August 17, 2016

August 17, 2016

Trump Podium - Getty Images - Jeff Swensen

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin show, In another shakeup within the Trump campaign, Kellyanne Conaway and Stephen K Bannon join as campaign manager and campaign CEO. But it’s the candidate who will determine if he is a viable candidate, not his advisors. The mainstream media has referred to Bannon as a conservative, but he doesn’t style himself as a conservative. Rather, he uses the term nationalist populist. But what does that mean exactly? Populism was the precursor to progressivism. The populism of the People’s party was devoured by the Fabian socialists we call progressives, because they overlapped in terms of their philosophy: an autocratic view of government. That’s why you rarely hear Trump’s campaign talk about the Constitution, let alone the Declaration of Independence, After that, the Voter I.D. laws in North Carolina have been overturned. We are now witnessing the institutionalization of voter fraud and President Obama’s appointed judges are making it easier for leftist lawyers to have their way. In addition, DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson is talking about the possibility of designating election booths as critical infrastructure. This could grant DHS officials access to any election system. The government could then make changes to the election systems nationwide without the consent of the states or localities.


NBC News
Donald Trump Hands Kellyanne Conway, Stephen Bannon New Roles in Campaign

Conservative Review
Why does DHS want to designate election booths ‘critical infrastructure?’

The Curious Case of Corey Jacobs: Eric Holder’s Poster Prisoner Is No Choir Boy

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Image used with permission of Getty Images / Jeff Swensen