable investments made prior to the government scrutinizing oil and gas companies, aerospace and defense companies, and big technology companies such as Google (Alphabet) and Facebook (Meta). Meanwhile, election interference from fraudulently changing laws by circumventing the US Constitution and the State’s Constitution suffered a blow when the US Supreme Court vacated an Appellate Court decision to allow undated mail-in ballots to be counted. Barring any future decisions, SCOTUS today rejected the undated ballots from being accepted in future elections.  Afterward, Dr. Oz joins the show with an update on his campaign for Senate.

Wall St Journal
Government Officials Invest in Companies Their Agencies Oversee

Federal Register
Employee or Independent Contractor Classification under the Fair Labor Standards Act

Some members of Congress have above average investing returns — soon, 2 new ETFs will let you follow along with them

Washington Free Beacon
FBI Officials Who Briefed Facebook on Hunter Biden Story Are Dem Donors

Philadelphia Inquirer
The Supreme Court just undid a key ruling for counting undated Pennsylvania mail ballots

MSNBC Reporter Says Fetterman ‘Had a Hard Time Understanding’ Their Conversation During Face-to-Face Interview

Fox News
Fetterman helped release man convicted of murdering elderly woman

Former NY Dem Governor Never Felt More ‘Unsafe’ In City Than Today

Townhall’s compilation of Biden’s pander-palooza of a political career is something else

Daily Wire
Colorado Officials ‘Incorrectly’ Sent Out 30,000 Voter Registration Postcards To Noncitizens

Opinion | If Hunter Biden Gets Indicted, There’s an Upside for Joe

Photo by Mario Tama

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

We’re getting down to it less than 30 days, I think it’s 28 days until the election. So this is. The last few minutes. In the fourth quarter. This is very, very important voting has started. In in many, many states. Including in Florida and other states, and you should get out and vote. You should get out and vote and make sure your vote counts. And then spend time getting family who are. Of the same mindset or. Sympathetic to the same view, pointed to exactly the same thing. Because otherwise, I don’t think we’re going to be able to save the country if we don’t start clawing our way back right now, I believe that. You know, some people are Pollyannas out there. They think it’s a ratings boost to keep going on and on. I’m telling you the truth. Where I sit and what’s going on in this country. And I know they’ve tried to tear down Herschel Walker and Mr. Producer. Let’s invite Mr. Walker back on the program. Even if we have to double up candidates, No. We’re going to have Lee Zeldin on next week as well, talk about his harrowing experience that with his children, the real shot at the governorship of a major, major state, which makes a huge difference. Dr. Oz will be coming on this evening. In the third hour. Don Bolduc, who is running for the Senate in New Hampshire. Mitch McConnell has written them off. I don’t write them off. Lone alarm Bobert in Colorado is in a fight. She’ll be back. Kelly Kabaka, who has been targeted by McConnell from Alaska, she’ll be on the program. I mentioned Lee Zahran, Blake Masters. We’re working on Ted Bud at a North Carolina. Ted Bodies is confirmed, OK, and we’re going to swing back, we’re looking at certain House candidates to we can’t do them all, but I can assure you, if you keep trying to call me or email me or whatever, it ain’t going to happen. So call it. We’re doing our best here. This isn’t the Republican National Committee, but it is a radio program and a host who is committed to the mission and always has been and always will be, simply no question about that. Otherwise, what’s the point of talk radio? There is no point. Now, there is a remarkable piece. In The Wall Street Journal today. And to set the foundation for this, Nancy Pelosi blocked. Blocked legislation. Real legislation, not phony legislation, blocked real legislation. That would have prevented insider trading, insider trading by members of Congress. She and her husband have made tens of millions of dollars, I would argue, by insider trading. When you consider she determines what will be voted on and whether it will pass or not. And her husband is a so-called financial adviser, they claim to never speak to each other. Now, I believe there are cases where husbands and wives don’t speak to each other about their jobs. Most judges. Whether they’re district court judges, appellate justices or Supreme Court justices, I get it. Because they’re not profiting. From anything. But when you look at the pattern. And you look at the profiteering. Of the Pelosi family, it’s unbelievable. One of the reasons that they go after Donald Trump, they go after his taxes, they go after his businesses. Is because nobody in recent times. Has tried to bulldoze through. The corrupt Washington, D.C. aristocracy like Donald Trump. So they’re using their federal powers to try and destroy him and everybody around him. And that includes the bureaucracy. This is a massive piece by The Wall Street Journal. They literally had six reporters on this, you know, over The New York Times, they have six reporters and Maggie Haberman on gossip stories that are leaked to them. Now, this was actual old time research. Time research. Hidden records show thousands of senior executive branch employees, thousands own stocks and companies whose fates were directly affected by their employers actions, a Wall Street Journal investigation found you would think the hometown Washington Post and the Washington, D.C. area. What have broken this story, but they’re not even looking. Because it’s not in their self-interest to expose the corrupt bureaucracy. To expose the corrupt Democrat Party. It’s in their interests, financially and otherwise, to go after somebody like Donald Trump. Thousands of officials across the government’s executive branch reported owning or trading stocks that stood to rise or fall with decisions their agencies made. A Wall Street Journal investigation has found more than two thousand six hundred officials. Two thousand six hundred. Ad agencies from the Commerce Department to the Treasury Department during both Republican and Democratic administrations and keep in mind. Anybody know a Republican president who could actually control the Democrat run bureaucracy? There aren’t any. They do their best, but there aren’t any. DISCLOSE stock investments in companies while those same companies were lobbying their agencies for favorable policies. That amounts to more than one in five senior federal employees across 50 federal agencies reviewed by the Journal. Now let’s stop. And why is that? Because they they take care of each other. That’s why the corporatists are now. Democrats by why the corporatists do not support slashing government. That’s why the corporatists use the bureaucracy to attack their competition. And apparently the bureaucrats make a ton of money by supporting their favorite corporatists. What do you think the framers of the Constitution would say? You see Dizzy Liz Cheney and morons like her don’t understand that this is the insurrection. This is the insurrection top official at the Environmental Protection Agency reported purchases of oil and gas stocks. The Food and Drug Administration improperly led an official on dozens of food and drug stocks on its no buy list, a Defense Department official who bought stock in a defense company five times before it won new business from the Pentagon. And we. We, the American people who are not in on this scam, we pay for all of it. All of it. The Journal obtained and analyzed more than thirty one thousand financial disclosure forms for about 12000 senior career employees, political staff and presidential appointees. The review spans 20, 16 through 20, 21, and includes data on about eight hundred and fifty thousand financial assets, more than three hundred and fifteen thousand trades reported in stocks, bonds and funds by the officials, their spouses or dependent children. The vast majority of the disclosure forms aren’t available online, are readily accessible. The review amounts to the most comprehensive analysis of investments held by executive branch officials who have wide but largely unseen influence over public policy. And I’ve got one of those. One of those regulations that they’re putting in place right now, I’m not done with this piece, but I just want to underscore the point. Are you an independent contractor? That doesn’t mean with the federal government, are you an independent contractor, you might be your own small business person. An independent business person, he might even be an independent journalist. In other words, you’re not an employee. Of a particular corporation, you’re your own employee and boss. Well, the Department of Labor. Under Joe Biden. As of today. October 13, 20, 22, excuse me, as of I guess that’s Thursday. Essentially want to eliminate. The existence of independent contractors. They want to take up. Another one of the lamebrain ideas coming out of California. In which they claim that a law in the 1930s in the New Deal. The Fair Labor Act, among other things. That you’re not able to pay. Independent contractors, the kind of money they should have, minimum wage and all the rest, the Fair Labor Standards Act, and what they want to do, of course, has nothing to do with that. This is another sop by Biden and the Democrats to the big labor boss thug’s. To force people out of their businesses. They will lose their excuse me, Colora, they will lose. There are small businesses. If they’re individuals, they’re writers and journalists, if they’re engineers and architects, you know who you are and you know what I’m talking about, they would eliminate it. Killing all those jobs. Now, if this isn’t the kind of tyranny, the Marxist tyranny that I keep talking about. They’ve given legal notice, they want to do this by regulation, what happens on this program is usually I break. These stories, and then they’ll be picked up by the backbencher’s. Without attribution, of course, they’re angry with me because I call them the backbencher’s, you had seen this story on cable TV and you haven’t heard it on radio yet. Because it’s not juicy, you know, it doesn’t have the name Hunter Biden in it, and I’m not saying we shouldn’t talk about Hunter by this will affect. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people’s lives. And this has nothing to do with representative government. Look how they do it, radical Labor Department, radical regulation, they want to impose California’s. System on America. I want Florida system. Throughout America, but they want to oppose. Imposed California system. Shocking, isn’t it, that they want to eliminate independent contractors, shocking. Among the Journal’s findings, while the government was ramping up scrutiny of big technology companies, more than 1800 federal officials reported owning or trading at least one of four major tech stocks Medhat Platform, ANCs, Facebook, Alphabet, ANX, Google, Apple Inc, Amazon.com Inc. More than five dozen officials at five agencies, including the Federal Trade Commission and Justice Department, for crying out loud. Reported trading stock in companies shortly before their departments announced enforcement actions such as charges and settlements against those companies, more than 200 senior EPA officials. Nearly one in three reported investments in companies that were lobbying the agency, EPA employees and their family members collectively on between 400000 and nearly two million dollars in shares of oil and gas companies on average each year between 2016 and 2021. At the Defense Department, officials in the Office of the Secretary reported collectively owning one point two million and three point four million of stock in aerospace and defense companies on average every year, examined by the Journal. Some held stock in Chinese companies while the U.S. was considering blacklisting the companies. About 70 federal officials reported using riskier financial techniques such as short selling in options, trading with some individual trades, voting between five million and twenty five million federal employees in all the forms revealed more than 90000 trades of stocks during the six year period reviewed. And when financial holdings caused a conflict, the agency sometimes simply waive the rules more.

Hour 1 Segment 2

On top of this, ladies and gentlemen, some members of Congress have above average investing returns. Wow. He can’t beat them. Join him seems to be the unofficial mantra of two new exchange traded funds or ETFs recently filed as a way to track the trading of U.S. congressional members and their families. This is at CNBC. Subversive capital filed a form and one day on September 15 to establish two ETFs that will allow that will follow exactly how Democrat and Republican members of Congress are trading. Recently, the subject of congressional members trading stocks has raised questions regarding the potential for insider trading and conflicts of interest. And so your members of Congress are over 90 of them, in my view, have been involved and maybe not legally insider trading, although maybe but certainly politically insider trading. And so you and I are getting ripped off left and right here. And no wonder that corporations have thrown in with the Democrats in the bureaucracy. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

I want to thank you. Another blockbuster ratings on our Fox Life, Liberty and Levine program. Last Sunday, I want you to do me a favor. There are millions of you listening, you go on social media, I want you to go on Mark Levin show Twitter. And I want you to look at some of the comments. On posting’s. On the posting. I point out Vladimir Putin and Russia’s links to Nazis. Tomatis. And of course, in Ukraine, the president is Jewish, some of his cabinet is Jewish, the prior president Jewish, but that’s beside the point. I want you to look at the Russian trolls who come on their Russian trolls, both to Russia and the United States, who come on their. And say that I now support Nazis, Mr. Producer. Have you seen that? I now support Nazis’, according to the Russian trolls. Because I know that Putin is a Stalinist. Who invaded a free country, free is you’re going to get. Over there. And tried to conquer it. And now he’s slaughtering their people again in the torture chambers, we’ve talked about how they’ve moved two million people into into Russia for slave labor and and of course, the Russian trolls mentioned none of that. So I put links out there. Various sites. Indisputable facts. And so because I don’t support. Puton. And then more broadly, Russia and what’s going on, I support Nazis’. Because they buy into the Putin propaganda and it’s not just Putin. But the Putin propaganda. That is Ukraine. That’s filled with Nazis now there is a group. That’s a neo-Nazi group. That is fighting along with other Ukrainians to a relatively small group. I don’t. Celebrate that group, I don’t endorse that group. I have nothing to do with that group, of course. But it is interesting, isn’t it? They’ll point to that one instance and condemn it good. But the endless instances. In Vladimir Putin’s orbit. Are ignored, utterly ignored. Jews are now fleeing Russia. They’ve been told to get the hell out of there by various rabbis and Jewish organizations, not the same as Ukraine. Why is that? I’m just pointing this out, ladies and gentlemen, because this is one of the lines that go out there when you say. Putin is a mad man, and then I would ask this question, how many nuclear missiles does Ukraine have aimed at the United States? Naanu. Zero. How many nuclear missiles does. Putin have aimed at the United States and keeps threatening to use them dozens, if not hundreds. And yet we have these Russian trolls in the United States. Some of whom even claim to be Trump supporters, clearly not some of whom even claim to be conservatives, truly not some people who even claim. That they oppose war, but they certainly don’t. Who defend Putin and then claim they’re not defending Putin. Russian trolls. They come on Twitter and the other sites, Truc Social, Geter, Parler, whatever. So you should go on there and see it and feel free to respond to them, of course. It was Stalin who signed the pact with Hitler. Hitler turned on Stalin. But it’s Putin who’s developed neo-Nazi organizations and supremacist organizations. Not only to keep his own power in Russia, but to use against other countries, we conservatives don’t support this. We true conservatives reject this. There may be some kind of other ideology bouncing around out there, dressed up as conservatism, constitutionalism, Reaganism, Trump ism, it’s none of that. Now, it’s fair to debate the issue of funding Ukraine, how much to fund Ukraine and also whether. That money is being used for. The proper purposes, that’s that’s perfectly fine, but when you. Side with an enemy. An enemy that’s done cyberwarfare acts against us. That is working with the Islama Nazi regime in Iran, that is working with the communist Chinese regime, and they. That is working with the North Korean regime. That helps the Castro regime, then you’re just an idiot. You’re not. Period. That’s the way it is, so I want you folks. In mass, if you will, if you have a few minutes, go on there, Mark Levin, show Twitter. And look at these comet. From these Russian bots. It’s really quite remarkable. There’s a lot of them. They claim to speak for you and my audience, they claim to speak for conservatives, they claim to speak for America first, they claim to speak. For on behalf of the United States, they’re not they’re all frauds. Utter frauds. I want to pick this up again, speaking of frauds in the federal government. Wall Street Journal investing by federal agency officials has drawn far less public attention than that of lawmakers. And by the way, even though lawmakers have been faced with this, they haven’t passed any serious law to prevent them from insider trading. Congress has long faced criticism for not prohibiting lawmakers from working on matters in which they have a financial interest. The rules were tightened in 2012 by the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act. Yeah, right. Right, but the Pelosi’s just keep raking it in and raking it in and raking it in, US law prohibits federal officials from working on any matters that could affect their personal finances. Additional regulations adopted in 1990 to direct federal employees to avoid even appearance of a conflict of interest. Oh, isn’t that isn’t that sweet? In nineteen seventy eight, Ethics in Government Act requires senior federal employees above a certain pay level to file annual financial disclosure listings, their income, assets, loans. The financial figures are reported in broad ranges. Let me put it to you in a very easy way. Washington protects Washington. The bureaucracy protects the bureaucracy. Congress protects Congress, and so when you get people in the office of the White House who come out of this mud, the slush. They’re going to do nothing about it or they’re going to benefit from it. We’d still love to know how Joe Biden became a multimillionaire with mansions, including an oceanfront mansion in Rehoboth Beach on a senator’s salary for two years. A speeches? No, folks, that’s not cutting it. And the way The Wall Street Journal did this really fantastic and remarkable investigation. It wouldn’t take much for them. Well, The Washington Post, which is Washington, D.C. s hometown paper, or the New York Slimes that pretends to speak for everybody, it wouldn’t take much for them to really do a forensic examination. Of the Biden family, it wouldn’t take much from Maggie Haberman. To get off her gossip, Trump hating obsession, psycho beat. And to investigate the Biden crime family, course, she won’t. She’s a grifter. She makes all of her money from this. But you. At my point. And of course, no committee in Congress, as long as the Democrats control it, are going to investigate this, and I doubt that Mitch McConnell, should the Republicans take over, will allow any committee in the Senate to investigate it. Why? Because they have they have McConnell by the you know, what’s to. Peter Schweitzer laid it out, sentence, chapter, verse. The Mitch McConnell is worth tens of millions of dollars because he married into a family. That’s been given favorable treatment by the communist regime in China. It’s another reason Mitch McConnell hates Trump. Because Trump is tough with China, Mitch McConnell hasn’t done a damn thing about China in all the years that he’s been in the Senate. Can you think of anything? No, you can’t, because he has. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

Most of the bureaucracy donates to Democrat. Much of the federal bureaucracy, particularly at the senior level, benefits from big government, benefits from trading stocks, making investments decisions, rather. And then we have this. From the Free Beacon. Chuck Ross, two FBI officials who brief Facebook ahead of its decision to censor news stories about one hundred Biden’s laptop donated to Democrats in 2020, according to court filings and campaign finance records. Laura Dunlow, the unit chief for the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force, and Elvis Chan, the head of the FBI San Francisco Cyber Division, were quote unquote involved. And the communications between the FBI and Facebook that led to the social media giant suppression of the Hunter Biden’s laptop story. According to a court filing on Thursday, the FBI’s interactions with Facebook have been of interest since Mark Zuckerberg said in August that Facebook blocked access to an October 20 20 New York Post article about Biden’s laptop because the FBI had earlier warned the company to be on high alert for Russian efforts to release derogatory information about the Bidens before the election. You see how sleazy and dirty and corrupt this is, according to campaign finance records, Denslow gave sixty dollars to the Democratic National Committee in 2020. It’s not the amount of money, folks, it’s the allegiance. Chank contributed 50 dollars each to Democratic Georgia Senators John Asaph and Raphael Warnock for their runoff campaigns in November 20 20. And according to the court filings, Facebook power company Medda identified Denholm and Channe in response to a subpoena for records of interactions with Abidin administration. The filing, released by the Missouri attorney general’s office on Monday, does not detail Denslow and chance interactions with Facebook or any other social media companies. The attorney general’s office is suing the Obama administration for allegedly colluding with social media companies to, quote, censor free speech, which of course they are. And the contributions are likely to revive longstanding concerns about political bias in the FBI’s probe on or Biden. Yeah, I think so. The problem is we have to rely on the House to get to the bottom of much of this, because I don’t think other than Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson and I don’t believe they’re operating with the support of the Republican leadership in the Senate, not even close. To get to the bottom of this and to the bottom of this, we must get. I’m not here to depress you, I’m here to tell you what’s going on in your country. And this is what’s going on in your country. While CNN and MSNBC are utterly useless carbon footprints. Provida propagandists for the regime. Every now and then, a story squirts out. From some journalists or some journalistic project. A rare exception to the rule, but we shouldn’t have rare exceptions to the rule when it comes to the First Amendment and free press. The exception should be the Provida part of the press. But it’s not. And this is where we get. The corrupt FBI increasingly. In my view, a Stasi like operation. But what would you call it? Those who disagree, I mean, what do you think it is, what would you call it? I mean, look what the former president’s going through over what documents they tell us, the documents are crucially important, classified information. And that it technically violates this side or the other. Well, the communist Chinese are all over our number one top federal nuclear lab. The episode Mar a Lago, not at the lab. The FBI is chasing Trump’s lawyers, not the communist Chinese spies. It’s incredible. What’s going on in this country? Now, I’ve told you over the past few days, part of last week. Have a couple of court decisions stemming from 20, 20. That the petitioners, the plaintiffs are winning or have won. That raised significant issues. About voting processes and, yes, even about fraud, and I notice that the same media. That have claimed there’s not one single case, the legal analysts tell us the form of federal prostitutes, not one single case. And I’m going to tell you about another one that’s heading to the United States Supreme Court, a second one in addition to the issue related to Article two, that is where state courts and other officials undermine state legislatures in determining election laws. There’s another matter that came before the Supreme Court that I want to make you aware of, also involving the state of Pennsylvania. We’ll be right back.