July 29, 2011
On Friday's Mark Levin Show: The Boehner debt has passed the House and some Republicans have caved in and not listened to the American people. We had a free pass to push along a bill to the Senate that showed no spending increases and to begin cutting debt, and our GOP leadership folded. This is a sham and Republicans will pay a price in the next election. Both Congressman Steve King of Iowa and Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky call in and discuss how the Boehner bill accomplishes nothing and doesn't cut any of our debt problems.
The no votes: 22 GOPers who balked Boehner
American Thinker
I Won in an Historic Landslide and All I Got Was This Lousy Rounding Error
Wall Street Journal
The Debt-Limit Hobbits
NY Times
Atheists Sue to Block Display of Cross-Shaped Beam in 9/11 Museum
Arctic scientist under investigation
A Time For Choosing: Hope Or Optimism
July 28, 2011
On Friday's Mark Levin Show: The Boehner debt has passed the House and some Republicans have caved in and not listened to the American people. We had a free pass to push along a bill to the Senate that showed no spending increases and to begin cutting debt, and our GOP leadership folded. This is a sham and Republicans will pay a price in the next election. Both Congressman Steve King of Iowa and Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky call in and discuss how the Boehner bill accomplishes nothing and doesn't cut any of our debt problems.
The no votes: 22 GOPers who balked Boehner
American Thinker
I Won in an Historic Landslide and All I Got Was This Lousy Rounding Error
Wall Street Journal
The Debt-Limit Hobbits
NY Times
Atheists Sue to Block Display of Cross-Shaped Beam in 9/11 Museum
Arctic scientist under investigation
A Time For Choosing: Hope Or Optimism
July 27, 2011
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin show: Mark gives a "history lesson" referring back to the 2010 mid term elections in which the tea partiers elected the freshman Republicans and John Boehner became Speaker. Boehner is trying to bully the freshman Republicans to get behind a plan that is a disaster. Looking back at American history, Mark references General Washington and the battle of Trenton. If Bill Kristol of the weekly standard was writing back the he would have suggested that Washington surrender. Finally, Ohio State Treasurer Josh Mandel calls in and talks about his run for Senate against Sherrod Brown.
Times Union
Twenty reasons the 2010 election made history (November 3, 2010)
Rasmussen Reports
GOP Makes Historic State Legislative Gains in 2010 (December 10, 2010)
Weekly Standard
A Time for Choosing (Stupid editorial of the day)
Boehner: 'Get your ass in line'
Freedom Works
Bad Advice from Bill Kristol on Debt
Wall Street Journal
The GOP's Reality Test (The second stupidest editorial of the day)
Message to RSC Members: Get in or Get Out
Hot Air Pundit
Democrat James Clyburn Say Obama Should Invoke The 14th Amendment (Video)
July 26, 2011
On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: The Republican establishment is trying to rally people behind Boehner's Plan and Mark says NO. Mark calls on the listeners to call Congress and tell them that you believe and want cut, cap and balance. The Boehner Plan and the likes of it is a suicide pact for the country. It is capitulation and just because something is better than what President Obama wanted, doesn't mean it is still the right thing to do. Congressman Jim Jordan calls in and says we have a solution, its cut, cap and balance.
Heritage Action Issues Letter on Fiscal Crisis
The Hill
Haley Barbour criticizes DeMint for not supporting Boehner
U.S. Can Avoid Default Until September: Silvia
Real Clear Politics
WH's Pfeiffer: Not Raising Debt Ceiling "Could Potentially Put Us Towards A Depression"
CNS News
Pelosi: GOP Using Deficit to ‘Destroy Your Rights ’ And ‘Undermine’ Government
Debt Ceiling: How Likely Is a Big U.S. Selloff?
"Show Us The Plan!": WH Press Corps vs. Carney on Obama's Debt Plan
July 25, 2011
On Monday's Mark Levin Show: President Obama is a pathological liar trying to use scare tactics as reasons to raise the debt limit. We are becoming more and more bankrupt with reckless spending and irresponsible management of the economy from the President. We now hear that Harry Reid says the GOP has to accept Reid's debt plan; yet Harry Reid is the same person that wouldn't hear any arguments against Obamacare! Professor Michael McConnell of Stanford Law and Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution calls in and explains how the 14th Amendment works and what the President can or can't do. Also, Senator Jim DeMint calls in and gives an update on what is going on between Congress and the President.
Fox News
Obama Shatters Spending Record for First-Year Presidents (November 29, 2009)
Advancing a Free Society
Contrary to the President, Social Security Checks Are Not At Risk
Rasmussen Reports
57% Favor Repeal of Health Care Law
National Review
UBS: Add Another Week Or So To The Debt Deadline
Norway suspect borrowed from Unabomber's manifesto
Wall Street Pit
Wall St. Traders Say Possible U.S. Credit Downgrade Isn’t a Big Deal
July 22, 2011
On Friday's Mark Levin Show: Mark deals with breaking news as Speaker Boehner has decided to walk out on debt ceiling talks with President Obama. Boehner says the White House is not serious about stopping the spending of future generations. The Democrats keep demanding tax increases even though we don't have the money for what they want us to do. It is the Democrats and Obama who are obstructing the Cut, Cap and Balance plan that was passed bipartisan in the House. Congressman Jim Jordan calls in talks about how Obama looks perturbed and tired and says that the House conservatives will not just give into Obama's demands.
US risks credit rating downgrade-W.House official
Washington Examiner
Morning Examiner: Boehner pushing to neutralize two key Obama liabilities for 2012
CNS News
USDA: 6,501 'Food Deserts' Are Spread Across Most of U.S. Mainland
National Review Online
Senate Blocks Vote on 'Cut, Cap, and Balance'
USA Today
Obama says he can't raise debt ceiling on his own
FOX News
U.S. Justice Department Prepares Subpoenas in News Corp. Inquiry
Real Clear Politics (video)
Obama: Cut Defense Spending As Opposed To Food Stamps
ABC News
11 Days to Default: Administration, House Republicans Work on $2T+ Debt Ceiling Deal
American Thinker
The Worst Steward of the Economy in American History
National Review Online
Senate Blocks Vote on 'Cut, Cap, and Balance'
July 21, 2011
On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Speaker Boehner has let the Republicans and the conservatives down. What exactly was he talking about with President Obama in those secret debt talk meetings? And why does he enjoy leaving the American people out to dry and to have even more of a tremendous debt left to pay in the future? The Republican Establishment is frustrated that the conservative base and the American people aren't just going to sit back and let our leaders tell us what to do. They work for us, we don't work for them. What is so wrong about us being concerned about our future? Mark also plays audio from Senator Chuck Schumer who is lying and saying that cut cap and balance is going to make Medicare bankrupt.
Washington Post
Two-thirds of Americans support House Cut Cap and Balance Plan
American Spectator
The Gang of Six and Their Boehner, McConnell Problem
Washington Examiner
Why is Gang of Six plan "practical" but Cut, Cap and Balance will never pass?
Gainsville Sun
NASA says 3,000 to 4,000 shuttle jobs will be lost
Regional factory rebound, jobless claims up
Wall Street Journal
Layoffs Deepen Gloom
The Hill
Boehner says he’s prepared GOP to compromise on debt ceiling
National Review Online
Republicans Ready to Sell Their Souls, Cheap
Yahoo! News
DeMint warns that the tea party is losing 'focus'
Public Policy Polling
Obama in perilous shape
The Daily Caller
Politico reporter who covered Palin quits for Democratic Party job
Boehner, Obama talk big deal
NY Times
Obama and Boehner Close to Major Deal, Officials Say
National Journal
House Republicans, White House Discussing $3T Budget Deal
Yahoo! News
Obama Legacy May Be Withering American Dream
UPDATE 1-S&P says 50-50 chance of U.S. downgrade
Washington Times
Poll: Weakened Obama would lose vote today
July 20, 2011
On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: We need to stop playing games, grow a backbone, and stand up to President Obama and these politicians that want to destroy our future. We know who the big spenders are and where they want to take us. Mark plays audio from Ronald Reagan where he says we need to have balanced budgets, and how government is the problem and the American people are the solution. Senator Sessions calls into the show, who says that there should be a vote on the House bill this coming Saturday, as well as how he will not support the Gang of 6 bill. Also, Congressman Allen West calls in and talks about the attacks he has been getting from the liberal media as well as from Congressman Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Finally, since Michele Bachmann had to release her medical records regarding her migraines, will Obama release his regarding his past drug use?
The Australian
Michelle Obama attacks US food 'deserts'
USA Today
Some federal workers more likely to die than lose jobs
The Hill
Ax may fall on tax break for mortgages
Remarks to the American Lobby for the Balanced Budget Amendment September 8, 1982
The Hill
Reid says he's waiting on Boehner to tell him 'path forward' on debt
The Hill
Democrats fundraising off Rep. West email
Yahoo! News
High cancellations depress homes sales
Real Clear Politics
No More Washington Tricks
Yahoo! News
Senate GOP shows flexibility in debt, budget fight
LA Times
House Republicans pass symbolic measure on debt ceiling
Yahoo! Finance
Huge deficit-cutting bill sails through GOP House
American Thinker
Obama Redefining 'Poverty'
National Review Online
The Gang of Six Disaster: The Worst Plan So Far
American Thinker
Gang of Six gambit revives spending shell game
Palm Beach Post
Cut, cap and blow up: West calls Wasserman Schultz "vile, unprofessional and despicable"
Pimco Sees Financial Repression in U.S. Amid ‘Deteriorating Debt Dynamics’
LA Times
White House may be open to short-term debt deal
House Democrats Contemplate Abolishing 401(k) Tax Breaks
Recovery Stalled After Obamacare Passed
CBS Moneywatch
VAT: New Tax Coming Soon?
July 19, 2011
On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: Mitch McConnell and Tom Coburn have sold out the American people. Mark calls for McConnell to be voted out of his leadership position next election because clearly he does not stand for the American people. The "Gang of 6," have let us down and were all talk about actually caring about the future of the American economy and society. They wanted to compromise with President Obama – someone who doesn't even believe or follow the Constitution to begin with! We don't see any buckling from Harry Reid or Obama – and why is that? Because they see how cowardly Republicans are acting. Senator Mike Lee calls in and talks about his new book, The Freedom Agenda, as well as the Balanced Budget Amendment.
77-Year-Old Congressman Thwarts Attack on Daughter
American Spectator
Perfidious McConnell
5 American Economic Statistics That Will Blow Your Mind
Pajamas Media
There's Good News and Bad News About the U.S. Budget
Obama praises 'Gang' plan as debt debate begins
Bill Clinton: I'd use 14th Amendment
Wall Street Journal
Obama, Coburn: Odd Bedfellows in the Hunt for Bipartisanship
Senate group offers $3.75 trillion deficit cuts
July 18, 2011
On Monday's Mark Levin Show: The federal government is working to prevent economic growth. President Obama's policies and the uncertainty of future taxes are making businesses not want to hire people. The statist wants to destroy the private individual and make them fully reliant on the federal government. Congressman Paul Ryan calls in and discusses how the President is trying to force the Republicans to disregard what the American people want by voting for tax increases, massive spending and ultimately contributing to the downfall of the nation.
Business Insider
Wynn CEO Goes On Epic Anti-Obama Rant On Company Conference Call
NY Times
G.O.P. Freshmen Say Debt Concerns Them More Than Re-election
Hollywood stars open wallets for Obama
Daily Caller
George Will: Tea Party lacks understanding of difficultly of change in Washington
Washington Post
David Brooks: The scary and sloppy case for rationing
LA Times
House Republicans brace for compromise on debt
Washington Post
Congress tees up crucial votes on debt limit
Wall Street Journal
Get Ready for a 70% Marginal Tax Rate
GOP's hard right shift in debt talks may put deal at risk
Moody's Suggests US Eliminates Debt Ceiling
The Hill
Obama officially threatens to veto 'cut, cap and balance'
A Brief History of President Obama's Fiscal Record
July 15, 2011
On Friday's Mark Levin Show: Mark plays audio from Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee saying that the reason there is a debt ceiling debate is because President Obama is black. Mark says lets drop the race and the religion card and realize that the American people don't want the debt ceiling raised because they don't want the economy to keep tanking. All Americans are being affected from Obamacare and from the economy and dollar collapsing, not just whites or blacks. Congressman Jim Jordan, Chairman of the Republican Study Committee calls in and talks about the conservative strategy in the debt negotiations. Finally, Steve Baker, director of Undefeated, calls in and talks to Mark about the movie.
No Country Leans on Upper-Income Households as Much as U.S.
Yahoo! News
Obama releases names of top fundraisers
The Hill
Reid and McConnell expect to unveil debt-limit 'Plan B' next week
New American
Midway, Ga., Police Shut Down Kids' Lemonade Stand
On Deficit, Americans Prefer Spending Cuts; Open to Tax Hikes
House to Vote on $2.4 Trillion Debt Increase, Cuts
Rasmussen Reports
55% Oppose Tax Hike In Debt Ceiling Deal
GOP: Please Do Call His Bluff and Man Your Battle Stations
The Hill
Jackson Lee: Congress complicating debt ceiling because Obama is black
The Hill
Ex-Aide's Lawsuit Claims Rep. Jackson Lee Mocked, Disregarded Her Disability
Pajamas Media
Hi, I’m Barack Obama, and I Just Make Stats Up Out of Nothing
July 14, 2011
On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Where was Moody's and these other financial groups the last year when all this spending was going on? They now tell us that we will be in an economic crisis come August 3rd if the debt ceiling isn't raised; why did they let it get this bad then? Mark then discusses Obama's personality and ideology. He is doing these talks in secret, without the American people knowing exactly what is going on or what is being negotiated regarding the debt ceiling, and yet the media still refuses to significantly question his policies. Also, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was told by Obama not to call his bluff. Finally, discussions about social security and what we can do about Medicaid.
ABC News
Obama Misstated Story About Mother's Health Care, New Book Says
The Hill
Reid: Cantor acted ‘childish’ and shouldn’t be at the negotiation table
NY Times
Book Challenges Obama on Mother’s Deathbed Fight
Dollar in full retreat, NZD storms 30-year peak
NY Post
US too dumb to know O is always right
Chicago Sun-Times
Obama hits Chicago for 50th birthday fund-raisers at the Aragon
White House Dossier
GOP Debt Ceiling Ace in the Hole: Obama’s Birthday Bash
The Hill
White House joins Reid-McConnell side talks on fall-back plan
ABC News
Party Plans on Hold for Debt Resolution
The Hill
Obama warns Cantor: ‘Don’t call my bluff’
National Review Online
Democrats Still Want To Spend More
July 13, 2011
On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: President Obama is now saying that Seniors might not get their Social Security checks come August 3rd when the federal budget apparently runs out. Mark says that you must realize that this is being purposely done by Obama for political reasons because the money is there to fund Social Security and other programs. The focus by Republicans and conservatives is the non-essential programs and the massive spending that is destroying the country – that is what needs to be cut and why the debt ceiling shouldn't be raised. Also, President Obama abruptly walks out of debt negotiation meetings with Republicans today. Would Reagan have done this? Is this how you act Presidential? Finally, both Senator Mike Lee and Congressman Steve King call in and talk about what budget the House should pass and what the Senate should do with it.
Washington Times
Petroleum leader decries ‘extreme’ regs
Daily Caller
Republican House members propose legislation to ensure military checks if debt ceiling is not raised
No yelling at Obama today
House GOP not ready to blink on debt negotiations
Market Watch
The U.S. Treasury will not default
Legal Insurrection
Obama fails to match Bush fundraising / Update – 2Q v. 3Q
Washington Examiner
Washington gets $200 billion a month, Social Security costs $50 billion a month, and Obama is threatening to starve Grandma?
July 12, 2011
On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: We now have President Obama saying that Social Security checks might not be able to be paid if the debt ceiling isn't raised. Obama is specifically saying this because he wants to create panic and anxiety and try to push the Republicans into giving in. Mark goes through various debt plans that have been proposed; including Senator McConnell's and says he doesn't agree it. These plans won't stop spending, and they will only fall further into Obama's trap and ultimately hurt the American people. It's just more of, "Pay now and cut never." Finally, Senator Jim DeMint calls in talks about his book, The Great American Awakening: Two Years that Changed America, Washington, and Me.
The Hill
Debt-ceiling talks hit brick wall as President Obama, GOP trade jabs
Wall Street Journal
Obama wants $1 trillion in taxes on top of what he's already signed
CNS News
Federal Tax Revenues Have Exceeded Interest Payments 20-Fold—Since U.S. Hit Debt Limit
New American
House to Vote on Bill that Overturns Light Bulb Ban
Roll Call
McConnell Outlines Three-Step Debt Contingency Plan
July 11, 2011
On Monday's Mark Levin Show: The reason President Obama doesn't want to accept any budget cuts is because he's been increasing spending throughout his Presidency. He ideologically believes in what he's doing and if he acknowledges any budget cuts, that would prove that what he's been doing is wrong. August 2nd will be the new July 4th, this time a day of liberation. Liberation and freedom from massive government spending that has put us and our children in a continuous debt. Professor Walter Williams of George Mason University calls in and talks about how Democrats have no problem running the narrative or playing hardball, and that Republicans need to step up. Finally, Mark talks about New York Yankee Derek Jeter's 3,000th baseball hit and says that Derek should help pay off the person who caught the balls student loans because he gave the ball back to Derek for nothing.
Daily Caller
Obama huddles with Hispanic groups to woo support for 2012 race
Washington Post
Top Senate Dems privately warn: Deep Medicare cuts will squander our big advantage on issue
National Review
A Real Deal
No big budget deal? Blame Obama, not Boehner
Yahoo News
Obama challenges GOP to compromise on debt
Wall Street Journal
Taxes Upon Taxes Upon . . .
Hot Air
Boehner walks away from $1 trillion in tax increases
Georgia Power says it will close 3 power-plant units
Fox News
Senator Schumer Offers His Take On the Obligations and Responsibilities of Fox News Democrats
July 8, 2011
On Friday's Mark Levin Show: Mark talks about the new unemployment numbers and how unemployment has now rose. It's the American people that are being hurt from these economic policies – not just the millionaires or billionaires. Obama is destroying the economy that exists now. We are being spoken down to from the likes of Obama, Pelosi, Reid and Schumer. They want us to be angry and jealous at those that are successful and keep speaking about, "shared sacrifice." Finally, Sharron Angle calls in and talks about her new book, Right Angle: One Woman's Journey to Reclaim the Constitution.
ABC News
Former First Lady Betty Ford Dead at 93
National Review
Car Wars: The Empire Strikes Luxurymakers
ABC News
Goolsbee: Unemployment Rate 'Remains Unacceptably High'
Jobs Picture Gets Even Worse as Rate Swells to 9.2%
NY Times
A Ceiling We Can’t Wish Away
Daily Caller
New EPA rules to devastate coal industry
Wall Street Journal
Sights Set on Grand Debt Deal
NY Times
Obama to Push for Wider Deal With G.O.P. on Deficit Cuts
National Review
Today’s Questions for the President
The Hill
Speaker Boehner says deal 'not imminent' in debt negotiations
U.S. Payrolls Grow at Slowest Pace in 9 Months
US Needs To Generate 254,000 Jobs A Month For 65 Months To Get To Pre-Depression Employment By End Of Obama Second Term
July 7, 2011
On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: We have the President of the United States and the White House trying to interfere with the judicial system by attempting to halt the execution of convicted murderer Humberto Leal because he was an illegal alien and didn't have representation from the Mexican consulate. This was a clear case and yet the Administration was still trying to interfere. 1st Assistant Criminal District Attorney Cliff Herberg calls in and discusses the case with Mark, and why due process was given and carried out with Leal's execution late Thursday night. Also, where has Eric Holder been on the Fast and Furious gun cover-up that was going on? Finally, Gary Sinise calls in and discusses "The Lt. Dan band" movie.
The Hill
Boehner: Tax reform 'under discussion' but GOP won't allow hikes
The Hill
Defense spending faces $700 billion cut
Court won't stop execution of Mexican
Leal was pronounced dead at 6:21 p.m. CT (7:21 p.m. ET), according to a corrections spokeswoman
Real Clear Politics
Schumer On Debt Talks: Higher "Revenues" Should Be "Half The Deal"
Pajamas Media
Someone in Congress knew about Gunrunner, and Obama signed funding for it into law
July 6, 2011
On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: The Left is openly and blatantly attacking the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. They act as if humans weren't able to survive without government controlling everything we do. This is why we need to defeat Obama now – in the 2012 election, because if we don't, the country is at stake. Mark talks about Senators Kyl and McConnell and urges them to stand firm on the debt ceiling – that's all we ask. Only Congress can direct funds to be borrowed – not the President. Do not give into Obama's rhetoric or threats about what will happen if we don't raise the debt ceiling.
Republicans back new revenues in debt deal: Kyl
The Hill
Senate Democrats: McConnell 'out on a limb' for denying openness to closing tax loopholes
Verum Serum
Former White House Economic Adviser: Yes, the Economy is in Horrible Shape (Video)
Boxer Proposes Two-Year, $109 Billion Transportation Bill
Republican Cantor opens door to tax hikes
July 5, 2011
On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark gives insight on the Casey Anthony verdict and why he believes the jury found her innocent. There was not nearly enough evidence to convict Casey – regardless of what emotions you may have regarding the case. The prosecution never proved that she murdered her daughter, or that she had the intent of doing it either. The jury's decision isn't a travesty of justice, but rather what is real