May 31, 2011
On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark returns to the air and is fired up. He wonders why people are going after Sarah Palin and other conservatives, when it is the Democrats and their track record that have put us in the situation that we are in now? We have a totalitarian, socialist-leaning government not because of conservatives, but because of the far left who want to take away our freedoms and give the federal government more power. Mark also takes issue with President Obama laying a wreath on Memorial Day, and then immediately after going to play golf. Did he really have to play golf on Memorial Day for the 70th time as President? Finally, consumer confidence is going down because our capitalist system is being punished from within as our society is being transformed.
CBS News
Sarah Palin's bus tour treats reporters like paparazzi
NY Daily News
Rep. Anthony Weiner hires attorney to explore civil, criminal charges in lewd Twitter photo 'prank'
The Telegraph
Barack Obama's decision to play golf on Memorial Day was disrespectful and hardly presidential
Gas tanks are draining family budgets
Consumer Confidence falls unexpectedly in May
ABC News
Congress Mulls Cuts to Food Stamps Program Amid Record Number of Recipients
I Watch
Number of government-owned limos has soared under Obama
'Double-Dip' in Housing Prices Even Worse Than Expected
CNS News
Schumer Proposes Rationing Through One-Size-Fits-All Payments for Sick Seniors (Video)
Fox News
Groups Target Thomas' Wife's Work to Force Him to Sit Out High Court Rulings on Health Care
Wall Street Journal
A 62% Top Tax Rate?
Washington Post
Is Obama above the law?
In shift, feds target top execs for health fraud
May 30, 2011
On Monday's Mark Levin Show: Inga Barks of KMJ in Fresno fills in for Mark. She honors and gives praise to our brave men and women in the military on this Memorial Day. We take calls from current and veteran military servicemen who share their stories with the audience. Inga talks about how President Obama spent Memorial Day – which included a round of golf. Did the President really have to play golf Monday? Was that the best way to honor our troops?
White House Dossier
Obama Goes Golfing on Memorial Day
Washington Post
Memorial Day ceremony to honor families of 5 soldiers' names added to Vietnam Memorial Wall
Ala. town hit by tornadoes bans FEMA trailers
GOP presidential contenders drift to the right
Irish Times
Berlin unveils plan to end dependence on nuclear energy
May 27, 2011
On Friday's Mark Levin Show: Tom Marr of WCBM in Baltimore fills in for Mark. He talks about the gall of some politicians that are going after Israel, including the current Administration. President Obama asked if Israel is actually seeking peace, while also talking about a divided Jerusalem. Tom says that this administration is anti-Israel. Also, Governor Rick Perry has made it mandatory for photo identification to be shown in order to vote, but still isn't conservative on other issues. Why isn't Chris Christie standing up against illegal immigration and why is he still adamant about not fighting Obamacare? Finally, Dr. Betsy McCaughey calls in and talks about the funding of Obamacare. Also, you can sign for your Obamacare waiver here.
Real Clear Politics
Biden Does Not Applaud After Netanyahu Says Jerusalem Will Not Be Divided (Video)
Zionist Organization of America
Obama's Recent Speeches Show Hostility To Israel & Support For Palestinian Positions
Canada Free Press
Obama’s Malignant Obsession with Jews and Israel
Perry says he will consider White House run
Rudy Giuliani leads new national poll
Free Republic
Photos of Obama and Netanyahu in their early 20's
NY Post
Who ended ‘Medicare as we know it’?
May 26, 2011
On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Brian Sussman of KSFO in San Francisco fills in for Mark. He discusses that President Obama still hasn't visited Missouri to assess the tornado damage as tens of thousands of people are displaced or worst. If this had happened with President Bush, would the media have reacted the same way? Brian also gives examples of how our budget is being wasted on programs that we don't need, and yet the Democrats still want to add trillions of more dollars of debt to fund Obamacare. Finally, Brian applauds the Supreme Court for setting statute that will hold employees accountable if they knowingly hire illegal immigrants as workers.
Senate rejects budget measure containing Medicare overhaul
US World & News Report
New DNC Boss Calls GOP 'Anti-Women'
Fox News
Senate Report Finds Billions in Waste on Science Foundation Studies
May 25, 2011
On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: Inga Barks of KMJ in Fresno, California fills in for Mark. Inga speaks about the devastating tornados in Missouri and the Midwest. ABC News' Jim Ryan calls in and talks about what the scene is like on the ground, what the people need, and how others can contribute to the relief effort. Inga also talks about the Obama Administration and how the more they get involved in people's lives, the more freedom is taken away from us. Finally, Inga talks about California penitentiaries and lower crime intimates being released because there simply isn't enough room in the jails for them.
Forecasts, TV and luck eased tornado risk in Okla.
May 24, 2011
On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark Simone of 77WABC in New York fills in for Mark. He plays audio and talks about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech from earlier Tuesday at Congress. Netanyahu says that there's no way Israel will go back to the indefensible 1967 borders; this is about Israeli’s survival and not about appeasing countries that vow for their destruction. Also, NATO just recently bombed Tripoli once again and yet we don't even know what our objective is in Libya. Finally, Mark talks about MSNBC's liberal bias and how you rarely will see conservatives on the station.
NY Times
Many Still Unaccounted for After Joplin Tornandos
Israeli Born Kiss Star Gene Simmons on '67 Borders: 'Obama Has No F–king Idea What World is Like' (Video)
TV Newser
Ed Rendell says Fox News lacks credibility; Fox News fires back
The Telegraph
Libya: Nato's most ferocious air strike on Tripoli
Daily Caller
Obama dates his note in Westminster Abbey guestbook '24 May 2008'
USA Today
Amazon now selling more e-books than printed versions
May 23, 2011
On Monday's Mark Levin Show: Due to the passing of Mark's dog Pepsi, Tom Marr of WCBM fills in. Pepsi passed away Sunday; he was nearly 13 years old and was with the Levin family since he was 8 weeks old. Tom begins by explaining to our allies that they should be worried and nervous based on what President Obama did to Israel last week. We can't force groups like Hamas to accept Israel, no matter how hard we would like them to. More importantly, where are our Jewish politicians and Congressmen issuing statements against Obama's comments on the 1967 borders? Why are they not standing up for Israel? Will this have an effect on the Jewish vote in the next Presidential election? Also, Herman Cain and Tim Pawlenty have thrown their name’s into the Presidential candidacy and Tom talks about their backgrounds and chances of winning.
CNS News
Hamas to Obama: We Won't Recognize Israel
Washington Times
EDITORIAL: Obama’s faithless pledges to Israel
You Tube
Herman Cain Presidential Announcement Video
Pajamas Media
Dupnik’s SWAT or Iraqi war veteran: Who’s telling the truth?
Will 'Watchdog' Media Report on Obama's Stealth Tax Hike?
Israel National News
Does Obama Think Jerusalem is Outside Israel?
May 20, 2011
On Friday's Mark Levin Show: President Obama has now shown that he is clueless to what is going on in the world, especially in the Middle East. He doesn't understand Israel's history or the threat that they face from all around them. By asking them to go back to their 1967 borders, Obama disrespects one of our greatest allies. Mark praises Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for standing strong and actually being gutsy for standing up to Obama. Also, liberal health groups are going after McDonalds and trying to get rid of the character Ronald McDonald because they say it promotes childhood obesity.
ADL Applauds President Obama's Strong Outline Of Principles For U.S. Policy In Middle East
Netanyahu meets Obama, rejects 1967 border proposal
Commentary Magazine
Days of Violence, Days of Mourning, Days of War
David Gregory Says 'Prominent Views Within Israel' Support Obama's Speech – But Can't Name One (Video)
Verum Serum
Obama Adviser Samantha Power on Resolving the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Video)
McDonald's CEO on Ronald: 'This is about choice'
NHS budget squeeze to blame for longer waiting times, say doctors
LA Times
Harry Reid: 'Foolish' for Democrats to offer budget plan
Big Journalism
Media Matters Honcho Attacks Israel, AIPAC: Calls Netanyahu ‘Terrorist’
May 19, 2011
On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Why does President Obama hate Israel? If they listen to what Obama is telling them to do, they have no chance for survival. They are surrounded by terror groups that want to kill them, and they are being told once again to just appease and to move back their borders even more. We have now sold out our major ally in the region, the Israelis. And where are the Jewish Democrats coming out in outrage about what President Obama has said? Why aren't they protesting what is happening? We have now emboldened the enemy that much more by telling Israel that they need to concede. Finally, John Folsom, founder of Wounded Warriors Family Support calls in and talks about a donkey that made his home in Iraq with some of our military. You can find more of the story at Smoke the Donkey.
U.S. Policy Does Not Seek Israel’s Return to the 1967 Lines
Real Clear Politics
Mark Levin To BiBi Netanyahu: "Tell Obama To Go To Hell" (March 14, 2011)
Washington Examiner
Obama court pick may be headed for Senate defeat
Human Events
Socialist Senator Sanders Hawks His Book Like an Evil Capitalist (Video)
Daniel Pipes
The Muslim Claim to Jerusalem (September 2001)
The Jerusalem Post
'Obama adopting Arafat’s staged plan for Israel’s end'
American Thinker
GOP establishment darling Mitch Daniels wants to avoid wedge issues
Huffington Post
Mitch Daniels Not Only Took ObamaCare Funds, He Pushed Similar Reforms
Omaha World Herald
Iraqi Donkey Lands in Nebraska
May 18, 2011
On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: Senator Rick Santorum calls in and talks about his comments on enhanced interrogation. The liberal media has spun his words to make it seem that he said Senator McCain doesn't understand torture; Santorum never said this however. His argument is that enhanced interrogation isn't torture, and we need to be able to protect the lives of Americans and enhanced interrogation helps with that. Mark also talks about the amount of intelligence leaks that are now coming out and says that this is a major safety problem for not only us but our armed services as well. Mark also says that there will always be some people that don't have something; but that doesn't mean we have to drag the whole government or society down just for a few people. That will only give the government more statist power and then the quality of life will go down for everyone. What makes us think that politicians or bureaucrats should be making decisions on basic aspects of our lives such as what we can eat or what kind of light bulbs we can use?
Wall Street Journal
Spuds, on the Verge of Being Expelled, Start a Food Fight in the Cafeteria
Washington Examiner
Labor panel wants union officials in corporate boardrooms
Canada Free Press
African Americans Flee Failed Liberal Northern Cities for the Conservative South
Washington Post
Lawmakers defend french fries as government limits potatoes in school lunches
Commentary Magazine
GM Sponsors Chi-Com Propaganda Film
Daily Caller
LCG Election Monitor: Obama far from a sure bet to be re-elected in 2012
Boston Herald
White House shuts out Herald scribe
Fox Nation
ENTIRE State of Nevada Scores Obamacare Waiver
FOX News
Why Is Soros Spending Over $48 Million Funding Media Organizations?
U.S. sues Starbucks for firing dwarf from barista job
Us News
Veteran Journalists: Today's White House Reporters Are Too Timid
Washington Examiner
Montgomery Council to put Viagra funding back in budget
Fox News
Minerals Mined on Federal Land Spared Taxes, Aided by Senator Reid
National Review
‘Out of the … Dust of Tweets and Trivia Emerged Gingrich’
May 17, 2011
On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: Congressman Paul Ryan calls in and explains his Medicare plan. He explains why we need to something, and lays out the positives of his plan. This is about the present and future generations of America; we have a debt crisis and we can't let it get worst. We need to get some of these entitlements under our control or the consequences will be disastrous. Mark also plays audio from Chris Matthews and Ed Schultz where they keep bringing up the issue of race and Newt Gingrich, yet have nothing to back it on. Mark is tired of the liberal media bringing the issue of race up – we are a color blind society, regardless of what the liberal media wants to say. Finally, Mark explains some of the history regarding slavery in America, as well as the intentions of the Founding Fathers when they wrote the Declaration of Independence.
Home building, manufacturing slump in April
The Hill
White House contender Huntsman: Listen to climate scientists
Schwarzenegger reveals he had child with staffer
New York Post
IMF chief claims consent in hotel 'attack'
Sun Sentinel
Some ob-gyns in South Florida turn away overweight women
Real Clear Politics
Wielding Waivers as Weapons
Navy Times
Sources: Raiders knew mission a one-shot deal
The Daily Caller
Nearly 20 percent of new Obamacare waivers are gourmet restaurants, nightclubs, fancy hotels in Nancy Pelosi's district
LED bulbs hit 100 watts as federal ban looms
Gallup Finds U.S. Unemployment at 9.2% in Mid-May
The Senate Republicans Get Ready to Suck on Energy
Christie to Affirm: I'm REALLY Not Ready to be President (?)
5 Obscure Facts About the Declaration of Independence
May 16, 2011
On Monday's Mark Levin Show: Donald Trump and Mike Huckabee have decided not to run for President and Mark is thankful that they aren't but says that all the hype was just a giant diversion and distraction from more important issues we have to focus on. Newt Gingrich however, announced he is running for President and Mark speaks with him. They discuss the conservative momentum as well as Newt's comments on Paul Ryan's Medicare plan and why Newt doesn't agree with it. Mark also plays audio from NBC's David Gregory and explains how the mainstream media is not looking out for the American citizens, and is painting the wrong picture of conservatives. Finally, Jedediah Bila, author of Outnumbered: Chronicles of a Manhattan Conservative, calls in and talks about being a conservative in a liberal state.
The Hill
HHS approves 200 more new healthcare reform waivers
Daily Caller
Michele Bachmann’s record: Earmarks, farm subsidies and pardons?
A Verdict on Obama's "Stimulus" Plan
Human Events
Gov. Rick Perry's Business-Friendly Texas Thriving
National Review
‘Obama, Pawlenty and Daniels’
National Review
Gingrich Distances Himself from Ryan Plan
Gingrich Was for Ryan’s Budget Before He Was Against It
Wall Street Journal
What If the U.S. Treasury Defaults?
Hot Air
Gingrich: I oppose Paul Ryan’s Medicare reform but support a “variation” of the individual mandate
Gingrich rejects charges of racism
Washington Examiner
Gingrich reaction: Republicans livid, accuse former speaker of hypocrisy in attack on Ryan
Wall Street Journal
As Debt Limit Reached, Agreement Still Far Off
Washington Post
Treasury to tap pensions to help fund government
The Daily Telegraph
Donald Trump made fools out of the American media
Pimco Sees Financial ’Repression’ in Face of Debt
Americans Divided Over Ryan vs. Obama Deficit Plans
Newt Gingrich Praises Ryan's Roadmap
Medicare's Chief Actuary: Don't Trust the Medicare Trustees
May 13, 2011
On Friday's Mark Levin Show: Mark talks about Ron Paul – who announced that he will run for President in 2012, and talks about Paul's comments that we shouldn't have gone into Pakistan to go after bin Laden. Ron Paul says that we should respect international law and other country's sovereignties, rather than our own. Mark also brings up New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and how he still refuses to join in on the Obamacare lawsuit that other Governors across the country are doing. Christie isn't a conservative – stop being fooled by him. He is only good on the teacher union issue, and that is not enough. The Obamacare battle is a close one, so why wouldn't Christie try to help Republicans and the American people by not allowing it to be passed?
Pajamas Media
Ron Paul says killing Osama bin Laden ‘absolutely not necessary’
Conservative NJ
Chris Christie: A Conservative Myth – Part 6
CBS News
Daniels closer to deciding on presidential bid
Real Clear Politics
Getting to Yes for Mitch and Cheri Daniels
Bill Clinton: Create Internet agency
National Journal
Report: Social Security, Medicare Funds Running Out Sooner Than Expected
CBS News
Poll: Most Americans oppose raising debt limit
Gateway Pundit
Obama 2009: Recovery Will Take Months … Obama 2011: Recovery Will Take Years
May 12, 2011
On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Is there any industry that President Obama likes and doesn't try to undermine with his policies and regulations? The government today is at war with the private sector and at war with the U.S. Constitution. Mark plays audio from White House Press Secretary Jay Carney saying that the federal government wants to reduce spending through the tax code; in other words, the government doesn't want you to keep what you earn. Obama and the liberals claim that what they're doing is for the American people – how are they helping the American people when they are destroying the currency, the dollar, industries, and our traditions?
Two Men Arrested Over Alleged Synagogue Plot in New York
CNS News
Dems Join Opposition to Obama Executive Order on Federal Contractors
Washington Times
Reid calls GOP moves in Boeing dispute ‘disgraceful’
Real Clear Politics
Reid: Labor Board Serves As "Check" To Big Business
What Happened to the Restaurant Recovery?
Fox News
Catholic Professors Slam Boehner Over GOP Budget Cuts
CNS News
Boehner Dodges Question on Negotiability of Tax Increases and Spending Cuts
CBS News
SEAL helmet cams recorded entire bin Laden raid
May 11, 2011
On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: American citizenship means a lot to people, and it is being thrown around as if it's not a big deal. Our immigration laws are not being followed or enforced, and we are being told not to worry about it. Politicians are deliberately trying to change American society, to defy the Constitution, all for their own political gain in the end. It is not humane or compassionate to destroy American society; we can't just have an open border. Senator Jim DeMint calls in and talks about the debt ceiling battle currently going on. He says that Republicans have power right now and need to play their cards right so we can win this battle.
ABC News
From the Fact Check Desk: President Obama’s Speech on Immigration Reform
Fact Real
CNS News
Jeffrey: Where Obama's Border Lies
CNS News
Reid: ‘We Need The People Of America To Rise Up’ For Amnesty Bill
Washington Times
VON SPAKOVSKY: Here illegally and criminals as well
USA Today
'Eat your broccoli': Moms demand it. Can government?
Landmark Legal
Landmark Legal Foundation files brief in the all important Florida health care appeal
Washington Examiner
Do you know how many times Chuck Schumer voted against raising the national debt ceiling?
May 10, 2011
On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: Tom Marr of WCBM in Baltimore fills in for Mark. Earlier Tuesday, President Obama gave an immigration speech and Tom criticizes him on it. What has the President done to secure the border besides not listening to the pleas of the American citizens on the southern border? Tom also talks about the rapper Common and his appearance at the White House Wednesday. Apparently the White House is overlooking his vile lyrics. Finally, Peter Brooks, Senior fellow for National Security Affairs at the Heritage Foundation calls in and discusses the killing of bin Laden and how we should not be releasing so many details about the operation and the intelligence around it.
Washington Times
A tortuous route to the right thing
Front Page Magazine
Show the Photographs
NY Post
Stop tipping off the enemy
Daily Caller
‘Burn a Bush’? Michelle Obama invites rapper Common to a poetry reading
May 9, 2011
On Monday's Mark Levin Show: Mark makes fun of the people calling President Obama’s killing of bin Laden a ‘gutsy call’. He won't protect our borders, but yet he sure is gutsy. He controls the type of light bulbs we can have – so gutsy. Mark reminds President Obama that there are a lot of problems that he is directly causing with his foreign policy, and that needs to be changed. What is a future President going to do as the liberals have taken over the Justice Department and liberal judges are running amuck? We aren't allowed to use the same interrogation techniques that we've been using in the past; thus the enemy will now be stronger. Obama is the weakest sitting President going into an election that Mark has ever seen. This is why we can and we will win if we can get a solid conservative candidate.
You Tube
The Obama Campaign Makes Thousands of Gutsy Calls (Video)
Washington Times
Obama: CIA’s evidence on bin Laden was ‘not absolutely conclusive’
Attorney General vows to close Guantanamo
Daily Caller
Burn a Bush’? Michelle Obama invites rapper Common to a poetry reading
The Hill
Christie says he may support Daniels for GOP nomination
NY Post
Run, Chris, run!
Memphis on flood alert as Mississippi waters hit record peak
Fox News
Top Obama Nominee At Justice Department Blocked by Republicans
Market Watch
Housing Crash Is Getting Worse: Report
You Tube
Mark Levin calls Obama's first pitch at the 2009 All Star Game (Video)
You Tube
Obama Throws Out First Pitch 2010 (Video)
Egyptian Copts, reeling from violence, want protection
NY Times
Enviros Challenge First Greenhouse Gas Permit Under EPA Rules
May 6, 2011
On Friday's Mark Levin Show: Everything in the news is about President Obama. He sure must be a great leader, right? Why does it forget to mention that President Obama has tried to slash our intelligence and military at any opportune moment? All of a sudden he loves the military; don't be fooled by this campaigning of his. He has a weak and incoherent foreign policy, and future Presidents will now not have the tools or interrogation tactics needed to fight the enemy, because Obama has banned them. Mark also focuses on how unemployment is now at 9%. There is no recovery and won't be as long as the current socialist economic policies continue. Finally, John Heubusch joins Mark to discuss a book of quotes that Ronald Reagan collected over about 40 years from the 50’s through his White House years. The Notes: Ronald Reagan's Private Collection of Stories and Wisdom is available at
Employment in U.S. Probably Slowed in April as Companies Curbed Spending
Wall Street Journal
The Waterboarding Trail to bin Laden
The Hill
White House: Task force will work to ensure lower oil prices mean lower gas prices
Investors Business Daily
Reagan Made Killing Bin Laden Possible
ABC News
Anwar al-Awlaki Targeted By U.S. Drones
Kathleen Sebelius: Seniors may ‘die sooner’ under Ryan plan
May 5, 2011
On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Mark questions why President Obama never went to Ground Zero during his presidency so far, but decides to go on Thursday. He is trying to make this a campaign moment for him; do not be fooled. This is the same President who kept telling us that the war could not be won, that have tried undermining and cutting the military budget at every turn, and who was willing to not pay the military during a government shutdown! Mark also discusses this notion that Obama made a "gutsy call." How is it a gutsy call when all President Obama did what any sitting President in office would have done? Finally, Mark talks about the new unemployment numbers and says that they shouldn't be called unexpected numbers anymore, but more so predictable because with the current policies that are happening, we won't be seeing any cuts in unemployment.
Weekly Standard Redirects Users to Obama's Campaign Website
Osama bin Laden raid 'most intense minutes of my life'
Clinton: allergy, not anguish in my bin Laden photo
U.S. Jobless Claims Unexpectedly Jump on Auto Shutdowns
World Food Prices Rise to Near-Record High as Inflation Speeds Up, UN Says
Al Sharpton: Bush Declined Obama’s Ground Zero Invite Since He’s ‘Clearly Embarrassed’
Real Clear Politics
Father Of 9/11 Victim: Obama "Putting Too Much Spotlight On Himself"
McCain: Waterboarding didn't help
Washington Post
Mitch Daniels: He’d call Dick Lugar!
ABC News
Stand Clear of Michelle and a Tamale, President Says About Wife
May 4, 2011
On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: The Obama White House has said that they will not release the final pictures of Osama bin Laden because they do not want to offend anyone. Mark explains that the barbarians are already incited, so who cares if we release the picture? Also, isn't it amazing how the Obama Administration suddenly loves the U.S. military? A year ago they were undermining it, but now they suddenly love it. Mark a