Why do some conservative spokesmen refuse to get behind the Convention of the States but prefer preaching end times and doom and gloom? Of course this is all upsetting and even depressing. But it’s time these “conservative spokesmen” do more than whine and preach about end times and help us restore the republic. I know this is difficult. I know this is daunting. I am well aware of it. And some of those preaching end times have never lifted a finger to help rally people to this effort. Are we to surrender? Are we to leave this disaster to our children and grandchildren? Is that what the founding fathers did? Is that what past generations did? We, the people, have face extremely perilous forces in the past. Let’s take a little time and try and recover from the latest blows against liberty and the civil society, and then let us recoup and kick them in the political teeth! We need to take power seized by the federal government and return it back to the state legislatures and the people. If we do not fight, no one will do it for us.