December 16, 2021

December 16, 2021

DC Jail / Getty Images / Caroline Brehman

On Thursday’s Mark Levin show, Kathleen Landerkin, the foul-mouthed Deputy Warden of the DC jail housing January 6th detainees, must be thrilled to mistreat the ‘white racist’ inmates at her facility. According to a recent report, these detainees are suffering because of the Deputy Warden’s political bias. Afterward, the U.S military is employing Gender Advisers to advance the leftwing culture within the military. Later, the public’s pressure on Congress has succeeded in killing the provision to allow women to be drafted for war. The Build Back Better plan has been blunted and the radical element of the Democrat Party is now attacking Sen. Joe Manchin for holding the line thus far against the far left.  Then, Liz Cheney continues her fake news fabricated narrative that Trump’s refusal to act for 187 minutes was an extreme dereliction of duty, despite the fact that a review of Trump’s timeline has revealed that there was no such delay. Trump in fact addressed the demonstrators and thanked law enforcement just 25 minutes after the first breach, according to the FBI as reported by the Washington Post.   Afterward, China is infiltrating American college campuses through Beijing-controlled Confucius Institutes. China is a dangerous enemy that must not be taken lightly. Finally, Bret Baier calls in to discuss his book, To Rescue the Republic: Ulysses S. Grant, the Fragile Union, and the Crisis of 1876.


The Federalist
J6 Committee Fabricates More Evidence, Says Trump Waited 187 Minutes To Call For Peace. It Was Actually 25

Epoch Times
Photographer Sues House Jan. 6 Committee Over ‘Invasive’ Subpoena

American Spectator
A Visit to the DC Gulag

Washington Free Beacon
Biden Joint Chiefs Nom Embraces ‘Gender Advisers’ for Troops

The Post Millennial
BLM activists demand abolition of Chicago police’s ‘racist’ gang database

The Blaze
NFL reportedly funneling cash to ‘defund the police’ groups through its social justice initiative

NFL Publishes Map Falsely Showing Taiwan as Part of China

Fox News
China continues to exploit US universities to bolster military modernization, report finds

Fox News
Rate at which people stopped moving to California surprised researchers: ‘Statewide phenomenon’

Zero Hedge
US Rejects Israeli Request For Expedited Tanker Aircraft Amid Iran Threat

The Federalist
McConnell, Emblematic of Republicans’ Past, Is The Least Popular Politician In America

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Caroline Brehman/CQ-Roll Call, Inc

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

The drafting women provision in the National Defense Act that they were planning on passing was removed thanks to public pressure that public pressure would be you. When Chip Roy came on the program, great congressman from Texas and alerted us to this provision, some Republicans had even voted for it. You killed it. You might recall we had a little insurge. The live insurge you folks in this audience killed in. Number two, so far, they bill back. Ridiculous bill, which would destroy this country, has been blunted. Now it’s too early to cheer and celebrate, these people never stop 24/7, they have designs on your money and your future, on your children, on your home, on your property and on this country. That’s the nature of American Marxism. But as of right now. As of right now. Senator Manchin is under attack by his own party, particularly the radical elements within his own party is under attack by the Biden administration. He’s under attack by the propaganda Democrat Party, American Marxist media. So let me suggest. That you call Senator Mansion’s office. And tell them thank you so far for holding the line. Thank you so far for holding the line, and as long as you hold the line, you’ll have the support of millions of Americans. And an untold number of West Virginians as well. This is very important. Because he’s only hearing from one side now, there’s a lot here, I only have three hours. As I’ve told you many times before, this show could be five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 hours. But I’m not Jerry Lewis and I don’t do Telethon’s, let alone radiothon. Could be a lot of fun. But I do want to spend a little bit of time. On number one, this this January six committee again, and number two, what’s going on in the prisons? Where people are being held in Washington, D.C.. Which only a handful of reporters and members of Congress seem to be concerned about. Over at the Federalist, Treston Justice points out that Wyoming Republican Liz Cheney went after former President Donald Trump in her prime time performance on Monday, claiming that private messages of the president’s staff revealed an apathetic leader complicit with a riot at the Capitol as the attack unfolded. She said the violence was evidence all like covered in real time by almost every news channel. Said Cheney, Pelosi’s hand-picked vice chairman of the select committee, but for one hundred and eighty seven minutes, President Trump refused to act on action by our president was required, indeed essential and compelled by his oath to our Constitution trumps one hundred and eighty seven minute delay. To act, she added, was a supreme dereliction of duty. An actual examination of the day’s events, however, shows there was no such delay. According to a detailed timeline, a detailed timeline of the turmoil by The New York Times, of all places, the first building was not breached until two 13 p.m.. The timeline was collaborated by The Washington Post, which stamped the first break in at 215 p.m. Trump’s first tweet addressing the upheaval shortly followed at two thirty eight p.m. when the president made a plea for peace writing. Please support our Capitol Police and law enforcement. They are truly on the side of our country. Stay peaceful. Stay peaceful. That was twenty three minutes later. Not one hundred and eighty seven minutes, about 30 minutes later, Trump addressed the demonstrators again on Twitter. I’m asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence exclamation, wrote the president. Remember, we are the party of law and order. Respect the law and our great men and women in blue. Thank you, exclamation. That was 30 minutes after the Capitol building was breached. At 417 p.m., Trump posted a video on Twitter urging rioters to go home, a message that was promptly suppressed across the platform. Exactly where Cheney came up with one hundred and eighty seven minute delay is unclear if starting the clock from the time Trump finished his speech at the White House at one 10 p.m., unrest at the Capitol Gates had already been in swing for about 20 minutes. During the address, Trump explicitly called on those gathered to protest peacefully, quote unquote. Cheney’s office did not respond to the federalising queries, and this is not the first time Cheney or the January 6th committee have gone after President Trump and Republican voters, but the creation and deployment of fake news in the election year, summer of twenty, Cheney was a primary purveyor of the fake Russian bounty stories which allege that Trump downplayed Kremlin aggression to accelerate the timeline for troop withdrawal from Afghanistan. At the hearing on Monday, where Cheney made up her own timeline of the capital riot, Adam Schiff read texts between Ohio Republican Jordan and White House chief of Staff Meadow’s, which the Federalists revealed on Wednesday were fabricated. The exchange, she said, exposes a lawmaker pressing the vice president to unilaterally deny certification of the Electoral College votes as unconstitutional. But the message was forwarded to Meadow’s from Jordan, originally written by a Washington attorney, former Defense Department Inspector General Joseph Schmitz. The message, a sliver of what shift took out of context, adding punctuation and cooking up a fake graphic to illustrate it was part of a four page document that outline the legal reasons behind Pence’s authority to object to electoral certification from a handful of states. And we mentioned this yesterday, of course, that January six committee later confirmed the Federalists reporting in omitted the message was doctored. Now, where did Liz Cheney get one hundred and eighty seven minutes from? One twenty three minutes after the hour, the capitol was breached, the president tweeted. Urging people to be peaceful and to support law enforcement. That law enforcement and the Capitol Police are truly on the side of our country. Then a few minutes later, he addressed the demonstrators again on Twitter. I’m asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. This is 30 minutes after the breach. No violence, the president wrote. Remember, we are the party of law and order. Respect the law and our great men and women in blue. Thank you. For 17 p.m. third time, Trump posted this video on Twitter urging rioters to go home. This committee. Is filled with scumbags. I don’t know how else to put it. Scumbags, people who doctor evidence, and now Liz Cheney is doctor a timeline. These subpoenas are outrageous. They’ve now subpoenaed a photographer who is suing the committee to stop them. She says. They’re violating my privacy, they want all these text messages and emails and so forth that have nothing to do with anything. A photographer. You won’t hear Mitch McConnell speak up. You won’t hear John Thune speak up. Almost every Republican on the Senate side is sitting on their mouths. The only people fighting this really are the House Republicans. And some of them are sitting on their mouths. And, of course, the entirety. The entirety of America Propaganda Corps, with a few exceptions that don’t belong to that core, our cover up artists, they could have looked at the time line as easily as the Federalists, but they didn’t want to. They’re promoting Cheney. They’re promoting Schiff, as they always do. Who is a lying scumbag? Did I say scumbag? Yes, I think I did. It’s a word I almost never use, but I’ve run out of words to describe these people. So this committee. This committee is committed to numerous acts of impropriety. And if these individuals were under oath and conducting themselves under the rules of a court of law, they’d be disbarred, they’d be thrown out of court and worse, they’d be held in contempt. As you and I hold them in contempt. When we come back, George Parry, a former federal and state prosecutor in The American Spectator, a special report exactly what is going on. In these D.C. prisons in pretrial detention, I’ll be right back,

Hour 1 Segment 2

I want to thank the Blaze Breitbart, Washington Examiner buddy Paul Bedard and others, a handful of others for. For their pieces on the American Marxism, what a major success it has been in the country. I didn’t get any calls from CNN or MSNBC, I didn’t get any calls from The New York Times or The Washington Post, any of the book associations. I don’t know was a mention on conservative talk radio today, Mr. Blitzer, I wasn’t listening. You missed it, and I’m sure all my friends. At the other platform, I mean, I’m sure they all mentioned I want to thank Hannity last night, who did? I’m more than happy to promote other people’s books, I have them on here more than any other host in America. As you all know. I have more substitute host than any other host in America. It’s a massive platform we have here. I believe we need to build up the movement. You need to give credit and acknowledge wherever possible there needs to be a farm team. And so I as I’ve told you before, man activists, I’m committed to the mission. Other people are committed to their own bravado. In their own self promotion, not me. Not me, I want to get into this story, it’s going to go beyond the bottom of the hour, it’s going to take a little bit of time, but a lot of things do because in this case, it’s not being covered. The great American Spectator by my buddy Bob Tural, he’s been doing this a long time, George Perry, former federal and state prosecutor, a visit to the D.C. Gulag. This is how totalitarianism looks. The plight of America’s January six prisoners in pre-trial detention. November twenty four, twenty nineteen. Kathleen Lander Keine, deputy warden of the District Columbia jail, tweeted the following public service announcement. If everyone who supports Trump, quote unquote, this is a public employee. The number two warden at the D.C. jail, this was one of her many informative tweets regarding President Trump has supported some Republicans in general. For example, consider the following representative sampling of Mars Lander, kin’s deep thoughts has called from her Twitter account, replying to real Donald Trump, give it a f ing break. White men are more dangerous than immigrants, by the way. She’s a white woman replying to real Donald Trump. How many Americans have been killed by white American men? How about a story on alt right. Killers and hate crimes? How did the idiots of this country fall for your bull? S replying to at real Donald Trump, what the F is it with you? And sighs must be the mushroom. You know what, to the two old white racists who felt the need to flip me off tonight right back at you, if you’re more offended by my free expression than you are of Trump today. The problem is you. I can’t wait until you’re all extinct, she writes. Trump is doing more damage to this country than foreign terrorists ever have replied to. At GOP, his Trump’s corrupt staff and family met with the Russians. How many times before the election, how many times did they lie about a meeting with Russians? How many are in prison? Schiff is a hero replying to at Aquille Donald Trump. You’ll be in jail soon, replying to Secretary Pompeo, and with that they should throw you in jail. Replying to act real. Donald Trump. We know Obama did nothing wrong. You, on the other hand, are corrupt and are running scared because, you know, Mueller’s coming for you. Remember, this is the deputy warden replying to at Donald Trump, you’re a traitor. You don’t get to determine what’s patriotic. Leave the people that is antifa engaging in a peaceful, peaceful protest. That would be the Portland riots alone. Why the hell are you involved in stirring the pot for your deplorable you’ll be in jail soon. Replying to add GOP leader he Trump didn’t win the popular vote. Abolish the Electoral College. Regarding Brett Kavanaugh, the same deputy warden apparently retreated after Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court. We know one thing for sure. Sexual predators will always have a safe space in today’s Republican Party. And another tweet she declared, I’m one of many white females who work for social justice. In regard to the jail, January six, Capitol Hill protesters, many of whom are in her jail, she approvingly retweeted, every prison needs a mag, a wing, and a response to the D.C. jail is run by D.C. government agency. I’d bet good money. No Fox News is being shown. She tweeted. Nope, no FOX News. There’s more, but you get the idea, the foul mouthed deputy warden landmarked appears to be one angry social justice warrior. So imagine what must have been her near orgasmic delight when scores of those Trump supporting Jan six Capitol Hill protesters were lodged at her very own D.C. jail. And she and her like minded colleagues would have long last be able to physically instruct those white racist Republicans in the errors of their ways. Which brings us to what a congressional delegation found during the recent visit to the D.C. jail on November four. Twenty twenty one, Representative Marjorie Taylor Green, Republican of Georgia, and Louie Gohmert, Republican of Texas and their staffs. And why just those two? Toward the D.C. jail central detention facility, the CDF and central treatment facility, the city, the purpose of the visit was to inspect the conditions at these facilities and determine the treatment and status of the January six protesters held in the seats. And the delegation did publish its findings, end quote, unusually cruel and eyewitness report from inside the D.C. jail. What follows is taken from that report when we return. I will highlight aspects taken from this report. Unbelievable. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

All right, let’s get back into this. So we have the two congresspersons and their staff, they go into this place, you’ve heard about the deputy warden, Brunhilde. So November 4th, twenty, twenty one, six weeks ago. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Louie Gohmert, their staffs toward the D.C. Jail Central Detention Facility, CDF and Central Treatment Facility, they wanted to inspect the conditions. They put out a report. Have you heard about this report? No. Unusually cruel and eyewitness report from inside the D.C. jail. On November two, the United States Marshals Service had released a report regarding its surprise inspection of this D.C. jail. The report declared that the CDF did not meet the marshals minimum standards of confinement. Approximately 400 inmates would be moved to a federal prison in Pennsylvania. But according to the Marshals Service, the conditions at the jail were not bad enough to require moving the January six protesters to another facility. So they move 400, but not the protesters on the morning of November four represented rescreening, Gohmert personally delivered a letter to the D.C. mayor’s office signed by Green Government Representative Matt Gates and Paul Gosar addressed to Mayor Muriel Bowser. The letter expressed the signatories, quote, continued frustration with your office’s repeated denial of access to the D.C. jail also stated that on July 29, Deputy Warden Lantau Ken had charged the congressional delegation with trespassing and on multiple occasions had avoided and evaded their questions, forcibly locked them out of the facilities as well. The mayor’s office did not respond to the letter until six six p.m.. When it offered Representative Green the option of attending a tour previously arranged by the D.C. City Council is set to begin at six thirty p.m.. With less than 15 minutes before the tour supposedly started, Congresswoman Greene and her staff raced to the facility, as did Congressman Gohmert and two staff members. In the facility, they saw a variety of jail populations and conditions which were cramped. Fettered and atrocious, but they also observed a group of well-behaved young men, young men emerging accessing educational resources and practicing macourt under the tutelage of a Georgetown Law Center student. Members of the young men emerging said that they were reading books with emphasis the unusual cruelty of the American justice system and intended to study materials which promote the view that the US perpetuates a racial caste system. And a lovely. Now, when the common areas of the jail, they found reading materials which promoted the Nation of Islam and critical race theory, but when the delegation sought to enter the facility, none of the none other than Deputy Warden Lander kin once again blocked their way. This led to a heated confrontation by the delegation with a representative of the mayor’s office who was on the tour. Representative Green threatened to go to the media, Representative Gohmert told Deputy Warden Lander. Can you understand? We can also make an appearance before the U.S. judge and I intend to take that action. But Lander Kin did not relent to the mayor’s representative finally and reluctantly instructed her to open the door. The bar door swung open and the delegation entered here, taken verbatim from the report. It’s a summary of what they found, quote, Notwithstanding the warm welcome from the inmates, the physical conditions in which they are held can only be described as inhumane. For example, cells in the January six wing of the CDF were extremely small, composed of a single toilet sink and a small bed cut. The walls of the rooms had residue of human feces, body fluids, blood, dirt and mold. The community showers were recently scrubbed of black mold, some of which remained. The interior walls of the common area were also freshly painted, according to the inmates. The U.S. Marshals had recently visited the area just days before, which caused a flurry of activity by the guards to clean up the January six area. While the U.S. Marshals were inspecting another area, inmates explained they did not have access to their attorneys families or proper nutrition from the jail. Shortly after entering the January six wing of the CDF inmates assembled for their daily salute to the American flag and singing of the national anthem following almost an hour of personal interviews with Jan six detainees all in attendance except the D.C. jail staff gathered in a circle while Congresswoman Greene closed the group in prayer. Approximately 10 15 p.m. members and staff exited the facilities. It’s also important to note the D.C. jail facility has an area designed for meetings between attorneys and clients. But Plexiglas and phones, as they are, as they face each other through the glass use of the facility should not result in 14 days of solitary confinement for meeting with an attorney. Now, that was the summary, but to get the complete picture, let’s look at this from verbatim from the report. After exiting the elevator and turning right, the delegation of approximately 15 people filed onto a narrow hallway which led to a secluded area in the back of the CDF. This area was noticeably different. The January six detainee wing was a much older part of the jail that had not been updated in many years. One inmate claimed that this section of the jail had once been used as a psychiatric ward that had been decommissioned before the January six inmates were assigned their D.C. Department of Corrections staff. That’s DC Dossi staff opened a door and allowed representative screening Gomaa to enter a large white, artificially lit room with approximately 40 inmates in orange scrubs scattered throughout the room. Inmates began to pour out of the rooms and approach the delegation of representatives and staff. The wing at two floors with cells along the walls of both the center of the room contained a few scattered chairs and tables, but largely just an open space. The remainder of the room had an aged electronic panel controlling the cell doors and the common shower area with three individual showers with curtains. Moments after Representatives Green and Gohmert entered the room, the inmates broke into exciting yelling and triumphant shouting Istana by a visit from two sitting members of Congress, the inmates were overwhelmed with emotion, some crying, almost all emotionally shaken when inmates asked to hug the congresswoman. Except for the January six detainees, no other inmates in any part of the jail cried during the visit. Many January six inmates had not seen their families in some time and expressed a sense of hope after such a long period of isolation from the outside world. Remember, they’re in detention, then been convicted of anything. As inmates gathered around the representative chants of USA, USA rang out, inmates began to form a line to shake hands with representatives screening Gohmert and their staff. And Congresswoman Graham began to ask questions. Are you able to see and speak to your attorneys? Inmates know. Are you able to talk to, see, talk to and see your family members, inmates? No, I wouldn’t see my family. Since April, I haven’t seen my family’s faces since all year. Another, if you have long hair, is that by choice inmates? Unless you’re vaccinated, you have to use ne’er. Do you feel like you’re being treated fairly? No, absolutely not. We only get five hours a day out of ourselves, which is better than one hour. We were held for 23 hours a day when we got here. Do you go outside twice a week? How many times do you get meals? Three to find meal. How often do you get mail? Whenever the jail guards feel like it, do you get to be included in any educational classes or training? And then there was a sarcastic group. Laughter. Tell me about religious services. Are you allowed to have religious services? No, we do our own. Do you have a Bible? Yes, ma’am. They said the only way to get communion is to get vaccinated. They sprayed all the cells with bleach before the marshals came. As the discussion continued, this is the report the inmates assembled for their nightly singing of The Star-Spangled Banner at 9:00 p.m. following the singing of the national anthem, the congressional delegation began to mingle and have individual discussions with the inmates. Staff for representative screams office was shown. The conditions inside the cells and community showers recently removed. Mold, dirt and other stains were visible. Clearly visible. Inmates claim the Marshals Service had come through areas before, days before and cleaned it up. In addition to painting, the walls are having them painted some inmates to clothes that when they arrived in the area, the cells were crawling with rats and bedbugs. Their air circulation and individual cells is so minimal that human feces and other smells begin to fester and pollute the air. But the physical conditions of the area were just the start. Inmates were only allowed out of their cells for five hours a day, a small mercy. Prior to this relative freedom, inmates were kept in their cells, similar to the maximum security inmates. Twenty three and one, twenty three hours in the cell, one hour at 22 and to 21 in the south. One inmate who’d been detained since February 3rd explained that he had been subjected to 23 and one for four months, followed by two months of 22 and two. Now, this inmate stated that he had gone through 200 days of solitary confinement. This type of treatment is being used against inmates who are all pretrial. They haven’t been convicted of anything despite remaining innocent until proven guilty under the law, the January six inmates are allowed, few, if any, basic human needs, for example. To supplement their lack of nutrition from the jail, inmates must buy food from the commissary with their own money limited to once a week with a maximum of one hundred twenty five dollars. Inmates cannot receive a haircut unless they are vaccinated. They cannot receive communion without being vaccinated. Many have been reduced to using their to chemically burn their hair off to keep themselves partially groomed. Most cannot speak to their families. Some are not even sure whether their family members know they’re alive or their condition. One elderly inmate, 71 year old Lonnie Leroy Coffman, was in such poor condition that his lower forearm had turned purple and his thumb. Black inmates claim Lonnie could be in danger of losing his lower arm and has been denied medical treatment. Multiple inmates argue that if there were a way to get any inmate released, it should be Lonnie. Many inmates suffered from a variety of health and dietary issues, one with a broken finger, another with celiac disease, celiac disease excuse me, the inmate with celiac disease must go days without eating because they will not accommodate his dietary needs. Other inmates claimed that the jail inserts chemicals and pubic hair in their food. Some inmates keep crackers or peanut butter in their cells to supplement their diet. The severe treatment of these inmates within the facility cannot be overstated. These men have no access to a law library to work on their cases. Some are forced to represent themselves, said. Drafting dozens of pages of legal motions on notebook paper, it stated they are only allowed outside twice a week. They cannot go to religious services in the main CTF area because they’re not vaccinated. Now, we’re going to take a short break, but I’m going to continue. I think this is crucially important, do you not, Mr. Producer? This is unbelievable. The United States of America, these people haven’t been convicted of a damn thing. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

Representatives Green and Colmer continue to talk with the inmates, sign their Bibles and Constitution, listen to their stories. Staff received information for many of the inmates on the status of their cases conditions in the January six detainee wing of the CDF, a request to contact family attorneys. One inmate provided Representative Green with a longer explanation of how the January six group of inmates were being treated in the months leading up to the visit in May. One, says, Congresswoman Greene, I want to talk to you about September 18th. Remember, they had the big rally in support of us at the square in Washington. They the Department of Corrections woke us up prisoner of war style in the dawn at 7:00 in the morning. They made us grab our mattresses in our hands and didn’t tell us where we were going, what was happening, how long we’re going to be gone. They marched us down single file out of here. We started singing the national anthem. I got punched in the gut for singing the national anthem by a guard here. As retaliation, they pulled us down into a random part of the jail and kept us there for nine hours where there were no sinks, no bathrooms or anything. We didn’t know what was happening to us. It was literally how you treated prisoners of war to keep them disoriented and not let them know where they’re going. And everything was a travesty. They did that to us about 8:00 in the morning to about 6:00 at night. Inmate number two, that was the day the rally happened. I saw him get punched by the officer, inmate one for singing the national anthem. I got punched in the gut. Another conversation involved inmates singing God Bless America in their cells in early June. Twenty twenty one in the retaliation from jail guards inmate on June one, twenty twenty one with the inmate saying God bless America. Eleven forty five pm and Corporal Holmes, who is not normally stationed there into their area and told us to shut the F up, we replied that we were singing God Bless America and the guy replied f America and then went up to one cell, turned his camera off and said he would beat his ass, referring to the inmate. The guard came back at 430 a.m. on June 2nd, taunting and harassing us. We wrote multiple grievances about this officer and they were all returned by the guard himself. Now, this delegation’s report contains much more. And he writes, I urge you to read it in its entirety, it can recently tried to make her Twitter account disappear, but nothing on the Internet ever goes away. The tweets were retrieved and republished by cyber sleuths as her representative Greene. She just posted this tweet address to landmarking. Good morning, Deputy Warden. How’s the D.C. gulag this morning? Irresponsible for human rights violations in the D.C. jail and torture and abuse of pre-trial defendants. It’s clearly because your extreme political views, but you’re not alone. Many are guilty, too. In a letter to Mayor Bowser, the delegation called for the termination of Deputy Warden Lattakia. And so far that hasn’t happened. And given the prevailing political orientation of the D.C. government, rather than being fired, it’s more likely she will receive a raise and a Department of Corrections employee the month award. Meanwhile, Merrick Garland, the Justice Department’s slow walks, the Capitol Hill Insurrection Prosecutions, quote unquote. Deputy Water Warden Lattakia and her like minded colleagues have ever more time to sadistically re-educate the white Republican Trump supporting January six pre-trial detainees in the ways of social justice. America.