December 2011

December 2011

December 30, 2011

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show: We bring you the best of Mark Levin! President Obama gave a Chavez-like speech in Kansas. He talks about ‘fairness’, while claiming to represent the middle class because it is the middle class that is abandoning Obama's socialist ideas. This is a counter-revolution against the freedoms that the American Revolution was all about. President Obama says that he will be giving you back $1000, which is $3 a day; are you willing to be sold and lose your integrity for just $3? The Democrats are increasing the size, reach, and disruptive power of the federal government, at the expense of the free market capitalist system. Finally, Mark asks how many future Presidents will compare themselves to Obama?

December 29, 2011

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Tom Marr of WCBM in Baltimore fills in for Mark. Tom talks about what he thinks will happen in the Iowa caucus – that Mitt Romney will pull it out and win. On the other hand, Ron Paul is a foreign policy disaster and nightmare, and he would put America at risk. Freedom loving Americans can not support Ron Paul, it's as simple as that. Also, Nancy Pelosi's daughter says that her mother wants to retire.


Christian Science Monitor
Obama's New Tax On The Poor

The Weekly Standard
The Company Ron Paul Keeps

Big Government
Nancy Pelosi's Daughter: "My Mom Wants To Leave Congress

December 28, 2011

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark Simone of 77WABC fills in for Mark. As the Republican caucus approaches new poll results are out from Iowa as Rick Santorum is rising. The attacks on Newt Gingrich are picking up from the mainstream media, and yet he still is holding his own in the polls. Also, he discusses, with the callers, the biggest stories of 2011. Some nominees include the killing of Bin Laden, the Occupy Wall Street protestors, and Anthony Weiner.


CNN Poll: Romney on top, Gingrich fading & Santorum rising in Iowa

National Review
Art for Newt

Hot Air Pundit
Video: North Koreans Weeping Hysterically During Kim Jong Il’s Funeral Procession

NY Post
Get set for DSK: the movie

White House Dossier
Obama Golfs for the 90th Time as President

December 27, 2011

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark Simone of 77WABC fills in for Mark. President Obama wants to ask Congress for even more money! Apparently in order for the country to pay its bills on times, there must be an increase in the debt ceiling; or so the White House believes. Also, the media keeps bringing up Newt Gingrich's past marriages and other personal matters – do you think the country cares about that anymore? The American people have come to expect the media to attack whatever Republican is the frontrunner, so is the media still that relevant?


Obama to ask for debt limit hike: Treasury official

Business Insider
Nancy Pelosi Is Spending Her Christmas In A $10,000-A-Night Suite

Ben Nelson retiring from Senate

No troop parade imminent as Iraq war ends

National Journal
Romney: Gingrich Like 'Lucille Ball at Chocolate Factory'

National Journal
Gingrich Unloads on Paul: Worse Than Obama

December 26, 2011

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show: We bring you the best of Mark Levin! President Obama is targeting our senior citizens and raiding the social security trust fund at the expense of future generations of Americans. You can't be for social security and Medicare while at the same time stripping the funds of it away. Also, take a look at Europe and what socialism has done over there. Is that what we really want to happen here in America? Finally, Mark talks about how President Obama, along with the U.N. want to tax Americans as part of a "Green Climate Fund," that would specifically go after anyone who travels and thus contributes to global warming.

December 23, 2011

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show: We bring you the best of Mark Levin! Mark says it’s important to analyze each candidate. Now is the time, this is what a primary is all about. The question is how will each candidate be able to deal with a societal crisis? This election should be looked at differently than other elections because it is; the environment is much different now. Who will have the wisdom and strength to begin the necessary process of unraveling not society but the government? Also, Obama's job approval drops below Jimmy Carter's. Finally, the Mark Levin show would like to wish all of our listeners a very Merry Christmas!

December 22, 2011

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Inga Barks of KMJ in Fresno fills in for Mark. The House and Speaker Boehner have caved into the Democrats and President Obama and have approved a 2 month payroll tax extension, despite saying they wouldn't. Speaker Boehner blinked and allowed the Democrats to control the narrative of this phony tax extension and the House should be ashamed. President Obama keeps talking about an extra $40 in every paycheck – are we really willing to give up more of our freedoms for $40? President Obama shouldn't be on vacation during this difficult economic time, rather he should be showing humility like the rest of Americans are. Finally, Congressman Leo Nunes calls in and talks about the timeline leading up to the payroll tax extension.


NY Times
House G.O.P. Leaders Agree to Extension of Payroll Tax Cut

Obama’s $4 Million Hawaii Vacation

Is Newt really satan?

December 21, 2011

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: Inga Barks of KMJ in Fresno fills in for Mark. She talks about all the additional taxes we are being subjected to and how a two month extension of the payroll tax cut would just put us in the same mess we are in now. The general fund is empty; social security is going broke and it will just be seen as another tax. How did we ever live without government micro managing our lives? From the amount of gasoline we can have in cars, to the types of food our children are able to eat, government is everywhere.


Washington Post
Police: SC man arrested, charged after brother dies from eating cocaine to destroy evidence

360 Education
L.A. Schools Struggle With Healthy Lunch

White House
Food Safety This Holiday Season

December 20, 2011

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: Brian Sussman of KSFO in San Francisco fills in for Mark. He talks about the importance of private property and owning land and how the payroll tax cut would have an effect on it. Extending it for two months will not make any difference as the Democrats and the Senate are playing games with the American people. Meanwhile, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee told President Obama that he should use Executive power to continue the unemployment tax and the payroll tax extension. Also, stories of Nancy Pelosi's crony capitalism.


CNS News
U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree Pays Homage to Obama—But Not Jesus

Fox News
Coburn Releases 'Wastebook' Detailing More Than $6.5 Billion in 'Unnecessary' Spending

Military may get faster airport screening

December 19, 2011

On Monday's Mark Levin Show: Brian Sussman of KSFO in San Francisco fills in for Mark. He talks about the budget and the payroll tax cut bill that they are trying to extend. Speaker Boehner and the House are under pressure from Senate Republican's to reject the payroll tax cut extension, while the Senate Democrat's refuse to negotiate until the bill is passed in the House. The fact is, we don't have enough money to keep unemployment benefits for going as long as they are or for as much as they are. Social security is running out, and there needs to be a plan as to what is going to happen. Also, North Korean leader Kim Jong Il has died, leaving his son in power – what does this mean for the rest of the world and for America's foreign policy?


Real Clear Politics
Barney Frank Wears Revealing Shirt On House Floor

Washington Times
Boehner demands Senate cancel its vacation

ABC News
VP Biden Says that ‘The Taliban, Per Se, Is Not Our Enemy’

North Koreans Weeping Hysterically Over Death Of ‘Dear Leader’

California launches effort to break drivers of 3,000-mile oil change habit

December 16, 2011

On Friday's Mark Levin Show: Mark goes over Thursday night's Fox News debate and talks about how Ron Paul once again has proven how out of touch and crazy he is. His foreign policy is dangerous for America and American citizens. Mark also talks about the House passing an omnibus spending bill that admittedly hasn't been read by the members. How is this allowed? What is Speaker Boehner doing that he is letting this happen in a Republican controlled House? This is a sheep and an establishment mentality – to just go along with others and not with one's constituents and representatives.


Post and Courier
SC Gov. Haley endorses Mitt Romney for president

The Hill
Omnibus spending deal blocks funding for light bulb efficiency standards

The Hill
Hoyer: 'Not one of us has read' entire omnibus

Poll: Obama Re-Election Odds About 50-50

CNS News
Pelosi: Extending Unemployment Benefits Would Create ‘600,000 Jobs’

Investors Business Daily
Arpaio Unjustly In Justice Department Crosshairs

The College Conservative
My Time at Walmart: Why We Need Serious Welfare Reform

Washington Examiner
Congressman on hunger strike to show solidarity with Occupy

Senate negotiators reach deal on payroll tax cut extension

December 15, 2011

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Mark begins by asking the audience, what do you look for in a President? What specifically do people want changed and what leadership qualities are they looking for? Mark also talks about National Review and other publications that are attacking Newt Gingrich while at the same time pushing Mitt Romney as a conservative and the only acceptable candidate. Mark says that there is a Republican establishment and there is an ongoing battle within it.


National Review
Run, Newt, Run! (July 21, 2006)

National Review
Against Gingrich (December 14, 2011)

CNS News
William F. Buckley Jr’s Nephew Fires at National Review

Washington Examiner
Ryan boxes Obama in on Medicare

CNS News
Gallup: Gingrich Leads Romney by 20 Points Among Conservatives; Romney Leads Gingrich by 10 Among Liberals, Moderates

Right Scoop
Ron Paul: Iran wants to disrupt world oil supply because we are provoking them

White House Dossier
Michelle’s Solo Hawaii Trip Likely to Exceed $100,000

December 14, 2011

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark says that Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum are the two most conservatives candidates running but that he would support whomever ends up being the nominee against President Obama. We need to vote for the most conservative candidate we can – and right now, that is not Mitt Romney. We have a long battle ahead, and winning the Presidency is only one step along the way to stop America from continuing on this socialist landslide. Mark also talks about the Republican establishment, as well as political publications that are already counting Newt out and supporting Romney as the conservative candidate, without any mention of Santorum. Finally, Terry Jeffery of calls in and talks about Supreme Court Justice Kagan and what her role was in Obamacare.


Daily Mail
'They'll likely send the drone back in pieces': Dick Cheney rips Obama for failing to act on downed spy plane

The Right Scoop
Obama blames automation and business efficiencies for terrible economy

Investors Business Daily
Jet Fuel-Gate Is Obama's New Solyndra

CNS News
DOJ Memo: Solicitor General Kagan ‘Substantially Participated’ in Obamacare-Related Case

December 13, 2011

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark discusses breaking news regarding the House passing the payroll tax cut bill even though Obama has threatened to veto it. Here you have the House Republicans passing a bill that would give more money to the American people, create more American jobs involving an oil pipeline from Canada, and Harry Reid and Obama want to destroy the bill because it doesn't fit into their class warfare propaganda. Mark also talks about the media attacks on Newt and says that we shouldn't buy into everything that is being smeared against him. Finally, Senator Orinn Hatch calls in and talks about the balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.


Axelrod Sets Sights on Gingrich

In U.S., Fear of Big Government at Near-Record Level

USA Today
Report: Child homelessness up 33% in 3 years

NTSB recommends full ban on use of cell phones while driving

LA Times
House approves payroll tax cut extension, with strings attached

Realtors: We Overcounted Home Sales for Five Years

USA Today
Household electricity bills skyrocket

NY Post
Gray dawn: green bulbs, black hole

American Spectator
CAFE Spells RIP for Trucks

December 12, 2011

On Monday's Mark Levin Show: You can't have utopia in a constitutional society. What the liberals and socialists want isn't capable of happening in America as we know it – that is why they want to fundamentally change the country. The massive welfare state that continues to be built is going to collapse the country. Also, Mark looks into Justice Kagan apparently recusing herself in the Arizona illegal immigration case. Mark says she rightfully should recuse herself not only in this case, but also in the Obamacare one as well.


Morning Joe: Obama Sees Our Democracy As 'Stumbling Block To His Greatness'

Arizona immigration law to be heard by Supreme Court

National Review
A Losing Record on Immigration Cases

LA Times
Protecting illegal immigrants, state by state

Gateway Pundit
Barack Obama: “I Always Believed” Fixing the Economy Was “Going to Take Longer Than One Term” (Video)

U.S. Proposes Unmanned Border Entry With Mexico

Milwaukie Journal Sentinel
Obama establishes an Office of Manufacturing Policy

NY Post
Rev. Al deep in the red

ABC News
SF Becomes First US City to Top $10 Minimum Wage

December 9, 2011

On Friday's Mark Levin Show: Mark plays audio from Ron Paul saying some in the Bush Administration were in joy after the September 11th attacks. Mark says that Ron Paul's foreign policy is dangerous and that he's tired of the hate America first crowd. Ron Paul is not a conservative and his ideas on foreign policy are unpatriotic and un-American. Mark also talks about Justice Kagan apparently lying when asked if she was aware of the ongoing Obamacare debate when she was Solicitor General. She said she didn't have any involvement in Obamacare, but recent emails have exposed that she was copied on information regarding Mark’s Landmark Legal Foundation complaint. Thus, the question must be raised – should Justice Kagan recuse herself on any dealings with Obamacare since she can't prove that she has no impartiality on the matter?


Ron Paul: 'Glee' in administration after 9/11

Ron Paul: Neo-Conservatives Took Pleasure In Being Able To Invade Iraq After 9/11

Daily Caller
Romney conference call takes questions from ‘Mother Jones’ and ‘TPM’; no conservative outlets

CNS News
Internal DOJ Email: Kagan Was Brought Into Loop on Mark Levin’s Obamacare Complaint

A Liberal’s Lament on Kagan and Health Care

Right Scoop
Obama on increased poverty in Memphis: It’s Bush’s fault and I’m still cleaning up the mess

Daily Caller
Pelosi: Unemployment benefits should not be ‘paid for’ [VIDEO]

Drudge Report

December 8, 2011

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Mark discusses the Republican primary and stresses how important it is that we have a true conservative in the running. President Obama is handing us a victory if we would just run on solid Constitutional principles and hold him to his record. Mitt Romney is not a conservative, and Newt although better, is not a true conservative either. This isn't about any individual candidate or the media telling us who we should vote for – this is about the American people and America's future. When it comes to conservatism, how can some back Romney and then question Newt's inconsistency? It doesn't make sense. Finally, George Allen calls in and talks about his 2012 Senate run.


LA Times
Virginia Tech shooting: Lockdown lifted, weapon found

Stephen C. Rose
Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson, Warren Tompkins & Dirty Tricks (January 6, 2008)

National Review
Mitts Off!

Washington Times

Dems warn: McConnell will regret these filibusters

Washington Examiner
Pelosi corrects reference to Christmas toys

Obama celebrates Hanukkah at White House and lights all the candles

December 7, 2011

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark explains what makes our society the best, and lists examples of what is deteriorating the nation. And what it all comes down to is that the farther the Democrats take us away from the Constitution and the free market system, the worst America is becoming. Our Constitution does not grant authority to the central government to socialize or nationalize our economy and businesses. President Obama is an opportunist and wants to put angst in the country so to further divide us so that we must give up more of ourselves to the government. Mark also talks about Fast and Furious and says that this is a huge cover-up and a big deal. Finally, Rick Santorum calls in and talks about his presidential run as well as author Craig Shirley who discusses Pearl Harbor and his book, December 1941.


White House seeks simpler credit card fees, terms

Washington Post
FDA overruled: No to younger teens getting morning-after contraception without prescription

National Journal
Battleground-State Voters Leaving the Democratic Party

Deutsche Bank CEO Target of Suspected Letter Bomb

Tax Prof Blog
Tax Rates, Inequality and the 1%

The Hill
Democrat says GOP trying to deny blacks the right to vote

CBS News
Documents: ATF used "Fast and Furious" to make the case for gun regulations

US Magazine
Alec Baldwin Lands in NYC, Deletes Twitter Account After Incident

American Airlines
AA Statement on Baldwin

The Hill
Sen. Boxer to climate-change deniers: ‘You are endangering humankind’

December 6, 2011

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: President Obama gave a Chavez-like speech in Kansas Tuesday. He talks about ‘fairness’, while claiming to represent the middle class because it is the middle class that is abandoning Obama's socialist ideas. This is a counter-revolution against the freedoms that the American Revolution was all about. President Obama says that he will be giving you back $1000, which is $3 a day; are you willing to be sold and lose your integrity for just $3? The Democrats are increasing the size, reach, and disruptive power of the federal government, at the expense of the free market capitalist system. Finally, Mark asks how many future Presidents will compare themselves to Obama?


Immortal Technique
Venezuela President Hugo Chavez in middle class appeal

You Tube
Milton Friedman: Power of the Market – Fairness

NY Post
Alec Baldwin thrown off AA flight at LAX for refusing to turn off phone

The Hill
Bob Woodward says sitting next to Al Gore is 'taxing, unpleasant’

Team Kaine: 'Macaca' fair game

Nation Journal
No TR: The Limits of Obama's Bully Pulpit

The Telegraph
Toilet paper restrictions imposed on schoolchildren in Spain in latest austerity cuts

Washington Examiner
DHS drafts 'environmental justice strategy'

December 5, 2011

On Monday's Mark Levin Show: President Obama is targeting our senior citizens and raiding the social security trust fund at the expense of future generations of Americans. You can't be for social security and Medicare while at the same time stripping the funds of it away. Also, take a look at Europe and what socialism has done over there. Is that what we really want to happen here in America? Finally, Mark talks about how President Obama, along with the U.N. want to tax Americans as part of a "Green Climate Fund," that would specifically go after anyone who travels and thus contributes to global warming.


Daily Mail
It must be nice being President… Obama to jet off to Hawaii for SEVENTEEN DAY Christmas vacation

Business Insider
Obama Is About To Make A Big Class Warfare Speech, And Echo A Republican President At The Same Time

U.S. "1%" Is More Republican, but Not More Conservative

Washington Examiner
Report: Obama, UN to tax US for Green Climate Fund

The Hill
Actress Eva Longoria takes on Newt Gingrich over 'poor children' remarks

December 2, 2011

On Friday's Mark Levin Show: Mark tells the true story on the latest unemployment figures. Obviously the numbers were going to go down because of the holiday season jobs, but when one looks at the amount of construction and labor jobs, they can clearly see that the country's infrastructure is losing more jobs. Mark also talks about who he would support for the Republican nomination as of today but reiterates that he would still support anyone over President Obama because this is the most crucial election of our lifetime.


Red State
How Good are the New Unemployment Numbers?

The Telegraph
A dead heat – crematorium to sell power for National Grid

NBC's Andrea Mitchell Agrees: America One Of World's Most 'Socially Unjust' Societies

December 1, 2011

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: We are suffering from a counter revolution in America right now, and you don't hear the media talking about it. The liberal ideology is trying to bring about a utopia that can't happen, while destroying the Constitution in their attempt to get there. We have these massive bureaucracies and Departments that don't do anything but try to gain more power for themselves, at the nation's expense. Finally, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann calls in and talks about her Presidential campaign and her new book, Core of Conviction: My Story.


Wall Street Journal
China's Superior Economic Model

Obama: 'Massive blow' if GOP blocks payroll tax

For Herman Cain, the campaign all but over

Atlanta Journal Constitution
Cain accuser's phone records sought

Chicago Tribune
Eviction papers served on Cain accuser for $7,500 back rent

CNS News
Obama: ‘To Implement Affordable Care Act in 2014 … I’ve Got to Win in 2012’

Obama pleads with voters for patience on "change"

Weekly Jobless Claims Jump Back Over 400,000 Mark

ABC News
Gingrich Tells ABC News: ‘I’m Going to Be The Nominee’

Boston Herald
Obama and fam get ousted from favorite Vineyard rental spot

NY Times
Early Results in Egypt Show a Mandate for Islamists

Israel National News
Muslim Brotherhood Takes Elections by Storm