December 14, 2021

December 14, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC - DECEMBER 13: Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), vice-chair of the select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the Capitol, speaks during a business meeting on Capitol Hill on Capitol Hill on December 13, 2021 in Washington, DC. The committee met to consider voting on holding former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows in contempt of Congress. (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin show, Rep Liz Cheney suggests that then-President Trump committed a federal crime on January 6th, 2021. Of course, Congress has no authority to prosecute any crime, and acting in this manner violates one’s Fifth Amendment rights. in doing so, Liz Cheney has demonstrated that many in Trump’s inner circle urged him via texts to Mark Meadows to speak out against the violence at the Capitol. Incidentally, Trump had offered 10,000 National Guard troops, but Speaker Pelosi rejected the President’s offer. This Pelosi-appointed committee is covering up for her. The real question is: what did Pelosi know and when did she know it? Then, Sen. Richard Blumenthal, who lied about combat service in Vietnam, attended the 102nd-anniversary celebration of the Communist Party USA. Blumenthal had his American Marxism on full display. Later, Barak Ravid fires back on Twitter but remains a small fish in a large pond. Israeli prosecutors have made flimsy allegations against Benjamin Netanyahu hoping that the charges will stick.  Afterward, smash-and-grab robberies abound in California and while retailers are installing barbed wire, leftwing politicians refuse to empower police or prosecutors to stop the problem. The White House dodges questions on crime and remains silent on this issue. Finally, Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich joins the show with an update on his lawsuits against the Biden Administration’s unconstitutional policies on vaccine mandates and the southern border. 


Hot Air
Cheney hints: We’re building a case that Trump committed a federal crime on January 6

American Thinker
Sen. Richard Blumenthal ‘excited and proud’ to help Communist Party USA celebrate its 102nd anniversary

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The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Anna Moneymaker

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Over at Hot-Air. Somebody named Allahpundit Liz Cheney hints we’re building a case that Trump committed a federal crime on January six. Ladies and gentlemen, the United States House of Representatives. No part of the United States House of Representatives, no committee of the United States House of Representatives as any constitutional authority whatsoever. To build a criminal case against anybody, due process laws that apply during the course of a criminal investigation do not apply. When it comes to the House of Representatives and they have said as much by moving to indict, asking the Department of Justice to indict individuals who dare to assert their Fifth Amendment rights under the Constitution, we call it the Fifth Amendment for a reason, part of your bill of Rights to protect yourself. And so what we have here with this Nancy Pelosi appointed committee, we now have Liz Cheney showing some ankle and it’s a big damn ankle and she’s showing ankle and she’s saying their real purpose here isn’t a legislative purpose, their real purpose here. It’s to defy the protections the Constitution provides every individual. To conduct themselves as a quasi, ah, pseudo criminal operation and to gather information willy nilly as much as they can. To make a criminal case. Against the former president of the United States and individuals around him, so the jig is up. It’s up because Liz Cheney prepped it up. So this is how Allahpundit at Hot Air, which is quite sympathetic to them. Regurgitated, he says everyone is understandably focused today on how Cheney embarrassed Trump Jr. and the Fox News gang by reading their text to Trump on January six. And I guess that’s Marzi has a nice write up about it here. This is the circle jerk. But don’t miss the forest for the trees. The point I was making is that that Fox News hosts are hypocrites, although they are. The point is that the president’s own family and allies were pleading with him while the riot was unfolding to do something. Yet he did nothing for hours. Everyone around him treated it like an emergency, not him. All right, let’s stop right there. Liz Cheney just demonstrated that there was no conspiracy. That they circle around President Trump, including family members and friends. We’re not part of a preplanned strategy or event towards an insurrection. If they’re urging the president to do something, to say something. Now, here’s the issue. Well, before I jump ship here. He says, Allahpundit, was that a crime watch the end of this clip starting at three, Trump may or may not have expected that the rally he held on the morning of January six would lead to a riot. Now you see. All the information they have so far shows that Trump was not involved. In an insurrection. The committee is digging into that, what Cheney is suggesting here, though, is something more akin to being an accessory after the fact. Even if Trump didn’t intend to incite a riot, did he sit on his hands in the Oval Office while it played out in the expectation that the violence might prevent Congress from ratifying Biden’s victory? All right, let’s let’s stop there. The hallucinations that apparently are taking place with this guy, Allahpundit sounds racist, doesn’t it? And hot air. If this guy and this site. We’re so concerned about protecting the Capitol building. Why is he focused on the president of the United States? Why is he focused on the president of the United States at the time, Donald Trump? What’s missing here from his ramblings? What’s missing here, ladies and gentlemen? Donald Trump, it offered 10 to 20 thousand National Guardsmen to help protect the Capitol building without prodding by anybody. Kash Patel, who was the chief of staff to the secretary of defense, said so. And when I interviewed him, oh, a Fox host, Life, Liberty and Levin, he said when they contacted Nancy Pelosi and asked her what she needed, she said, we need to open the cafeteria. The members need food. The question is, what did Nancy Pelosi know? We know that the FBI, we know that the NYPD had some heads up. We know the Norfolk office of the FBI alerted Main Justice had learned alerted the office of Chris Wray, the FBI director. How do we know that? Because it’s already been discussed. And Chris Wray said he didn’t get around to reading the memo. And what did Nancy Pelosi know and what the Nancy Pelosi do, we don’t know, she did a damn little that much. We know why? Because this committee is being used to cover up her trials. Because this committee was appointed by her. Because this committee is leaking to the press. What did Nancy Pelosi know and when did she know? Why don’t they issue subpoenas against Nancy Pelosi? Why these are good little boots stepping soldiers for Nancy Pelosi, including that headcase Kinzinger and the other headcase Cheney. Trump sat on his hands, but he had offered her National Guardsmen. The question is what Dick Cheney do excuse me, the question is, what did Pelosi do? Who was in charge of security? Hosie back, Laoghaire notes, whoever the hell that is, that Cheney’s words there are clearly chosen carefully. 18 United States Code Section five, obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies and committees. What does it say? Whoever corruptly or by threats or force or by any threatening letter? Communication influences, obstructs or impedes or endeavors to influence, obstruct or impede the doing proper administration of the law under which any pending proceeding is being had before any department or agency. The United States is a crime. Well, that’s. So stupid, but I have to comment on it. So in other words, if the president awaits an hour, four hours, three hours, whatever, to say something. That’s aiding and abetting, that’s criminal. Do they even know how the criminal law works? That’s aiding and abetting and influencing. Where were the National Guardsmen? One of the strategists listed in the PowerPoint on how to overturn the election that was found in Mark Meadows emails involved creating a delay in the certification process so that legal paper ballots at the state level could be vetted and counted. So. Is that a crime to try might have been sitting in his office watching the riot on television, mulling those possibilities, so he’d offered the National Guard, what the hell else is he supposed to do if the mob prevented Congress from acting and if violence spread if and if? And what if this and how about that? He could have used that as an excuse to declare to declare what? But he didn’t he didn’t do any of that, that’s why the committee is so focused on Meadow’s tech. So this guy must be getting leaks and other communications from the White House that day. They’re looking for evidence that Trump supported the right after it began in the hopes of disrupting the certification of Biden’s win. And as I say, they’re also looking for evidence that he had an inkling beforehand of what might happen. He offered the National Guard Klown. How come that’s not in your piece? His tweets from the evening of January five as supporters gather for the next day’s rally mentioned the size of the expected crowd and how they won’t take it any more and won’t stand for a landslide election victory to be stolen. You need a lot more than that to incite an insurrection genius, or you’d be putting a crime tape around the the DNC. You’d be putting a crime tape around every news organization in America with their speculations. And you know what’s amazing here? They have nothing on Trump, but we’re looking. Oh, so look, all you want. You’ve nothing on Trump. You have everything on Hillary Clinton. You have everything on the FBI. You have everything on Obama, Biden administration, have everything on them. What they did during and after the twenty sixteen election. You have two people indicted and many more should be indicted. You got fingerprints and DNA all over the place. But here, what if, what if, what if? His infamous tweets from the afternoon of January six, while the insurrection was happening, now you can tell this guy is a clown because he uses the same word while the insurrection was happening, suggest indifference at best and encouragement at worst. Indifference at best, encouragement at worst. Let me ask you about this encouragement thing. Let’s say he says to an aide, I said, I’ll speculate, I think this is encouraging. So what? So what? Did he communicate that to the crowd? Did he tell the crowd to charge the Capitol building at every opportunity he was talking to the crowd? No, he did the opposite. He told them not to be peaceful. So why are we looking at texts and emails and everything? Why is a Nancy Pelosi nine to zero committee where she picks all the members in violation of House long standing rules? Why are they conducting what Liz Cheney now confesses is a criminal investigation, trying to put together a federal crime? Against Donald Trump, why is it that the losers, they never trump us from the Jonah Goldberg show the pundits and all the rest of them all of a sudden this constitutional problem here? No problem here. Why is it? That that’s OK and I want the Supreme Court justices, some of whom may be listening or their wives may be listening to understand something. This is a completely rogue operation, and Liz Cheney just explained why. Because they’re looking to create a criminal case against Donald Trump without the usual constitutional protections in violation of separation of powers as well as the Bill of Rights. That’s why they’re busy demanding the indictment of people around Donald Trump, rather than going through the usual processes for adjudication of significant constitutional issues relevant to executive privilege and separation of powers and so forth. They can wait, but they don’t want to wait. And you know what else worries them? They’ll lose the house you see in 2022 and all their good works. Well, amount to nothing better to be pushing Merrick Garland, who’s utterly corrupt, to be indicting these people. And again today, Psaki said that Joe Biden has every intention of running for re-election in 2024. It’s in Joe Biden’s interest not to assert executive privilege. It’s in Joe Biden’s interest. Even if it’s not in the nation’s interest when it comes to protecting the power of the executive branch, it’s all very clever. I’ve exposed it here over and over again and I unraveled it. And Lynne Cheney is the worst of the worst. I remember when we were talking about crimes against her father, for lying under oath, for lying about weapons of mass destruction, for lying what he knew about a CIA operative, what’s your name and so forth on and on and on. How did the Cheney family feel then? How do they feel? Ben Shapiro tweeted, just to get this straight. Apparently, even Fox News host plus Don Junior was texting Mark’s Meadows to tell Trump the talk down the rioters. And this somehow demonstrates a coordinated conspiracy to overthrow the government, bringing in Fox News and its ilk. Here’s Goldberg. Haven’t seen that argument, though. I’m sure someone saying it. In other words, he’s a real sarcastic putdown artist. I mean, there’s no reason to be for me, the relevance of the text is that it shows all of those people have been shamefully shilling for Trump from January seven onward by downplaying and dismissing what they knew on one sixth as awful. Every one of those hosts condemned what took place on January 6th. Every damn one of them. Why don’t you point that out, Jonah? What’s the problem? Maybe that’s why you’re not at Fox anymore. Maybe you should go to CNN. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

We will play Liz Cheney in her own words after the bottom of the hour. I don’t have enough time now because our friends at Hot-Air Allahpundit so courageous, he hides behind a false name. For all I know, his name is Franklin Pierce. I don’t know Allahpundit. Absolutely irrational, but that’s OK. Liz Cheney. Last night at the January 6th panel, she explained what they’re up to. Liz Cheney cannot explain why President Trump offered the National Guard as a precaution and why Nancy Pelosi didn’t respond. Liz Cheney has no interest in getting the texts and the emails, the phone records of Nancy Pelosi to see what, if anything, she did to protect the Capitol building, which is her responsibility, not Trump, and what information she may have had from law enforcement.

Hour 1 Segment 3

Stick with me, folks. Stick with me. Back to Lizzie. Lizzie Chaney. She’s not fighting with her sister anymore. No, no. She’s trying to destroy Trump and the people around him and they’re trying to use criminal processes to do it with the help of the corrupt attorney general of the United States who goes after parents at school board meetings. But Liz Cheney has given up the giving up the monkey. This is not what they say, given up the whatever it is, she gave it up at the January six panel last night. Cut twenty one go, but hours passed without necessary action by the president. These non privileged like one send in the military, use the Insurrection Act, but he was told by his generals, ex general, you better not use the Insurrection Act against citizens who are burning down our cities, who are attacking or. No, no, no, no, no, you better not. Who do you think you are? Hitler. Why do you think you are there, pal? He’s not in charge of the Metropolitan Police, he’s not in charge of the Capitol Police, the Capitol Police, I believe Nancy, is in charge of the Capitol Police. The mayor of Washington is in charge of the Metropolitan Police. The president’s in charge of the National Guard, he had offered them the National Guard. And this is a big gap that this committee won’t look into. A National Guard presence. I had evidence of President Trump’s supreme dereliction of duty during those one hundred and eighty seven minutes. What is the point of this investigation? Since Comrade Cheney has already reached a result. It was Trump’s fault. What did Pelosi do during those 187 minutes, ladies and gentlemen? Who did she call? Did she call Donald Trump to get the National Guard in there? What did she do exactly? Ladies in general, what did Pelosi do to protect her members and protect the Capitol building? It’s not about if Trump had done that and Trump didn’t do this, and what did Pelosi do? She’s the speaker of the House. She’s the number three in line for president of the United States. She’s been around. As long as the idiot in the White House, Biden. What did she do to prepare? What information did she have, the FBI had information. Why didn’t Christopher Wray read the memo that was on his desk provided by the Norfolk office? Why? In fact, where was Pelosi the day before this event? We would like to see her texts, her emails. We would like to know who she spoke to on her phone records. We want to see the information that the speaker of the House in charge of securing the Capitol building. Was doing her job to make sure for legislative purposes and so future speakers could know how to conduct themselves. What’s wrong with that? Liz Cheney’s talking about a supreme dereliction of duty by the president, the United States, who doesn’t even run the capital. Now, Lynn wants him to send in the Marines, send in the damn Marines to Portland. Go to hell. Minneapolis, go to hell. Seattle, go to hell, Lafayette Park Church burning attacks on the White House. Go to hell. Don’t use that Insurrection Act now, not, I don’t know, says Kelly says Mattis, says Milley and wrote off in The Wrestler and I don’t use the Internet. What is it? The media don’t use the Insurrection Act of bringing an order. No. And we want to now. What Donald Trump did during those one hundred and eighty seven minutes. His supreme dereliction of duty. Says the idiot from Wyoming. The useful idiot from Wyoming. Go ahead and Mr. Meadows testimony will bear on another key question before this committee, did Donald Trump, through action or inaction, corruptly seek to obstruct or impede Congress’s official proceedings to count electoral? What does that mean? If he said to the vice president, you should not count those, you should send those back to the state of Pennsylvania, wherever there’s a controversy, you shouldn’t count those. I have constitutional advisers that tell me you shouldn’t count those. What is that? Is that a crime? What does that have to do with the riot and insurrection? Nothing. Nothing. The Donald and Donald Trump through action or inaction? Oh, that’s great. That’s like I think Liz has a subconscious racist problem now, I don’t know that it’s subconscious. In action, what is lasdun for people of color, not think well in action, she’s a racist. Did Donald Trump, through action or inaction, corruptly seek to extract or impede Congress as official proceedings to count electoral votes? He’s perfectly free to say to the vice president what so many Democrats had argued on the floor of the Congress in a joint session in 2016 to deny him the presidency in 2000, to deny George W. Bush the presidency. In fact, they went all the way to the Supreme Court to try and deny George Bush. Tapio Bush with the presidency, what state do you stand for again? Kenny, millworker, excuse me, of course. Yes, yes, Chris Walker. So people have challenged results in elections and the courts, people have changed election laws. People have gone to the floor of the joint session of Congress where they count electoral votes and have insisted, including some of the people she’s serving with. That may not count the votes because they believe they were corrupt. That a crime? Now we want to know we want to know if Trump said to anybody that we should obstruct the prison. And what does that mean, obstruct or impede Congress’s official proceedings? What exactly does that mean? Urged the president of the Senate, the vice president of the United States, overseeing the joint session not to count certain votes from certain states because. Because there’s conflict, there’s controversy, there’s disagreements now, you may or may not agree with that, but what’s wrong with that? Is that a crime somewhere? Now, I don’t think so. I don’t think that’s a crime. I don’t think that’s obstruction. I don’t think that’s an insurrection. But I come full circle. This committee has no interest in knowing, they say they’re concerned about protection of the Capitol, whether the president, the president has no direct responsibility to protect the Capitol, the police, the president is not in charge of the police. As we know, we saw cities burning left and right. If a Democrat mayor who’s in charge of the metropolitan police force, you vote Democrat speaker who’s in charge of the Capitol police force. You have a president of the United States that offer the National Guard the day before corner to somebody who has spoken out publicly, the chief of staff to the secretary of state at the time, the secretary defense. That’s all he can do. His hands were tied all through the riots. That’s all they can do. And he should have used the Insurrection Act, but he was told he better not ever use the Insurrection Act, even though other presidents have. Many presidents have. He singularly was not free to do so. Wow, what did he pay Congress? What did he say? What did he mean to do? You’re dealing with a dopier. Now, this is the problem when you have a committee. Congress all appointed by somebody who’s trying to cover her tracks, who does not want to be questioned, who does not want any information about what she knew and what she failed to do. Well, let me put it this way. Hey, Liz, may I call you Liz? I used to be able to call you Liz. Liz, may I ask you a question? What is that? What is it? Liz. You say you’re concerned about an insurrection, you’re concerned about the protection of the Capitol building, you’re concerned about a supreme dereliction of duty during those 187 minutes. Well, Liz. The woman you’re collaborating with. Nancy, evah stretch Pelosi. What did she do during those 187 minutes to try and protect the Capitol? How did she prepare beforehand? What did she have? What did she know whether it was from the FBI or local police force or the Metropolitan Police Force or any what? Did she know this? Why did she fail to do anything? Liz, Liz, I’m talking to you right now. Why didn’t she do anything? Maybe Allahpundit can explain it to her. Or maybe Ed will write an essay over there at Hot-Air. We’re all sitting on the edge of our chairs to hear what Jonah has to say. Oh, Jonah. Jonah, what do you think I watch a shmucks, I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

Have you noticed all these legal analysts to talk about how Trump is going to be indicted, indicted and not notice it never happened? How come they don’t resign out a human being instead they get promoted? And they keep writing. These are navel gazers, pretty much they’re impressed with their own writing, you know, as I said three weeks ago in these columns over here, you know, as I said, here, here, here and here, where they have links to themselves. Really sick. All right, I didn’t forget. We already got to Liz Cheney. But let me put a little bit of a icing on this. Senator Richard Blumenthal is a senator from Connecticut. As you know, he lied about being a combat veteran in Vietnam and that impressed the Democrats in the Nutmeg State. They said, we like this guy. He doesn’t look as good as Ted Kennedy. The late, great rest in peace, Ted Kennedy, Chappaquiddick, Ted, no, but he’s a hell of a liar, so we’re going to send them to the Senate. But did you know what else about Richard Blumenthal? He went to the Connecticut People’s World Committee’s annual HAMMARSTEDT Awards Saturday. What is that, ladies and gentlemen? Well, they were marking the second anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party USA. And Richard Blumenthal, who looks like that’s worn over. He went and he was very excited to be there. Go. Thank you so much. I am really excited and honored to be with you today and to share this remarkable occasion. You don’t have to agree with anyone or everyone, with any party or any particular union or organization. I’m here to honor the great tradition of activism and standing up for individual workers. That is represented by the three honorees here. How do you like that? Now, the Communist Party USA was supported financially and otherwise by Stalin and the Communists. In the old Soviet Union, but he’s proud to be we may not agree on everything, you know. But I’m proud to be here with you activists. I remember a time when a politician did this. They were thrilled it was over, even in Connecticut. It was over, I remember a time if a politician did this, even The New York Times in The Washington Post, they’d write about it out of concern. As a single Washington composed, a New York Times columnist written out of concern about this is Philip Bump, nowhere are they aware that the Communist Party international is responsible for the death of 100 million people. Does that bother them? I would not like them, I have no idea, Roe, I see. I see. To Richard Blumenthal is at the Connecticut People’s World Committee’s Anal Amistad Awards Saturday to mark the second anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party USA. And by golly, gee whiz. What’s wrong with that, Mark? What’s wrong with that? At least he’s not a Klansman or a neo-Nazi. See, I see things a little different. Lee Marxists slaughter people, Klansmen slaughter people, neo-Nazis slaughter people. Isn’t that enough to know, ladies and gentlemen, it’s one better than the other. Now, why would Dick Blumenthal. Why would Connecticut’s Dick Blumenthal, Connecticut’s Dick Blumenthal? Why would he attend such a thing? Because he agrees with it mostly. American Marxism, that’s what I’m talking about. These people are out of the closet. We may not agree on everything, you know, everything. I don’t agree on anything with these people. I went on, no, wait a minute. Now, wait a minute. Now, they’re not all that bad. They’re humane. And you get it. You get it. Meanwhile, Dick Dick Cheney’s daughter, Dick of Wyoming, and there’s Dick this Dick Blumenthal of Connecticut, they’re on the same side.