On Monday’s Mark Levin show, What America needs to do is to secure the border and not produce more gun laws and regulations. The more gun control there is the less able Americans will be to be able to fight back. Yet, President Obama is continuing his executive overreach by ordering more regulations through executive order. His move is not about gun control but about changing the constitutional government of the U.S to a centralized government with unlimited powers. His thinking is in line with Woodrow Wilson, who utterly dismissed the Declaration of Independence and wanted unrestrained centralized rule. In addition, Obama shows his hypocrisy when it comes to gun control as he released criminals who had committed armed crimes with guns. Conservatives need to take the argument back from the left and Obama by discussing Obama’s violation of the Constitution and exposing Hillary Clinton’s phony war on women. So far, only Donald Trump has had the courage to highlight Bill Clinton’s sexual misconduct and it’s working. If only Republicans and their media surrogates. would have the gumption to follow suit.
Right Scoop
Mark Levin: We are witnessing a gradual, quiet COUP! (January 2014)
Obama Holding Live Gun Control Town Hall On CNN This Week
The History of the 2nd Amendment
Conservative Review
6 Things You Should Know About the Senate’s Criminal Justice Bill
Landmark Legal Foundation
Here’s the original filing that led to Bill Clinton being held in contempt and losing his law license for several years – underscoring the Clintons’ war on women and the judicial system (Sept 3, 1998)
Lexus Nexis
Bill Clinton disposition (April 12, 1999)
NBC News
President Obama Pushes to Increase Gun Buyer Background Checks
Gateway Pundit
Mississippi Democrat Urges Constituents to Hurl Rocks, Bricks and Bottles at Police (VIDEO)
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