April 2011

April 2011

April 29, 2011

On Friday's Mark Levin Show: Mark talks about a speech that Donald Trump gave in Las Vegas in which he dropped the F-bomb 3 different times. Is this man really Presidential material? Also, the White House threatened to ban a San Francisco Chronicle reporter from future fundraisers because they posted a video of Obama protestors. We're paying for these events, why shouldn't we know what is going on there? Another question is why doesn't Obama ever talk about Libya anymore?

We're in a war and he acts like it doesn't exist. Finally, John Miller joins Mark to discuss the history of football and his new book, The Big Scrum: How Teddy Roosevelt Saved Football.


Twister death toll 318; most since 1932 outbreak

Daily Mail
'Trump is a racist': Bob Schieffer attacks The Apprentice host… as liberals desert reality show in protest at anti-Obama campaign

Gateway Pundit
Donald Trump on OPEC: "You're Not Going to Raise That F**king Price!" (Video)

San Francisco Chronicle
Administration exercises its control freak streak

W H. denies threat to S.F. paper

ABC News
Obama Boots Reporters From Conservative Papers (October 31, 2008)

Yahoo Sports
Lockout back on after 8th circuit grants stay

NY Times
'Opening a new page': Egypt warms to Iran, Hamas

CNS News
Three Convicted in Terror-Related Cases Later Granted U.S. Citizenship by Obama Administration

Mitch Daniels expected to sign bill to defund Planned Parenthood

American Thinker
Obama's Real Strategy

April 28, 2011

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Mark focuses on the actual profits that oil companies are making and says it's not as much as you may think. Both the government and environmental regulations, plus the massive amount of taxes, are causing prices to go up across the board. Rather than fix our energy problem, we are limiting our capabilities to drill more and to produce more oil. Mark also explains how the price of fuel is going up because of lack of supply, lack of domestic drilling, the devaluing of the dollar, and our outrageous fiscal and monetary policies. Mark also gives his conservative campaign slogan, "Either you're with us and the Constitution, or don't vote!"


Tornadoes devastate South, killing at least 280

NY Times
U.S. Seeks Stricter Limits on Food Ads Aimed at Children

Economic growth slows, inflation surges

More people applied for unemployment benefits

Wall Street Journal
Dollar Loses More Ground

CNN Money
Wal-Mart: Our shoppers are 'running out of money'

Daily Market
Gasoline Taxes Vs. Exxon Profit, Per Gallon

Wall Street Journal
Obama Cranks Up the Volume in Night of Fund-Raising

National Review
Poll: Ryan/GOP Get High Marks for Budget Plan

Poll: Obama approval at all time low in crucial state

April 27, 2011

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: Donald Trump got punk'd today as President Obama released his long form birth certificate. Can we finally move on and focus on important issues? Trump and Ron Paul both cannot win – they are just a distraction and we need a candidate with strong conservative values to run – something they don't have. Our political enemies will get more control and further destroy American society. Mark also talks about Obama's energy policy and explains how President Obama and his Administration have created no new sources of energy, while at the same time obstructing old sources of energy. Where's the logic in that?


White House
President Obama's Long Form Birth Certificate

Daily Caller
Obama: I don’t have time for ’silliness’ – I’m late for Oprah

AP sources: Panetta to Pentagon, Petraeus to CIA

Obama urges oil producers to increase output

Red State
White House Falsely Takes Credit For Oil Production Increase

Storms knock out TVA nuclear units, power lines

April 26, 2011

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark begins the show by talking about Ben Bernanke, the QE2 and the financial and economic repression that we will be seeing. There is going to be market disruption because we are not going after the fundamental problems and concerns that we have regarding economic stability. Also, Donald Trump is against the Paul Ryan budget – meaning he is against fiscal conservatism and out of touch with what conservatives want. Rather than take a stand on the issue of spending, Trump is taking a pass at it. Finally, Mark talks about oil subsidies and wonders why we subsidize foreign companies to drill oil near us, while we tax our own oil companies and tell them they can't. Society came before the government, and it's important to not fall victim to the government.


Fed approaches crossroads as growth slows

Jammie Wearing Fool
Obama Rails Against Oil Subsidies, Gave ACORN $3 Billion in Stimulus

Cal Thomas
No Trump

National Review
Obama’s Trump Card

Washington Post
Dems seek to change conversation on gas prices

Education Intelligence Agency
National Education Association & State Affiliates: A $1.5 Billion Annual Enterprise

CNN Money
Home prices in 'double dip'

USA Today
GOP's gamble on the budget pays off, so far

Daily Mail
The Age of America ends in 2016: IMF predicts the year China's economy will surpass U.S.

USA Today
Poll: What kind of president would Donald Trump make?

April 25, 2011

On Monday's Mark Levin Show: Mark focuses on the rising price of gas and explains what is really driving them. It is not on the speculators, despite what the liberal media has been telling you. Rather, it is based on the policies and regulations that the Obama Administration has not only been embracing, but enacting. They are blocking offshore drilling, not allowing land drilling in parts of America where we know there's oil, while at the same time allowing foreign competitor countries access to the oil that we should be going after. Mark also talks about how we shouldn't be surprised if the federal government starts taxing us in other ways – including on electric cars and a mileage tax. Also, Adam Hasner calls into the show and announces that he will be running for Senate against Bill Nelson, and Mark endorses him and praises his fiscal conservatism.


Red State
Obama’s Energy Sec. wants $7 to $9 Unleaded gas prices (January 20, 2011)

The Baltimore Reporter
Obama Stops Offshore Drilling! (March 2, 2009)

LA Times
Administration blocks more Bush-era oil shale development leases (February 26, 2009)

Fox News
Energy in America: EPA Rules Force Shell to Abandon Oil Drilling Plans

Obama administration reverses Bush wilderness policy (December 23, 2010)

Rising Gas Prices Linked to Obama Drilling Ban in Just 1% of Evening News Stories

Energy Secretary Chu Embraces High Gas Prices, Again (March 21, 2011)

Legal Insurrection
Politico's Cheapest Shot Yet

Washington Times
Global-warming zealots to ban ice makers

Wash. considers annual flat fee for electric cars

Americans raiding retirement funds early

White Dossier
What? No Easter Greeting?

Real Clear Politics
WH's Carney Laughs Off Obama Not Giving Easter Statement (Video)

Cokie Roberts: People Call Obama Muslim Because They Can't Say 'I Don't Like Him Cause He's Black' (Video)

NY Daily News
Obama To Tape "Oprah" Before NYC Fundraising

April 22, 2011

On Friday's Mark Levin Show: Gas prices keep going up while Obama uses thousands of gallons of fuel to fly all over the country on our tax dollars. Americans are eating less because of high food prices and driving less because of high fuel prices with no end in sight. Mark gives his own budget plan on what we need to cut and by how much and explains how America would look if he were in charge. Jimmy Pethokoukis, Reuters columnist, joins the show to discuss Obama's budget plan. Also, Herman Cain calls in to discuss his presidential exploratory committee.


US World & News Report
Earth Day Ends Obama's 53,300 Gallon Trip

American Spectator
IPAB Is an Acronym for 'Death Panel'

The Hill
Obama speaks to the stars; Tom Hanks suggests 'five-and-a-half more years'

Fox News
Senators Battle Environmentalists Seeking to Ban Lead in Ammunition, Fishing Tackle

The Hill
Collins is first GOP senator to oppose Ryan budget proposal

Real Clear Politics
Geithner Talks Credit Rating, "Enforceable Limits" On Deficit Reduction

U.S. deficit deal could head off debt-limit fight

Budget group: New Obama budget plan would fail, could cause tax trigger to be pulled

Obama 2012, the dollar and the stink of instability

Penitent CNN Anchor Confesses 'Eco-Sins' for Earth Day (Video)

April 21, 2011

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: We are not being ripped off by insurance or oil companies, but rather we are being ripped off by the federal government. The statist hates the capitalist system and does anything they can – be it taxes, or regulations to hinder the development of free enterprise. Mark also talks about the blame from the Democrats on speculators, as if they are the ones at fault and not Obama's policies. Professor Walter E. Williams calls in and talks about how we need to focus on the problem of big spending by the government. His new book, "Race and Economics: How Much Can Be Blamed on Discrimination," is available on amazon.com now!


Obama says new task force will examine gas prices

Federal Election Committee sued to disclose anonymous donors

Las Vegas Sun

Daily Caller
IG’s oversight and clout shrink under Obama

Business Insider
Three Myths Of The Debt Ceiling Debate

To Retire Our National Debt, We Must Retire Obama

NY Times
Labor Board Tells Boeing New Factory Breaks Law

April 20, 2011

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark plays audio from President Obama where he says the radical GOP wants to change the social compact in America. Mark says that Obama is using language to try and change / transform society into more of a totalitarian one. He's being dishonest with his propaganda to the American people, and changing the social contract by destroying the ability for people to advance. We need to create a healthy, vibrant economy that rewards those who work hard – not tax them and give no incentive on productivity. This is a fight for our children and grandchildren's future, so that they are not more indebted to the state.


Mercatus Center
Breakdown of Federal Personal Income Taxes

You Tube
Daniel Hannan MEP: The devalued Prime Minister of a devalued Government (Video)

$6 Gas? Could Happen if Dollar Keeps Getting Weaker

Fox Business
Government Cash Handouts Now Top Tax Revenues

April 19, 2011

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: President Obama has been taught his whole life to despise the capitalist system. He wants to use unconstitutional powers and limit your ability to earn as much as you are able to. He wants to take from the haves, and give to the have not’s – destroying any sense of incentive. But really, how have we benefited from these huge government programs or the ones that Obama is proposing? Are we better off today with more government in our lives? Mark also talks about Donald Trump and says that he is now claiming to be a Republican, but we can't forget what he used to be and his past contributions. Finally, Andrew Breitbart calls in about his new book: Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I save the World.


Obama administration eases pain of Medicare cuts

Pajamas Media
Obama Executive Order Intends to Implement Portions of DISCLOSE Act

LA Times
Schwarzenegger to attend immigration meeting at White House

Wall Street shares slump as S&P downgrades US debt outlook

Dallas News 8
Obama: "Let me finish my answers the next time we do an interview"

Trump officially joins Reform Party (10/25/1999)

National Review
How Conservative is Trump?

Washington Post
Plane with Michelle Obama had to abort landing because of mistake

Conservatives 4 Palin
Governor Palin in Madison; UPDATE: Video Added; UPDATE II: Full Transcript

Gateway Pundit
TrumkaObama Thugs Scream, Curse, Beat Drums, Blow Whistles & Make Obscene Gestures During Palin’s Wisconsin Speech (Video)

Fox News
New York Health Officials Back Off Proposal to 'Legislate Fun'

The Daily Caller
EPA official says jobs don’t matter

April 18, 2011

On Monday's Mark Levin Show: Inga Barks of KMJ in Fresno fills in for Mark. She talks about taxes being due for American citizens and how President Obama doesn't understand the average American family and the struggles that they are going through. Obama is decimating the individual's opportunity for wealth growth and economic expansion, while continuing to grow the welfare state. Also, Inga plays audio from Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson saying that the debt ceiling must be raised or otherwise children will be eating off the street and with no shoes or clothes! The government wants to tell parents what their children are allowed to eat for lunch, while further taking parents abililty to raise their kids on their own.

April 15, 2011

On Friday's Mark Levin Show: President Obama is the biggest problem in America right now. His radical and statist ideology is hurting America. He is now deliberately lying to the American people with liberal propaganda and lies about what the Republicans are doing and plan to do. Mark also gives an in-depth look at Donald Trump and asks a significant question: where was Donald Trump during the rise of the Tea Party, and why has he been contributing to the campaigns of people like Senator Schumer and Congressman Anthony Weiner? Also, Donald Trump says he's for universal healthcare – does that sound like a conservative to you? We need true conservatives, not flashy entertainers that the media is in love with. Finally, Dr. Larry Arnn of Hillsdale College calls in and talks about Hillsdale’s online Constitutional town hall.


NBC News
Ryan budget plan passes House; only 4 GOP reps vote no

CBS News
Obama: GOP tried to "sneak" agenda into budget (Audio)

NY Magazine
Obama on Mediscaring, Then and Now (Video)

News Meat
Donald Trump’s Political Contributions

How will the Trump 2012 presidential campaign explain the Trump 2000 presidential campaign?

Institute for Justice
Trump's Casino Reinvestment Development Authority v. Coking (1998)

ABC News
President Obama Issues “Signing Statementâ€Â Indicating He Won’t Abide by Provision in Budget Bill

The Independent Institute
Medicare’s Refusal of Medical Claims Continues to Outpace Private Rate

April 14, 2011

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: The House and the Senate have both approved the federal spending bill and have let the American people down by doing so. There will be no government shutdown, as the Republicans and some conservatives caved into the establishment’s pressures and have decided to go along with the Democrats. The middle class should be very worried about what happened, because President Obama, though he claims otherwise, does not relate nor want to protect the middle class. Congressman Allen West calls in and talks about his disappointment with Thursday's budget votes, and about a game plan for the upcoming debt ceiling debate. Finally, Mark talks about idea of morality and morals in the Declaration of Independence.


House Passes 2011 Spending Bill – Vote Tally: 260-167

Senate Passes 2011 Spending Bill – Vote Tally: 81 to 19

Keith Hennessey
The President’s budget strategy

NY Times
Mitch Daniels Opposes Arizona-Style Immigration Law http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/04/14/mitch-daniels-opposes-arizona-style-immigration-law/?smid=tw-nytimespolitics&seid=auto

NBC Chicago
Jackson Subject of Gay Harassment Complaint

Jobless Claims Unexpectedly Rise; Inflation Pressure Grows

USA Today
More Americans leaving workforce

Another Obama Constitutional Grab in the Works

Real Clear Politics
Clinton Remembers "Romantic" Time Of Prostitutes In Times Square (Video)

April 13, 2011

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark analyzes President Obama's budget speech from earlier Wednesday. Mark says enough is enough and that Obama doesn't care about the American working class or preserving American society as we know it. The foundation of this society is being destroyed and radically transformed. This is what happens with a socialist mentality – it is idealist propaganda versus an actual reality of the facts. Congressman Paul Ryan calls in and gives his first assessment of his response to President Obama's speech. We can no longer let our Congress sit aside while all of this is going on – they need to get involved and represent the American people and stop this class warfare stuff. Finally, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann calls in and talks about the budget and Obama’s “embarrassingâ€Â speech.


Washington Post
CBO: Budget deal cuts this fiscal year’s deficit by just $353 million, not $38 billion touted

Washington Examiner
Conservatives should no longer be happy about budget deal

LA Times
Gov. Brown signs law requiring 33% of energy be renewable by 2020

You Tube
Milton Friedman’s Power of the Market – The Pencil

April 12, 2011

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark says that the Republicans deceived and deliberately lied to conservatives and the American people regarding this budget bill. The so-called "$38.5 billion dollar cut," is not nearly that high, and is in fact much lower. Yet, Speaker Boehner and others are talking about it like this is a great accomplishment or a win for conservatism, when it's not. We are divided today because a small amount of the population is liberal but they control so much of the government and are trying to transform America into a vision that is not coherent with the Constitution.


As Mark Levin said on Saturday

Budget tricks helped Obama save programs from cuts

Outside the beltway
A Brief History Of Federal Government Shutdowns

Democratic senator wants Internet sales taxes

NY Daily News
Record number of New Yorkers sleep in homeless shelters: report

Washington Post
Chocolate milk stirs controversy in schools

CNS News
White House Says Obama ‘Regrets Vote Against Raising Debt Ceiling in 2006, Calls It ‘Mistake’

You Tube
Harry Reid in '06: Raising debt limit last thing we should do, will weaken country, hurt economy

Wall Street Journal
How to Freeze the Debt Ceiling Without Risking Default (January 19, 2011)

April 11, 2011

On Monday's Mark Levin Show: Republicans and Speaker Boehner let the American people down by making a deal on the budget this past Friday. We had a chance to stand strong on our principles and they backed down. It was the American people and conservatism that brought life back into the Republican Party, and they have sold us out to the federal bureaucracy. We keep hearing comparisons to what the Republicans did in 1995 with President Clinton; this isn't 1995 and the Republican's have a much stronger hand now than they did back then. We have a far left President that is stripping away our liberties and putting us faster in debt than any other previous Presidents.


These are very dangerous waters

CNS News
Debt Jumped $54.1 Billion in 8 Days Preceding Boehner-Obama Deal to Cut $38.5 Billion for Rest of Year

Obama Reached Breaking Point in Budget Talks After Tense Hour With Boehner

Fox Nation
Mark Levin: Budget Deal is 'A Historic Scam!' (Video)

Fox News
Boehner Speaks Out on Spending Deal (Video)

Real Clear Politics
Howard Dean: "Only Real Solution Is To Cut Spending And Raise Taxes" (Video)

Freedoms Lighthouse
Democrat Congressman: Republicans are Trying to “Destroy the Whole Wide Worldâ€Â (Video)

Court won't lift stay on Ariz. immigration law

Fox News
Boston Mayor Thomas Menino KOs Soda, OKs Alcohol

Chicago Tribune
Chicago school bans some lunches brought from home

April 8, 2011

On Friday's Mark Levin Show: With victory in our sight of showing the Democrats and the federal bureaucracy that we will not stand for this reckless spending, some Republicans now want to give in and compromise at the last hour. We know that massive parts of the government won't be shut down – thus, "essential government resources," will stay open and continue. Therefore, don't believe the mainstream media as they use the Democrats talking points from the likes of Senator Schumer and others, who are trying to use scare tactics on the American people. Senator Jeff Sessions calls in and talks about how this is in the American people's control – which goes beyond party lines. This is about America's future and the future generations of America. Finally, Senator Schumer compares the Tea Party to fleas on a dog.


Civil War Academy
General McClellan during the Civil War

The Hill
Karl Rove warns government shutdown could help Obama

Real Clear Politics
Reid: "We're Very Hopeful We Can Reach An Agreement On The Budget"

Hot Air
Barbara Boxer: Republicans should be thanking us for meeting them more than halfway on spending cuts

The Hill
Schumer likens conservatives to a flea

National Journal
Effects of a Shutdown on GDP Negligible, Analysts Say

Daily Caller
Shutdown Hype

Freedom's Lighthouse
Dem. Rep Moran Yells at 27-Year Veteran; Tells Him to “Sit Downâ€Â or “Leaveâ€Â (Video)

Dem Rep: Gov’t Shutdown Like ‘Bombing Innocent Civilians’

Daily Caller
Jesse Jackson declares federal budget fight the American Civil War all over again

National Journal
Republicans Urging Boehner to Cut Deal

April 7, 2011

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Mark discusses breaking news regarding the election of Wisconsin Judge David Prosser and how more ballots have been found in support of him. If this holds up, it’s a huge victory for conservatives because the leftists thought they could pay and buy a Judge and they have been proven wrong. Congressman Louie Gohmert calls in and talks about how President Obama is threatening to not pay the military if there is a government shutdown, even though in the past the military has always been paid during a shutdown. Mark calls this an absolute disgrace that welfare recipients are paid but suddenly our military isn’t. Finally, Mark goes through the individual programs that would not be cut if a government shutdown happened, and says don't believe the lies the mainstream media is telling you.

National Review
BREAKING: Computer Error Could Give Prosser 7,381 More Votes, Victory

Washington Post
Nancy Pelosi’s absurd math on senior citizens losing their meals

House Passes One-Week U.S. Budget Extension; Obama Would Veto

Big Government
Obama: I’ll Shut Down the Government and Suspend Military Pay

In past, Democrats embraced policy riders

NY Times
Federal Departments Lay Out Plans in the Event of a Government Shutdown

ABC Locates Victims of Shutdown That Hasn't Happened Yet, Pleases President Obama

CNS News
Rep. Louise Slaughter: GOP Freshmen Came to Washington 'To Kill Women'

Hot Air Pundit
There Are Many Things Obama Thinks About The First Thing When He Wakes Up in the Morning and The Last Thing At Night (Video)

National Review
Wild One in Waukesha

Analysis: Congress faces $2 trillion-plus debt decision

Daily Press
President Obama, First Family plan to vacation in Williamsburg this weekend

April 6, 2011

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show: Why are the Republicans and Congressman Paul Ryan getting pressured about the budget? Shouldn't the Democrats and the big government types that are in charge be the ones held responsible for not wanting to pass a coherent budget that the American people would agree with? Mark tells senior citizens to pay attention to what is being said and to realize that the left hates you and is doing everything they can to take more from you, especially in Obamacare. The Constitution has been breached by the big government Democrats and there are no restraints on them anymore – they don't care how much money they have to spend, thus devaluing the dollar. Finally, how many more times will President Obama keep blaming the Middle East and speculators rather than his own energy policies for the reason why gas prices keep going up?


Washington Times
Democrats win $400B in Medicare cuts (December 4, 2009)

You Tube
TRUE OR FALSE: Medicare official doubts health care law savings

Fox News
Fox News Poll: Most Would Vote Against Raising Debt Limit

Federal holidays in the United States

Donald Trump praised Nancy Pelosi as 'the best'

Chicago Sun Times
President Obama official schedule and guidance, April 6, 2011

Carpe Diem Blog
Two Americas: Public vs. Private Employees (H/T Instapundit)

Michelle Malkin
Document drop: EPA minions hard at work…on shutdown fear-mongering

Real Clear Politics
New DNC Chair: GOP "Path To Poverty" Like A Tornado Through Nursing Homes (Video)

Real Clear Politics
Dem Congressman: Bush Left Obama With $8 Trillion Deficit (Video)

American Power Blog
Union Leader Pledges 'Thousands