December 13, 2017

December 13, 2017

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin show, it’s time to have a nationwide debate about what the Republican establishment is doing to the conservative movement and its candidates. Roy Moore’s loss sits squarely at the feet of Mitch McConnell and his surrogates for their character assassination and attacks on Mo Brooks during the Republican primary. McConnell, reached into the Alabama race to support Luther Strange and smear Brooks, because Strange was the only one who would vote for him to be Majority Leader. Karl Rove, McConnell and others calculated that their biggest problem would be Mo Brooks, but they were wrong. They painted Brooks as anti-Trump and a big government Republican which are complete lies. As a result, we now have Doug Jones. McConnell should have stayed out of the special election and treated the people of Alabama with some respect. In addition, there is no nationalist populist movement in this country. We won the House in 2010, the Senate in 2014 and the presidency in 2016 because of conservatives and the Tea Party movement. The answer isn’t nationalist populism, but is to get back to America’s first principles that founded our society. The conservative base is dispirited by Republican’s failures to deliver a repeal of Obamacare and secure the border, among other things. The leadership is not about to do the hard work to cut spending and the size of government, despite what they say. In the meantime, the Democrat base is fired up and Republicans could have trouble during the midterm elections if they don’t get their act together. Later, the Robert Mueller investigation is tainted beyond repair. Rod Rosenstein knows about the obvious bias in Mueller’s investigation and Rosenstein is ultimately in charge of Mueller. If the purpose of this Special Counsel investigation was to be independent, it is certainly not independent of the left. This operation is absolutely poisoned by politics and shows that the left or those sympathetic to them or in control of the upper echelons of the FBI.





The Hill




Real Clear Politics

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