May 7, 2018

May 7, 2018

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Robert Mueller’s investigation is all about the impeachment of President Trump. The Constitutional process of impeachment and how it is separates from criminal prosecution is discussed from Professor Raoul Berger’s book “Impeachment and Constitutional Problems”. The term “High Crimes and Misdemeanors” is broken down by the same British Common Law and history that the Framers used as guidance for the Constitution. Meanwhile, the person pushing hardest to expose Mueller’s usurpation of the Constitution is Rep Devin Nunes who is currently being challenged in California. Also, John Kerry is meeting with foreign leaders to try and save the Iran deal. If the Democrats thought the long dead Logan Act should be thrown at Trump officials, then how does Kerry escape its enforcement? Finally, NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has been accused of physically abusing four women. In his private life he’s beating and threatening to kill women but in his public light he’s the champion of women.


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The Hill
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Former acting attorney general Yates suggests Flynn may have run afoul of criminal law

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Right Scoop
Ronan Farrow EXPOSES sexual assault allegations against NY Attorney General!!

Real Clear Politics
Bret Stephens: Logan Act Is Still A Law On The Books (December 5, 2017)

Washington Free Beacon
Report: John Kerry Meeting With Foreign Leaders to Save Iran Deal

The Hill
McCain says he regrets picking Palin as running mate

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Fox News
Top Republican tells Trump to remain in nuclear deal with Iran

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

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