On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Kathy Hochul is the luckiest Lieutenant Governor in America; she is first in the line of succession for Governor in NY. The left wants to push Andrew Cuomo out and replace him with one of their more radical democrats. Also, the media has largely failed to accurately report on the mishandling of the Biden Administration’s vaccine distribution. Then, Democrats’ open-borders immigration policies incite lawlessness and coyotes to smuggle kidnapped children across the border. Assimilation has been replaced by ‘Critical Race Theory’ and the notion of ‘White Privilege.’ Later, the news of Jamal Khashoggi’s death by the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia has been leaked out so that the Biden Administration can weaken US ties with Saudi Arabia and strengthen ties with Iran. Iran is a grave threat and cannot be ignored. Afterward, former President Trump took to the stage at CPAC 2021 pushing back on the Democrats calling them anti-job anti-science, anti-family, anti-borders, and anti-women. Highlighting Biden’s reversals of his most successful policies.
Biden Briefly Malfunctions Again
Bix Pac Review
Biden gets defensive when Univision anchor questions ‘kids in cages’ under his administration
Democratic voting bill would make biggest changes in decades
Right Scoop
Maskless freshman Republican speaks TRUTH about COVID and phony bill
Biden hikes cost of carbon, easing path for new climate rules
The Blaze
Amazon pulls Clarence Thomas documentary during Black History Month
The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.
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Rough transcript of Hour 1
Hour 1 Segment 1
I hope you had a good weekend. Wow, was it Donald Trump’s speech, invigorating is invigorating to me. We’ll spend some time on that later in the program, not just playing it, but analyzing it. And does anybody know? Who’s Kathy Hochul? There was at Huckle. Anybody know who Kathy Hochul, Hochul is it spelled h o, c, h, you out now you’re all running and to the Internet. I’m going to Google the name. And so she’s the lieutenant governor of New York. And she’s the luckiest lieutenant governor in the world. You have to ask yourselves, how long can Andrew Cuomo hold on? There’s two women now, and, you know, there’s more than two. My problem with her, Cuomo, was not only what he’s accused her, but. Kind of bigoted, don’t you think? I don’t think he hit on any guys, Mr. Producer, did he? Anyway, that aside. I told you, I think it was last week. That the left wants to push Cuomo out so they can replace him with one of them or one of their own. Maybe. Maybe the attorney general, who’s a reprobate, you never know, she’s clearly gunning for him. But there’s a number of amazing things about this, CNN barely cover this, but they had to pick up the ball this weekend. And say there was Jake Tapper with the constipated look on his face. Actually interviewing individuals about. His colleagues, brother. I’m sure that was very painful, as you could see on his face. CNN cannot fix this, in other words, CNN promoted a porn actress. They promoted her. Viall. Unethical, immoral lawyer. They were all in on Cuomo, they covered up the scandal in which he’s responsible for the death of thousands of senior citizens in the state of New York and the city of New York. And so did the rest of the media. So will he be required to give his Emmy back? No, he yes. How about his publisher? Well, will their publisher take their payments, but no. Of course not, Hillary Clinton put out a statement today, I guess it took her a long time to write three sentences. The Democrat hit criticism is rather passive, as you can tell. Took Pelosi some time, Gillibrand took her a little while. All the Democrat women, all the Hollywood women. All the media women. Now they’re kind of stuck. New York Times has had to play catch up and they’re doing their best, but keep in mind what I said at this point, they view him as expendable. As I said last week, they were using him as a foil against Trump and against dissenters in other Republican governors. You have to wonder if Fauci will now announce that that he was wrong. That the quintessential example of a governor handling this virus correctly was Cuomo, they have they have a lot in common to Cuomo and Fauci other than their ethnicity. Of course, that is their media horse. Can I use that word medium, Mr. Producer? Is that OK? Their media horse. They can’t read their names and titles enough, they can’t they can’t receive enough awards from Hollywood and so forth, they can’t appear on magazine covers enough. But she’s not even a politician or is he? Or is he just an article here and I’m going to stay on this stuff even when nobody else will? And it’s by Ed Morrissey, and it’s in hot air dotcom, but he’s sort of cobbling together various events that have taken place Washington Post. Now, we all know The Washington Post is not a newspaper. I mean, physically, it’s a newspaper, it’s also a digital platform, but. It’s not a serious journalistic effort, it’s just not journalism. And it hasn’t been journalism for at least 100 years. Logistical problems behind vaccination stalled last two weeks while. Update wire stockpiles growing while delivery rates decline at Marzi. What vaccination star readers might ask, it’s been very apparent, he says, in Minnesota. We’re appointment availability and participating pharmacies dried up last week before the worst of the storm hit. And have yet to materialize almost a week after it passed. The media has seemed curiously incurious about the lack of supply today, The Washington Post, they would be Friday, finally reports pharmacies were expecting vaccine shipments, manufacturing, whether weather delayed, that logistical problems kept pharmacies and states from getting their planned distributions. And that might continue in the next week. Here’s what they said. Quote from The Washington Post. Major pharmacy chains around the U.S. are supposed to be getting direct shipments of vaccine doses one way the Biden administration is hoping to speed the immunization effort. Just see how the media slobbers all over by and all of the Democrats all over the left. It’s disgusting. They’re so corrupt. But let’s go on about winter weather. Manufacturing delays and logistical problems have lately hampered the initiative, forcing some pharmacies to reschedule appointments or scramble to distribute vaccines they weren’t prepared for. Now, if this were Trump, you’d be hearing more than this sort of passive language. They’d be all of excuse me, calculating the number of people who have died as a result of Trump’s failures. But they don’t do it with Biden, of course. The administration says very, very few vaccine doses were distributed to the direct to pharmacy program last week. Now, remember, that was being done during the Trump administration, but it was also being done through the state, so the states would at least have some management control under federalism of what was going on within their states. Now, that’s according to a spokeswoman for the Department of Health and Human Services, who pointed to an announcement by vaccine maker Moderna that some of its shipments were being delayed because of some hiccups in the final stages of production of. I thought it was trompe. So the hiccups are understandable to a point, the polar vortex weather that descended two weeks ago would have made shipping unreliable in some areas of the country, especially Texas, he writes, Manufacturers will experience momentary stoppages at times. Distribution channels will fumble occasionally, too, however. A storm of this magnitude and length across the board is certainly odd or at least noteworthy, and yet no major media outlets seemed at all curious about it, not even when their own data should have led them to question the situation. The Star Tribune’s data on daily vaccinations in Minnesota show a decline in Delhi at additions to the ranks of the vaccinated that stretches back a full month, even while the state expanded the program to pharmacy chains. Now, that decline in the rate of vaccinations began before the storm, which never seriously impacted the roads in Minnesota and has continued after it. It’s not that the demand is decreased either, but that the availability of appointments has evaporated. Even today, the only pharmacy chain making appointments at all is thrifty white. Now they’re going to have to change that name to produce. Thrifty, white. Oh, my goodness. They then want to change it to just white, you know, drop the thrifty part. I don’t know. And most of that appears to be next week further out contingent on getting supplies. It’s tough to look at this data and the lack of media curiosity and conclude anything other that these outlets have little interest in reporting on the poor performance from the Biden administration. Biden himself keeps insisting that we didn’t have vaccines or a plan before he got into office. But at least here in Minnesota, the delivery rate of vaccinations was peaking as Biden came into office and seems to be declining ever since. Whether or no. Maybe a media outlet will dig into this a little bit more deeply than regurgitating press releases about logistical issues now that we know the issue well, which media outlet would do that? Clearly not The Washington Post. Philip Bump is not in any mood. To attack his political hero, Jeremy Piven, sir, what’s his name? Peter’s over there at over at The New York Times, he definitely is not going to look into it. Update, he says, my pal Jim Garrity at National Review. Vaccines are getting distributed to the states, according to the data, regardless of whether Sawai or vaccination rates declining. Now, press here I am doing your work for you. I’m pointing this out. What do you do about this? I know you were busy, very busy last week chasing Ted Cruz and Cancun, you want to check into this? You want to look into this mean where Jim Acosta is here hanging out. Conservatives. Who then turn around and rightly boo him? I mean. There are a lot of media outlets out there. Does anyone know a trend that we’re not taking this up? The only real reporter I can tell so far that we have on the on the White House beat is Peter Doocy. Can you name another one? And he’s polite and he’s effective. But that’s the question as of the last two weeks, even before the storms began. There are serious delays in the pipe chain, not because of a lack of vaccines, but because something is wrong. In the Biden administration’s handling of the distribution of vaccines. And notice, Biden hasn’t had a stand alone press conference since he became president of the United States. Have you noticed that? And whatever. I’ll be right back.
Hour 1 Segment 2
Very important to keep track of what’s going on with these vaccines, because you’re being told a lot of lies now, the media are not following up. They’re not giving credit where credit’s due. But even more than that, it affects people’s lives. And there seems to be a lack of curiosity, a complete lack of interest by the major media. Something’s going on now with the distribution of these vaccines, it’s not a matter of production productions ramping up as it typically would. So Biden’s trying to take credit for that, even though he’s done absolutely nothing and what is what that look on his face, Mr. Producer? It is constant, isn’t it? It’s constant. Cringed. You know, stressed. Struggling. But this vaccination thing is very, very important. I know individuals who right now are at the top tier, the people are supposed to be getting vaccinated and they’re not. Including elderly and so forth, it’s a disaster in Virginia, I don’t know what they’re doing with the vaccines, maybe they’re drinking them. I don’t know. But there’s some kind of a holdup in the distribution now. And what I’m asking the media to do, I mean, you have The Washington Post in Washington, D.C., right? You got 90 percent of the media sitting around in Washington, D.C. What are they doing? What are they doing? What are the media doing, actually? You’ve got this full for president, who’s going to drive up the cost of energy? You’ve got this for a president who’s destroyed our immigration system. And what else has he done, you know, when you when you talk the way he talks and his administration talks, the way they talk about immigration, it is so reckless and dangerous for these kids now. You’re may I use the word you’re inciting lawlessness? You’re inciting coyotes, you’re inciting kidnapping, you’re inciting. The sexual advantages and molestation of little kids by by strangers. Where’s the media? I’m sure they’re going to go down to the border there and figure all that out, you know, while we have the National Guard surrounding Washington, D.C.. I’m starting to have a different view of this, Mr. Producer, you know what it is? Are they surrounding the Capitol to keep the public from seeing the representatives? Or basically to force the representatives to be imprisoned Wollar, while they’re supposedly doing their work? I look at it that way. Maybe they’re jailbirds or something. But I’ve always had the view that the capital should be moved to the southern border. I’ve always had that view should be moved to McAllen, Texas. Washington, D.C., everything that’s in Washington, D.C., should be moved to McAllen, Texas. Right on the border, maybe. So these fools in Washington, D.C., can experience what it is they’re unleashing on this nation. I think you need more than 5000 National Guardsmen. I think you need 50000 National Guardsmen. To protect them then and to protect. The buildings and all the rest. But they don’t give a damn. And so Biden is embracing every radical agenda item, whether it’s critical race theory, whether it’s open borders and so forth. You know, the other day I had this surgery wasn’t major surgery, surgery. To deal with this deviated septum that I’ve had apparently since a kid and I definitely can breathe a lot better for the Libs, they’re there. Oh, damn it. But anyway. And I got to talking to this magnificent doctor. And I said, look at this, whether it’s your heart. Whether it’s a deviated septum, whatever it is. We have access to the greatest health care on the face of the earth, while we may get annoyed with insurance companies and paperwork and so forth. Ultimately, we get the care that we need, ultimately we get the medicines that we need, even if you need to be a squeaky wheel, whatever it is. Folks, there’s not another place on the face of the earth where this happens. I don’t care if you go to Western Europe. I don’t care where it is. There’s not another place on the face of the earth and they want to destroy it. We have the most beneficent, tolerant, diverse society on the face of the earth and they want to destroy that. We have the most generous immigration system on the face of the earth, and they want to destroy that, too. I’ll be right back.
Hour 1 Segment 3
I think he’s getting on a plane. He told me last he came to see me last event. And representatives show Shirley Jackson Lee Al Green, Sylvia Garcia visit finale. Excuse me, Pinnell. And what am I doing here? I’m going to lose track here. And Mary Turner. What are the kind of guy, Tiffiny, only the Goldstrike, the heaven it calls when if they just gave you gave him the the withdraw, bringing us home troops from home and the the the you know, you know, you know, you you you you need some money. So what finally of of of bunch of budget would resist. We much we must and we will much about that be committed. I’m a warrior you know the that it was I mean they said look the the you know, I was at him. I didn’t if, if we, if we you know it it we can walk and chew gum. We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women created by they go, you know, the you know the thing true to ourselves to pressure and impeach for inciting the erection. Donald John Donald. John Trump incited the erection insurrection. Well, let’s continue to add, Mr. Producer, what am I doing? I’m going to lose track here. That’s the next one. But we’re going to need a lot of a lot of data space in order to to include all this, and here he is. On Univision Friday, that is Biden and Dr. Jill, of course, by his side, got to go. Mr. President, in the five weeks you’ve been in office, you have been taken many actions to revert Trump administration’s anti-immigration policy. But today, The Washington Post reports that your administration has plans to open tents at Del Rio, a town close to the border. Can you confirm that? Well, I can confirm this is over 70 cities right now. There’s thousands of immigrants, thousands of unaccompanied children coming across the border. We’ve been able to place a significant number of women in places, facilities throughout this show to shore up the country. But by the way, the. The puppeteer there is Jill, Joe was the puppet, go ahead, opened up one one that was a former one used in the in the administration of the last administration. Our hope and expectation is that won’t stay open very long, that we’ll be able to provide for every kid who comes across the border safely to be housed in a facility that is licensed and this administration. Wait a minute. Who’s that? Biden. Oh, go ahead, Joe, humane way, and that’s really important. I mean, we want to make sure that these children are safe, that they get mental health services, they get physical health services, they get education. So we are really concerned about these children. I know, but you’re the ones who started this. Jill had call you Jill. I think I’ll call you Jill. Unless you call me Attorney Mark. I’ll call you Jill. The reason all these children are now being sent by their parents to come across the border, being brought over by coyotes is because of you people. And just because you say you want to make sure they’re safe and get mental health services and so forth means nothing. You people lie, you lie to get into office, then you lie after you’re in office. But look what she said, all you parents out there with your children still at home. If not every day, most days of the week, because of the teachers union, they want to make sure people who come here illegally, their children. Get mental health services, are your children getting mental health services? Physical health services, so they getting physical health services, they get education, your children getting a decent education for the property taxes you’re paying now. No, they’re not. And so there’s an additional question by Ilya Calderon of Univision three go for how long is the administration planning to have kids in this these facilities, not only the tents that you mentioned. So let’s be clear by now has tent cities and portable containers in which they’re putting children, not a cage, portable containers. So Obama Biden came up with these cages because they wouldn’t secure the border and now they’ve come up with tent cities and portable containers. Now, imagine if Trump was using portable containers intensities, you’d never hear the end of it, you hear all the reporting by the phony media in this country? Of course not. You hear almost nothing about it. Almost nothing about it. Go ahead. Well, so the other facilities that look like portable containers or I don’t know how can you call them, but really brings back memories from from from the kids in cages and how is it different from war? Well, it’s much different in terms of my people there helping them. Oh, the people there helping them, unlike the Trump administration that were starving to death, letting them sleep in their own feces. What is this? What is this what kind of fraud is this? They’ve created a huge problem, a human pandemic on the border, and it’s going to get much, much worse, much worse. You want to know why? Because they announced today that they’re trying to find the parents even out of the country and they’re going to let them come into our country to follow the children. Now, what do you think’s going to happen? What do you think’s going to happen Central and South America and other parts of the world, they’re going to send more of their children here because the policy now is to find the parents in these other countries, bring them into our country to unite the. This has nothing to do with immigration. That’s not immigration, immigration, the thinking behind immigration from day one was that people come into a country in an orderly fashion. That our government representing the citizens of the United States get to decide who comes in under what conditions and what the requirements are. That’s not what’s happening here. We don’t know if somebody is covid. We don’t know if they’re terrorists. We don’t know who’s bringing these kids in. These kids are coming on their own. We don’t know anything. And now we’re trying to find the parents and bring them into the United States, and then what happens after that? The parents are here, the kids are here. Story over now. This story’s not over. You’re going to have one generation after another of Dacca. Well, these kids didn’t come here and their decision, no fault of their own legalization, then what? Chain migration literally scores and scores of people based on one person a year can then follow that kid into the country. This dentist decimates his society, absolutely decimated. And I’ll tell you why, even under the best of conditions where you have assimilation, we don’t have that anymore. We have critical race theory. We have claims of white privilege. We have attacks on our own society from American citizens, and when people come into this country and they see that not all but too many. They join in the fun, attacking the very country, they cheer. Look at Omar. Perfect example, look at Talibe. And her parents coming here. So we don’t have assimilation, we have this assimilation. They’ve created a very sick culture. We’re bringing more and more people into a very, very sick culture. And rather than people coming into this country and assimilating into our system, you can see the Balkanization, the trivialization that’s going on with these various theories, critical, this theory and critical that theory. You can see how it is supported in our school systems, in our colleges and universities, in our government, by the Democrat Party, in the media, in sports. The only people on the face of the earth are apparently white, straight Christians. But you can see. How a society destroys itself. If we have no respect for ourselves and people aren’t taught to have respect for us to cherish our founding documents and the people who created them to cherish the people who came before. And created this society, whomever they are. But what do you expect people to do when they come into the country illegally, they’re treated like? First class citizens where citizens are treated like second class citizens. And then the rule, not the exception, but the rule is to trash your own country. That’s what people are learning when they come into this country. But that’s that’s the goal, isn’t it? Obama let the cat out of the bag with fundamental transformation. That’s the goal, isn’t it? As I’ve said over and over again, it’s now being repeated by hosts on Fox. It’s not being repeated all over the place, and that’s OK. It’s about power and not just power. It’s about empowering the Democrat Party. Remember, I’ve said it over and over and over again. We exist, the country exists for the empowerment of the Democrat Party, a one party system. That’s why they try to shut us down. We’re not legitimate. Our comments aren’t legitimate. We don’t see the light. We haven’t joined their effort. Where Republicans are, Ranaan, Democrats were conservatives for constitutionalists, where regressive were throwbacks. And so to silence us is righteous. The deep platform US is righteous because we’re in the way we’re in the way of the more perfect utopian society I wrote about in Americatopia. And in order to counter us, we need to bring additional people into the country. Who perhaps can be brainwashed, who perhaps will support that party? And therefore outnumber the the voices who are objecting to what the Democrat Party is doing. That’s what’s going on here. As I’ve said a thousand times, if the people coming across the border become citizens and eventually vote if revoting two thirds or three fourths Republican, there’s no way the Democrats would support that. No way. If Maylin voting resulted in Republican victories, there is no way that Democrats would support that period. Always keep that in mind, this is a party about a party. This is a party that puts the party first, like the Communist Party. He got that feel, we got that, Jeremy. I’ll be right back.
Hour 1 Segment 4
The Democrat Party is growing increasingly, you can call it Marxist or fascist, it really doesn’t matter totalitarian. They’re very angry at the parliamentarian in the Senate because they want their 15 dollar minimum wage imposed on the nation. This H.R. one is one voting bill, which we’re going to really dig into this week. We really need to pay attention to this. This is an effort to grab once and for all the authority from all the states to impose a California like voting system on the nation, which will be, of course, a disaster. And the media are all behind it as they’re all behind things Democrat. Claiming, you know, more access and so forth, it’s just appalling, appalling sort of thing that’s going on here. And we have to keep an eye on this and we will. And we will, but that’s what’s going on, you know, it’s amazing the story about Khashoggi and the and the new king, the young king of Saudi Arabia ordering his death. When the media are very upset about this, and that’s understandable to a point. Because he used to write op ed for The Washington Post, among other things, and objected to the crown, that is the moniker. There he was also quite radical. I know you’re not allowed to say this. And he come under attack because the media circle the wagons around the media. But he had a sympathy for or an empathy for the Muslim Brotherhood and organizations like that. I went back and read some of his stuff at the time, but that’s not my point. My point is Joe Biden. Criticized Donald Trump when Donald Trump took out Salomone. Salomone. Who was the head, the head of, in effect, the the terrorist wing of the Islama Nazi regime? In Tehran. Who’s responsible for the death and maiming of thousands of American soldiers? And Biden criticized Trump for taking him out. But they leaked this information, this intelligence information on. On the king of Saudi Arabia. About shogi. And you know why they did that, because they’re trying to now weaken. Our ties to Saudi Arabia and strengthen our ties to Iran, you see some neoliberals. I’ll call them neoliberals because I like to throw around the word neo conservative, you see these neo liberals dressed up as populists on radio and TV from time to time who trash Saudi Arabia and defend Iran. Neither of them are good. But geopolitically, Iran’s a greater danger, they can’t tell that the Rand Paul or some other people, but it’s true. Iran is a grave threat. And so, Solomon, he’s taken out and Biden criticizes. But they leaked this stuff on Khashoggi, they put that information out. Again, for the purpose of weakening ties to Saudi Arabia and strengthening ties to Iran. They have everything backwards, these people, but in. The basic problem we have here is the totalitarian mindset that I talk about that the left has, and it’s only gotten worse and it’s exposing itself. I’ll give you an example. Senator Ed Markey really is a radical nutjob from Massachusetts, and he was on MSNBC today. And he is pining for an opportunity, as are all of them. To get all the checks and balances and firewalls out of the way so the Democrats can impose their will on the country. Well, that’s immigration, the minimum wage. Removal and control of guns, whatever it is, speech control. They want complete authority to act, even though the Constitution doesn’t give it to them. Thank God they intend to roll the Constitution. They intend to breach the Constitution. I told you, there’s different types of. Tyranny. There’s tyranny of the sort we saw in the attacks on the courthouse in Portland. Night after night for 100 nights. There’s tyranny that we saw on the attacks on the White House three days in a row requiring the president, his family to go to the nuclear bunker. There’s the tyranny that we saw in the attack on the Capitol building. Which they want to blame on Trump had nothing to do with it. But then there’s the tyranny of those who meet as a Congress and try and destroy our limits in our constitutional system. Go ahead, cut seven, Manchin has said pretty publicly he doesn’t want to vote to get rid of the filibuster, and you need every single Democrat right now in a 50 50 Senate to do it. So how do you how do you get that done? Well, see, I think it’s going to unfold as a story not just of the minimum wage, but also gun safety laws of voting rights laws, immigration, when he goes on and on and on, we must get rid of the filibuster so we can ram through every darn thing we want with 50 senators and Kamala Harris, they don’t even have a clear majority. It doesn’t matter. You’re watching the unraveling here of a society and you’re watching the imposition of totalitarian minds.