October 7th, 2022

October 7th, 2022

HAGERSTOWN, MARYLAND - OCTOBER 07: U.S. President Joe Biden delivers remarks about the economy after touring Volvo Group Powertrain on October 07, 2022 in Hagerstown, Maryland. Biden highlighted his administration's efforts on "building the economy from the bottom up and middle out." According to the company, about 1,700 employees at the Maryland plant develop and manufacture heavy-duty diesel engines, transmissions and axles for Mack Trucks, Volvo trucks and buses and Prevost coaches. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, we have a president bankrupting our economic system and making reckless comments about nuclear Armageddon. Yet, the media says that Donald Trump is the biggest threat to our country. If Biden seriously thoughtwe were facing a nuclear strike from Putin he should probably be in the situation room with military officials instead of talking smack at a Democrat Party fundraiser. Then, when Russia put missiles on the Island of Cuba it created a crisis, it happened because JFK was perceived as weak. He pressed them and they removed them. But the Cuban Missile Crisis scenario is no longer the case because missiles reach targets that are way further away. So, in effect, the United States faces a Cuban Missile Crisis from enemy states every single day. Later, the New York Times is trying to influence every election they can. Democrats are trashing Republican candidates for things most Democrats have actually done and would be praised for. Democrats attack liberty and If America won’t support its own freedom it can’t support the freedom of others. 

No new intelligence behind Biden Armageddon comment -White House

The Democrats Hate America

Right Scoop
Las Vegas mass stabbing suspect is here ILLEGALLY from Guatemala AND has criminal record

Democrats’ swing-state local news ploy

Economist Claims Focus On Manufacturing Is A Fetish For Keeping Stupid White Males In Power Position

‘Beginning of the end’: Ayatollah Khamenei to see Iran regime collapse as protests surge

Photo by Chip Somodevilla

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Our founding fathers here in this country brought about the only true revolution that has ever taken place in man’s history. Every other revolution simply exchanged one set of rulers for another set of rulers. But only here did that little band of men so advanced beyond their time that the world has never seen their license evolve. The idea that you and I have within ourselves, the God given right and the ability to determine our own destiny. But freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. The only way they can inherit the freedom we have known is if we fight for it, protect it, defended, and then hand it to them with the well taught, the lessons of how they and their lifetime must do the same. And if you want, I don’t do this. And you and I may well spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it once was like in America when men were free and. Ronald Reagan, 1980, one little sped up version there, but quite true, don’t you think? And to compare 1960 one sorry, sixty one. And then we have Joe Biden. Joe Biden, you know. All this talk in the media, all this talk by the legal analysts. All this talk by the former federal prosecutors and disgruntled former. Trump administration employees about the dangers posed by former President Trump having these documents at Mar a Lago and they can’t point to a single instance, not one. Well, those documents were shared, revealed. Discuss with anybody. Not one and all the failings of the Department of Injustice. All the scrutinizing of the documents, they don’t have one example, not one. That any classified information, regardless of level of classification, that any classified information was shared with anybody. And yet Donald Trump is a grave threat to the nation, ladies and gentlemen. He’s the grave threat, though, the grave threat to the nation is the man, the putative president, who sits in the Oval Office as I speak. He’s a grave threat to this nation in every respect, domestic and foreign. The Associated Press, Biden’s Armageddon talk edges beyond bounds of U.S. intelligence. President Joe Biden’s warning that the world is at risk of nuclear Armageddon was designed to send an unvarnished message that no one should underestimate the extraordinary danger of freshly deployed tactical nuclear weapons in its war against Ukraine. Administration officials said Friday that’s not what happened. He made those comments. He made those comments. At a fundraising event off the top of his head. President’s grim assessment, delivered during a Democratic fundraiser last night, rippled around the globe and appeared to edge beyond the boundaries of current U.S. intelligence assessments. U.S. security officials continue to say they have no evidence that Vladimir Putin has imminent plans for a nuclear strike. Biden veered into talk about Ukraine at the end of his standard fundraising remarks, saying that Putin was not joking when he talks about the use of tactical nuclear weapons or biological or chemical weapons. Those are quotes. Further quotes, we have not faced the prospect of Armageddon since Kennedy in the Cuban missile crisis, he suggested the threat from Putin is real because it his military is, you might say, significantly underperforming now. Couple things about this. If you’re Vladimir Putin and you’re the monster, I say he is. And if he is very, very concerned about what’s taking place, no question is if he’s hanging on to power by a thread and we don’t know. But it’s possible. And you hear the putative president of the United States speak like this. You almost feel like you’ve been given a green light, don’t you, Mr. Producer? You’re expected. To use biological kemel, chemical or nuclear warfare, we expect you to do that. We don’t think that’s outside the realm of possibility. Yes, he might do it. We’ve ever been so close to a nuclear war since the Cuban missile crisis, and he says that at a Democratic fundraiser, how serious is this president? Should he be hunkering down? The Situation Room or in the Oval Office? With his national security team, with a State Department team, with his Defense Department team and all the other teams are supposed to. Seek advice from if he really believes that, rather a Democratic fund raiser. So that’s point to. This man is so dangerous. I can’t even believe. Did there’s any thought that anybody’s going to vote Democrat this November? I can’t believe it. White House Press Secretary Karen in the Air said today she did not directly respond to a question about whether Biden had gone into the event intending to invoke Armageddon at the White House, sought to clarify the president’s off the cuff comments. Well, two things. That sentence is internally inconsistent. Did he intend to invoke it then they say the comments were off the cuff, the comments were off the cuff. She told reporters. Quote, Russia’s talk of using nuclear weapons is irresponsible and there’s no way to use them without unintended consequences, it cannot happen. She added that if the Cuban missile crisis has taught us anything, it is the value of reducing nuclear risk and not brandishing it. It’s also the value of not suggesting. That your enemy really is quite capable of using nuclear weapons? Oh, yes, folks, it’s Armageddon, potentially Armageddon, just like the Cuban missile crisis, folks. Biden’s national security team for months is warned that Russia could use weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine as it has faced a series of strategic setbacks on the battlefield. But the president’s remarks were the starkest warnings yet by the government about nuclear strike. There were warnings they were off the cuff comments at a fund raiser. That’s not where you deliver a warning or how you deliver a warning. When U.S. officials said Biden was also trying to warn against underestimating the danger any level of tactical nuclear weapons would have, we know that. But that’s not what he did. At a Democrat fundraiser. So they’re done, in other words, they’re not even criticizing by. They’re not even critiquing. His utterly irresponsible talking. At this fundraiser. There’s some concern in the administration that Russia is determined it can use its nuclear arsenal in a manner short of a full blown nuclear attack on Ukraine and face only limited reaction from the U.S. and Western allies who are determined to keep the Ukraine conflict from turning into a broader war, according to the official who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss administration thinking. So that’s probably Jake Sherman, the national security adviser. Putin has repeatedly said, OK, we know Putin has threatened to use nukes, we know he might. Tactical nukes. But as president of the United States, you don’t go to a Democratic fundraiser. Off the cuff. And talk about. And talk about. If you don’t believe Putin is willing to use this, are capable of it. You better think twice. You better think twice. Armageddon, he calls it. We’re at risk of a nuclear Armageddon. What says no joking quote, when he talks about the use of tactical nuclear weapons or biological chemical weapon weapons? The threat from Putin is real because his military is, you might say, significantly underperforming. Again, your Putin and you hear that, what do you say you see? Biden says. It’s not a mere threat, I’m I’m not joking. It’s not a mere threat. So he knows that I could use them, so I’m going to use them. That’s not what you say. That’s not how you speak, that’s not where you speak, you choose your words incredibly carefully. You don’t do it off the cuff. We have a very sick, mentally unhinged, dangerous man in the Oval Office. I do not excuse Vladimir Putin’s genocidal, monstrous attacks on the people of Ukraine and so forth. That’s not my point. The Putin OIDs do that. But we’ve got an enemy and Putin. And an enema in Biden, I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

You know, I must confess, I am perplexed, it doesn’t happen often, except obviously what I’m trying to analyze the enemy, domestic and foreign, if in fact, in fact, you really believe that Joe Biden is capable of launching Armageddon. And he keeps threatening to do it. Well, then why aren’t we taking Vladimir Putin out? I don’t understand. It probably goes markelle escalate excuse me. If you’re Joe Biden and you go to a Democrat fundraiser. And you’re saying. We’re facing a potential Armageddon like the Cuban missile crisis. And you believe? And you believe, like you say at the Democrat fundraiser, that it’s no joke that he is quite capable of using nuclear weapons, biological weapons, chemical weapons. What do you do, just sit back? You just sit back, Mr. Producer, you just sit back, America. Now, this is the same Joe Biden. Who’s paving the way? For the Islama Nazi regime in Tehran to get nuclear warheads. That regime is now internally. Under threat from the. People of Iran, you haven’t heard Joe Biden talk much about that. Because he’s obsessed with giving them nuclear weapons. I mean, that’s the end game under his deal. So imagine these slowmo Nazi regime, the biggest backer of terrorism in the world with nuclear weapons. Wow. Wow, imagine that, ladies and gentlemen, that, to me would be Armageddon, no. Now, the answer is yes. So we have a completely. Unhinged. Unhinged man in the Oval Office. Now, what’s interesting to me, if you go to these radical left wing kook sites and take a look and people keep sending me links to them. So I look at them not often from time to time. You go to these radical left wing kook sites like the Drudge Report. That’s right, the Drudge Report. Obsessed with Trump. Obsessed, you go to media. This is Dan Abrams site, you know, the guy with the squirrel glued to his head. It does all the court shows. Well, he’s a radical lefty, as is this media site, this site full of miscreants, malcontents and reprobates. It’s all about Trump, it’s all about Herschel Walker. So forth and so very little about Biden, certainly very little critical about Biden here, Biden’s about the arm, the Iranians. These are the new media sites, unlike the old ones, of course. Of course, there are frauds and phonies and fools. But if you again, I’m perplexed if you honestly believe that. There’s somebody who’s running a country. Who is crazy enough for a monstrous enough or genocidal maniac? That that individual. It’s going to launch Armageddon, no joke, he’s serious. Well, it seems to me as a rational matter, you take them out. That doesn’t mean our fingerprints have to be on it, but as a rational matter. You take him out now, I know this upsets the pute neutze, I know this gives depute neutze hemorrhoids. I know it does, but they’re stupid. I don’t care what they think. I don’t care what they think. They make no sense. Not to me, anyway. And so. I don’t think we have the willingness of this particular. This particular leadership. At the Pentagon. At all to take out a Putin, and by that I mean to support others who would do it. So we’re indirectly involved, but I don’t see it, I don’t think they have the capacity to think that way or act that way. There’s no pattern there, there’s no. There’s no marshal there, there’s no you know, we got Milli Vanilli and Austin Million Millionaire, sounds like to Sesame Street puppets. Oh, there’s million. There’s Austin Moore when I return, I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

No brag, just fact. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a brand new page on the website for it’s going to make it very, very easy for you. And we do this show. We do our social media. Because we want to engage our audience, you. Go to Mark Levin show dot com slash links. And every important link is there to make it easier for you don’t even have to type in the link rightmost to reduce it, just click it. It’ll take you where you need to go on any subject related to the show. Mark Levin show dot com links, mark televisión show dot com links. Now that I did this, you’ll see the backbencher’s will do it. And they should they should learn from us. We did a pet page. There’s a pet page. I wrote a dog book. Now everybody writes a dog book. It’s OK. I got it. I understand. Mark Levin, Mark Levin show dot com slash links and right there. You click that one of the links and you’ll get to our podcast, you’ll be able to choose the platform and everything else. Our podcast is massive. I think the other month we had like almost nine million, right, Mr. Producer? It was it’s unbelievable because basically the podcast is our radio program with slashed back in terms of length. So it’s the same substance and we have fewer sponsors. And it’s for people where, let’s say a station is full of foolish enough to preempt us, particularly during an important election cycle, which is where we’re strongest when we get our biggest numbers. Well, that jacks up our podcast numbers because you folks find us. Unfortunately, you’ll drop the station and that’s done unfortunate. Unfortunately, though, preamp, there’s not many, just a few. And you’ll move over to the podcast or. If something else goes on, you’ll move over to the podcast, that’s what we’re saying. Because we had a million over a million more podcast users on the Mark Levin Show. In the past month and the month before it’s growing, we’re number 34 in the country and it’s not even a new show. It’s again, it’s the radio show. We love our affiliates and that’s why we remain on radio, I’m a radio guy. A lot of people are moving to podcasting, I’m a radio guy. You never know one day, but that’s not my intention. Also, the ratings are coming in for this past month and we’re killing it, that is you and I, we are killing it. And I want to thank you very, very much, again, podcasters through the roof, terrestrial radio ratings are through the roof. We have what’s considered a very difficult time of the day. Six to nine p.m. Eastern Time, we’re up against sports, other events that families are involved in, like dinner. Or, you know, high school events, whatever it is, it’s a very, very tough time period and we’ve made it work at a syndicated level. So I want to thank you again all over the country. All over the country, we are really, really proud that you’re with us and we’ll continue to try to make this program better and better and better and more accessible. So go to Mark Levin, show dot com links. It’s all there. You can easily sign up for the podcast platform. Now, I want to show you how this works. The media in America, Herschel Walker. Is an African-American. Herschel Walker is a Heisman Trophy winner, Herschel Walker Walker. An iconic figure, not just in football and not just in Georgia, all over the country, but he’s a Trump supporter and Trump supported him and he’s the nominee for the United States Senate and he is being brutalized. By white liberals. Who want Warnock to get re-elected? He’s being brutalized by white liberals on MSNBC like Joe Scarborough. He’s being brutalized by white liberals like those at The New York Times. He’s being brutalized by white liberals that The Daily Beast. Some backwards little known site. And a woman who said she had a relationship with him can’t wait to speak to all the media outlets anonymously. And that’s what she’s doing and she’s trying to destroy him. Remember this guy Fitzgerald, I think that was named Fitzgerald or Fitzpatrick, he was the Republican nominee in Illinois who was running for the Senate against Barack Obama. And remember, the Democrats got a Democrat judge in California to release the divorce records that were under seal. And they’re all kinds of allegations in a divorce. And there were allegations against him for doing this. That and the other thing. And remember, turned out they were false, even though his ex-wife had made the allegations. Remember this fellow Greitens Eric? Missouri. I believe he’d been the attorney general there and maybe was the governor, I don’t recall. Remember his ex-wife talking to the media about how he abused as children? The election’s over, he loses the primary and the facts come out, he never abused as children, never, ever abused as children. And yet he had to wear that around his neck throughout the campaign. People weren’t sure what to do, so they didn’t vote for him. So this is what they do. Places like The New York Times, The Daily Beast, the media, scarboro, would you love to know all about Scarborough’s background and his situation in the past? Not really, but what’s good for the goose is good for the whole in his case. And all the reporters covering Herschel Walker, how many of them are adulterers or worse? You never know. And of course, Warnock, he gets almost no attention. His ex-wife accused him of battery, purposely running over her foot. It seems pretty serious. Of having a. Crazy temper. Of mistreating his children, refusing to pay for their. Custody and so forth. Remember, all that probably don’t, because you haven’t heard much about it, there’s a reason Warnock’s mouth is shut on these issues that are being raised by the white liberal media. Because he doesn’t want it raised about him. But here we have The New York Times, ladies and gentlemen. That not only tried to cover up the Holocaust. Not only work hand in glove with Stalin and Castro, here we have The New York Times. That not only refused to cover. The laptop. But attacked anybody who sought to reveal the information that was in it or dared to discuss it. Really, two entities, The New York Post and Fox News. The New York Times ran a scam trashing anybody who would dare to bring it up, it’s an October surprise the media found fifty one hacks with former national security backgrounds. To sign a letter saying it was Russia, Russia, Derek. I happen to believe that was our own FBI and or CIA. That caused that letter to be printed. But the media were more than happy, more than happy to run with it, and it sat dead and affected the outcome of the election, no question about it. Why else would the media cover it up if it wouldn’t affect the outcome of the election? Just out of their good graces. They had no good graces. And then there was terror excuse me, cholera, then there was Tyler Reid. Tara Reid. She had no reason to come forward now and take all the heat unless she wanted to tell the truth. And the facts as we knew them added up. That she was molested in a hallway on Capitol Hill by Joe Biden and the media was utterly disinterested. Disinterested. Oh, they ran a few oh, this story, a couple interviews and dropped it. They dropped it. Why? They have spent more time on Herschel Walker than they spent on the laptop. And that was a presidential election. They’ve spent more time on the accuser against Herschel Walker than they did with Tara Reid and Terry came out publicly and revealed herself. This anonymous woman, by definition, has refused to doussa. The New York Times somehow found her, spoke to her folks, spoke to some of her friends, and they’re convinced she’s legit. You just have to go along with this. But let’s say it is legit. Let’s say it is legit. Would you vote against Herschel Walker and for Warnock? No. Would you sit out the election, thereby letting war not win? Now, why, what are you, a hypocrite, what are you, a hypocrite? You oppose abortion, and yet you would vote for Herschel Walker. Ladies and gentlemen. Our country is dying. We’re losing our freedom. Our Constitution is in tatters. Citizenship is up for grabs. People are suffering. With the war on our economy and prosperity and success. Our kids are being indoctrinated by perverts. And racist’s. Our institutions. Our traditions. Are being burned to the ground. The nuclear family is under attack by our government. We have a federal government. That has now been turned against us in many respects. Look at the Department of Justice in the FBI, look at these radical left judges. They’re using the law to destroy the law. They’re using the Constitution to destroy the Constitution. I’m being monitored. I have emails that are. Taken off my own computer, I don’t even know who took them. And they’re saying I shouldn’t vote for Herschel Walker if I live in Georgia. Because The New York Times and Joe Scarborough in The Daily Beast and all the other corrupt radical left fools are telling me that I shouldn’t vote for Herschel Walker. If I lived in Georgia, I’d vote for Herschel Walker, I’d be the first one in line. I don’t have to love any politician, I don’t even have to love the Republican Party, I despise the Democrat Party. I despise what they’re doing to my country, I despise what they’re doing to my children and grandchildren. I despise what they’re doing to my fellow citizens. I despise the crime, I despise the open borders, I despise the war on our economy, fossil fuels, I despise their taxes, I despise their regulations. I despise their media. And I’m supposed to not vote for Herschel Walker. Now, I don’t think so. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4 That is how they try to use this subject, sex and so forth, against black conservatives so frequently notice that you don’t want to hear the truth is the wrong place to be. I mean, I’m monitored by the enemy. So those of you who are patriots, you should stick with me. Look how they used it against Clarence Thomas. Against Herschel Walker. Against Herman Cain. Noticiero. I’m sure there are others, I just can’t remember them all, and yet if you are a liberal and a minority, they don’t care. It’s of no consequence. This election, as I told you before, is between those of us who love this country and want to save it and those who hate it and want to kill it. It’s not about Herschel Walker’s past and The New York Times and his no position to be talking about anybody’s past, given the record of that filthy, disgusting. Genocidal supporting corporation. And most of these reporters are sleazeballs. Sleazeballs, they know exactly what I’m talking about. Exactly what I’m talking about. I know who some of them are over there at CNN and MSNBC, so today I know who some of them are at The Washington Post, The New York Times. I’ve been around long enough. Their names get around, don’t they? Please don’t forget. We have a fabulous life, liberty and living on Sunday. You won’t want to miss it, 8:00 p.m. Eastern, 5:00 p.m. Pacific. If he can’t watch it live, please set your DVR right now. That way you won’t forget. Of course, my opening statement. We have. If not the best one of the best minds when it comes to these various elections, I don’t even normally do this, but I wanted to do it this time, given what’s at stake. And our dear friend, Mr. Conservative, an African-American who doesn’t get the credit he deserves for many of these lousy outlets. Byron Donalds, it’s a fantastic show. I hope you’ll join us. If not, I hope you’ll recorded on your DVR 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Life, Liberty and Levin on Fox. We’ll be right back.