November 2011

November 2011

November 30, 2011

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: We now have a monetary policy that is being used to bail out and help disastrous fiscal policy. This is why printing more money and bailing out isn't the solution, for if it was, we wouldn't have the same issues that we're still having now. Also, President Obama is now going to different areas of the country to campaign towards certain race groups. Also, apple juice is now under attack from the EPA, on top of the already draconian measures from the government such as the banning of 100 watt light bulbs. Finally, author Peter Schweizer calls in and discusses his new book, Throw Them All Out.


Stocks Surge As Bernanke, ECB Throw More Dollars At Europe's Crisis

ABC News
Obama Scranton Visit Aimed at White, Working-Class Vote

ABC News
Arsenic in Juice: New Study Prompts Action

Washington Times
Time to stock up on light bulbs

Washington Times
Obama, Congress restore U.S. horse-slaughter industry

November 29, 2011

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin show: Mark says it’s important to analyze each candidate. Now is the time, this is what a primary is all about. The question is how will each candidate be able to deal with a societal crisis? This election should be looked at differently than other elections because it is; the environment is much different now. Who will have the wisdom and strength to begin the necessary process of unraveling not society but the government? Also, Obama's job approval drops below Jimmy Carter's.


Democrats Plan Senate Test on Payroll Levy Cut With Surtax Added

Pressure builds as eurozone ponders debt solutions

Europe ramps up rescue fund, may turn to IMF

US News & World Report
Obama's Job Approval Drops Below Carter's

Washington Examiner
Gallup: Obama tanking among independents

As Home Prices Sink, Home Ownership Heads to New Lows

CBS Philly
Former Philadelphia Schools Chief Arlene Ackerman Files Unemployment Claim

Fox News
Satellite Image Shows 'Extensively Damaged' Iranian Missile Site

LA Times
White House defends Obama trips to key election states

November 28, 2011

On Monday's Mark Levin Show: Colin Powell, the media's favorite phony Republican, is at it again. This time he compares government compromising to the Founding Fathers and slavery. Mark responds saying that this is a political war with high stakes at hand and that we shouldn't compromise the core principles of the Constitution. Also, do you feel that President Obama is sincere when he says he can relate with you? Do you think that he is as compassionate as he claims? Is that why he keeps trying to divide the American people and play the class warfare game constantly?


The Hill
Barney Frank Won’t Run for Reelection

Colin Powell Blames Media and Tea Party for Divisive Tone in Washington

NY Times
The Future of the Obama Coalition

Right Scoop
UC-Davis Occupy protester admits they provoked police in pepper-spray incident

White House Dossier
Obama Plays Golf for the 30th Time This Year

Fox Business
Fitch Keeps U.S. Credit Rating at ‘AAA’, Cuts Outlook to Negative

My Fox Atlanta
Georgia Woman Claims 13-Year Affair with Herman Cain

November 25, 2011

On Friday's Mark Levin Show: Inga Barks of KMJ fills in for Mark. She discusses how some of the media is wondering where the black protestors are in the OWS movement. Why does it matter? Why is the media trying to put more into the insignificant OWS movement than it deserves? Maybe African Americans, like many Americans, don't relate with what the protestors are trying to say. Also, Newt Gingrich says that we must not deport families that have lived here peacefully for more than 25 years. Meaning, that he isn't totally against getting rid of those that are illegal here in America.

November 24, 2011

On Thurdsay's Mark Levin Show: Happy Thanksgiving! Mark talks about how Landmark Legal Foundation has begun a legal battle against Obamacare and how it will be presented in front of the Supreme Court. Mark describes how the individual mandate is unconstitutional and how Obamacare plays right into the Left's hands as they try to destroy the Constitution. Mark also talks about author Peter Schweizer's new book that goes in-depth on the insider trading going on within Congress and how wrong it is that there is no oversight over it. Finally, Mark gets an excellent call from a neurosurgeon who gives an inside look on what exactly Obamacare will do. For example, instead of patients, some people over a certain age will be considered, "units," as they try to dehumanize patients and the care they receive.

November 23, 2011

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show: Brian Sussman of KSFO fills in for Mark. Former U.S. Senator Jon Corzine was the first person called by Obama and Biden for advice on how to restore the economy. Of all the people, Jon Corzine who stepped down from running the securities firm that collapsed after his bets on European debt. Hey John, where is the 1.2 billion dollars? Also, a school in California is teaching students to defend the Occupy Wall St. movement. They are being taught socialism and learning that capitalism is bad. Finally, answer our poll question: Are you better off today than you were before Obama was president?


American Thinker
Occupying the Minds of Our Youth

Fox News
Michele Bachmann Demands Apology From NBC, Says Michelle Obama Would Have Gotten One

November 22, 2011

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: What kind of society is the most beneficial for the most people; a society that enables the poor to have an opportunity become rich and vice versa? It’s of course, the free market capitalist system that America currently has, but is being taken away from us. Mark plays audio from Milton Friedman on the economy, the government and how government spending is not the same as productivity. Also, Mark gets an excellent call from a neurosurgeon who gives an inside look on what exactly Obamacare will do. For example, instead of patients, some people over a certain age will be considered, "units," as they try to dehumanize patients and the care they receive.


You Tube
The Most Persistent Economic Fallacy of All Time!

You Tube
Milton Friedman on Bailouts

Library of Economics & Liberty
I, Pencil

Mark Levin Show
Milton Friedman’s Power of the Market – The Pencil (Video)

A Democratic Admission (Video)

CBS News
Mitt Romney attack ad misleadingly quotes Obama

ABC News
Jimmy Fallon Drummer Calls Bachmann ‘Bitch’ Song ‘Tongue in Cheek’

November 21, 2011

On Monday's Mrk Levin Show: President Obama talks about the Super committee not being able to come up with a deal between them. The President and the Democrats still don't understand that we can't even begin to fix the economic problems until we stop spending first. We have a long political battle ahead of us as we try to tear away the pillars of tyranny that have been placed upon our society. The President has shown us that he doesn't want any significant budgets cuts, but rather more government interference into all sectors. What is the moral authority for socialists to believe that they have the right to take what someone else has earned, or to say that someone earns too much?


Business Insider
Here's The Super Committee's Statement Admitting It Failed

Right Scoop
Erskine Bowles: Obama’s political team convinced him to ditch fiscal commission

Daily Caller
NASCAR fans boo Michelle Obama [VIDEO]

Washington Post
The Palinization of the GOP

November 18, 2011

On Friday's Mark Levin Show: Mark says that he's happy the balanced budget amendment didn't pass the House because it was a fraud. If you actually read the bill, it didn't do what many phony Republicans said it would do – and it would only increase spending and further put us into debt. Speaker Boehner has abandoned his pledge to cut, cap and balance. And because of this, the American people will continue to suffer. Also, some politicians believe that they have the power to seize whatever funds they want from you to fund it's insatiable appetite. Finally, Rick Santorum calls in and talks about his Republican presidential bid.


Fox News
FDA Revokes Approval of Avastin for Breast Cancer

CNS News
GOP Budget Chair Ryan Votes ‘No’ on GOP’s Balanced Budget Amendment: Will Lead to ‘Bigger Government,’ ‘More Taxes’
Roll call vote for proposing a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution

Wall Street Journal
The Housing Lobby Strikes Again

Daily Caller
Reid hoped super committee talks would be ‘hand-holding’ and ‘hugs’ [VIDEO]

Washington Post
Leading senators: Kagan may have to recuse herself from health case

November 17, 2011

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Mark talks about the Occupy Wall Street protestors and says he doesn't identify with them, but rather he identifies with the cops. The disruptive protests are what the Democrat Party and President Obama want, and Mark will not be a part of it. Obama is purposely doing the opposite of what he should do – just look at what's happening with our currency, our budget, and the housing and job markets. The Democrats are trying to project their policy and philosophy on the protests, and Mark says that this will have a political backlash on them. Finally, Mark talks about the super committee and John Boehner's agreement to it with Obama.


Washington Post
Spending’s ascending — with or without a budget sequester

CNS News
Sessions Demands Written Testimony from Holder on Kagan and Obamacare

Fox News
DHS Launches Review of Deportation Cases Amid 'Amnesty' Concerns

Protesters Chant ‘Follow Those Kids!’ As Small Children Try To Go To School On Wall Street

Daily Caller
‘Patriotic millionaires’ demand higher taxes, but unwilling to pay up [VIDEO]

Occupy Wall Street Crowd Blind to Benefits of Capitalism

November 16, 2011

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark talks about what the media's reaction to Ronald Reagan was in 1980 when he was in the presidential race against Jimmy Carter and how negative it was. They kept saying that there was no way he could win, that he was out of touch – and yet he ended up winning by the largest margin ever. Also, Mark calls the Super Committee a politburo and asks when in recent history have any of the politicians really cut the budget? Look at the massive spending that keeps taking place and yet nothing is done. Finally, Newt Gingrich calls into Mark and talks about his Republican primary battle.


The Mood of the Voter (September 15, 1980)

Washington Times
Federal debt tops $15 trillion

NY Times
Insurance Mandate May Be Health Bill’s Undoing

Real Clear Politics
ABC's Sawyer Says Palin "Targeted" Gabby Giffords In Special On Congresswoman

Real Clear Politics
Biden Cheers Unions At Campaign Event: "You Fired The First Shot"

The Hill
Dem. Senators forgetful as Thanksgiving nears

Washington Times
GOP’s Boehner embraces tax-raising plan

The Hill
Democrats gain upper hand in deficit-reduction negotiations

US News & World Report
Obama Pushing Shooters Off Public Lands

Detroit News
U.S. boosts estimate of auto bailout losses to $23.6B

November 15, 2011

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark talks about the Occupy Wall Street protestors in New York City and defends the decision to ban tents and sleeping bags at Zuccotti park. Mark also talks about our debt this year being 100% of the GDP and that it is continuing to rise. We are on a path to certain economic and societal collapse. The government is making it seem that entitlement programs are considered basic rights and that will only lead to unrest. Finally, Marco Rubio calls in and discusses his new jobs bill that he introduced.


NY Daily News
Judge backs city's ban on Occupy Wall Street protesters' tents at Zuccotti

NY Courts
Justice Stallman’s decision on Zuccoti Park protestors (PDF)

Weasel Zippers
Obamanomics: CBO Director Says Unemployment “Under Current Laws” Will Remain At 9% Through 2012

Big Government
Sen. Feinstein Loaded up on Biotech Stock Just Before Company Received $24 Million Gov’t Grant

Big Government
Capitol Cronyism: Obama-Backer Warren Buffett Helped Shape Bailout Rules, Then Made Massive Profits from Them

Des Monies Register
Protesters target Iowa offices aligned with Cain, Romney

Obama In Hawaii: ‘Here In Asia…’

CNN Poll: Obama ranks low among recent incumbents

November 14, 2011

On Monday's Mark Levin Show: Mark introduces his new book, Ameritopia, due to come out January 17, and the main messages and points behind it. Also, Mark talks about how the Supreme Court will be hearing arguments about Obamacare, and that Landmark Legal Foundation will be involved in them. He talks about the individual mandate; there is no Constitutional requirement to force a person into purchasing health care, and how the liberals have wanted to do this for years. Also, President Obama goes overseas and says that America is lazy, and not working as hard as it should be. Aren't you sick and tired of Obama putting you and the rest of America down?

Court sets 5 1/2-hour hearing on health care

Fox News
President Obama: U.S. Gotten a Bit "Lazy" on Attracting Businesses

Obama calls waterboarding 'torture'

Washington Examiner
Obama: Disney fundraiser and a round of golf

Washington Post
Makeup artist Derrick Rutledge makes over Michelle Obama, Oprah — and himself

ABC News
President Obama Golfing With Pal Nabbed in Prostitution Sting

There Is ‘No Way Out’ for Europe: Economist

NY Times
Deficit Panel Seeks to Defer Details on Raising Taxes

NY Times
Chelsea Clinton to Report for NBC

NY Times
NASA Hitches a Ride on a Russian Craft, and Begins a New Dependent Phase

Fox News
Massachusetts Law Professor Calls Care Packages for U.S. Troops 'Shameful'

November 11, 2011

On Friday's Mark Levin Show: A California federal judge has ruled that school administrators have the right to order students not to wear the American flag on their clothing on Cinco de Mayo. Mark asks what is going on in our schools and why are they going in this direction? Also, capitalism is never promoted or talked about anymore, but rather liberal social and cultural policies. Mark also plays audio from actor Alec Baldwin who says Ronald Reagan was a failed actor. Finally, Mark pays tribute to all our Veteran's on this Veteran's Day.


Daily Caller
Federal Judge: School can censor student display of American flag

Obama spurns Congress for overseas

Daily Caller
GOP defections stall attempt to thwart Obama EPA agenda

Iron Chef Mario Batali Compares Bankers To Adolf Hitler

Weekly Standard
Since Obamacare’s Passage, Millions Have Lost Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance

November 10, 2011

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Although much of the media focused on Rick Perry's debate gaffe, Mark decides to play gaffes from both President Obama and Vice President Biden throughout their career. Many of them you might not have heard because the media doesn't relentlessly play it as they do Republican gaffes. We are more likely to be conquered by the left than by a foreign country right now in America, and that is why we must insist on a conservative candidate that can stand up to the liberals. Also, Obama refuses to create jobs by not allowing a proposed pipeline to be built from Canada to America that would create thousands of jobs and also help America's energy demand. Yet, he still claims he's for the average worker.


American Spectator
Guess How They'll Keep Down Health Care Spending in Massachusetts?

Daily Caller
Obama delays oil pipeline plan, discards 20,000 jobs

U.S. to seek new Keystone route, delaying approval

Fox Business
Why Your Tax Bill Might Surge Next Year

The Monitor
SWAT teams dispatched as gun battle unfolds near Escobares

Hot Air
New “poverty” numbers measure income inequality, not purchasing power

Roll Call
House GOP Expected to Unveil Balanced Budget Amendment

Tuberculosis Breaks Out At Occupy Atlanta’s Base

Washington Times
Nats’ Ramos is still alive, Venezuelan officials say

BBC News
Western black rhino declared extinct

November 9, 2011

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: We now know that Eric Holder lied about Fast and Furious, that President Obama lied about Obamacare – and the mainstream media is nowhere to be found on these lies. If Obama is reelected, the nation will go further into darkness and despair. We are at a political civil war right now and we can't afford to have a fake conservative in office; the country is at stake. If another phony Republican gets elected, then the Republican Party may be destroyed as we know it. Mark also plays audio from David Gregory on Herman Cain, and talks about Newt Gingrich's latest comments on global warming. Finally, President Obama is legally disarming the local and state police so that they aren't able to fight the growing illegal immigration problems the country faces – all because he wants the vote.


Washington Examiner
Emails show Obama donor discussed Solyndra with WH

Tucker Carlson: ‘Herman Cain Is Not Qualified To Be President And We Are All Pretending He Is’

Real Clear Politics
David Gregory: No "Grand Wizard" In GOP To Force Cain Out

Chicago Tribune
Cain suggests accuser's finances are motive for allegation

ABC News
Cain Accuser Kraushaar Filed Another Complaint At Next Job

Chicago Sun Times
Witness: Sharon Bialek hugged Herman Cain during Tea Party meeting a month ago

Ann Coulter

Tax Prof Blog
WaPo: 70% of Those Subject to Millionaire Surtax = Small Business Owners

Daily Caller
Obama rolls back immigration enforcement, again

CNS News
Union President Gives Congress Emails Backing Testimony: ICE Ordered Agents Not to Arrest Illegals

SF Weekly
60 Minutes Expected to Air Investigation of Pelosi Stock Investments

November 8, 2011

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark says that Herman Cain did a good job at his Tuesday press conference regarding the allegations from his accusers. Cain came out and specifically and strongly denied knowing Sharron Bialek, as well as her allegations. The question now is – what will the media do? How will they play this and what other trumped up accusations will they bring against Cain as they continue in their effort to tear down whatever conservative candidate comes up. Also, author Chuck Pfarrer calls in and discusses his new book, Seal Target Geronimo, which tells the story of the Navy SEAL raid on bin Laden's compound.


Bill Kurtis On Herman Cain Accuser: ‘There’s More To This Story’

Washington Examiner
Fifth woman raises questions about Cain's behavior

NY Times
A Second Accuser Goes Public Against Cain

NY Post
Jobless & shameless gal going for gold

The Hill
Rove: Allred adds credibility to accusation

National Journal
Senate GOP: Willing to Accept Up to $300 Billion in Net Tax Increases

Boxing great Joe Frazier dies after cancer fight

Washington Examiner
D.C. federal appeals court upholds Obamacare

Riehl World View
Herman Cain Discredits Himself? Or, Does Jennifer Rubin?

November 7, 2011

On Monday's Mark Levin Show: As Mark predicted, Gloria Allred has now jumped into the Herman Cain bashing as she is now representing a new accuser, Sharon Bialek. Mark plays audio of the accuser's statement from earlier Monday and says that it doesn't seem to add up. There are some questions regarding it but yet of course no one will ask the tough questions regarding what may or may not have happened. The accuser's statement even has some political connotations in it, which Mark says Allred is probably behind because it has nothing to do with any facts. Mark also talks about the Iranians threatening the Middle East by insisting to develop a nuclear weapons program. Israel is surrounded by countries that want to destroy it, and yet President Obama isn't doing anything about it.


NY Times
Accuser Details Lewd Behavior by Cain

Dayton Daily News
Ohio poll: Issue 2 losing; Issue 3 winning

Washington Post
IAEA says foreign expertise has brought Iran to threshold of nuclear capability

Israeli president: Clock ticking on Iran

Y Net News
Ron Paul: Offer Iran friendship, not sanctions

Who is Cain accuser Sharon Bialek?

Real Clear Politics
Toure: Will Republicans Accept Herman Cain Harassing A White Woman?

Real Clear Politics
MSNBC's Alex Wagner: Get Rid Of Second Amendment

Y Net News
Report: Sarkozy calls Netanyahu 'liar'

November 4, 2011

On Friday's Mark Levin Show: There has been a sexual harassment charge against Jesse Jackson that was reported in April 2011 that Mark brings to the audience's attention. Tommy Bennett filed a complaint alleging Jackson fired him unjustly and that Jackson forced him to perform “uncomfortable” tasks. Where was Politico’s reporting on this?

Also, audio from the lawyer of one of the anonymous female accusers of Herman Cain who says that he doesn't even know if Herman Cain was there at the time of the settlement. Cain was never a part of the agreement, never saw it, doesn't know what's in it, but yet is supposed to disclose everything about it. Also, Mark talks about Empire Blue Shield healthcare in New York that has announced it will eliminate most of its small group plans in New York; thus we are seeing a variation of Obamacare already occurring.



Chicago Sun Times
Jesse Jackson denies gay worker’s harassment, discrimination claims  

Ex-worker: Rev. Jackson's group is anti-gay (Video, April 2011)

Jackson: Trump birth talk is race "code" (April 26, 2011)

AOL News
Jesse Jackson's Gay Staffer Not Backing Down On Sexual Harassment Charges (September 20, 2011)

Washington Examiner
Politico publishes 90 stories on Cain scandal

Lawyer: Accuser alleged "inappropriate behaviors"

National Journal
Statement from the National Restaurant Association

US added 80,000 jobs in October; jobless rate dips

The Southampton Press
Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield Confirms Plan To Drop Most Small Group Plans In New York

Washington Examiner
WH rejects subpoena request for Solyndra docs

My Fox Orlando
Student Suspended for Breaking School's Zero-Tolerance No-Hugging

Navy veteran could be evicted for hanging flag

Let's Redistribute The Wealth, But How?


November 3, 2011

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: You see an anarchy movement happening in the Oakland occupy protests, and still the Democrat leadership won't condemn what is going on. Also, Mark discusses the Four No's regarding the Herman Cain allegations: There are no names, no sources, no evidence, and no documents. Yet the media is running wild over this, and it will backfire as Cain's numbers are growing in certain states. Mark says that we need to know who the source of the leak is, because if it is a Republican candidate or his people taking out another conservative, then that needs to be known. Finally, Mark talks about 60 Minutes’ Steve Kroft challenging Nancy Pelosi on her conflict of interest while Speaker and facilitating financial reform while being involved with credit card companies.


National Review
Who Dropped the Dime on Cain?

Media Research Center
Networks Hit Cain Story 50 Times in Less Than Four Days; Ignored Clinton Scandals

Des Moines Register
Iowa radio host calls Herman Cain’s behavior ‘awkward if not inappropriate’

PJ Media
PJM Sources Report Details of Alleged Cain Incident

LA Times
Restaurant group to respond Friday to Cain accuser request

Washington Post
House Republicans make cross-party pitch to embolden debt ‘supercommittee’

Occupy DC Protester: 'You Can Call It Anti-Semite, I Guess I Call It Pro-Goyim'

American Thinker
Occupy Oakland builds bonfire, trashes Whole Foods, banks, clashes with police overnight

CNS News
Pelosi: Without Obama's Stimulus, Unemployment Would Now Be 15%

Human Events
DOE Inspector General: Over 100 Criminal Investigations Of Obama Stimulus Spending

‘60 Minutes’ Ambushes… Nancy Pelosi? (Video)

The Daily Caller
National Restaurant Association chairman during Cain’s tenure: ‘It’s a hatchet job’

November 2, 2011

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: This is day 4 of the nation dealing with something that is enormously distracting rather than focusing on the state of America and Europe about to implode. Yet the media is falling in line with the likes of Politico, compromising all journalistic integrity, and running with sensationalist stories regarding Herman Cain. You now have the lawyer for one of the female accusers saying that they don't have a copy of the confidential agreement, yet he has been out front the whole time making accusations against Cain. Where's the evidence? Now that this is in the open, there is no legal standpoint or litigation aspect because it is being tried via the media. The media is obsessed with destroying one conservative after another. Also, Mark talks about Democrats now wanting to use state funds to buy diapers for families so that everyone can have them – what's next?


The Hill
Attorney says Cain violated deal, allowing accuser to speak

AP source: Cain accuser wary of revisiting episode

AP Exclusive: Third worker says harassed by Cain

Cain Says Perry Camp Behind Sex Harassment Leak

CNS News
Debt Increased $203 Billion in Oct.–$650 for Every Man, Woman and Child in America

Real Clear Politics
Cain Chief Of Staff Calls On Perry Campaign, Politico To Apologize (Video)

LA Times
Colorado voters reject raising taxes to support education

The Hill
Senate Dem seeks federal funding for diapers

Fed lowers GDP forecast, holds policy steady

USA Today
Hotel guests recruited with Homeland Security TV spots

Daily Caller
NYC arrest records: Many Occupy Wall Street protesters live in luxury