April 25, 2018

April 25, 2018

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Alfie Evans tragedy is exactly what the Left would give us with government-run health care. Progressives always point to Europe as the example of society we should follow and argue for government run universal healthcare because it covers everyone. Britain covers everyone but they have no control of their own healthcare or doctors. This is the ideology being exported into our country and why progressives push for more ubiquitous government control of our lives. The debate about Obamacare is always about covering people, not about quality healthcare; it’s meaningless to have healthcare if it’s not quality healthcare. The more centralized and compassionate leftists claim government to be, the less control you have over your life. Later, when the left does something it’s enshrined for all time, and that’s exactly what’s happening with DACA. President Trump is being blocked by a judicial fiat from reversing what Obama put in place through executive overreach. Later, after 40 years the Golden State killer was caught. He was an ex disgruntled cop Joseph James DeAngelo. Law enforcement never gave up and he was finally arrested and will die in prison.


Parents of sick toddler Alfie Evans lose UK court appeal

Alfie Evans: Latest updates as Tom Evans falls asleep next to ‘fighting’ son after last-ditch appeal rejected

CBS News
Golden State Killer case: Ex-cop Joseph James DeAngelo arrested

Fox 40
Who Is East Area Rapist Suspect Joseph James DeAngelo?

Daily Wire
Two Dallas Cops Brutally Shot At A Home Depot. Both In Critical Condition.

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Christopher Furlong