July 2, 2014

July 2, 2014

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show: Mark talks about the history of immigration for America – dating back to the days of Thomas Jefferson. Mark says that for many years people came here as immigrants and did not receive any benefits, nor quality for any benefits. These are the people that truly wanted to be here, assimilate into America and become a part of American culture and society. Now however this has changed as the politicians have pandered so much that whole entitlement systems have been designed to give illegals rights. Mark also talks about the 14th Amendment, birthright citizenship, and what happens now that the Supreme Court has given President Obama the power to do as he pleases as an ideologue. Congressman Jim Bridenstine calls in and says that he was denied access to an immigration facility even though it’s federally owned and he’s a Congressman. He says this is purely political as Nancy Pelosi was able to visit one that she wanted to, yet he was denied. Finally, Mark talks about Congressman Charlie Rangel once again calling the Tea Party racist.



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