December 6, 2021

December 6, 2021

SALISBURY, NC - NOVEMBER 5: Senator Elizabeth Dole (R-NC) declares victory at campaign headquarters in her hometown with her husband Bob Dole November 5, 2002 in Salisbury, North Carolina. Elizabeth Dole defeated Democratic candidate Erskine Bowles. (Photo by Brian Gomsak/Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the late Sen. Bob Dole was a generous man, a patriot, and a complex politician that was a World War II hero. He was a wonderful man that loved this country. Then, corporate media’s systemic corruption is much worse than anything Chris Cuomo did. The media has been complicit in covering up the crimes Marxists have exacted on the public for over a century. Later, the Democrats sell out our allies and blame Donald Trump. In 1994 the Budapest Memorandum was reached with Ukraine so they’d give up their nuclear weapons at the fall of the Soviet Union so long as the United States, Russia, and Great Britain assured the continued security of Ukraine. Tensions escalate between Taiwan and Beijing and the Israelis and the Iranians. Will the U.S back its allies? Afterward, combat veteran Rep. Mike Waltz calls in and said that America needs a wake-up call. He added that President Xi has openly called for the U.S and its currency to be replaced as the global standard. China aims to militarize their space stations so that they can wage war on the US from space and they’re doing it with the money Americans spend on Chinese products. Waltz also called for the U.S to not participate in any Olympic Games that are held in China.


The Federalist
Corporate Media’s Systemic Corruption Is Far Worse Than Chris Cuomo’s Coverup For His Brother

Washington Post
Russia planning massive military offensive against Ukraine involving 175,000 troops, U.S. intelligence warns
Memorandum on security assurances in connection with Ukraine’s accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

The Post Millennial
Rep. Ilhan Omar given public servant award for ‘courage in the face of anti-Muslim bigotry’ after Boebert feud

MSNBC’s Reid: Republicans Are Death Cult ‘Waving the Pro-Life Flag’

Daily Mail
George Soros’ network of woke DA’s he has bankrolled in cities across the US: How the Billionaire Democrat megadonor gave Chicago’s Kim Foxx $2M and Philly’s DA – where murder has doubled – got $1.7M
Justice Department Files Lawsuit Against the State of Texas to Challenge Statewide Redistricting Plans

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Brian Gomsak

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

There’s so much going on out there, isn’t there, America? Oh, yes, a great deal. First of all, I want to talk briefly about Bob Dole. You know, when I was a very young man, seems like forever ago, 50 years ago or so, a buddy and I actually probably more like 45 years ago. Doesn’t matter. Eric Christiansen, who I grew up with, like a brother to me and to our family, we used to get involved in Republican politics, precinct workers, college Republicans to some extent. But we attended a big event in Washington. We were young guys, I’d never done that before. And we actually got to stay over at a hotel, hadn’t done that much either. And. I was at this event and my buddy Eric decided to go to Capitol Hill. And he he to meet with Senator Bob Dole. Now, he’s a kid from outside Philadelphia, in Pennsylvania, barely old enough to vote. I don’t think we were old enough to vote. I think it was I think we were 16 or 17. And. Even though it was the College Republicans and. Bob Dole sat down with him. In his office, I spoke to him and couldn’t have been nicer. I met Bob Dole once, I think maybe twice. Always extremely generous with his time. He didn’t care who you were. And that’s the kind of guy this man was, and he was a World War Two hero. A hero. And he was. By some people written off as dead, that’s how bad his injuries were, and it was near the end of World War Two. And. You know, the truth is he wasn’t a hard ball throwing conservative at times, he was. But he was an interesting and in some ways a complex politician, not a complex man, but a complex politician. If he could deal with you, he would deal with you. In other words, he would try and work things out if he couldn’t, then he couldn’t. There’s some things he was. You know, very, very strong and solid about it are the things he was more open to, negotiation and so forth. I also remember when my boss during the Reagan administration, Ed Meese, was under these vicious, venal, vile, poisonous attacks because this is what the Democrat Party does. I remember Bob Dole was always supportive and very friendly to Meese. So especially if you were under attack, he could be counted on. Whether fighting for the country. Against the Nazis or fighting for the country, the halls of Congress. And so I think he will be missed and I just wish I had known that he had stage four lung cancer. I had not known that. I understand it was announced, but the media gave it almost no attention given what was going on in February of this year, but. I mean, I have letters that he sent me as a kid when he headed the Republican National Committee. Think about all the things he did. He was a congressman. He was a senator. He was a vice presidential candidate, presidential candidate, even when he ran against Reagan. I remember that in 1980, he was always polite. It’s always very nice. And God, did he love this country? Got it. He loved this country. And you see, that’s a huge difference. Between men like Bob Dole. And people like AOC in the American Marxists in this country, do they act like they love America? No, they don’t. They have a stranglehold on the Democrat Party. Do most of the media in this country act like they love America? No, they don’t. They’re basically inexperienced, narcissistic, relatively young, who’ve contributed nothing to the betterment of this country. Not a damn thing. And they think they deserve everything they’ve got, even though it was handed them on a silver platter where people before them. Really plowed the plowed the fields for them. But Bob Dole deserves to be remembered as a as a great and wonderful man. Again, you don’t have to agree with everything, but it doesn’t matter how great a wonderful man he was and I certainly appreciate it, him as a young man and. And as I got older, you know, the thing is, folks, you know, I’m an activist, I fight with brass knuckles at times when I feel I need to. No question about that. But if there are people I disagree with who are good people, who love this country, who have served this country, I don’t treat them that way. If there are people, on the other hand, who seek to destroy the conservative base or pushing a completely separate agenda while the country is struggling. And trying to fight and engage these these people are pulling us down, that’s a whole nother issue I would never compare Bob Dole to. To some of these other politicians in Washington and Bob Dole was a much different majority leader than Mitch McConnell. Who just to me is and he’s the longest serving Republican leader, McConnell, and for no reason, really. All right. I’ve said my piece. There was an article today in the Federalist. By Margot Cleveland, who’s a good writer, corporate media, systemic corruption is far worse than Chris Cuomo is cover up for his brother, which is exactly, I think, what I said last Friday. Right, Mr. Producer, that this is much bigger than the Cuomo. And she has beautiful examples in her piece. Nice and consistently, and I should say. Very clearly laid out in that piece. But if you want to know the real extent of the corporate media, systemic corruption. I wrote about it and on Freedom of the Press, it’s chapter and verse, literally, how corrupt. This so-called profession is and has become it’s not really a profession anymore, they have no respect, no respect for how other people think or how the people react or what the people believe or how smart the people are. You know, in many respects, like my show, if I don’t get ratings consistently, I won’t be here. If I don’t have fantastic sponsors. Who pay good money to run commercials on this program to reach you? I won’t be here. At CNN, if they have low ratings. And bring in limited amount of sponsorships. It doesn’t matter because they’re backed by a behemoth global corporation that’s willing to take losses so there’s no connection. Between what CNN is doing and what’s going on in the world, they can have this relatively small cabal with a relatively small audience. They can have perverts and sexual harassers and circle jerks and whatever else they have over their push, an ideological agenda of a guy like Jeff Zucker who was protected and paid an enormous amount of money by these these massive corporate s and global corporations. So there’s no consequences, there’s no connection between reality and what they do, the same as with MSNBC, you have Comcast that owns MSNBC and NBC, so you can have a flat out out of the closet homophobe and racist like Joy Reid. And she’s not the only one. There’s many. On MSNBC, you can read many. And there’s no connection between ratings. Profit and so forth and so on. And so they do this. Same with The New York Times, and then they talk about how immune the newsroom has to be from politics when in fact these newsrooms are infused with politics, the politics of the radical extremist American Marxist movement, The New York Times has been political. Since after its founder died in the mid 80s, I guess the mid to late eighteen seventies. As this incestuous family, one after another inherits the corporation, it’s gotten worse and worse and worse. And so here you have a corporation, The New York Times is a corporation, here you have a corporate corporate mass media platform. That is hailed by other corporations in this field and by Democratic politicians and so forth, when even rhinos who link to it relentlessly as the gold standard. Now, how can you have a gold standard for a media corporation whose job it is to report the news? That lies about Stalin and what he did to Ukraine. And you have a new Stalinist who wants to do the same thing to Ukraine invaded. Well, lies about the Holocaust and covers it up for most of the war. And lies about Castro and helps install him. To the great deprivation of tens of thousands, if not millions of Cubans. Any any corporation that pushes and gets Pulitzer Prizes. A a Russia hoax lie and tries to take out a sitting president of the United States. It’s absolutely incredible and this is the gold standard. Well, if that’s the gold standard, what about silver and bronze? No better. In fact, just as bad. And so Margo Cleveland’s exactly right of what the Federalist isn’t about the Como’s. It’s not about the Como’s is irrelevant, they’re a joke. There are circus act. They walked in their father’s shadow and they could never keep up, and he was a huge radical lib that the Democrats like to promote Mario an awful governor, in my humble opinion. But that’s beside the point. Least the guy had standards and morals, unlike his children, unlike his children, for which most of the rest of this came very, very easy. But this is about a media, it’s about a media in this country that it is a propaganda operation for the American Marxist radical extremists movements in this country. And they live black lives matter and for burning down cities, beating people, in some cases killing people. OK, well, that’s mostly peaceful. You know. Or you look at how Kyle Rittenhouse was treated. Grotesque. Absolutely appalling. It didn’t matter and I can go down the list, it’s one case after another covering up the Hunter Biden scandal. It’s not even the Hunter Biden scandal. It’s more than the Hunter Biden scandal. It’s the Joe Biden scandal that they’re still covering up. Which is absolutely appalling. And then what they do to Trump, they’re still going after Trump to this day. To this day. Unbelievable. So this is about a corrupt propagandistic ideological media in this country, and chapter and verse is on freedom of the press. And again, this is one of the reasons I. I’m really, really not shocked, not disturbed. But disappointed, I think that’s the right word in so much of the non corporate media. Much of it in the conservative sphere. With websites and independent reporters and so forth. Who pretend the show doesn’t exist. Shame on them who pretend these books don’t exist and freedom of the press must have sold almost half a million copies. And really laid out the case of the press. And so when you hear people on radio and TV and I haven’t heard any of them, but when you hear people on cable, on radio, on TV, people e-mail me who are saying things that we discussed. Decades ago and that I wrote about four years ago extensively for a reason. Who never even acknowledged these arguments have been made and exist. I think we lose a lot of time and a lot of ground. I think we lose a lot of time and a lot of ground to deal with these problems. I think we really do because of this perversion within our movement or within, I guess we could say, our community. All right. A lot more. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

You know, it’s interesting, folks. We spent many years here behind this microphone, we may me speaking with you, talking about the threats of China growing, Iran growing and Russia growing it. People on radio and TV who downplayed Russia say we were Russia phobic people talking about neocons and all the rest. And I tried to explain again and again and again there are real world reasons to have a very muscular military, a very muscular foreign policy and a very muscular national security apparatus generally not to fight wars that we have no intention of winning. But there are wars that may be fought that we have to win in order to survive. And so the people who were protectionists, I don’t mean protectionists, the people who were really ostriches, if you will, with their heads in the sand, many of whom, you know, I suppose we’re just wrong. As far as I was concerned, if Iran has nuclear weapons, they can they can destroy the United States. And that is a regime that is not rational. And you see what China’s up to. China is trying to defeat us just by threatening us, and we’ve talked about China for years and years and of course, Russia to. I want to tell you, I want to go through each one of these situations with you when we return. I understand that I’m supposed to talk about Chris Cuomo for the next 47 and a half minutes, but I’m not going to do it. You want to know why I don’t give A. S about Chris Cuomo? He means nothing to me. CNN is dying on the vine, and it should. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

Let me say a couple of things before I jump into this other area. The media will never report on the media. The media will never report on the media to Iraq, on freedom of the press. Somebody has to report in the media they’ve been putting on freedom of the press aside. This is why all the focus on Cuomo or some guy drops his pants and does what he does and all the incidences and rather than the so-called profession itself, the profession is not a profession. It is now a political ideology. It has destroyed freedom of the press. It’s now tyranny of the press. These are propagandists. We support a free press. We support with these mostly young independent journalists, do with modern technology on their own, very inexpensive, really, in some cases putting their their their their lives on the line, their bodies on the line when they go into these situations, like the Kyle Rittenhouse situation where the mob was, where the rioting was taking place. That’s how we’re getting factual information from. That’s who juries rely on, not the big media. And you got Pulitzer Prizes being handed out to people over the Russia collusion hoax. Hillary Clinton should be going to prison over that. Hillary Clinton should be in front of a federal grand jury for what she did to this country and what she did to the election system. Nobody’s putting a microphone in Hillary Clinton’s face and asking her questions about what she did here. She’s not being held accountable for anything. Your Pulitzer Prize is handed to reporters at The Washington Post in The New York Times, they’re not required to give them back any more than Walter Durante was required to give his back when he was a front for Joseph Stalin and he in The New York Times were lying to the American people. So the media in this country has caused grave problems when you have a company like Comcast who’s in most of your homes cable system, who’s putting people like Joy Reid or Al Sharpton on television, and in the case of Joy Reid, her racism is beyond that of anybody else or somebody named Tiffany Cross, who I never heard of before, who is just making these outlandish comments and really instigating, in my view, violence, instigating hate, instigating racism. When you have people who come on television and lie flat out, lie about critical race theory being taught in the schools and so forth, you know, let the American people decide. Let the parents decide. Let us make determinations about what kind of a country we want to have. The goal of the media are not to be a political arm of the Democrat Party, which is a political arm of the American Marxist movements in this country. The media is protected because they’re supposed to protect us with information so we can draw conclusions. The media in the United States could work just as easily for communist China or some other autocratic regime, because that’s that’s the habits. It’s it’s embraced. So I wanted to point that out because it’s very, very damaging. I want to get into this. I’m going to start with Russia. And Ukraine. Most of you don’t know this many years ago I talked about this the first time Russia invaded Ukraine. In 1994. I want you to remember this, because you’re not hearing this on any of the so-called news platforms, to my knowledge, not one in 1994. There was an agreement reached. It’s known as the Budapest Memorandum, signed in 1994. I just heard. A great news person on one of the cable channels say, you know, we have no treaty with Ukraine, we have no treaty with. With Taiwan, but we have a very, very important agreement, and it’s not just us with the country of Ukraine. And what is this agreement? Well, when the old Soviet Union collapsed, guess what, Ukraine had been part of it, it had been part of the territory. And around one third. Of the nuclear. I guess Arsenal. That the Soviet Union had was in Ukraine, including nuclear missiles and nuclear silos, missile silos. And as Steven Pifer, who’s a former ambassador to Ukraine, has pointed out. Ukraine in its territory had more nuclear weapons than Britain, France and China at that point combined, 1994, it had the third biggest arsenal of nuclear missiles. So people were concerned about this. And negotiations began with Ukraine and Ukraine said, look, we’ll give up all our nuclear missiles, we’ll give them up, but we need to have an agreement that our independence and security will be honored and protected by the countries that are involved in this agreement. And what were the countries? The United States. And Russia, the two primary countries, as well as Britain, but the United States. And Russia joined by Great Britain. They gave those assurances in this Budapest 1994 Budapest Memorandum of security assurances, that’s what it was called. They gave the assurances to Ukraine, so Ukraine gave up every one of its nuclear weapons. Since Putin has been in power, clawed his way to the top murders, his way to stay there. Their continuing threat in Ukraine, because they know Ukraine does not have these nuclear weapons and they know Ukraine does not have the military power that Russia proper has. They don’t have the conventional power. Moreover, under Obama, they refused to give offensive weapons. President Trump gave them some significant offensive weapons, including our cutting edge technology on this tank, killer weapons that infantry can carry and that can reload and they can even take out Russia’s modern tanks, which they now have on the border with Ukraine. And they had 100,000 troops there last week, and today they have more, that is Russia. And so this is a huge problem, but how many of you knew about the 1994 Budapest Memorandum of Security assurances? How many of you knew that Ukraine surrendered its nuclear weapons in in an exchange for guarantees not just by the United States and Great Britain, but Russia? To recognize and accept that independence and help protect its security. Now, look at the situation. So Russia is in violation. To this agreement, and we’re part of this agreement. We’re part of this agreement. And. You know, people want to back off. People want to pretend that we have no responsibility. I mean, obviously we don’t want to go to war with Russia. But what what has led to this? What has led to this situation? When Donald Trump was president, the Russians didn’t have 100,000 troops and growing with their most modern cutting edge tanks on the border with Ukraine. What’s changed here? We’ll get into that in a moment. Now, let’s take a look at Iran. Let’s take a look at Iran, Biden was part of the administration that cut a deal with Iran that ensured that in 10 years Iran would have nuclear weapons because after 10 years, there would be no holds barred. No holds barred. And what Netanyahu and his government said at the time was, hey, look, I got to look beyond 10 years, we can’t cut a deal. Plus, this is a terrorist state, you can cut a deal all you want. They’re not going to comply with anything. I mean, do we remember why we call things terrorist or terrorism? Are individual terrorists, it’s because they don’t follow the rules of war. Otherwise, you’re facing a standing army, you’re facing. You said that, but terrorists, terrorism. Those are words that have meaning, those are words that have history. So, for an example, if somebody is trying to blow up civilian buildings. By by not declaring war, not wearing uniforms, not using the usual sort of weaponry of war and so forth, that’s a terrorist. It’s a terrorist. You’ve seen so many of these commercials, have you not? Tunnels to towers other. So many other charities, some magnificent charities, and what are they trying to do? They’re trying to help men and women who have been. Horrifically. This formed as a result of. A war, whether in Afghanistan, in Iraq or elsewhere. Iran is responsible. For the kids and other and other weaponry that was used to do this to the American soldier. Acts of terrorism. And so they would plant bombs. They would do other things. That had, as their purpose to cripple American soldiers, kill them or cripple them. That’s Iran and a response we’ve given Iran now access to the world’s economies, we’ve given them access to tens of billions of dollars. We give them access to China and Russia’s economy. And now we have this access. Of the Islama Nazi regime in Tehran, the genocidal regime in Beijing. And the fascistic regime in Moscow. That’s what’s taking place now, not to mention, of course, North Korea. I want to I want to explore this, it’s going to take more than three minutes. I want to explore this and why all the the rising tensions now with Russia and Ukraine, now with Iran and its nuclear program, where it has blown off the Biden administration, any concessions whatsoever because it’s within a month or weeks of having nuclear weapons, according to the Biden administration. And then I want to spend time on China next hour in an expansive way with our friend, Congressman Mike Walts. These are very, very important issues, most of which are being touched on surface level, if at all, in the corporate media. But ladies and gentlemen, we better get our act together. We better get prepared for war because war is coming. You’re going to have hosts all over the media who are going to say, I warned you about where are they now? I’m telling you is the lone voice, but I hope it’ll be regurgitated. Wars coming. It’s coming because of the aggressiveness of our enemies and the provocations of our government led by Joe Biden. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

So before the break, I said, what is the common denominator, Afghanistans the common denominator. We all knew it. We all said it. We have the worst senior officials at the Pentagon in modern American history. They do the bidding of the editorial pages of The Washington Post in The New York Times, and they are cowards. I don’t mean in their individual capacities, military men, I mean in their policy making decisions as top officials at the Pentagon. What they did in Afghanistan, including leaving American citizens behind, are whatever happened, all those children who were left behind, Mr. Producer, many of them are still there. What happened to the school children? What happened, folks? And all the people who were friends and allies who helped protect the lives of American citizens, what happened to them? Media has lost interest. But the communist Chinese regime, the fascistic Putin regime and the Islama Nazi regime in Tehran, not to mention the inbred in North Korea, they monitor all of this very, very closely. They’re monitoring what goes in our country now. They’re monitoring our media. How they pay so little attention to the build up of our enemies have very little concern. They monitor what comes out of Nancy Pelosi’s mouth. To the extent anyone can figure it out, they see that we’re weakened from within by the Democrat Party, by this president and by their various surrogates. They see that that we really don’t believe in ourselves, that we are undermining ourselves as a communist movement in this country that is not necessarily directly related to the communist Chinese, but they’ve paid a fortune on a propaganda effort buying off colleges and universities, infiltrating this country with students, no doubt participating in riots and the other things that took place in this country. They have spent a lot of time and money, you know, focusing on how to take us down from within and how to weaken us and our resolve. And they and the internal domestic American Marxist movement have been successful in many, many ways. And so if you don’t build up the military, if you’re not prepared for war, you wind up with war and you wind up with many, many more casualties. How much attention has been paid by the media tonight? On Russia, China and Iran. As opposed to Chris Cuomo. I bet more time has been spent on Chris Cuomo and even there, rather than talk about the cancer that is today, the American press. They want to talk about Chris Cuomo, who’s of no consequence. He’s now gone from the face of the earth for all intents and purposes when it comes to. When it comes to substantive input on what goes on in this country. So Afghanistan, so the nation needs to focus, there needs to be national attention on what’s going on with China, Russia and Iran, and the media has a job to help us focus, but they won’t. And they’re not going to. We might go to war. And I’ve argued wars coming. Does it sound like we’re ready as a people? Does it sound like we’re psychologically ready for this? Does it sound like our leaders are ready for this? I’m gravely concerned.