January 2011

January 2011

January 31, 2011

On Monday's Mark Levin Show: Mark talks about the Egypt situation and says that this might not be a democratic movement. There are other parties at play here, including the Muslim Brotherhood. What might have started out as a freedom movement has now been taken advantage of by radical elements and we must seriously question what is going on and what America should do about it? Both Frank Gaffney, founder and President for the Center for Security Policies and Andrew McCarthy – Senior Fellow at National Review Institute call in and give their opinions on the matter. Also, Mark talks about a Florida judge ruling against Obamacare and the individual mandate.


CBS News
White House Fires Back at Ruling Declaring Obama's Health Care Law Unconstitutional

IRAN: You Are Weak, Mister (March 19, 1979)

Fox Nation
As Egypt Burns…Obama Parties

The Times of India
No cops in sight, Indians in Cairo fight looters with bats

Weasel Zippers
Video: "When Egypt is Free We Will be Able to Destroy Israel"

Palin and Bachmann Nitpicker Chris Matthews Says Panama Canal Is In Egypt

Will Chris Matthews and MSNBC Spend Week Bashing Schumer's Branches of Government Gaffe?

CNS News
Sebelius Defends Individual Mandate; Compares Health Insurance to Buying TV’s

Daily Mail
Better in than out: African country set to make breaking wind a crime

January 28, 2011

On Friday's Mark Levin Show: Mark examines the deteriorating situation in Egypt and the ongoing protests. He says that we should be cautious about what is happening – we can't be sure that if there is a new government that it will be a democratic one. Mark talks about President Obama's statement on the Egyptian situation and says that he should have spoken out when there were Iranian protests against their dictator. Mark speaks with: Michael Ledeen of the Foundation for Defensive Democracies and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton about the situation.

The Telegraph
Egypt protests: America's secret backing for rebel leaders behind uprising

Andrew Bostom
Vox Populi in Egypt—Caliphate Dreams and Strict Sharia

NY Times
Iran Sees Rise of Islamic Hard-Liners

Investors Business Daily
Editorial: Will Obama Lose Egypt?

January 27, 2011

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: We have cities like New York that have received more snowfall this year than ever before, and yet we are still being pushed by the environmentalists and far left about global warming. They use these bogus theories, so they can further restrict us and regulate our industries and lives. Mark proposes a new group, "Americans for Carbon Dioxide." Senator Orrin Hatch joins Mark and discusses the Balanced Budget Amendment that he and other Senator’s are trying to push through the Senate. Also, Mark talks about the current unrest in Egypt and asks what President Obama is doing to support our allies and what our foreign policy is?


Washington Post
White House picks Jay Carney as new press secretary

Washington Post
Snow gridlock traps commuters for up to 13 hours

Yet Another Major Snowstorm Hits Northeast

The Telegraph
Himalayan glaciers not melting because of climate change, report finds

Social Security fund now seen to be empty by 2037

The Cypress Times

Verum Serum
Danny Glover Imparts His Wisdom on the Tucson Tragedy (Video)

Real Clear Politics
Dem Congresswoman: My Constituency Is "Ill Informed" (Video)

Initial Jobless Claims in U.S. Rose Last Week to 454,000

Govt: New rules would cut thousands of coal jobs

January 26, 2011

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: President Obama was trying to deliver a "best of," moment in his State of the Union Address, yet it looks like he tried plagiarizing past speeches from Reagan and JFK. We know that Obama is an ideologue and his positions on cap and trade, entitlements, social security, etc are not going to change, no matter how moderate he desperately tries to appear. Obama's future for America will deliver us misery and poverty; it’s not progressive, it’s regressive. Why is it that liberals continue to mess up words like, "Social, justice, and reform?"


Obama & His Speech

US News
Obama's State of the Union Was Tantamount to Plagiarism

Hot Air Pundit
CBS News Jeff Greenfield Compares Obama's State of the Union to Reagan, MLK Jr. (Video)

Inside TV
Obama address viewership falls from last year

Getting Into Harvard Easier Than McDonald's Hamburger University in China

Medicare chief Berwick gets W.H. nod

Washington Post
Dennis Kucinich sues House cafeteria over olive pit

CBS News
NYC Lawmaker Proposes Ban On Talking And Walking

CNS News
Actor Richard Dreyfuss: ‘I Disapprove of Obama'

January 25, 2011

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark discusses President Obama's State of the Union Address and explains how it won't be given to the American people, but rather to the media. No speech can change the differences between the liberal ideology and conservatives. The Dems will try to make you lose your enthusiasm and passion from the 2010 Congressional wins, but we can't give in. Mark also talks about the Fed, and the Balance Budget Amendment.


National Journal
Obama: 'Our Generation's Sputnik Moment'

The Daily Caller
Rep. Loretta Sanchez sparks outrage from fellow Democrats with proposal to boot Giffords from Armed Services Committee

Investors Business Daily
The Major Political Implications Of QE2

Wall Street Journal
GOP Senators Push Tying Balanced-Budget Measure to Debt Ceiling Vote

The Hill
Dreier and Waters to coordinate outfits for State of the Union

CNN Money
Home price slump deepens

The Hill
Budget ax-man Rep. Paul Ryan is Senate Democrats' new villain

Hot Air
Christie hosts Romney for dinner at NJ governor's mansion

National Review
Obama Lunches with Chris Matthews

January 24, 2011

On Monday's Mark Levin Show: The American people have rejected President Obama and his agenda, so he now has to recreate his public image so he looks like he's more moderate. But don't be fooled – he is not changing his radical agenda. He wants to play to the Republicans so that he can further his goal of instituting more policies and advancing more of his liberal ideology. Why is President Obama constantly talking about transforming America? Why do we need to transform from the greatest country on Earth? Mark also plays audio from Ronald Reagan's socialized medicine speech, which lays out why socialized medicine does not work. Finally, former Governor and Senator George Allen calls in to announce his U.S. Senate candidacy.


Suicide bomber kills 35 at Russia's biggest airport

Court Tosses Rahm Emanuel Off Chicago Mayoral Ballot

CBS News
Obama: "No Such Thing as Shovel-Ready Projects" (October 13, 2010)

Nevada Appeal
Nevada unemployment jumps to 14.5 percent

USA Today
Obama: Reagan saw that 'we are all patriots'

You Tube
Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine

January 21, 2011

On Friday's Mark Levin Show: Mark asks for Senator Harry Reid's birth certificate because based on his policies that are hurting America, he’s probably not born here. What exactly is the Democrat Party doing to cut spending? What is their proposal on dealing with federal pensions and healthcare plans? Mark explains crony capitalism – notably how General Electric and President Obama are working with each other. Also, throughout the show Mark takes calls from liberal Democrats to see if they have any suggestions on where or what to cut domestically. Finally, author Kevin Williamson calls in and talks about his book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Socialism.


NY Times
Path Is Sought for States to Escape Debt Burdens

Spending Reduction Act of 2011

CNN Money
Debt crosses $14 trillion mark

Financial Times
America must brace itself for turbulence

January 20, 2011

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Tom Marr of WCBM fills in for Mark. He talks about NJ Governor Chris Christie and how he is a RINO, and that the people in NJ did not get what they voted for. Tom gives a list of reasons why Chris Christie is not a conservative, including his decision not to join in with 26 other states against Obamacare. Why won't he? Also, the Chinese leader is in America and receiving an extravagant reception from politicians, whom seem to conveniently forget that China is trying to surpass us economically and militarily.


American Rhetoric
John F. Kennedy Inaugural Address January 20, 1961

Gov. Christie's Strange Relationship with Radical Islam

Freedom’s Lighthouse
GOP Rep. Paul Ryan Tears Down the ObamaCare "Fiscal House of Cards" – Video 1/18/11

NY Post
The Damage has already begun

Star Ledger
Thousands attend tearful funeral Mass for Lakewood police officer Christopher Matlosz

January 19, 2011

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: China is building a massive military presence to oppose us, and their leader is here in America being praised and welcomed by Obama, politicians and Hollywood. Also, the House has repealed Obamacare and it will now go to the Senate for a vote if Harry Reid allows it. Obamacare is fiscally irresponsible, will add crushing debt to the country and at the same time will have a dramatic effect on your health. Yet it’s being praised by the leftist! We shouldn't be ashamed of repealing or defunding bad laws, regardless if we can win or not, because it is a step in the right direction. Do we really want bureaucrats and politicians making decisions for our family?


CNS News